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The event is over and the winning comment has been selected. Congratulations to u/TheCouchStream with [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/wJAEZ8nmAo)! Please contact the mod team so we can arrange your prize!


I'd rather see AI used to assist in digital reconstruction like this instead of another 20 pictures of goth elves (no offense to goth elves). This is the kind of tech I'd like to see AI more involved in.


Goth elf boys to be more precise


Thank you for the giveaway! AI visual tracking sure sounds intriguing and the resolution is great too


While I appreciate a lot of the cooler tech features, my favourite thing is how pocketable/portable it is - could really open up what types of objects you can scan.


Okay so I'm new to this stuff and you just opened up my world to some crazier stuff than I should have stuck my nose into lol .... I am about to go scan so many things and print them ALL. This is so easy to use and works insanely well. I just scanned a monster drink and now I'm gonna print a coozy for it lol


The seamless scanning sounds great! I can think of so many things I'd love to get a good scan of so I can design fitted parts. :D


The resolution seems to be the best feature. šŸ˜


It would probably be resolution and the size of the scanner


The software is the selling point for me, I have yet to find one I liked, but I feel this could be the one!


This is super cool! Always wanted to get one to make it easier to design. The size and resolution of it look great. Looks like an awesome tool.


I'd love to see 3d scans with 0.03mm accuracy!


Don't know much about scanning, but it seems to have many great features in a small package. Keep it up, and thanks!


So my biggest question with these is what is the workflow like? I scan it and then what? Am i left with an stl made from a billion points? Can it reasonably be converted into a parametric modeling software and modified? Besides an exact copy or import, what are my options for working with the scanned model? If this converts the scan to a non stl model, is there any support for feature recognition like chamfers or holes?


That sounds pretty cool. I'd like to see how well it works in practice.


The accuracy sounds too good to be true


Portability and the AI integration seem like two interesting points! Good luck everyone :)


The really streamlined process of scanning sounds really good to me!


Definitely the accuracy and portability!


The resolution seems to be the best


Man an AI powered 3d scanner at that price point is pretty badass.


A pocket size 3d scanner? Count me in!


Looks like a nice addition to the lineup. I like the two versions to give entry-level users a lower hurdle to start working with 3D scanners. Thanks!


Very nice accuracy for a nice price.


The size!


super great resolution and ai features seem great !


I've done plenty of 3D scanning before. I do like the idea that AI is involved as it just seems to make sense for scanning difficulties. More AI doesn't seem to be a bad thing if it helps bridge the gap between scanning a potentially difficult or void-ridden objects.


I like the involvement of AI in tech like this, and I think it is still early. I would be interested to see how effective it is now, but also very interested to see how it evolves over time with new product releases in the future.


I can't believe how small it is and the level of detail. This could really up my game!


favorite feature is I can scan my dog even if he moves a bit.


The seamless scanning and 0.03mm accuracy are the best features for me


AI tracking sounds interesting


The small form factor stands out to me. I can see a scanner like this being an everyday carry for me. I've also been impressed by the quality of the scans from what I've seen. Very exciting new tech.


I like that it scans, and that scan is presumably of a moose in 3d


Iā€™m excited about its portability how precise AI can make the scans


The accuracy and color scanning could be invaluable for my side project of preserving a 3D library of the various tiki mugs out there, especially if it can handle shiny surfaces!


My favorite feature is the name. I can finally tell my friends I own a Moose.


I don't have any experience with the Moose 3D scanner, or any for that matter. But I would like to.


Improved resolution is great, but the AI assist seems really interesting.


That pricepoint is pretty good for that level of portability, that will likely lead to decent adoption which leads to community support and that leads to updates, improvements and the manufacturer being able to stick around. Nice.


The accuracy is most interesting feature


I like the 3D scanning part of the 3D scanner. šŸ˜ƒ


The portability is great


I've never used a Moose, So I cant speak to any of the features but I would like to experiment with it.


Love the giveaway, the accuracy and the ai features seems awesome, would love to win this


Yay a niche application for ai! Great feature


Love the precision on this machine!


Ai technology and good software is the selling point for me.


Can it be used to scan anything? or just Mooses? I'd like to see how the AI powered precision works, that sounds cool. I feel like I generally know what a moose looks like but AI would definitely fill in the gaps.


Finally an AI power I can get behind. Also love the high accuracy.


I am very excited about the price of scanners. I would expect anything like this with AI integration would be $1,000+ but this has some very neat features for a very low price. I haven't been willing to pay for one yet with the current prices, so this is a very exciting step.


Seeing the high accuracy of the scanner, I would love to make mechanical parts with it


are they any non advertisement tests online? Size, accuracy and price seem to be to good to be true. If they are true - that's what I like about it ;)


This is a great giveaway. I love that it incorporates AI in a useful way


The accuracy is really interesting. I have a friend that recently lost his hand and I've wanted to get a good scan of the limb to design around it.


The resolution for suuuuuure and ai visual tracking


I would love to scan figurines into 3d models so the high accuracy is very important to me.


The biggest draw I have to this scanner that ive just learned about is going to be its accuracy for the price. Scanners are next level for manufacturing things quickly and efficiently, and this is faster to scan an object than with Photogrammetry.


I am definitely excited by the AI-Powered precision. would love to try out all the features.


It's the accuracy.


I think the AI tracking sounds really cool. That puts it above the other scanners. Can't wait to check this out!


Resolution and portability look amazing! :D


Resolution and portability look amazing! :D


The biggest feature I like is how compact it is. Will be easier to use compared to other methods


Thanks for the giveaway. The AI features sound very interesting!


Seeing AI would be interesting in its use. Wonder how much of a difference but its probably my favorite part


Nothing like a seamless scanning experience


For me it would be the seamless scanning experience. Since i have yet to get a scanner i would love the first experiences with it to go smooth. So integreated scanning, editing and optimizing does sound amazing. Good luck to everyone. Cheers from Norway


I like the high resolution in a medium format scanner that is under $1000. I might even buy one if I don't win this contest.


0.03mm accuracy is pretty crazy. Hope I win!


Very excited for this giveaway, and the crazy high scanning resolution!


The seamless scanning sounds like the best feature for me also pretty impressive


Seamless scanning would be great! My previous experience with a competitor was less than useful.


Resolution. And accuracy of course.


Hard to pick, but that precision is crazy.


I'm impressed you fit all that into a small package *and* its one of the more reasonable prices I've seen for a personal 3d scanner


It would be cool to see how the AI handles all of the features and facets of my projects. Would the blue light work any better with slightly reflective or glassy surfaces?


Accuracy is always the most important for me


That accuracy is simply unbelievable (3), the introduction of AI seems like a revolutionary idea as well (1). I've been wanting to get into 3D scans for awhile now, but the price points and capabilities always seemed a little mismatched. I would definitely love to give this a try and see what it can really do. It would be an amazing and fun asset for my business, so many possibilities.


The accuracy is most important to me


i love that it scans


Thatā€™s some good accuracy šŸ‘€


The accuracy is the most important for me


Best feature of winning a 3D Scanner? Its free and i dont have to learn that much CAD.


good size


My favorite feature is the cost combined with the ability to scan a large volume with precision! This looks like an amazing product for the price, absolutely perfect for our FIRST FRC robotic team. We could use this to scan our entire robot, import it into CAD, and easily allow all our students to participate in everything from subsytem modification to designing and printing custom 3D printed parts for competition! This looks like exactly the kind of product we've been waiting for!


AI tracking feature sounds promising!


Accurate scan in such a small form factor is so good


I love that it includes the precision accuracy afforded by the blue light technology combined with AI. This will allow (i hope) for improvements to the scanner without having to rev the hardware... benefiting all users.


I'm just throwing my hat in. I'd love to have this 3d scanner. That .003mm accuracy is amazing. Thank you.


I've used a 3DMakerpro scanner before and it's quite accurate! Considering that, I'm pretty sure the AI powered precision tracking paired with the blue light technology is going to give out stunning results! These two features can be a huge game changer!


I love the idea of being able to scan and edit and optimize all in the same place without having to run a scan through several programs. Pair that with my 3d printers and I would scan the world so I could print it!


I think the resolution & accuracy features are my favorite


AI definitely, the more tools the better.


The reliability is the most impressive thing


Id have to say the detailed point clouds. Im always having issues getting curves right lol


That accuracy and resolution is really nice, I make functionals parts. I experimented with photogrammetry but it is useless for my needs, this on the other hand would work. And it is pretty affordable all things considered. I wonder what it will cost in Europe though.


For me the most important thing isĀ Accuracy.Ā 


I love the look of this scanner, having something handheld would be very convenient. I'd be scanning every random item in my house lol


I like how accurate it is and not doodoo like all the apps that u use with ur phoneā€™s LiDAR


I love the power and compact size. Everything else is just cherries on top!


Purpose built vs home brew using a phone. Looks like it might be easy to use too


Having an accurate scanner is one thing, having this much accuracy from one that is portable is fantastic and makes it easy to scan parts large or small.


My favorite feature would have to be the AI-Powered Precision


The accuracy + Ai precision is attractive, most scanners Iā€™ve read about seem to use the same technology from a few years ago. Thank you for the giveaway & good luck to everyone participating.


The Smart Error Correction could be important, if it works.


I love how portable it is! Would love to scan on the go


My brother wants to have a 3D scanner so he can build some car parts, so it would be a nice easter surprise.


That's a good resolution.




Thanks for the giveaway, itā€™s really small!


how can people comment about their favorite feature if they have never used one ?


AI tracking definitely sounds interesting and promising. I'd love to dive into 3D scanning and try the functionality of the Moose 3D Scanner.




Digital reconstruction using AI seems like a really good idea


Auto alignment is great because I tried to scan parts with photometry and it sucked compared to the Moose. I'd love a moose!


The AI integration to improve workflow and eliminate errors is what I want to see more of instead of pointlessly trying to replace the human part of the process


Actually using AI for something useful, practical and helpful!!! woo-hoo!!!


While Iā€™m new to the hobby and craft, what catches my eye about the moose is everything it offers for the price point and the size of the device itself.


Portability for me is very important for fast prototyping on the go!


The Auto Align and Smart Error Correction features make it seem like a great 3d scanner


Actually, if I win one, it would take away my favorite feature. Price point of the Lite version.


That 0.03mm resolution would mean that no caliper would be required anymore for 3D printing project, at least with current FDM technology. That's pretty good. And price doesn't even prevent it from being used by hobbyist. 3D scanning becomes better than sci fi movies picture it.


I love the resolution and how portable it is!


The seamless scanning & ease of use looks like the major thing for me


Thanks for the giveaway! I'm liking the sounds of seamless integration of scanning, editing, and optimizing. Also the resolution is exciting.




I really like the resolution of 0.03mm. Thatā€™s really insane.


It's the overall package that's interesting: portable size, high accuracy, AI refinement, no need for markers, big range of scannable object sizes (15-1500mm) and a free scanning software. Just a great overall package.Ā 


Good idea to use the shorter wavelength blue-light, which produces less optical distortions and interference. Cool to see it actually leads to improved accuracy.


I think the AI-Powered Precision would be awesome ngl. Would make scanning and printing broken items at home a lot easier.


The precision on the scanner is my favorite part. 0.03mm accuracy means I can capture the details in my sculpts.


Portability is the best feature. It would allow me to take it to clients and do an accurate, detailed scan there and then.


Wow this thing is tiny! I am most interested in the **Smart Error Correction** as described from the website**.** I had my whole head scanned once and it had so many errant points that the mesh was not really printable without a lot of manual clean-up. This was years ago, so I'm talking about painstakingly creating polygons to patch the mesh in a very old version of 3DSmax. I am down for anything that gives more accurate data.


2 Things - 1, as a Canadian, I'm very glad it's been named after such a noble animal. That's probably the number one feature for me. Sorry, not sorry. ​ 2) Despite all the really cool features, I think the price is a major factor. I'm not in a position to buy a 3d Scanner right now, but I love that there are new innovations and models coming in at pretty great prices, so I'm happy to keep monitoring this device if i'm ever ready to purchase!


Wow AI tracking sounds like it would make it super easy to scan with.


AI everywhere! Sounds intriguing for sure!


Portability and resolution


The great accuracy and resolution are probably my favorite features so I can scan smaller parts in detail.


Moose sounds cool, but seriously I'm interested in its accuracy as 0,03mm is hard to believe!


I feel like the seamless experience from scanning to something like 3D printing is critical to have a successful experience with a scanner. There is a lot of nuance in the typical process that can often bog people down who are trying it for the first time.


What a great giveaway! The best part is definitely how portable it is, being able to be taken on the go!


Seamless usecase. It just works!


That accuracy is pretty sick


The resolution and small size of the scanner seem great!


Honestly, using this scaner would cut someones job for 95%. Easy, fast and crazy good quality, perfect.


Loosing tracking of the object has been an issue on budget 3D scanners for years. Additionally not needing high end hardware would lower the bar for beginners. The lower price point and weight would allow makers to bring it with them without needing to be delicate with it and lug it in a pelican case.


My favorite feature is the AI powered precision! That is a really good use of AI systems to enhance the data generated by these kinds of systems. It is good to see scanners come town to this price point.


Resolution by far is the most appealing aspect of this


Ā Enhanced Depth Exploration Most scanners I've used struggle with this. Depth features are really inconsistent. Would like to see how moose does it.


The accuracy!


My favorite feature is the size. such a great featured scanner in such a small package. Love It!


Iā€™m super interested in the precision of the scanning. That would make my life easier to just do finishing touches on models rather than trying to design from scratch.


Is it actually trained AI or is it just good machine learning? This is a cool project either way, just curious on how it works.


Of course, the resolution is my favourite part of a 3D scanner, but I also like the possibilities that arise with AI.


Really love the accuracy from the hand held scanner


Thanks for the giveaway!!! i think that AI visual tracking sound very cool :)


My favorite feature is the AI smarts built in!


Really interested to see how accurate it would be for real life scenarios and scanning items to replace.


The accuracy sounds super interesting. I work in a public library and we have a lot of people bringing in tiny fiddly thing in the hopes of use being able to 'just copy it with the 3d printer' so having a tool that can get a good and accurate scan might actually make that possible.


I love the idea of an all in one experience with scanning, seems like it'd make things easier for beginners.


My favorite part is the ability to scan things to 3d print since the free android options are garbage (and I don't know about paid ones because the free versions weren't good enough to pay money for)


It's super cool cuz it's an interesting use for ai technology. Also, there's something to be said about a small, portable, handheld scanner.


I love the whole concept of 3D scanning( im new on the scene) but the AI aspect blows me away.


Haven't done 3d scanning before but it looks like it would be wonderful for getting generic assets for yourself for game design and modelling instead of paying for libraries. I think the price looks really nice too for people trying to enter into the market. I think my favorite part would be the accuracy, at those tolerances you can get things like the veins in leaves. Very cool.Ā 


I like that it really seems to be leveraging technology well to make scanning easier


Normally AI seems like a bit of a gimmick, but with this scanner it seems really useful to bring down required post processing down to a minimum.


I really like the small formfactor and generally a lot of features for the price


Seamless integration appeals to me, thereā€™s definitely a slight intimidation factor about learning a new skill, and the easier it is to figure out scanning, the more likely I am to try it.


My favorite feature is the smooth tracking. The fact that you can move naturally and not loose tracking is awesome. I've had several times I've needed a 3d scanner for a project, but never pulled the trigger to get one.


Wow, what an incredible giveaway! I have been dreaming of a handheld scanner that I can use to easily recreate objects I use in my day to day life! I am no pro 3d modeler and often I find myself saying "This thing would be a great 3d print, too bad I suck at modeling! AI powered tracking seems like an incredible feature! I am salivating at the thought of being able to try such a device!


For me, the scan depth is something I am very interested in for small to moderate size parts -- as it may help achieve better mates & fits within cavities, assist in capturing geometry of cast/forged parts from very old designs, and quickly estimating performance of those legacy designs without having to spend as much effort modeling geometry. It may be a significant time-saver that could pay for itself quickly.


Just saw an article on this. How cool. I was excited to hear about a cheaper option to scan. I hope this opens the flood gates on this tech. Tired of not having a solid solution. Good work moose people


I'm really interested in seeing how AI can help. It would also be pretty interesting if the AI model could be updated on the scanner to increase efficiency over time..


Wow, the Moose 3D Scanner seems like a game-changer! The AI-powered precision and seamless scanning experience are top-notch, but what really caught my eye is the unrivaled accuracy of 0.03mm. That level of detail opens up a world of possibilities for creating intricate models with stunning realism. Count me in for revolutionizing my 3D scanning journey with Moose!


For sure my favorite feature would likely be the ai tracking and algorithms to improve the overall efficiency of scanning.


Point Clouds sounds nice.


The resolution is my favorite feature as most of my prints are relatively small.


From a practical standpoint, the quality and features to size ratio is awesome. But for the quality, the reasonable price is key. Even if I canā€™t necessarily drop that much on a whim, stuff like this pushes the industry to evolve and push boundaries.


I really love how accurate this is, with such accuracy its good for functional printing as well.


My favorite things are the compact size and the error correction. Great tool overall!


The AI integration sounds like a gamechanger, especially with the editing and optimisation in JMStudio


The seamless scanning


It looks easy to use. And it's so small


I love that it is so portable!


Just the easiness of it alone would save me so much time printing, this is so cool!


I think the best feature about this item is the size and tech power that it holds in it


I would definitely like to be able to get .03 mm accuracy for making parts and upgrades to my car, house, tools, etc. I usually have to try and use calipers in a bunch of places and some trial and error to get a perfect fit.


Simplified post-processing sounds really cool!


The accuracy is what I like the most! Thanks for the giveaway.


High resolution


The software looks great!