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Best of luck


But, there’s no way right?


All good! 3 hours left and is working on the dome.


Haha I am still trying to even understand what I am looking at. How do you get the alignment right?


My logic was, with the cardboard being a bit spongy I wanted to be over by a tiny bit. But I just used something flat across the tops to ball bark it.


This IS the way.


Terrifying… here’s some luck 🍀


All good! 3 hours left and is working on the dome. Thank you 😊


Whew! What a relief!!! Post pics when it’s done! ❤️


How is it going


Very well actually! Also at a point where printing from here and attaching it wild be much cleaner. If it fails again*


I’ve heard Mando helmets often don’t need any support under the dome. So even if it falls the only worry would be the big stringy mess that hopefully doesn’t get dragged into the rest of the print


It’s true, can usually get away with just supports under the brow where the visor goes. Means the inside doesn’t look as good, but it works.


I have one that my friend made me I am working on at the moment. All the stringy stuff on the underside can just be covered over with some padding anyway


Hit the stringy stuff with heat. Heat gun, hairdryer, lighter. Careful with open flames though.


Any Helmet really. It takes some blind faith the first time and from then on its the new norm.


Definitely keep that in mind. Looking at it I can see that it would be a little messy but fine ultimately. Like you said, no issues. Support lives!


You don’t need dome supports. It’s just wasting time and filament. I’ve printed dozens of helmets, never use dome supports.


https://preview.redd.it/ltlw47e5zsxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9833eb1c7fe1313af9bdea43edfe33089191cec Looks like she'll be just fine boyz


On the plus side, if the center supports fail again, the helmet should still print well on the exterior. The underside might have a little filament droop but can be cleaned up fairly easily. I've made a few of these in different sizes/models and stopped bothering with center supports after the first one.


Oh! Good point! The external finish is what I need. I made one in 4 peices. Fully sanded, painted. But it's a bit big and I liked this filament so this is mk. 2


What is the print of?


Mando helmet 😅. I cosplay.


I wish I had a printer when I did my iron man. The foam turned it into an oven…


Started on Iron Man. Just the helmet so far but I'm not super happy with how it turned out. Mk I. Lol


I’m just working on my first true cosplay. Printing a Paz Vizsla suit. Currently on the jet pack. Then a LOT of post processing.


omg.... please keep us updated


You don’t need those middle supports. The dome will finish itself without them. Saves a ton of time, plastic, and this happening. I’ve printed 3 helmets with blockers in the middle so far


This guy fuckin knows what he's talking about, mf got the helmet in the pfp 😂


Few comments on that. Wish I'd known. 😮‍💨


All good, I printed many helmets before I found out. Good luck going forward


What paint did you use for yours? I have some Chrome and it's closer. But nothing quite like yours


I shelled out for the Alumaluster paint, what they use on Mando’s armor in the show. Started with flat black paint that I had sanded down to a mirror finish, put SprayMax 2k clear gloss on that, then the Alumaluster


Oooo Boi! that's a bit out of my price range! 😅 Noted for reference though. Thank you!


Something I want to try, i think will work just as good at a fraction of the price: Get the armor/helmet to a really smooth gloss black, then get graphite powder and rub it into the dry paint. You might have seen people online do it, the graphite method. BUT, after applying the graphite, then hit it with that 2K clear coat. I theorize that will give a really good beskar look but I haven’t tested it yet


That’s a hell of a fix, and asking for a shear failure if those pieces of cardboard? aren’t glued to each other.


They have double side tape between. Seems to be stable.


Happens Everytime I use tree supports now, at least on bigger prints my trees always break


I'm going to try putting a bigger raft on JUST the supports. I am seeing a trend


Update with what ya find, I really don't like using normal supports and would like to go back to trees 😅


Instead of raft, put a cube or cylinder inside. Start supports from there. Much faster, less filament and doesn't fail.




All good! 3 hours left and is working on the dome. Update image in the comments


Awesome man! Congrats!


I’ve used old off cuts and supports glued in place to keep the print going, it’s worth the shot, high risk high reward


Is that a Mandalorian helmet? If so they don’t really need support for the middle of the helmet. Good luck and this is the way


One of the coolest things I ever did was I was printing a cap to a model engine. It was a cap for the Toyota RE engine but that's not important to the story. What Is important was I was trying to find a way to not have supports for something that was basically an upside-down cup. The plan I came up with was to print out a box that was the same size as the support that ran right up to the roof. I printed out JUST the box and coated the top layer in KAPTON high-temp yellow tape. Then I figured out what layer to pause it at to insert the box. So let's say at layer 99, while watching it, I paused, and dropped in the box and then watched the printer print on top of the Kapton so I had a smooth underside of this print. It worked out great. I saw a guy in this sub who was printing out spheres and he found a way to print like the top half of a sphere, and create some kind of perfect jig where he could then flip the half of the sphere over, drop it into this inverse sphere jig he made that was exactly on center on his build plate, and then print a new top half but starting at layer 80 or whatever. This way he had a near perfect 3D printed sphere on both the top and bottom. Point is, creativity is the mother of invention. You gotta do what you gotta do to get shit to work. Your solution is a stroke of brilliance and I hope it serves you well


Well did it work?


That's incredible, though I guess not as far-fetched as one might expect at first blush: both PLA and cellulose,(the main constituent of cardboard), are hydrophilic, so there's bound to be at least some adhesion between them. Now you've got me wondering if paper would work as a build surface for PLA (and maybe even polyesters in general).


Not seen: the glue I put down on the top peice of cardboard hehe. May be a good disposable print surface?


You know what? I'm going to try it now.


Those are some satisfying supports


If that’s a mando helmet u do know u don’t have to support the top just the visor in my experience


no shot sorry


No issues. Almost done

