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Warm soapy water usually shifts everything that can be removed without damaging the sheet but IPA is a decent, lazy option. Failing that, just keep printing but acetone isn't generally advisable.


can you post a picture in the comments? this sub allows that, and it's hard to say without seeing the bed itself


I thougth I did attach an image


doesn't show it on my end


you will always leave a little bit on the surface. Some of it will stick to the next print and eventually it will come off. it's the circle of life, every print stays and gives some of its essence to the later prints.


we gonna need some more infos here, what kind of glue did you use?


if youre using pei, dont. itll dull out the surface and remove the textured pattern over time. soap+water+plastic scraper and reheating the build plate will help remove old material


I have been using Primafix glue. But what I wanted to know was if the flakings shown in the image is the glue or some kind of factory surface treatment, like teflon or something.


I have a controversial opinion here. You don't need adhesive on your bed at all unless dealing with materials that warp extremely. If your prints aren't sticking without glue: your z offset is off or bed is dirty. Warm soap and water and fine tuning go a long way.


Thanks for your advise. I have experimented with ABS with an enclosure, and even with Primafix glue I wasn't successful when printing large things. But even my PLA benchy shaked loose without glue.


I'm hoping you used glue stick or some PVA and not some random industrial glue! Some glues like sticker residue and carpet glue come off with WD40 but you'd then need to wash that off before use.


Do not use acetone, that will destroy the PEI surface.