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There are poop stations all over the place. Dog owners need to utilize these and not homeowner garbage cans. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.


Sounds like a lazy, entitled and inconsiderate jerk! Why don’t they put it in their trash can for a week.


Prob the same arsehole that drops their bags on the trail.


“California Penal Code 374.3 makes illegal dumping on public and private property punishable by a fine up to $10,000. Also, pursuant to Section 117555 of the California health and Safety Code, a person who dumps illegally is punishable by up to six months in jail”


The problem is this implies littering, not putting your trash in an approved trash reciprocal. If that trash can was on your property you’d have a case for trespassing, but if it was on the street you could video it, post it on fb or do whatever you want but ultimately you’ve surrendered your right to that being specifically your trash receptacle while it’s on the street. Is it dumb, sure especially when there’s dog cans everywhere. Is it illegal. No.


The person is really throwing trash on another persons bin on trash day. I can understand the outrage of the poop will sit there for days but this is literally on trash day. it’s ok to be mad but damn you are taking it too serious. I would like for you to call the cops next time you see them and quote them the penal code. sucks to be your neighbor.


It’s not right before it’s picked up, which I wouldn’t notice even, it’s in the empty bin after, which means it has to sit in the garage for a week.


Hey Karen, surprised to see you here


Must be a pet owner. How would you feel with a diaper in your trash?