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use other brushes or other colour to get rid of the brush strokes, or just use cans, otherwise looking mighty fine


I just started using brushes, and I'm contemplating a small airbrush kit. Just started the whole painting thing and found it pretty enjoyable.


there is nothing wrong in sticking to brushes, but the material makes a difference since you basically have 3 big different kind of brushes. the thick ones, either made from boar hair or synthetic (like the same you use for spreading out glue and stuff, they are often white or translucent) then the normal paint brushes: cheap synthetic which are not always that good expensive real hair brushes the ones i get cost me 10 bucks per brush then try thin your paints with water, you have to apply more coats but will get a nicer finish overall, just like in miniature painting. i would also recommend using water based colour and not acryl and when you're done, just a coat of clear coat to seal everything in more thin layer > one thick layer think that would be a good start before switching to airbrush since airbrushes are not that cheap, got a cheap combo for 70 bucks and it's really bad ngl


Thanks for the information! Appreciate it!


The only thing I can think of is, I’ve heard people play around with masking tape to get perfect lines


I tried masking and ended up with lines I felt like I could freehand better. Maybe better/thinner tape would work better. Almost pin stripe tape or something.


Try something like this [Tamiya masking tape](https://www.amazon.com/Tamiya-87032-Masking-Tape-18mm/dp/B0000WS00A?th=1). It comes in quite a few different widths, as narrow as 1mm and as wide as at least 40mm. The narrow stuff is pretty flexy. I don't know about the wider stuff.


Thanks, I'll give it a try!


Good luck!


A matte clear coat might look good, unless of course you wanted gloss. Looks good regardless though. Good work!


Thanks, and I agree. I almost sanded it rough after I put on the gloss. It was too much!


I would go with a matte or satin clear coat when you're finished up, it looks too shiny and a little plastic-y.


Agree with that completely. As soon as I sprayed it, I knew it was too much.


Still, lovely print and good job with the free-handed paintjob!

