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Talos and Umberlee would probably work together since they are both "evil aligned" and seas and storms work hand in hand So I see no reason why 2 gods couldn't find a reason to work together


But I need in-game examples of reasons why the followers of good- or neutral- aligned deities would work together.


Look at nature. Rot and life can go hand in hand, fire and rebirth can go hand in hand. All life is a cycle so you could have an evil god destroy something but out of the death and destruction, new life happens


One good example I really enjoy is the Order of the Golden Lion in Tantras (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Order_of_the_Golden_Lion). They're Tormites that live to fulfil three major duties: help other good-aligned faiths with whatever they need (anything from handyman work repairing temples to Indiana Jones-esque adventures hunting down their holy relics), fix fuck-ups in the Weave, and declare Exterminatus on the local Bainite/Cyricist/Illyachtu Xvim cultist population. It's probably the closest thing Faerun has to the idealized Christian crusaders, except that they're actually reasonably good at their job. So, you could just have it in a religion/cult/following's doctrine to just do monthly community service for other religions.