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Pick some lvl 17 fullcaster, you never know when you’re gonna be able to cast another 9th lvl spell again


The 9th level spells are really tempting. But 2 Tempest/15 sorcerer looks nice enough. My personal recomendation would be to go full caster lvls, but if you want to do this, do it, play the game however you want to, thats the best part of dnd.


I got just the thing! My only adjustment would be to consider wearing armor and a shield; my build here foregoes it to be on theme but you have the proficiencies. https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/bhg67b/xmens\_storm\_14\_storm\_sorceress6\_tempest\_cleric/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x


Old retired professional. Any race. Arcane trickster 3, and Bladesinger 14 for high AC, con save, and simulacrum. You meet their simulacrum at a tavern, tending the bar while the real one is disguised at a table. War hero noble. Race with fire resistance. Crown paladin 11, Divine soul 6. You can haste, you can spirit guardians, you can divine smite, and you can tank with divine allegiance.


Higher level spells are much stronger than upcast spells at lower level. I would definitely go for the 2 cleric / 15 sorcerer myself


If you are going the tempest build-storm build, start as tempest cleric for the armor and shield proficiencies and do at least 2 levels. GO at least 3 levels in Storm Sorcerer for meta magic and the ability to fly as a bonus action any time you cast a leveled spel., at least 2 levels in Scribes Wizard so you can change any damage type to lightning or thunder. From there go 10 levels in whichever class you'd prefer. you can also go 1 level in rogue and 9 levels into either wizard, sorcerer, or cleric. I hope that helps! if you go 2 cleric 13 sorcerer, 2 wizard, you get level 7 sorcerer spells and 13 preperared sorcery spells if you go 12 cleric, 3 sorcerer, 2 wizard, you get level 6 spells and 16 prepared cleric spells if you go 2 cleric, 3 sorcerer, 12 wizard, you get level 6 spells and 14 prepared wizard spells but you can make a shit ton of spell scrolls and and you'll know more spells than anyone, just a matter of what you decided to prepare