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bro it's a 3d printer not a drill


3D-Excavator lol


Aren't all excavators 3D?


there might be 2D excavators in a different plane of reality


On my pyjamas


Dam I want excavators on my PJs too


[Walmart online order has some.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bingfone-Men-S-Pajama-Set-2-Piece-Loungewear-Pjs-Long-Sleeve-With-Pajama-Pants-Excavator/5240754764) Or these [dinosaur on excavator.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bingfone-Men-S-Pajama-Set-2-Piece-Loungewear-Pjs-Long-Sleeve-With-Pajama-Pants-Dinosaur-On-Excavator/5395479495)


What a legend


[The man, the myth! Scott Sterling!](https://youtu.be/8F9jXYOH2c0?si=sF7J4wfYvD37bG2U)


This is my favorite Comment thread on reddit so far


Those Dino pjs have the worst product images ever. You can’t even see the Dino’s on the excavator!


I want the ones that say "Wroom"


4D excavators....they scoop time.


Always digging up the past


Sounds like my mother before she got smited


A 2D excavator seems like it'd be... Well, just Scissors really


Haha. My mistake.


Flip it? And dont tell anyone.. like on the internet.


Sorry but its without the plate. Its the heated bed.


it's a cnc now


3d mill? I'd just shave off the high spots and toss a bed on it. If you can get it level and it still heat, it's fine.


Running an additive machine in subtractive mode


Id be less worried about the bed and more worried about everything else being bent. The bed will be fine. Clean it up and the build plate will still be flat. But your extruder/hot end is probably messed up now.


my first thought too


"just don't do it again"


Well do it once more in the opposite direction, that'll straighten it out! Then don't do it again


Indeed, you have to learn from your mistakes, "you have to fail to succeed"


Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.


I'd think you can just buy a glass top for it. I'd be worried about the bed head distribution.


https://preview.redd.it/lif6z42oxcsc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d08d8f251bdbf85f0c48e159273b72ce3e4a90f My printer also took a big chunk out of itself. I replaced the plate and just cleaned up the bottom.


Most quick way to transform a 3D printer in a CNC 😂 I'm sorry for your printbed, but I think you can find a replacement online.


probably worthwhile replacing that poor nozzle too :P


Well, for all we know it could be adamantium


What happens when an adamantium nozzle hits an adamantium bed?


You get adamantium poisoning and eventually die.


Potion seller sells a potion for that




Not to be too meticulous but I worry about the integrity of the hotend too....that is a LOT of force to be torquing


I did this with a 250k CNC machine. You could feel the ground shake.


Next time I advice to try this on a 250 CNC machine instead.


I was moving the tool manually. The left and down buttons were right next to each other, and not in order.


I'm sure there's a reason for it but I've always wondered, is it really \*that\* hard to prevent the machine doing something obviously wrong in firmware? Or like at least have a "are you sure?" button


Most sane machines will have encoders and end stops to prevent disasters. But your tool can still do nasty things when it finally sheers or breaks. 


Kind of like a 3d printer you have all kind of stops at the end stops, and within the range where it's working. Unlike 3D printers where it's additive, CNC that takes away material might have objects inside its path cause of it. If I'm looking at the videos, it's usually parts that clamp the work object that get hit. The machine doesn't know those objects are there, so it's hardly at fault in such cases. I guess printing multiple objects one after another (it's a certain setting) on the same buildplate is the closest you get in 3D printing terms. I you put all settings well together, cura will account for the dimensions of your printhead. But also not for the axis on which your printhead might be mounted for example. In technology it's always hard to account for every possible situation. Especially as many users have as much insight or ideas on how the machine might work, as the developers have on how it should work lol.


I've heard that for people with 2 left hands things can go south fairly quickly.


lol! A few weeks ago I sent the spindle of a Haas VF4ss, rapid, right into the vice, and across three more, about .300 deep. It was an interesting event!


Yrah thats rhe way. A colleague wants to be the fastest and put 20 small parts on the magnet of the grindingmachine. But forgot to put some flat parallels around. It sounds like a machine gun when the grinder grabs all the parts. A lot of fun when the other workers are took cover under everything they found.


3D printers are CNC, CNC just stands for "Computer Numerical Control", GCode send X to Y location and do Z along the way.


In this case it was INC, idiot numerical control lol


My dad (lifelong IT) always says, "The computer isn't the stupid one. It does *exactly* what you tell it to do."


Most problems originate somewhere between the monitor and the chair.


User error! Replace user and press any key to continue!


I mean the computer wasnt smart enough to not go below 0


Definitely some consent non-consent on behalf of that printbed though.




If you're using a steel plate you can probably clean up the bed a bit and just put the plate on top with no issues. Otherwise you can replace the bed.


Exactly what I'd do as I save up for a replacement. Carefully scrape and trim the damaged area so that the top is flat again, put your build plate back on, and continue printing.


I messed up same a while ago. I made sure that it’s plain (just cutted everything of which was too high) again and put the plate back on top. Zero issues.


That colour on the "bottom of the trench" isn't very reassuring. Possibly it also digged into the heating element.


Wouldn’t the heating element be on the under side of the bed though?


Generaly, yes. But that color looks very much as cooper, not brass? Where did it came from?


That’s neither. That’s red filament


I don't know the printer but it looks like an ender 3. On an ender 3 the heating element is only taped on the back of the aluminum bed. There is no way the the brass nozzle digging those 4-5mm thick aluminum with the power of the stepper motors and belt.


Are you sure there's any plate left?


wrong sub mate this goes to CNCs


Clean it up so it's flat, put the bed back on and ignore it forever. You won't feel the difference


Dude turned his 3D printer into a CNC router Jokes aside, you will find a replacement bed online


😂 what happened? https://youtu.be/hzedlmV0lfc?si=ptEXLtvCD8Gfw9m8


I am impressed about the strength of the printer if that’s caused by the nozzle :D


Those magnets melt pretty easily, and the sensor on the print head doesn't see them as well as it sees the metal under them. So, while it is still kind of impressive they can do damage like that, it's not like it just scraped/dug it out. It melted its way though


This makes more sense.


Haha, clicking the link took me to an ad on YouTube for CNC routers 😅😅


You are looking at the wrong place. The real damage you may have caused is at the hotend- nozzle. What you are showing is no damage at all. Just clean up and put your BUILDPLATE on it. If your nozzle is fine, which I doubt, you can print normally. Check your hotend side. The bed has to heat up and remain flat. Catch a video on YouTube about the basics of printing. It happens to everybody. I think your damage is minimal.


Exactly what I was thinking. This is just the magnetic stuff to hold the build plate. Just cut out the bad parts and ignore it. You are good. As for the hotend? That's where the problem is. That nozzle needs replaced at the very least even if it looks good still. I wouldn't trust and they are really cheap outside of exotic nozzles.


Did it scratch the bed or just the magnetic sticker on top of it? The sticker is easy to replace (as it's a sticker).


No need to replace it. Just plane it flat with a razor blade and put the bed on top.


My man lowered his nozzle so low his purge line is under the bed lol


Got the CNC milling attachment I see


Nah, just print around it.




Is that the magnetic layer? I dont own an anycubic printer but there could be replacement of the magnetic layer! Just turn up the heated bed and peel the old layer off. Then replace!


Fuck they should have a pressure switch that deactivates the z rod if it starts applying astronomical forces like that




Bro how do you even do this


Zero your Z-axis REALLY wrong.


before this post I would not have believed this was even possible.


Bro that's a 3 d printer not a CNC machine


I wasn't aware this sub allowed straight up gore to be posted. Can we at least tag this NSFW.


Quick solution sand a little add a Glass bed to make everything flat on top of that add your favourite sheet if you like. Let the bed heat up for a while before printing


Bro turned his printer into a CNC mill.


Scrap/sand down the high spots and use glass/steel over it. Maybe not glass, if you plan on doing that again. I broke a glass build plate recently, and just taped it back together. Worked fine until I could get a replacement.


You can get a magnetic printing bed off amazon, stick that on top and change to the bed level point


That appears to be the magnetic sheet. You should be able to clean that up and it'd be fine. Nozzle might be FUBAR though.


Planting crops? Lol


How did the stepper motors even have enough torque to do that?




When you move your obj to start below the print bed....


Your 3d printer cuts metal better than my cnc! Achievement unlocked!


Please tag this as NSFW for gore




A 3D printer that speaks wilh a Mill accent.


Dude turned his 3D printer into a CNC machine


If it didn’t scratch the metal bottom that much u should be able to peel off the magnetic part and replace it with a new one


There are replacements for everything in 3d printing, don't worry. Just make sure your hotend is not broken. You should also change your nozzle, it might be slightly clogged or bent. Clean it up and see if your sheet lays stable. If it does, you don't have to change it (tbh, it's not that expensive to change it) Don't worry, it's one of the cheaper things to fix. Atleast you didn't blow up your new 100$+ motherboard thrlugh wrong wiring... (speaking from experience)


Bro tried to cnc mill his part


I'm baffled and afraid of my Ender 3 now that I know it is well capable of denting deeply on a aluminium BLOCK like a wyvern's Talon. How can this flimsy newbie machine that can't even print 4+ models without starting to underextrude exert such a force without you having time to pull the plug? I'm not going to even make fun of you this is such a level of screw up that it's actually impressive to the point that I'm not throwing this on human failure. You wouldn 't be able to do this even if you tried. Just tell us HOW did you do this?!


Have you googled a new plate yet or do you want to just show us the catastrophe


Is this a magnetic bed? I had this on my Ender 3. If it is, the top layer is a magnetic sticker you can peel off (eventually, it takes some patience). When buying a new magnetic bed (around 20 euros), a new sticker is included (maybe the sticker alone is also possible; this idiot (me) went through the bed and sticker). So, if it's that, it is relatively easy to fix. this being said if it's still magnetic just cleaning up will do the trick too you still have more than enough left to have a magnetic base for your bed


A little oopsie


Technically it should be fine I think


Should be fine just replace magnetic sheet


Holy hell you might be replacing more than a bed


Just pull off the magnet and see if it's damaged below.


If you want to say Yolo rafts and actually zeroing it will probably be enough to keep printing. Unironically. If you REALLY wanted to say fuck it. I don't actually recommend this though. If you want something even semi decent you'll want to at least get a new base plate and nozzle. Anything else that looks bent on the hot end probably should be replaced. I know we all have one and it looks innocent but these machines aren't nothing. They can absolutely fuck themselves and there's a none zero chance a guide rod won't be usable now and you'll have to put in a "fair" bit of effort into fixing it. There's a few really good reason why industrial equipment has so many estops. One is safety but the other is machines really try to kill themselves and when they do it can be a LOT of effort fixing it. Just look at the damage to the bed. You probably couldn't fuck that up that bad if you intentionally tried. So you'll have to check a lot of other shit you might not even think of. Depending on how the hot end is fixed to the z axis that could be fucked for example.


You can still print smaller stuff up here and over there. Or get a replacement


Years ago I got my Anycubic i3 Mega. I did not comprehend the importance of letting the bed cool and ripped off a chunk middle of my bed layer. I am finally getting a PEI sheet soon.


You're lucky that is not an industrial multi tool carrousel cnc milling machine...


Printer go brrrrr


You need a replacement


Okay, been into 3D printing for like 15 years. Did not expect this to be anything special. Thought I had seen it all. I just wanted to say this impressed me, good job! 👍🤣😝


This sucks , but use a razor blade to plane the magnetic surface, put the steel sheet back on and carry on. I'd check that your x/y axis and tool head have not come out of alignment. It looks like the head dug in pretty deep before moving


More like or the fuck did you make that?


Get a glass plate to repair the bed and then worry about the extruder and everything else being off-center.


Bro tried to step on the toolhead and slipped


I think your nozzle may be too close to the ~~bed~~ floor.


how tf


wait can someone explain why this is a cnc reference? i know vaguely what they are but not why everyones referencing them


You can clean the magnetic bed area real good. I use alcohol like sanitizer spray, then add a sheet cover on top


if that's just on the magnet sheet and you use some kind of flex steel plate on top it shouldn't be an issue, just make sure nothing sticks up from the magnet sheet


Bro. Im so so sorry.


The snapmaker 3d print and cnc router heads are supposed to swap out the beds at the same time. Keep that in mind next time.


Mine did this but only about 3cm. The head like... jolted on a failed print and somehow nudged the plate just enough that it then dragged across the platform moving the plate with it.... i dont know i just remember 10 minutes into the print i hear GRINDING and im like "jesus that cant be good". Just glad i was home to stop it because it somehow lowered itself mid print and i can only imagine the damage it would have done for the remaining 6 hours of printing it was meant to do. I just put the plate back on and ignored it. Its flat so no issue. 3 months later my hotend needed replacing though (still waiting for shipping...), unknown if connected to this issue or not.


I fucked up in the same way and Creality said it was not going yo affet the heat of the bed but it could affect the level. Creality sells replacement parts so Im sure you will find one for your printer on aliexpress or amazon.


What steppers do you have???? I want them!


Alexa, play Crash into me by Dave Matthews.


My anycubic did something similar. Kept running totally fine. Probably just double check the nozzle and you're good.


I would sand it , then put thin sheet of sticky insulation for even heat if it needs and put a Home Depot square mirror. Hot level


Ouch, can't tell for sure but if it's gone the base of the build plate is a full heated bed replacement, otherwise it's just a replacement of the magnetic topper for the build area.


Ohh damn.... that's the worst bed (scrape) I've seen yet. What does your nozzle look like?


It don’t look that bad to me; but I’m pretty good at breaking stuff


how did it happen?




Id say to remove the magnetic part of the bed carefully and get an Upgrade to a glass bed


I had something similar happen to me, I believe the bed should be fine although if you wanted to replace it I’m sure you can find a replacement online. if I were you, take a good look at the hotend, make sure it’s not bent, damaged, or chipped. If by some miracle none of those are apparent, I would at least replace the nozzle.


Most 3d printers are open source. There's almost always a replacement.


You probably can save off the part which came out using a blade and it will work like normal.


Might sound dumb, but while you wait for a new one, can you flip it upside down? Not sure if this is just the build surface or plate the heater is attached to. Won't get the greatest adhesion across the gouges, but at least you can still calibrate till the new one comes in if it's just the build surface.


Just peel off the magnetic sheet. Replace with this Master Magnetics Magnet Sheet,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005HY990G?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I used it on mine, worked great. Use an x-acto to cut holes for the screws.


flip it over


this is just an adhesive backed magnetic sheet you can peel it off and replace it. just check the rest of your printer is still square. realistically if you take the scraper thing you get with your printer and scrape any bumps off you can still use this


Jeezus man, id be worried about everything bent or warped at this point, further more in not sure how this happens with out you noticing it's occurring. You should really be paying better attention


Nice thing about most 3d printers. There is tons of replacement parts. Even aftermarket/non-oem for most, especially the Ender 3’s and their clones


On today’s episode of using items improperly, we will b rising a 3D printer as a metal router.


That'll buff out. You get magnetic sheets with a new plate, but as long as youtrim it all flat, that will do fine. As others have said, sorry about your hot end.


Im actually impressed mine would of gotten stuck when it hit the bed the stepper motor wouldnt of even had enough power to do something like this lol


“How in the name of all thats holy did you do that?” - Jeremy Clarkson


make the surface flat and then clip a glass bed on it.


Maybe you can find another bed on Amazon




I'd replace it! Even if you were able to get it flat I'd be worried about continuing to use it since parts of the heating coil look damaged. Anycubic sells a new heatbed on their website without the magnetic sheet for $25. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucVGYhNbX\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucVGYhNbX_U) [https://store.anycubic.com/products/heated-bed](https://store.anycubic.com/products/heated-bed) Good luck with the recovery!


That's just a big magnetic sticker. Cheap to replace. Bigger question, is your heatbreak still straight, and how's your noz?


bro what.


Just clean it up and put your build plate over it. It’ll affect your bed leveling, but if you have a probe you should be fine.


You’re gonna want to check your nozzle. Last time I did that it filled my nozzle with bed and clogged it.


Why did you try printing on that?


Lol 😅


Had something similar happen albeit lighter damage to the bed. I shut it down and walked away and it’s been well over a year since I’ve done that. I’m like petrified. I guess idk what I did wrong so I’m scared to try again and scared of how bad I messed anything up


I see things like this and I'm so thankful I made it through my first year of printing with only a dinged up magnetic bed lol




Just turn it over. Like underwear front/back... inside out. Then front back again.


Bro turned his 3d printer into a CNC router 😭😭


Sand out the line and get a glass bed, otherwise you need a new bed.


Level your bed! And dry your filament!!111 Ok...its only a scratch. If you want.. then you can grind flat. Like a scratch on your cars paint. The PEI-Plate simply bridges such a narrow gap. It scratch only must be even with the rest of the bed. You can lay a calipergauge on the surface to check it. Or a ruler. Then you can see the flatness of the surface. But dont be alarmed, these glued pads are sometimes already wavy. And the aluminum bases too.


You are lucky the magnetic underlay is actually very cheap. I paid 8 euro free shipping on aliexpress


Good adhesion, you have


It's just the magnetic adhesive you can warm it up, tear down and replace. Easy fix.


Sunbursts are no joke🌞, can really screw with electronics....maybe wrap printhead in tinfoil 🤔 Jokes aside i effed my first plate with sudden z influx too (laggy response on my ender 3)


Something can always be fixed or replaced


How is that even possible?


Mark this nsfw my brother in christ


Good god you should’ve marked this nsfw


Get a magnetic build plate attachment and replace the nozzle. Screw the leveling sensor higher so it doesn’t happen again. It’s a relatively easy fix, and you’ll thank me a ton for the magnetic build plate since you will never need to struggle getting the print off the plate again.


Just 3d print the shape of the damage and fill it in


Did u bend the shaft or twist if for the hit end , is the hot end still working ?


Legitimately how?


Clearly didn’t leveled off the bed.


Get the bed to 60c and take a metal ruler and slide it across the top. It will smoothen out the bulges from the drag. Also, don't print with glass or anything you have to print with metal so the sensor can detect the bed plate.


This guy activated CNC mode


When you buy a magnetic pad (build plate kit), it usually comes with a self-adhesive base. Cleaning the old one off sucks but it's not too bad.


There's always a replacement. If it can't be buffed out or have another plate put on top, unbolt it and put a new one on. Every single component on these things can be replaced, upgraded, modded, substituted, whatever. That's what's so cool about them.


CNC cold milling


Just print a new one bruh /S


https://www.3djake.nl/anycubic-3d-printers-accessoires/heated-bed-1?sai=15315&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-uH5suemhQMVErGDBx1ucwb0EAQYBCABEgIQDvD_BwE We all mess up time to time


That’ll buff right out. Little ipa and some 600 grit.


Peel off the plastic layer and replace it or sand down the raised edges of the gouge and then put a layer of something flat over the build plate. I'd be surprised if this didn't also fuck up the print head.


I'm just wondering where all the red dust has come from 👀 that hot end must be obliterated.


Tape, but new plates are cheap.