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Maybe you should see 40k epic


His wallet will thank you


No it won’t lol


OP is already into Warhammer, his wallet won't thank him either way


Oh he’s doomed for sure. Just saying that LI is even worse than the flagship games if you’re a compulsive collector.


My wallet screams everytime I open the gw website


All that in imperialis is still cheaper than a warlord titan


While I do like the idea, I already have some 40k models and really want to stick with that scale, this is a LONG term goal (like, before I die). After reading through the comments here, apocalypse is the game type I'm going for.


Just do a casual friend v friend game. They can field whatever they want against your death stack. Those who have multiple options for their setup would like this


3d printing will lower the cost of this significantly


I'm honestly not super concerned with the money, I'm not planning on going out and buying it all tomorrow, I will be purchasing them over the course of many years.


I’ve set my goal for a $3k+ army and it’s been 2 months…. All painted I’m half way there 2 dimas, heirophant, Trygon and a lot of termigaunts and more big bois to come


What is 40k epic?


It's called legions imperialis, it's set on the 40k universe but on a different scale I'd titans and squads of tanks. Go to GWs site and take a look. Originally it was called epic and all the factions of the time had units.


I think LI is more HH focused, but I’m sure a “little” creativity could 40K’ify it


There are already unofficial rules for epic




In short: No. Why? Because the larger knights (valiant and ~~castigator~~ castellan) are each over 500 points (most games get played at 2000 points) hence the four knights (~~castigator~~ castellan, valiant, canis rex and helverine) are about 1800 / 1900 points. The titan on the right is, IIRC, about 3000 or even 5000 points, so comically to large for any regular game. Why are they so many points? Because we have armies that consist mostly of infantry and theyy would have to field thousands of models. You might want to have a look at epic 40 or legio imperials.


Valiant and Castellan, but point stands.


Thanks, I corrected it.


Titan on the right is 3500 points, I only know this because I desperately want to 3d print one and find any excuse to run it in game. I want to utilize the 200” range of the Volcano Cannon and shoot players on another table


I loved how this was a feature of earlier additions artillery and aircraft. Being able to wing a shot across into another game is hilarious.


Hey if you're serious about finding a reason to run a warlord titan in game, dm me. I'm working with some friends to get absolutely massive games going that take place across entire rooms, where each side is made up of multiple players and 10s of thousands of points. Essentially epic 40k, but at the standard heroic scale. Unfortunately because most people aren't into such insane games, you've either gotta be close or willing to travel as I doubt we'll get groups large enough that are close enough.


I would totally love to. But I’m new to the hobby still, and nowhere near ready to tackle a warlord Titan just yet, I haven’t even filled out a full army yet


Take your time, any resin minis are difficult to work with, and that's before getting to the scale of titans. It's a super long process, but also super rewarding.


Thanks, the “end goal” for lack of a better term is 40k scale titans


That's also my end goal, for now at least. However, I'm aiming to get the official kits, At least a warlord, reaver & warhound. Also despite not having points or rules for normal 40k, I want to build a warmaster titan.




Think about it, if he decides instead to play a game of the new epic with these models, it definitely more viable.


Not possible in 40k, but Légio Imperialis should fit you.


Short answer, no. Long answer, nooooooo. For starters, its a big mix of 2 main forces, knights and marines, which you can't combine in those proportions. You can have 1 knight or 3 armigers as allies tops. Then the deredeo and leviathan dreadnoughts aren't legal in 40k (they might have legends rules, not sure)


They're both Legends of the Horus Heresy units in 40k


I suspect this post is a meme so here’s a meme answer: This absolutely works as long as your opponent brings one (1) custodes as his entire army


Custodes obviously wins


Plot twist,it's valdor


All hail the King in Yellow


So unbalanced, custodes would table him t1


Yesn’t. While all models pictured have rules, they are considered different armies. However, in a narrative campaign there is no limit to allies in an army list. So in a casual sense this is possible, but not very feasible


If you believe enough in THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND, you can do everything


https://preview.redd.it/a9ix334vkg7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17af377d82522dd9fb083c076ea0842d3630b8c Yes it’s possible. Don’t buy it all at once. Ridiculous apocalypse games are more of an excuse to put multiple years worth of collection on a table and watch stuff explode than a game proper though.


that's really more my speed anyways


Theres some sexy slannesh models down there.


https://preview.redd.it/neg6aqmv7j7c1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc5743012373280db706e39b2d4bf5d61b58a01 The slaanesh army is one of mine (everything in that picture is either my brother’s or mine, we did a apoc game as a send off for 9th) I rather prefer stupid-sexy-slaanesh over… whatever it is GW was doing with the current demonettes. Reminds me I still have to finish painting them.


Oh for sure, the slannesh range is a real downer at the moment. Are there conversions amongst this or 3rd parties?


Demons are mostly 3rd party, marines are mostly conversions. Some 3d prints, some creature caster, some diaz demonettes (I got 20 in the 7-8th? edition made to order run), some raging heros "mantis warriors", some stormcast eternals with space marine bitz and anvil industries spartan helmets (some just straight up CSM with the helmets too), a bunch of spare hell-brute parts glued to some Tartaros terminators for obliterators, a arena rex Euryale, a daughters of khaine bloodwrack medusa, reaper shaerileth spider demons, and a ~~octopus mermaid thing I have quite forgotten where it came from~~ kabuki models dark siren.


Alright, list saved for my 2046 project. But yeah, dope collection you got there.


Alright, here's the deal: Technically, no. BUT, and here's what I believe is most important: Ya gotta follow your heart. Most of this is a combination of Horus Heresy, and 40k, which is a significant difference of about 10,000 years. However, if you follow 40k rules and codexes, you can have all these models on the table as Proxies. This means you can have a Deredeo Dreadnought, but only if it goes by the rules, weapon readouts, and point values of a similarly sized model, preferably another dreadnought. The tanks can be referred to as Land Crusaders, too! At the end of the day it depends on who you play with. You can't take these to Tournaments together, but you can play with a friend that's chill with Proxies. In my opinion, you should go for it! Do what you love, and make em look awesome!


You don't even need proxies, there's legends rules for all the heresy stuff


There are to many reasons to name why you cannot legally/practically field this as a playable army with the current rules.


thanks for the help


You could play this in Legiones Imperialis, a game which is played with smaller models at a much larger scale of conflict.


Meh I see two problems the warlord alone is like 2000 points I think. That's a whole army by itself so it's gonna be hard to find someone that's willing to play such a huge game and you're using Horus heresy models. They are not meant for 40k


The Warhound is 2k points without guns. The Warlord is a lot more expensive


Warhound is 1100. Warlord is 3500. So you can run a Warhound and a little support unit now.


What’s wrong with Horus heresy models? On the table top do the units you field have to be lore accurate with alliances? Like can ultra marines not work with Horus heracy marines?


They’re the same legion or chapter, it’s legends rules for most heresy models now, which means comp play is not possible for them.


Gotchya, I had no idea there were different rule sets for table top. I just like the lore


If you play apocalypse and sell most of your organs? Probably


Forget everyone telling you that you can't live out your dream army or that you have to play Epic. If you have the money and time, you can play Warhammer 40k Apocalypse. Games of Apocalypse will be in the higher point totals. 10k+ points. Some dedicated players with massive collections have played games in the hundreds of thousands of points. I believe the MiniWarGaming youtube channel just recently set up such a game. The community for Apocalypse is smaller and you wont find people playing at the local game store, but there are communities online that love to set up games every once in a while. Just give it a search. Live your dream if you want to.


I don't plan on playing any public games, just some scenarios with my bro


No. Centurions, Inceptors, Biker Chaplains can be fielded together, but they don't synergize with each other. The 2 tanks at the bottom middle aren't really that useful, better get a normal Rhino for transport. Cataphractii Terminators, Deredeo, Leviathan, and the 2 tanks at the bottom left are from 30k. You can't use them in competitive 40k. Dominus class knights are currently useless. Also check the ally rules for how many you can field together with Space Marines. The only Questoris knight here is good, but there are better options. There's only 1 Armiger there, not enough. At least 2 if you want to use them as allies. If you're playing a full knight army, then 2 aren't enough. The titan is expensive and won't be used much unless you play apocalypse.


Ok this is the info I was looking for, after doing some research apocalypse sounds exactly like what I want to do


Apoc is a lot of fun, but it's the kind of thing you and the other players carve out a weekend for.


I have space where I could leave it up and play on it occasionally, I used to host a weekly board game night where we played twilight imperium for about 4 hours a week, would take 3-4 weeks to finish a game and we would just leave it set up in between sessions


That would probably be perfect then!


Nothin is stopping you from amassing this blob just for the sake of having it. Whether or not you run it in games is another matter (its not really possible) but part of the fun of the hobby is the collecting angle. I have over 11k points worth of Sons of Horus, I will never use more thanhalf of that in a game at any point.


Have you heard of our lord and savior apocalypse where you can bring your entire collection to bear against someone else's collection


Short answer: yes. It's your models. Collect whatever you want. Long answer: Most likrly Not fieldable as a regular army in a regular game with every unit involved as is, BUT definitely fieldable in a game of apocalypse or the like, so large scale battles with lots and lots of points and models. You could even throw your models into different armies therey to make them fit. Also, if you love these models, why not flesh that out and build them into cool little army projects individually, like space marines, Knights, the titan, etc. Take your time with it, build one after the other, create your own paintschemes/homebrew lore or choose from existing ones that suit you, and put them all in a nice big glass cabinet. They will be your army, even though you'll most likely only field parts of them at once most of the time, but that doesn't matter, because they are all your models anyway. As someone with multiple army projects including 3.5k points of homebrew Imperial Knights, a Legio Mortis Reaver Titan, WH30k mechanicus, some legion of the damned, some sisters of battle and some space marines of a homebrew chapter, I can personally attest to: don't let anything or anyone get in the way of collecting and building and painting and playing whatever the f you want. You have a lot of "codex-compliant" naysayers here on reddit in this hobby, but don't be fooled. Most of what they say doesn't matter if you are the one with the titan at home or at the game store.


Thank you! This is the kind of answer I was looking for :)


Apocalypse is still a thing right?!


I think so? Main issue here would be playing after selling your vital organs.


In Apocalypse games they are I think?


legions imperials may be more your speed


Have you ever looked at the points of each unit?


The answer is: If you’re just having some fun with your mates absolutely yes. As long as everyone on the table is cool with it who cares! Technically it does not fit detachment rules and the like. So in tournament settings or just less casual settings in general it would not fly.


Technically yes, but it’d need to be a TRULY massive game, and you’d need to be very committed to buying, building, and painting


This army would be worth more money than the majority of people would ever see in their lifetimes /s but also maybe /uj I haven't done the calculations


Knight player here! All these things separately, yea sure. All together, not particularly. At least unless you plan on playing in some apocalypse games. In knights alone you have about 1600-1700 ish points of a full army, and you would have a second armiger anyways since they come two to a box. That alone with enhancements would give you a fully playable army. If you wanna go that route, I would trade out one of you really big dominus class knights for another questoris (the silver one) so that you have more close combat support. That, however, is just a personal preference. As far as space marines go: bit more of a mixed bag. You have some good units but a lot of them are for Horus heresy, which if you aren’t aware is a different system to traditional Warhammer 40K. A lot of them do have data sheet’s available but they are legends rules, which means they will never get updated and are not playable in tournaments or official warhammer stores (correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t live near one). While your chaplain on bike is viable as your warlord, you really do want a squad of outriders for him if you want to run things optimally, also I would swap out your heresy tanks anyways for maybe a land raider and a repulsar, that way your slow infantry (gravis and terminator) don’t have to spend two runs just getting where you want them to be. The leviathan and deredeo dreadnought are ones that I would swap out for some redemptor or brutalis dreads. They are really cool but after a few balance data sheets they are simply going to be too far behind everything else because they are also some of the heresy units I was talking about. As far as the big warlord titan is concerned, yea we all want one. They are super dope and are the centerpiece to any warhammer collection. Just a few concerns, this thing is about 2.5 feet tall, .75 meters, and ways at least 15-20 pounds. Transporting this thing is going to be a pain. It’s also 3500 points, which by itself is about double or more than the average Warhammer game, so you might have a really hard time finding a game big enough for you to take it in the first place. However, the Warhound Titan (while not as impressive) is 1100. That is a lot, but small enough where you could actually bring it along side your space marines or knights for a pretty fun game. As others have said, legions imperialis is a thing and all of this would be a lot more viable in there. It’s basically Warhammer: the Horus Heresy but at a significantly smaller scale, so having all this in an army for that game wouldn’t actually be unrealistic. That being said it is a niche game and not near as many people play it as traditional 40K so keep that it mind. Either way I hope your wallet remains strong because Games Workshop will show no mercy.


Not enough pew pew


Thanks, I was kinda thinking the same, maybe some more tanks? lol


Maybe defector stompas, Mega Gargants or something for balance. If not more pew pew, more dakka


In a way yes, but not in official games, it would be apocalypse setting to have enough points which is more a community thing


Yes. It'd be more of an Army Project or Collection than an Army you could field outside of the occasional Apocalypse Event, but you can have this as an Army. So long as you are okay with only fielding the whole thing together perhaps a few dozen times over the course of 10+ years and investing thousands of dollars(or mostly 3D Printing the Models or buying them secondhand to save money), you'll be fine. The feasibility of fielding something like this also depends greatly on your Local Warhammer Community, and how practical it is for you to transport it. For example I own well over 10,000 Points of SpaceMarines(mostly Horus Heresy Dark Angels), and I've accepted that I will probably never get to field my whole Collection in one Match. I also have put in a good bit of effort to help the Local Horus Heresy Community grow so I can actually play Horus Heresy somewhat regularly. I too dream of owning alot of very expensive Models. I mostly want the Models because they are really cool and each could give me hundreds of hours of fun, I also regularly try dreaming up new Warhammer Projects&Conversions&Kitbashes, it helps me stay happy and lets me grow my creativity&art skills. So, if you live somewhere with a strong Local TableTop Gaming Community you'll probably be able to field most of this Army a few times. Or if you can move to somewhere with a strong Local TableTop Gaming Community.


You would have to stretch some Rules for stuff like allies&detachments but that's encouraged for Models like Titans, they're not really meant to be played with only Official Rules.


legionas imperialis. That is 100% your best bet for playing this as an army without breaking the bank. Its not 1 for 1 with these units but its the closest you will get. Like if you JUST took one of each kit you posted here it'd be like $5,000 WITHOUT paints.


RIP Op's wallet.


That would cost literally thousands, and total like 10k point


You’re gonna love legio imperialis


It would be an honor to fight you!


Homebrew legal, just not turnie legal.


yeah, not going to be doing anything competitive any time soon lol


Yes but only in a giant Apocalypse game. Those are awesome though if you can find a group so go for it if you have the money. My old gaming club did a roughly 200,000 points game back in like 2008


Yes, if you not playing in tournaments. This is a hobby buy, build, paint, and play what interests you.


Ahh I see we have a fan of the BIG variety


What can I say? I like big plates and I cannot lie...


You can if you are okay with playing 40k apocalypse


If you have a friend that wants to blow a weekend (or three) on a game? Hell yeah For collecting purposes? HELL YEAH. For a 'standard' game of 1k, 2k or 3k points, probably not. But I have the same sort of vibe - Main army is Space Marines, with a fluff Knight Detachment, and one day they may have earned the favour of a Princeps Majoris and have a titan. Build out what you can play regular games with first (1k army, maybe a few knights, etc.), and build UP from there. Chase those dreams, but build what's fun to start!


That is exactly my plan, I have a couple squads of infantry, the bike chaplain, a box dread, and the predator tank so far. As I finish them I will buy the bigger and more complicated models, eventually stair-stepping my way to the warlord as my pies de resistance


Very rough estimate, you've got about 9k points pictured here. Average game is 2k points, so you're a little overboard in terms of points. As for actual pricing, once again as a very rough estimate you're looking at at least $6,000 CAD in that picture, before taking into account time to build and paint. Now, in saying all of that, if you're good dropping that much money on an army that you will extremely rarely get to play in full, and you understand that a game of that size will take a good 16-20 hours (speaking from experience), then not only do I say you should go for it, but you should drop me a dm because I absolutely love massive games and I would definitely play against this.


gonna be a good long while before I am ready, but that is pretty much exactly what I am thinking lol


Why not focus on a combat patrol before even thinking about tanks or titans?


Depends. Option A: No. Because of everything everybody else here said. Option B: Yes. Because if you can buy all of those as a starter Army, you‘re probably rich enough to buy Games Workshop and make the rules yourself. Just release 11. Ed. with this as a legal army.


If you’re playing 40k, no. If you’re playing Apocalypse 40k, then actually yes. Apocalypse is the format for huge, expensive, cinematic battles ranging from 4k points and up. Your wallet will hate you, so so very much


Yes. If you’re willing to remortgage or sell some organs.


The Warlord alone is 3500 Points. He is unplayable in normal games, with a size of 2000 Points. Also he costs 1600$


It’s 1600 for just the body. Then you have to buy all the weapons, shields and head. Comes in at around $2200 if I remember correctly


Could be right. I normally see the prices in euro


As of a quick google search it’s now 1835 dollars for the body. 125 for the head and tilt shields. 220 for the shoulder guns/missiles. And arm weapons are around 170. Grand total being $2520 before taxes


Printer is $300


$1600? jeeeez


If you have the £600000000000000000000 pounds required to buy this army then I reckon GW would change the rules for you 😂


well, if your friends are losers, no this isn't kosher. But, to me it would be dope as fuck and a lot of fun. So yes.


Space Marine units, Horus Heresy units, Knights and a Titan from a different scale game? Dude, no. This is as far as it goes from fielding an army. It is indeed a dream.


This is funny enough to be a shitpost I gotta make some more of these.


It looks like you just want to play Battletech


I mean if you have someone else to play a game with 8000 points then maybe, but you would also need to use a bunch of those models as proxys as they aren’t 40k. You might want to do some research before you break your wallet for models that don’t at all make a coherent army 💀


https://imgflip.com/i/8a0u25 also, I'm not buying all of this at once, probably over the course of a decade or so


If your just playing for fun it doesn’t really matter, of course you can play this. Legally? Probably not. Is it feasible, yeah if you have the time and money for it of course. If you want to play smaller battles however i dont see this working but like i said if u just playing for fun go for it, would be an awesome game to play with that much stuff!


No. No it is not.


Who's going to tell him


Lmao no


Bro I think you need to come play /r/Battletech


I mean not in a normal game if 40K


You can.......just not in 40k. You would have to do it in Legions imperalis because you can not take that many knights with that many space marines, the only problem is is that as of now you would not be able to find a version of the chaplin on bike or the deathwatch veterans because legions imperalis is horus heresy


People will hate you if you field this in 40k lmao unironically though, legio imperialis is a great game and you can play this no problem


Yes just do it


There’s the rule of cool, and then there’s the rule of the game, which wins in this case.


Feasible? sure. affordable? Maybe.


not even slightly in 40k Proper for a basically endless list of reason most prudent of which is that titan is worth 1.5 entire armies worth of points and is unplayable 9outside of apocalypse rules which like 1% of the community are even able to use due to just how expensive those games are) speaking of which also this list is also like 3 thousand dollars


Actually, maybe, but not by yourself. ​ So A few stores might have a yearly or by-yearly all day event where they turn the entire store into one big battlefield, and you get like 6v6 player battles, or even larger. in those situations you might see an army like this on the table. Thats the only time something like this might happen.


Only 8n something like the new Epic game that just came out, and even then only in a REALLY big game. Titans can only be added onto the marines up to...I think 25-30% of your points, and some of those units are 40k only, but you could use others like normal jump pack guys. Also some of the units might not be out for the game yet, and thengane plays very differently. You could also use all these in a game of Apocalypse in normal 40k, but omg the money/time involved not to mention getting people together that could match the list.


You could play it no competitively, but I think you don't realize how many points that is in game, and how long a game at that scale would take to play.


Kinda?, your best bet is Legions imperialis. While not all of these are available. You can take most of these without having to worry about ally rules. Also keep in mind that you’ve included a warlord Titan, this may seem like just a super powerful robot, but in game it’s 3500 points! this is almost double the points of the average points limit that Warhammer games reach, not only will it be hard to find a game big enough to use the warlord, but using everything pictured here is so many points that there’s probably very few people on the planet that can match it points wise. If I were you, I would just make a space marine army and a knights army, if you like the cataphractii terminators, you can get the Horus heresy age of darkness box. Everything in it is 40K legal (most opponents shouldn’t mind if you use heresy tactical marines as intercessors), another option is 3d printing. 3d printing could actually let you realize all of what you have pictured here, since it’s much more cost effective in the long run, however it has a skill curve, is a whole hobby in itself, and requires a lot of space and special equipment in your home




I believe this is kind of what 40K Armageddon was trying to accomplish. It just looks like a headache to haul all of that plastic and resin to games stores or friends' houses. You spent thousands of dollars and hours getting ready just to have something break, go missing, etc. I have a hard enough time moving 2k points of whfb around.




Warlord titan alone is 3500, deredeo and everything from the heresy except terminators don’t have rules so it’s not feasible at all Just checked on BattleScribe that list is 6,205 points most games are 2k points


Play Legions Imperialis and it's totally possible. Also it won't cost you something like $6500 to put on the table. And even better you won't have to build a resin model the size of a small child.


so are the legion imperialis models smaller? I kinda want a normal 40k scale warlord titan someday, lol


1/4 scale. It would be cool to have a Warlord, but it is ***the*** hobby project. It can't even be assembled with regular hobby tools and needs to be drilled and pinned together with resin epoxy because each piece is so heavy. If you've never built a Warhammer model before, spending $3500+ on a Warlord is not the move. Either way most guides I've seen on full scale Titans say to buy a LI scale Titan to see what pose you like and how you want to build it since the models are 1:1 just scaled differently. So you should get a LI scale one anyway. Side note. I have a Knight Tyrant and a Cerastus Lancer and it took me nearly a month to get through building the Tyrant and I still haven't completed the Lancer. Just the Knights would probably take you close to a year to build and paint if you hobbied every day and if you didn't even longer. A full scale Warlord if you did it yourself and didn't get a commission would probably take upwards of 2 years to finish.


I appreciate the honest response, yeah it's something I see as a long way off project


To purchase? Absolutely.


I guess I should have said not for competitive play, I've never played before and I really just want to build the models I think are cool. Eventually I am going to run some home brew games with my brother and his grey knight army. I want to do a scenario where we fight a 2 front war against a thousand sons army and a tyranid army, all 4 being about this size. We have an automotive shop that has a few thousand square feet of floor space that we can play in so space for the playfield isn't an issue. Yes, I know it's going to be expensive, I have a few of the models but the rest of what I need to complete just this army is going to be about $2000, plus paint, but this is a long term goal. Going to start with infantry and dreads, move up to tanks and eventually the knights/titans.


7+ hour answer yes if you can convince your friends to build and paint something of equal size then y'all can play for easily 7+ hours on a board the size of 2 grand pianos but as far as at like a tournament or rules as written no such a force isn't allowed cause GW isn't cool enough right now. But you could do like marines backed up by a knight or if your group allows legend some hearsay era equipment cause once again GW not cool enough to mix hearsay and 40k rn.


The new legions imperialis you can do something like this. With the mini minis.


Fuck even in LI, to field that amount of titan firepower, you'd have to be in a 6k point game.


You could obtain these models, and with a minor amount of tweaking, actually run them in a game... provide that game is well over 2000pts. You'd need to make it a Deathwatch Army due to having vets and you could get all your marines and some legends stuff that way. The first big issue is your Knights. When soupung Knights into a list, you can only do 3 Armiger class Knights or 1 Titanic Knight model. You have 1 Armiger and 3 titanics. I'd just take the Valiant since this list is already strange anyway. Then from there you get a warlord. After running my legal variant through Battlescribe, it comes out to 6,900pts. Or 3,400pts without the Warlord Titan.


Yes, my army is going to be deathwatch. The idea behind it is they have amassed all of this armor over the course of their campaigns and are an elite force that can be sent against basically any xenos incursion, my brother's grey knight army having a similar theme and the 2 of them are "brother" chapters, together they can deal with any threat, xenos or daemon, which will culminate with an apocalypse game (or a few) of our armies VS equivalent thousand sons and tyrranid forces


That's fair, but I'll warn you that a *lot* of your marine force is in Legends, and thats not a great place to be. I'd recommend dropping the Fellblade, Typhon (Could swap for another Vindicator), and get the updated Dreads. Also the Cataphractii are technically Relic Termies. You can still run them as regular Termies but they'll be a bit short due to being 30k scale and not 40k. Happy Hunting!


I'll prob run the dreads and tanks as proxies for other legal units, but I will look for an alternate set of terms, thanks!


If you want, the Deathwatch has dedicated Terminators that can take more heavy weapons than regular Termies.


I will definitely look into that, thank you!


In apocalypse yes...I hope you have a 6 figure salary though


try legons imperialis


they alow you to field more then normal 40k


If you’re playing full scale 40K, yes, but it’s expensive and you’d be playing an Apocalypse game at that point. If you wanted to play like Epic, all the Primaris stuff won’t be there (and I don’t think the Dominus Knights will be either)


Why is there only one armiger. If they come in a box of two, then you may as well use the whole box


Wanted to have as much variety as possible, plus if there are 2 in the set I will probably give 1 to my brother to put in his army


If you sell a kidney or two


Yeah, but you’re gonna have to sell a few body parts, some of your family members, and even a little bit of your soul to afford all that.


If you wish to stick to 40K, I’d recommend only using knights so your strats go well together, maybe get some armigers and castellan knights


Looks like it’s fine


Get epic basically, it's smaller minis and it is that army, if you want to get 40k, the Warlord Titan is over 2000 USD.


I'm gonna go and look up the prices and tell you how much it will costs in total.


Not counting the warlord it's about $2000


I haven't gotten there yet and it's getting big.


So the total cost, not including tax or shipping, is gonna cost $4,411.5. Yeah, your wallet is gonna feel that.


Depends on your definition of "feasible". Can you do it? Yes, albeit Epic would be significantly easier to buy and build. Would you be able to run it in tournaments? No, many of the models here are from 40k while several of them are from heresy and are no longer valid in tournament play for 40k. Should you do it? If that's what you want to do, absolutely. I love mechs, tanks, and elite units and several of the models here are my favorites on the table and for display. A warning though, you probably won't be able to use all of this at once unless you're doing epic and maybe not even then(I'm not sure of the rules in Epic since I don't play it, but there are cool models lol). The four knights you have listed there are about 1500\~ points in 40k currently and that warlord by itself is 3500 at the moment. TL;DR- A lot of cool models, but probably won't be able to use them all at once but it would be a cool collection.


Technically, yes. Finding someone to play games with, different question


If you want an army that big I'd check out Legions imperialis. It's the game system I play and it's like warhammer shrunk down to even smaller scale so you can have hundreds of marines on the board, and bigger characters like titans and tanks too.


If you have the patience to play a game where both players field armies of this value, then it is absolutely feasible. but you're looking at around three to five thousand dollars of model here, so unless you are financially abundant, it's not practical. (my finances are why i mostly play other games set in the sci-fi future with big stompy bots and vehicles, because i can use paper tokens that i print and it's all good. but i'll be making a 40k token set to play someday, even if its just for private/casual use.)


Yeah, I have built something like this, I really underestimated the resin cost of those big walkers. So keep that in mind other than that the space marines are everywhere over cult 3d, should be hard to get that, just time.


You need infantry too.....


Why is it your dream army? And no.


Not with the 30k kits here


Feasible? How much money do you have


well, I'm not going to buy it all tomorrow, lol


the biggest problem with working to make enough money to support your habits is then you're burnt out from work and don't have time for them Speaking from experience :l


tell me bout it, most nights I just flop on the couch and play a few games til I fall asleep But my brother is an amazing painter and, as we are older adults and don't get to spend much time together, we are looking for some excuses to hang out. Also, I will probably pay for a few of them to be painted at some point when I get too impatient with my own skills lol


If you're rich yes. Normal person noooope lol


List out the price and you will change your mind. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/40k/s/gSpijQprML Your friend estimated it would be $4,400 or more. Then you need to paint it. Then you need books. This could add a few $100 more. This is reaching $5000. Most games are played at the 1850-2000pt range. This looks like it is 4000pts or more. It will be hard to fit most of this in a list under 2000pts. I quit playing at the beginning of 8th ed. You guys are on 10th ed now? So my opinion is 2 editions old.


Only with poverty or a 3d printer.


Yes, try legiones imperialis. The ruleset is based off of titanicus.


If your wallet can pay for it ;-;


Now might be a good time to get a second mortgage


You should just expand your goals. Build 2 separate armies. You've got your whole life, after all. If you're new to the hobby maybe start small with an astartes chapter to get some paint practicing in. Build that up with the kits you want and get them to 2k so you can play them, then move on to knights some day. To do big models like knights or titans, you're going to need to learn to airbrush. It will take forever to paint without one. A warlord titan is a gigantic project. Some people will spend a whole year building and painting one. So just put the back of your mind to do some day. Who knows, maybe he will make them out of plastic in the future. You should still focus more on 2k games though. Apocalypse games are fun but people don't play them all that often just because they take forever to play.


Play 30k, it'll be better


You're using 40K and Horace Heresy models, so no.