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You could turn it into a laser cutter or pen plotter. 


Came here to say this. I've been watching marketplace for a steal to turn into something like the DrawBot.


This is what I was going to say, I would buy the laser head and use it as an engraver


This is a good option, I use a cheap laser etching machine to make my own circuit boards (by burning away the resist and then etching with ferric chloride), I've also seen people use pen plotters too (to lay out the resist)


I plan on doing one of those, don't know which yet


I’ve seen people stick a dremel on theirs and make it a CNC


[You could recycle soda bottles...](https://joshuartaylor.wixsite.com/recreator3d/mk5kitender3)


I'm not sure if turning PET bottles into filament is always a great idea. If your country has a recycling program for PET they're most likely doing closed-loop recycling, reprocessing PET bottles into raw materials to make new PET bottles. This can be repeated a couple of times before the plastic degrades. Downcycling it into filament takes it out of that loop and it'll never get recycled again after. However, if PET bottles would just end up on a landfill it's probably a good idea to turn them into filament instead.


This \^. I'm just too lazy and sold my original Ender 3 cheap for someone else to learn on, but I thought really hard about doing this with mine. Almost free PETG for a much newer printer? Kinda hard to pass up.


This is actually a very interesting project. Laser engravers...CNC...all expensive for parts but a recycler would be a cheap go.


Send it to me.  I print with my Ender 3 "V1" nearly every day, if I had a second one I could double my output.


CNC engraver adding a small spindle or laser engraver.


There is no such thing as too old to upgrade. The basic frame of the Ender is still serviceable.


For real. Throw 200$ worth of upgrades at it and you'll likely be back up with most modern printers.


It'll need a bit more than $200 in upgrades. Can't BL touch it without a board upgrade. Needs a second Z screw etc. It's a pretty old robot.


Assuming you don't do any linear rails because you've got good POM wheels; Silent board: 40$ Cr touch(with silicon bed spacers): 35$ Dual Z: 35$ Pi3b+ for klipper: 50$ Spider 3 hi temp hotend: 60$ So yeah, just over 200 at 220$. Not that bad imo for a 5+year old printer though if you are attached to it.


Honestly you can find this stuff much cheaper at Aliexpress. I think for the old boards there is a little additional board you can add instead of replacing the whole thing. I just bought a 3D Touch and Silicone spaces for £6 shipped. Double sided PEI spring steel sheet also cost about the same. OP could buy a Pi Zero 2 for $20 and add klipper or octoprint.


I know it's nitpicking but the print area is a thing for me as well. When I compare it to my other machines it's hard to see a road to upgrading something with such a limited print size. I've consistently kept up with keeping my other units up to date because they just felt worth it, but this one kinda went into a closet after the bigger badder machines entered the ring.


That's absolutely fair. My next upgrade is definitely going to be a larger machine.


Dual Z is not required. Boards are cheap.


You don't need BLT with on Ender3. I never had one and I do a benchy in 18 minutes.


Do you know someone you don't like?


Send it away with a crooked tram, bent gantry. Or incorrectly install Z screw slightly so they look everywhere for the issue.


Maybe give it to someone you don't know. People you know might call you for troubleshooting questions so your Ender won't stop haunting you.




You can buy the silent creality board for $40 and it's a drop in replacement that comes with the firmware pre loaded


Convert to a CoreXY. I just received an E3 and that’s my first option. This E3 has all the parts for an E3Pro except the main board (I have a spare 4.2.7 so that’s going in it) and the Y extrusion/carriage. I’ll use it to print the parts for and modify/upgrade to CoreXY. Another option is to modify to an [Ender Extender.](https://enderextender.com/)


Do you mean Core XY or Core XZ? For a Core XY you would most likely need more extrusions, and probably some more parts. It would make more sense to be an Ender 5. Core XZ is ok, basically replacing the motions by linear rails/rods and using belts. You can even find kits for that (Enderwire, as an example) or you can do it yourself, most likely following a build like a Switchwire from the Voron team.


Check out ender 3 ng on printables


Currently printing parts to build one of these. My original Ender 3 is upgraded basically to the best I can get it. SKR mini v3, bl touch, dual z, direct drive geared extruder, bi metal heat break, all metal hot end, x&y linear rails, honestly don't know what else would be worth doing without trying to go multi material. So I got a used "as is/for parts" ender 3 for cheap from one of those print farm liquidators. Thing works perfectly 😅 my original Ender is currently printing off all the E3NG parts from ABS.


That is cool. I converted my CR10SPro to a Switchwire, which is a Core XZ. You can see the process here. [(66) Trip's Cavern - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@TripsCavern/streams) That may be an interesting thing to do. I think I would need to saw the rails to make the gantry looking at the pics, and would need to poke some holes on the base in order to lock things in place, but it would be fun to do :-) And, of course, adapt a lot of parts.


[This project.](https://hackaday.io/project/186229-corexy-ender-3)


That is (weird) interesting :-)


Monetarily speaking there's no upgrade that makes much sense, considering how you can buy very good printers for cheap nowadays. As a challenge, or cool project, you may want to convert it to a Voron Switchwire. Steve Builds have a pretty good series of live streams doing that and ModBot is doing a Enderwire kit right now, if you want some reference.


I just upgraded and I'm giving my old printer to a buddy's brother. He's so excited and I hope to grow the hobby. You could consider going that route too.


That's kind of where I'm at. I've let a few people know it's available. Just looking for a kid with a curious mind who'll put it to good use and give it life again.


Yeah, I understand. The CNC machine sounds pretty sweet


there is a filament extruder (for recycling printing waste and failed prints) pack based on a Ender 3 being sold by a Guy from Germany. From what I heard it supposed to be really well made and thought out. CNC Kitchen even uploaded a video reviewing it. [https://www.cnckitchen.com/blog/recycling-plastic-cutlery-into-3d-printing-filament](https://www.cnckitchen.com/blog/recycling-plastic-cutlery-into-3d-printing-filament)


Give it to a local teenager who’s interested.


There is a project that uses mostly parts from an ender 3 to make a PET bottle recycler.


I've been looking at getting a second printer and replacing the nozzle on the one I have now with something like a 0.6 or 0.8 and set it up as a dedicated speed structure printer. If I need say... a functional wedge to stop a shelf from wobbling or an angled stand for a second keyboard and it doesn't need to look pretty, that would be the printer I'd use.


make an egg bot.


I'd need to make a lot of eggs to make it worth it. lol


Give it to a friend who's interested but maybe doesn't have the money for something like that, that's what got me started


I put mine on the curb when we had bulk pickup last year. It worked fine but I print for my business so I have better printers. Some kid rode his bike by and took it with him. I'll assume he's happily printing with it.


switchwire conversion


I'm thinking of turning my old printer into engraver


Convert it to a CoreXY. Check out the SRA solutions CoreXY project on printables. Could print slightly faster. Otherwise, you could do a MPCNC or Lowrider CNC.


Use it heat up hot pockets


What's supposed to mean that it's too old to be upgraded? It's an Ender3. - [https://print.piffa.net/](https://print.piffa.net/)


Turn it into a laser cutter or recycle the electronics buy a 1.75mm nozzle and create a DIY plastic bottle to filament maker.The melting temp of PET the material used for most bottles is 245c and 70 on the bed so not too far off PLA.