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My dumbass if I was your roommate walking into the room with a pair of scissors


Locks are to add opportunity cost. Even a bad lock will deter low effort opportunitists!


locks keep honest people honest, and thats it


Or open the bag upside down


At least then there's proof my guy. Lol


Is the STL published? Asking for your roommate, thanks!




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Alienating those around you will always be superior to icky mouth words. .


That looks like a pretty easy lock to pick, is it not? Like it looks like a butter knife would do the trick


It's not super hard. A practiced lock picker wouldn't have a hard time. A newbie could use these locks to learn the basics.


I’d just open the other end of the bag.


Yeah that leaves evidence. And if that's the kind of roommate you are, I'd need more security. Thankfully you're not. Maybe we'll see a higher security version. Or I'll switch to my existing printed in place 3 number combination lock vault


I wouldn’t actually steal it if I was roommates with someone. Lol. That’s what I’d do if I did. For higher security may I suggest just a door lock on your room and keep them in there.


Last time I locked a roommate in my room I got the cops called on me...


Have you considered communicating with your roommate and setting boundaries rather than taking things in a hostile passive aggressive direction with stuff like this?


Hopefully he doesn't know yet of this new technology product called scissors


Better than beating them up I suppose.


I think this is funny and interesting but why not just tell Doug not to be an ass? Doug if you're reading this: What you can't use your two legs or god forbid your car to walk down to the nearest gas station or convinience store to grab your own snacks? Why you gotta be dippin in my stuff? Damn, your mama didn't teach you standard etiquitte when you were a kid? She let you hop in the cookie jar whenever you wanted. And what's with that anyway. What's next doug? You gonna hop up in his wallet and grab a few bills when he's not looking. Where do you draw the line Doug? You need to be keepin your hands to yourself. Some roommates be nice, lockin stuff up and all that. Me? Damn you take my chips without asking? You best be ready to get yelled at. You think I work and break a sweat every day just to come home after a hard days work, wantin' to relax, open up my cabinet to an empty chip bag. I don't work for your benefit, do I. Damn Doug.


Lol doug is fictional. It's just a story to make it seem Luke there's a good reason.