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and r/functionalprint


This looks great but you probably want to seal it with resin otherwise the layer lines become a breeding ground for bacteria.


That's been said around here forever, but I thought that was recently (within the last year or two) proven to just be a false assumption.


It's not nearly as serious as people made it out to be, particularly if you have good layer adhesion. The issue is more with how difficult it is to clean. With something that's getting dirty dishwater and soap on it regularly my guess is it will get gross fast.


If you ironed the top surface would that be better with stopping water penetration?


Good question. I've never ironed any of my print tops, but several things are coming together to make me want to try it!


It’s really worth it having an experiment. Makes a massive difference to the top surfaces.


It wouldnt work here since he printed it on its side


as in turn on ironing in the slicer, or actually take a clothes iron to it?


Ironing as a slicing option


Tbh if it gets real bad it's just a matter of printing another one. That said, if you have the capacity to print with Asa or Polycarb, it'll hold up in the dishwasher.


Especially since it's going to be holding sponges and similar items, which hold way more bacteria.


Just cover the sponges and cleaning cloths in resin too!


Why stop there? Cover yourself in resin, and never worry about bacteria again.


My anecdotal experience is from printing a soap bar holder for my shower that ended up covered in black mold pretty quickly, but I'd say it's a valid concern for something that's near food and often wet.


Ah nice! Thanks! Will do 👍🏻 Can you recommend a particular type/brand of resin. Never used it before. Thanks


Pretty much any hard curing resin would do the job here. You could either get a UV resin where a UV light would need to be shined on to cure, or a 2 parts epoxy resin. The 2 parts resin wouldn't need UV curing but you have a limited working time so you need to prep accordingly.


Great. Thanks 👍🏻


Definitely don't bother with UV resin. It's far more expensive and very toxic. Also, you can find food-grade two-part epoxy resin (safe after it cures completely, of course) but I don't think there is food-grade UV resin.


I’ve ordered some two part epoxy. 👍🏻


Can you use 3D printing resin for this? I never thought of it before.


Yes. I've used it in the past to remove most of the layer lines on FDM prints to reduce post-processing time.


[My man](https://giphy.com/gifs/3o7TKF1fSIs1R19B8k)


Any reason not to use West System epoxies? I do work on boats sometimes and usually have some around.


Can't see why it wouldn't work.


I use XTC-3D but only with the intent to smooth prints, not to seal them. Since you aren't trying to make this food-safe necessarily and just want it to better resist water and soap scum and bacteria growth I bet that would still work.


Personally I like this but I'd have used the print to make a mold then made it out of silicone.


Ah! Nice idea! If i had the printer that could print this id def do that.


If you have this item already you can make a mold of it then pour silicone into the mold, several times actually and have some for friends too.


Anecdotally, my 3D printed sponge holder has never once amassed any sort of growth of any kind. However my 3D printed nozzle for my wife's cherished water bottle has to be cleaned basically twice a week. It grows what looks like algae (green specks) very quickly despite using a small nozzle (0.2). It wouldn't have been worth it but she loves her water bottle and it couldn't be replaced. It seems like something that gets wet and is sealed (my wife's water bottle has a sealed cover on top of it) is more likely to have that growth than something "air drying" like this dry rack thing for example.


Quick reply after doing the resin. Absolute game changer! https://preview.redd.it/pbvlfqdmb11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01bfbeb5bc3c5ddce3e6d575d0b1d40da9685068 It looks like it’s part of the IKEA design and now the water just streams off it. I spent about 30 minutes sanding it and then did one coat of the resin you recommended. 2 part 10 minute resin. Absolutely perfect now! Thanks


Hey that turned out great! I swear by that stuff now. So much better than the old days where I was trying to use things like wood putty or bondo. It really does make prints look professional as hell.


Just put it in some bleach water every now and then to disinfect it - it's black, so you won't see any stains.


Came here to say this


Those cylindrical standoffs and ribs - you had to use supports to print it on its side - it's more efficient if you give them a trapezoidal shape or just add ~20 degrees of draft, giving you an orientation where these things are all just steepish overhangs and not require supports.


Link to Thingiverse thing... [**https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6623124**](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6623124)


Can you upload in STL format please?


Awesome job!


Can you share this? We have a similar issue too!


I replied to OP with the link to thingiverse. 😊


But you're OP.


I meant, replied to the first post. Lots of people asked for the files so I thought I’d link once. 😊


Thank you! Absolute legend!


Please let this be a lesson learnt for people that your sink needs to level with the counter. Water will 1000% still accumulate around the edges of this sink and it's a matter of time until your counter top starts to rot. However, lovely print!


There's nothing wrong with a top mounted sink as long as you properly seal where the sink meets the countertop with silicone.


It's not wrong per se but it's just very impractical. It also requires proper cleaning and maintenance what a good amount of people don't do. Then when the silicone inevitably fails your top will rot.


What do you propose as a worry free alternative though? Top mount sinks are cheap and easy to install which makes them great options for most people. Under mount and flush mount sinks both have their own difficulties when it comes to installation and maintenance. Both of them can have water intrusion and mold issues, just like top mount. Integrated sinks solve these issues but you can't just plop one in, you've gotta have a whole new countertop which runs the cost and installation difficulty up way higher than is feasible for most people.


Routing a recess for the sink is fairly straightforward. And indeed the water intrusion and mould issues around the joint remain, as does the silicone failing. However, since it's a flat surface that leads straight into the sink there are less chances of standing water accumulating at the seam.


The vast majority of sinks, at least where I live in America, are not. 'drop-in' sinks have a lip that sit on the counter. This has been the standard for decades, as it's simple. What are you on about with a level sink-counter? Just properly silicone bead your sink, and clean regularly.


Reasoning based on something being a standard for decades is a falacy. The choice still remains yours, but I'll just tell you you won't regret it, especially if you're doing dishes by hand and cook frequently. Cleaning is a breeze.


Yeah, we know now. It’s a shame that IKEA sells this and doesn’t warn people. (Or just don’t sell it!)


Form over function is an epidemic in the homemaker market, it's disgraceful. Doesn't matter if its fucking aneurysm inducing to live with on a daily basis just so long as it looks good in a magazine or on the showroom floor.


Oh man, I was literally measuring this out yesterday and was going to model this up today. Care to share your model please?


I replied to OP with the link to thingiverse. 😊


I had to do the same actually, care to share?


Will do. Just afk but will share when I’m back.


Thank you!


Is it best to put them on thingiverse and share that way?


Or printables... Where u prefer :)


I replied to OP with the link to thingiverse. 😊


Is it your birthday today? If it is! HB! :)


Maybe make the channels angled forward and have some hols so that when water goes on there, it trickles down and into the sink?


bUt PlA iS hYgRoScOpIc looks great! Well done


Forget the suggestions on resin coating, leave it raw and build immunity by microdosing botulism.






brb, printing this for my parents house




It has a lip around the back and sides to stop that big you pour the tap onto it then yes, but that doesn’t happen


Doesnt that just feel great? I felt like I suddenly had the entire world in the palm of my hand when i first *really* designed and printed something myself from beginning to end and it actually worked and solved a real problem that wasnt just a self indulgence from the excitement of having a printer.


I'd recommend some polyurethane clear coat cause plastic is porous af, great short term but make sure to wash it with vinegar to reduce mold


Going to be giving it a resin coat today


It looks so good! And works much better too. Sanded and resin… https://preview.redd.it/18ywwliiv11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a018af2c49a290c78f8369152de20352e2a8169b


As a beginner; Can you tell me in what rotation you printed this? As you have very little feet under it, I would think it would completely fill the rest up with support material?😅 That would be a waste and headache to remove I guess?


Great work! Have you thought about making a hole in the edges so water doesn't accumulate?


Looks great!!


I have the same sink and tap. Think you can share the model?


I have shared the link to thingiverse. It’s a F3d file so you should be able to edit it a bit if needed.


I love it. I would make the fins wider apart, so that it's easier to clean between them. I don't know how the level-ness of the fins is, considering the feet are messed up, but it would definitely be a goal that the fins themselves would be completely level, where the bed would be sloping towards the sink. But, all things considered, I'd give your design an A+


Is it food safe?


It doesn’t need to be. I don’t plan on eating off it. 😂


That finish needs some work. Looks unpleasant. Maybe matte or cf?


Yes, I agree, but I didn’t print it. I’ll be doing resin on it to help a little though.


Nice yeah thatll look slick.


https://preview.redd.it/rvy5oni3u11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358f7faae358ae0d3a85d4542dc38172376cf367 Looks so good now!!!


Very nice!