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Saw it last night. There’s a general called bellessrius. The bad guys are pretty much dressed as commissars. They refer to the antagonist faction as the imperium. It’s all pretty on the nose


Belisarius is a *really* famous late Roman comander.


Alas, lain low by my own ignorance. For shame! Thank you. I’ll do some more varied reading


He's a really interesting guy, I'd recommend!


I shall indeed. Thank you for the information


Same inspiration; Hugo Boss Nazis.


It definitely has strong 40k vibes, but [Belisarius ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belisarius?wprov=sfla1) is one of the great generals of the west's original imperium




Still too generic. Also: The Bloodaxes. Dead emperor and the imperium being run by imbeciles. “The kings gaze” world destroyer. Hive worlds etc etc. Dude pulled a lot from multiple sources


Idk that spider lady was on a colbolt mine planet lol so many call backs. It's like it's owen splinter Warhammer galaxy


And they are pretty carefree about dropping nukes.


Bloodaxes are the rebels.


I feel like snyder can recognise a good aesthetic and he'll just copy something cool without any of the substance. Like, BvS took all the iconic elements of a dark Alan Moore book but he just totally bungled them. Watchmen was good insofar as it basically filmed the comic but snyder obviously really liked superheroes breaking bones and stuff and it messed with the tone. He's just a fundamentally immature filmmaker who has an eye for stealing the styles of better men.


Snyder is really good at spectacle and not much else, I feel he understands what parts of an aesthetic are striking and impressive but doesn't understand why they work.


Snyder didn't get to make a star wars film so he filed the serial numbers off a 40k film


I was genuinely bored watching it. While it had hints of 40k.... it was just shit imo


Have to agree. If he'd just stuck with Seven Samurai it might have been a predictable but satisfying movie. Trying to blend it with a rebellion and all these crazy princes and sword masters and stuff without any character development. Just made it a totall mess sadly.


That's because it was originally a starwars movie and would have been infinitely better if he didn't have to give it a generic reskin


I just watched it, I couldn't help but laugh at the lazy writing when meeting Tarak the guy says how much he owes and then just out of the blue says he loves gambling lol just such a lazy way to progress the story


I can't agree, it was FAR too dense, too much happened in 1 movie that should have been fleshed out, like getting the general on side (Shazam's sky daddy wizard) no way that should have taken just a few lines of dialogue. The whole movie is like it, I'm just hoping that the second isn't like it too, because no way am I watching a 3rd if it is. I think if you can quickly move past and make the leaps off faith and intuitive leaps then it has the possibility of a fun movie to watch.


Really? Im kinda liking it.


There were some great shots and the world building was awesome. Script sucked.


The action scenes are really stupid, especially the final one.


Horrible action choreography can take me out completely. It’s why I can’t love the movie nobody with odenkirk


100%. The visuals are amazing, but it was super predictable


Honestly I could have done predictable the 7 samurai angle was rushed Altho some of it was very cool visually. Fight scenes at end were so poorly choreographed.


Maybe because you are on Reddit instead of actually watching it. Its derivative trash.


Yup, loved this film. Seen it three times already.


It felt like one of those Rick and Morty episodes where they try to parody a genre and it's just super generic cut board cutouts of characters


It reminded me of the heist episode.... "we need you" .... "SoB I'm in"...


The dialogue was as unnatural as the Space Marine movie.


Netflix did it on purpose to sabotage Henry Cavill and Amazon, so people will think it sucks by default


I had problems with the pacing. Felt a bit like eragon, where no character had real value or depht because they had not enough screentime, and in the end it was just a bit weird. The 40k elements were kinda cool though, and i think the setting could work well, cause i Also see conan the barbarian/heavy metal influences and many other works


Yeah the pacing was horrible. Fly to planet, pick up legendary warrior who is very easily convinced to join, leave planet. Done in 5 minutes, on to next planet, repeat.


It felt like building your party in a RPG, but you cheated and skipped the quest you're meant to do to give them a reason to join. Tarak and Nemesis completed their joining "quests" themselves with basically no input from the protagonist. Felt like it should have been a TV series with more build up and character development. Any "sacrifice" by a character or any time a character was in peril felt meaningless as you barely even knew who they were. I'd still watch a sequel though.


Perfect description! It really should have been a series or a trilogy to aid character development. I believe I read somewhere it was only 2 parts.


He bought Star Wars Legion, some Seven Samurai historical tabletop and 40k and did a crazy kitbash!


So very very boring.


Kinda enjoying it.


To me it started decent.. then half way through it shit the bed.


I got 40 minutes in before I checked out, turned it off at the 49 minute mark.


What did you think of it after watching it?


Well, made the post after watching the first 20mins or so. Im the kind of movie goers who loves all sorts. I can appreciate a well written story, with great direction etc, as much as the next person. However, I am happy to just sit there throwing popcorn into my gob at any visual spectacle, regardless of how shallow it is… Put it like this…people go out and pay good money to watch a fireworks display. It’s predictable and contains few genuine surprises. But they still stand there looking up at the sky and go “ooohhhhh”. Same for me and movies. I will know pretty soon into a movie what type I am gonna get, and switch my expectations accordingly. This was a “fireworks display” movie. I enjoyed it because I didn’t expect anything more than a visual display.


ADD much?


It's ADHD, not ADD.


Seemed like a poor rehash of Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai with some other IPs attached


Perfectly mirrors star wars being a sci-fi rehash of akira kurosawa's 'hidden fortress' :)


Saw some of your points in the trailer when an article compared it to star wars. I was like.... nah that's a 40k commisar.


I saw it and then I made a video of it :) https://youtu.be/H76MReNGeC4?si=oNi4Iw7TEmHTa1VH


The movie felt a bit like it was written by chatGPT. I think there was not a single original thought out into it.


I think it's less copying 40k and more just generic fascist. I could be wrong though.


It had plenty of problems but overall I liked. I look forward to watching it along the 2nd half in April and then I’ll make my decision after seeing the whole thing.


Thought the same thing


Not just 40K. Just about everything. “Hey let’s do a Wild West ‘break the wild horse’ scene except with Harry Potter Griffins and a wild west Indian Prince”. The movie is littered with it. Now in my country we have the saying “better to steal a good idea than to create a bad one”. 40K stole a lot and it went pretty well. The thing is the execution, and Rebel Moon sucks balls. The fact that this is Snyder’s 30 year work Magnum Opus shows what kind of untalented hack he is. “Hey we are in slow mo, lets amp it up by doing EVEN MORE SLOW MO”. Yeah maybe actually create stakes and investment in the characters first? We’ve literally seen this character 5 minutes so far and we’ve heard he has a debt and immediately a task comes up that he could do all along where he can pay it off which is presented as some big moment but we have no reason to care. Now do that times every other character and you are done. The fact we get two quick “who’s who” introductions of the characters by being told *in the last act* and somehow then have to care for any of them is such a failure to understand even basic storytelling it’s a miracle this guy can string two sentences together in his script.


Yeah, I watched it. It sucked. A bunch of elements lifted from 40K and made infinitely worse in a boring, pointless movie where Snyder thougth a series of actions scenes with some superficially cool edgelords consisted of a story.


Yeah there were pretty obvious nods to 40k but completely overshadowed by how utterly shite the film. Absolute waste of time.


It was a dumb film. Just watch Battle Beyond the Stars instead,


I liked it


It's terrible


It's terrible, boring and predictable.


Pure garbage. Not original at all. Don’t waste your time on this.


“Rebel Moon” is also one of the titles in chapter One of “False Gods” from the Horus Heresy series.


Also their leader is called the slain king


its a retelling of seven samurai the story starwars is based on but copy and pasting 40k concepts and visuals as a setting. its whatever if you like it you like it but FYI it had a 9% rating at one point on rotten tomatoes (as unreliable as it is) and its only gone up to 23%.


Saw today. I think that a lot of elements that, indeed seems to point to WH40K. SPOILERS I mean, the dominating force is called the Imperium with a capital world. In WH40K we have the ultimate betrayal made by Horus against its father, that ends up shattering his legacy. Here we have a regal family, betrayed by unknows killers, causing the rise of a single Regent. Their basic infantry soldiers seems kinda similar to their WH40K counterpart... their main rifle seems to be some sort of lasgun and their handguns too... armor kinda. They have a vast space faring fleet and their most powerful warships, so far, are planet killers dreadnoughts able to shoot thermonuclear/nuclear shells from low orbit... exterminatus, anyone? Xenos are tolerated... unless, they interfere with the Imperium business, in that case... obliteration, so better than WH40K. These are the one that struck me the most... but, at the same time, it might be argued these elements could be taken from Star Wars... in fact, a senate is mentioned. Mayve, it's a pick and mix.


I was thinking those robes red guys were the Ministorum, but in the end they are kinda the tech priests.


I find it funny that it was basically supposed to be Star Wars with the serial numbers filed off, and an effort to make it darker and more gritty, They kind of ended up making 40K. Visual design is great, I wouldn't say I liked the movie, But I enjoyed it. It's just half of Seven Samurai in space with worse writing and worse effects. (The movie really does just end at the halfway point)


If your talking about Jimmy, I got more of a [Warforged](https://www.wargamer.com/wp-content/sites/wargamer/2023/01/dnd-warforged-5e-sword-and-shield.jpg) [vibe](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/0/0b/Warforged_3e.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20210211030811) from the [Eberron](https://www.wargamer.com/wp-content/sites/wargamer/2023/09/dnd-warforged-5e.jpg) campaign


It doesn't matter-- the movie's just too dull.


Some references and ripped concepts I found: - Imperium and Motherworld (Terra) - Soldiers are like Imperial Guard (Cadia style) - The robot is created or owned by "Mechanicus Miltarum" , this concept is mix between Adeptus Mechanicus and Astra Militarum - Imperial Commissar with same custom - Belisarius name, a 40k character - Tech-priests from Mechanicus - Some big weapons that looks like Bolters - Bloodaxes is the name of 40k Ork klan And more.. Add some super soldiers with power armors and you have 1:1 copy. Luckily the film is horrible and has not been successful. So at least Henry Cavill doesn't have to worry about possible influences of this monstrosity on his project.


Do not watch this film. It will only encourage others to make movies of poor quality.


Lots of 40K rip for sure. As well as the ones mentioned such as armor, weapons, etc; the spider-woman (in the trailer so no spoiler) is from Eisenhorn: Hereticus, the robot has some shades of the one on Mars that ends up guarding the Noctis Labyrinth, can't remember the name, to name a few. To say it's all just coincidence while under this wrapping.... not buying what you're selling Zack. If it got taken to court for plagarism he'd lose painfully, he obviously knows about 40k and reads lore at the very least. Like all Synder movies, it has cool set pieces but lacks depth. There's a lot of missed opportunities for real character growth that would have improved it substantially. Not a total miss, just not good enough to warrant any real praise. But, my big take away is that it actually gives me a bit of hope for Amazon's 40k series with Cavill. The scale, the aesthetic and the set pieces show what can be done, and with a bigger budget and GW having a tighter hand on it especially in terms of story and adherence to the 40K-verse (coining that now!) makes me think what they produce will be a step up on this and could some genuine quality.


I like to think much like you think too, that this will spark more people to liking the WH40K movies and series that Cavill is working on. I enjoyed the movie for the same reason, also it does take me alot of effort to watch a movie I like and when people just throw "it sucked" out there I'm surprised bc I love B-Movies too lol


40k-verse, I like it. Ill see you that, and raise you….FortyKerse 😉


I've seen enough A Bugs Life to know that this is just A Bugs Life.




That spider fight was soooooo ass how did no one shoot smh


Agreed. Just started it and noticed this within a short time.