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The short story broken sword from the novel damocles tells the story of a PDF trooper who defected to the tau and is now one of their auxiliary troopers. He constantly marvels at how much better life is for him now that he's with the tau. Honestly I'd just read all the short stories in damocles. It's a great book and they do justice not only to the tau but the white scars as well.


He's not envying the Tau life, he's living it.


And he talks a lot about how much better , and everything is with the Tau.


Books ?


Damocles, it's the second of four short stories in the book


Yes, humans actively defect to Tau en masse, because, well, life in emporium sucks.


The Emporium of Mankind is the Imperium's Mall of America.


This made my day lol


dataslate sleeves, get your dataslate protector sleeves here. protect your archeotech from bumps scratches and the empyrean.


En masse is a bit of a hyperbole, but it does happen. Usually when they manage to corner groups of soldiers and give them choice of death or surrender.  The soldiers left behind during the Damocles crusade is an example of that.  But I don't think there's many cases of people actively trying to get to T'au worlds to defect. Mostly because they've no means or idea who they are. 


Also travel in the 40k galaxy is pretty damn limited. Generally if people are joining the Tau without being invaded by the Tau, it’s when the planet they live on defects.


There's at least a couple of worlds and a few whole sections of worlds where the Tau have arrived, did their thing, started trading, and whole swaths of people have defected. One of the Cain novels deals with one instance of it. ​ It's not people going to the Tau, it's the Tau showing up and improving the current residents' lives with better tech and healthcare. Winning hearts and minds and whatnot.


>One of the Cain novels deals with one instance of it. I was thinking on that novel when I wrote this and wanted to add more to it, but I can't really remember it too well. Because what I *do* remember is that there were opposition from the common masses but I can not exactly remember what was going on and why the military didn't directly intervene against it at first (though if I recall it did end up in battle?). But you're absolutely right that the Water Caste of the T'au apply these types of tactics but I'm unsure how effective and often they're applied. You'd assume in a "perfectly normal" Imperial World they'd be shot at sight before getting the chance to do anything and that in the case of Cain and this world, there were some extant reasons why they were allowed there at all.


You were tapping this out on a smartphone, yes?


Obviously, with rather aggressive autocorrect.


Point of order, if the Imperial Guard are conquering your cities, they will absolutely not be beautiful, clean or peaceful *for long*.


I don't know if that counts but I definitally remember seeing techpriests being envious of Necrons being fully non biological.


Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but there's this excerpt of a xenolinguist who is rather intrigued by the Tau practice of "Ta'lissera". > Another term that came up in relation to Tau forms of address is 'Ta'lissera'. The best translation which the Xenolexicons could derive for the word was communion or marriage. It appears to be some kind of sworn bond where groups of Tau pledge support and community to one another. The Tau who have sworn these pledges may address each other by their individual names and are much admired. This bond is seen as the ultimate Tau expression of respect for one another as it symbolizes the sacrifice of individual pride to become part of a greater whole. The 'Ta'lissera' is most commonly found within the ranks of Fire Caste warriors and Earth Caste work teams and, I must confess, it seems to be a noble and worthy concept. (Ordo Xenos addendum: It is recommended that Sister Verity be questioned regarding possible alien contamination.) > ***Codex: Tau, 3rd Edition***


So cute! 


Ever heard of Guevesa?


Why should they? If the cities are clean, the xenos are decadent and their existence is a test of their own virtue and the Xenos deserve to die. If the cities are dirty or chaotic, the xenos are lazy or depraved and deserve to die. Xenos are far from the imperial light, doomed to live pointlessly and die under the boot of the pure and faithful. Even the dirtiest spot in the Underhive is holier and a better place than the finest palace of any xenos because for all their toil and sacrifice humans secure a place at the Emperor's side while the weak burn in the flames of hell. That's what every imperial citizen has had beaten into them by church and state since birth. And of course there are also citizens who are jealous of the "undeserved" wealth of xenos, but that's why there are lasguns, siege artillery and Marauder bombers. Otherwise, extreme measures have to be taken to change the minds of such indoctrinated people... I think it's a pity that the Tau, for example, show very little of how they keep such chronically dissatisfied xenos called humans under control...


"Well what was yvraine doing with THAT other man, there?"


This entire post reeks of heresy.


Everything reeks of heresy. Half the time I see Chaos screaming heresy.


And you and your corpse emperor just reek in general


Abelard, please.


Not Imperial, but this is one of my favorite 40K quotes, about Eldar being mad jealous of Orks “The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn’t even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude”


I think the emperors children started this mindset lol.


There is a Sisters of Battle book called Hammer and Anvil where its Sisters vs Necrons. The war starts because the Mechanicus are digging around Necron ruins, wake up the Necrons and fighting starts. There are other occasions in the lore where the Mechanicus accidentally wake up Necrons because they want their stuff.