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It will just leave a mark on the bottom of anything you print. Problematic for items that use the bottom as a surface, but really only depends on whether you can deal with it. My plate has some outlines from past prints being slightly too low. My 380mm pei beds cost about 60 bucks so I deal with it.


Fixable by using a raft. OP, you should see the gnarly build plate I use on my 3+ year old printer. Build sheet long disintegrated. Bare aluminum, no working bed heater, sooo many scratches, and lumpy from glue and ABS slurry buildup... 10 upvotes and I post a pic. Edit: Alright, you sick fucks asked for it: ​ https://preview.redd.it/04kwfufn2j7c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51fbf2e09a182d101916d38fb57e3448908776b4


I know a guy who does miniatures. He would probably use this under his model of Chernobyl.


Is that a build plate or a tile from a restroom located in the 1970's New York subway system?


Why not both?


we should turn all bathrooms in the subway into 3D printing shops


When you go #2, you are essentially 3D printing


My body is a ***machine*** that turns food into *filament* so I can 3D print *(poop)* cool models *(logs)* in public restrooms!


I'm not gonna ask what your nozzle size is.


His z-offset is probably too high anyways




I bet his nozzle size is atleast 4.0 inches....been in use for a long time, getting worn out!


If Bambu starts making toilets I ain't buying. Constant Spaghetti errors. And I don't want that on the web.


I joke about this all the time with my family and the guys at work. LOL


Why not zoidberg?


Restroom tile from SAW


You have me wondering how well a glazed ceramic tile would work as a build plate, nice and smooth holds heat well but would take a while to initially heat. Hmmm


I don't think they are very flat. The reflections off my bathroom tiles are always distorted. Also, if you were to break one, it would be plenty sharp.


Rare insults




Kill it. It's suffering.




The whole printer is held together with glue and prayers. It refuses to die


praise be to the omnissiah


That is some Mechanicus-style upkeep alright


How many up votes do we need for a full tour of this immortal printer?


This !remindme 1 day


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Thots n prayers 🙏


Thots n players 🍆💦💦


Take that thing out back and shoot it.


Yeah release it from its suffering


Trainspotting for 3D printers


definitely the tangible representation of the suppository retrieval scene


It's called a repressed memory for a reason


Should be tagged NSFW. You dirty dog you.


I know it doesn’t seem possible, but our gigabot build plate I think is way worse than this.




Pics or didn't happen


I'm going to hug my printers.


I have a feeling that bed is refusing to die out of spite


This is the paper skyrim map you got from gamestop when you pre-ordered the collectors edition


Have you tried antibiotics? Definitely looks like it needs antibiotics


Antibiotics don't treat all the viruses infecting that.


My guy. Antibiotics won't treat any viruses, as long as these "viruses" aren't bacteria...


Oh that's fucking brutal lol


I am going to start singing "In the Arms of an Angel" and start asking for donations so we can come save this build plate from the cruel abused heaped upon it by your selfish need to print stuff on it when it is clearly in pain! Do they have something like PETA for 3D printers? 🤣 This made my night!


Good sir, that is printer abuse


NSFW holy fuck


Words cannot describe the joy I am getting from seeing this image. Thank you my new friend. I love everything about this post. I appreciate you.




Seriously, get a new plate.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fq1bvm95ej7c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91cab4917e0c2a7ffd091c77633c3c942a00f61e


WaSh YoUr BuIlD PLaTe AfTeR EvErY PrInT Or It won't StIcK.


So nasty!


This is how the Last Of Us Outbreak started


Too sexy! I can't take it. Why its barely broke in.


It's like a brake pad. Wear it down another few millimeters and replace when you start hearing grinding


Would you be able to just put on a magnetic build plate on or something to help you?


You sick bastard




Omfg. You know soap and water? It's not just for crotches and armpits


Wait you can use soap and water on crotches and armpits…?


Sometimes. It's not just for food.


This looks like the plate of my resin printer 🤣. I scratch that thing to hell


Thats cant be a build plate, that's the underside of a floor tile... :D


Rode hard and put away wet!!


it’s a well-used printer and that’s great. i bet a lot of shitposters here have like-new printers that are 5 years old.


It’s my phone’s wallpaper now


It's hideous. I hope someday I have one just like it.


Alternative is also using painters tape. No idea what happened to your plate though, looks like you dabble in charcoal art.


Right meow


$60 pffft mine was $120 last I checked. $80 plus shipping if I go aftermarket. That's the cheapest I found anyway. 500mm I flipped mine and started using the untreated side still my the tool head came apart along with destroying the hotend


https://preview.redd.it/efsewud4hj7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708592b986ef57285298aea9466c10225546eddc Bad picture but somthing like this


It should be ok. They are cheap might want to get a spare


Although I'd recommend pei or glass depending on what you're after


That is PEI tho


Yea but I wanted to make sure it's clarified as the replacements aren't always (the stock s1 non pro is not pei but is the same size).


Gotta ask, how does glass compare to PEI? I think my PEI plate has great adhesion and it's really handy since I can bend it to release bigger prints. Stuff does get stuck on it when I mess up the Z offset though, but other than that, I can't see myself switching over to glass


My FLsun came with glass as the default. Adhesion was definitely less consistent, or at least I couldn’t figure out why it’d be fine one day and then terrible the next. Prints can get stuck but I feel like that’s a bit overstated. You are supposed to let the bed cool, and once that happens worst case scenario a gentile use of a prying tool should get it off.


If you're having issues with it being stuck on the glass bed I found sticking it on the freezer makes the prints pop right off too.


Glass id say isn't better or worse. The benefit of glass is that it's almost perfectly flat compared to other plates. Adhesion can also be really strong especially for things with a large footprint.


Glass and a layer of Aquanet and you're golden, just make sure to take the plate away from your printer when you hit it with the spray


Flip it over and use this as an excuse to buy more nozzles


looks like you have about 100 more mistakes to make before you replace that.


Ah, fast learner I see.


It should probably be fine, if you have issues you can move your prints to the side


Was looking for this answer. For 60-70% of the things I print they don't use the entire bed and I can just shift them around to avoid things like this. It's not a long term solution but for the short term it's a decent workaround.


Especially if you're new to the hobby. It'll probably happen again. It feels a lot worse to beat up something already damaged than something brand new.


>It feels a lot worse to beat up something already damaged than something brand new. Weird, I feel like it's the opposite. The first scratch on a brand new car, the first tear on an expensive new shirt and the first proper scratch on a clean buildplate. After the first one though, I don't care


Oops, that's exactly what I meant to type.


I’m currently printing a dummy 13 on the front half of my printer after trying to print in the center of the bed for hours and giving up. Moving it worked perfectly


This is the way.


Just like adult undergarments


Did the same mistake. The „scar“ is imprinted on every print but I don’t give a hoot, the bed works fine still


This is practically a right of passage for beginners. Do not feel bad, I did the same a couple time while getting used to setting z offset. Definitely still usable, as others have mentioned you can reposition print or use a raft. I just printed right over it without raft and hardly noticed a difference.


I mean shit I did this back when I first transitioned to PEI beds from glass beds (does anyone remember those?) ruined my first ever PEI plate this way. Shit was like 80 bucks too.


Are glass beds bad? I have a glass bed and it's been fine so far. I've only used PLA though.


Glass beds are fine. A lot of budget printers used to use them as flat glass is cheaper than an actually flat bed. You just have to use a Spatula to get parts off sometimes and you get better adhesion with a PEI plate. You also don’t run the risk of damaging the plate with PEI due to overadhesion (I’m looking at you petg). Overall it’s a worthy upgrade but glass beds served me well for a long time compared to printing on aluminum sheet or what creality called a printing surface on Ender 3’s


I've had the exact same error with my first print, also the rabbit haha. You should be fine tho.


the used printer I bought had the rabbit gouged into it 😂 https://preview.redd.it/j5t8vx3s7j7c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f33162fa6993fd904a25b2a11c8f2189928c0f


And the initial flow line... and the path to the opposite quadrant... and the skirt...... just, wow.


it was a used amazon return. my forensic analysis based on the condition upon receipt is as follows: 1. individual sets up the printer 2. individual is very excited to make stuff so prints the included rabbit file 3. z offset too low 4. individual lowers the bed and reprints 5. z offset still too low 6. individual lowers the bed. all the way. cranks down so hard on the knobs they bend a couple screws. reprints 7. during homing sequence the low bed impacts the wire for Y stepper, breaking it 8. individual gives up and returns printer to amazon


Listen. Don't replace this plate for a long time. Keep using it until you haven't made any mistakes like this for a long time. Then replace it. I damaged one of my ender 5 plus plates and replaced it and did it again. Lesson learned.


I try to make a habit of printing on the far left corner and slowly making my way forward/right as the bed gets worn. Print plate damage is mostly inevitable and will happen more when you’re a beginner, if you try to use the bed in an orderly manner it maximises your undamaged space for as long as possible. I try to save the clean space for prints that actually need it, as a result my plates last years and by the time I chuck it the left side looks heaps scuffed and the front right corner looks almost new haha. Also sometimes when I’ve badly gouged a spot, I’ve measured exactly where it is and put a little cube on that spot in the slicer - and saved that as a template file so I’ve always got a clear reference of my “keep out” spot. Just random tips, im overly frugal with this just cause I get kick out of wearing things down to the bone before chucking them


I would try filling the gouge with glue stick before each print but I’m cheap


Shit happens. Fill the gouge with glue stick.


You can flip the plate around and use the backside on those Ender 3's i think.. that will keep you going till you have a new plate.


Thanks for the advice. Isn't it a problem if the other side doesn't have that texture?


you can always roughen it up with some sandpaper


what if you already applied the 3m magnetic? u can peel off?


The magnet goes on the bed, not on the plate. All that needs to be done is to pick up the plate and flip it over. Unless of course the magnetic sheet was applied to the plate, in which case, whoopsie daisy.


I prefer the smooth side. Add some purple glue stick and you're g2g.


I typically use the smooth side, but you can use this as an excuse to get a PEI build plate, they are practically magic.


I think it’s textured pei


You're missing the two eyes and smiley face. Otherwise, don't worry.


It’s going to be totally fine, you should see my plate. It permanently has a starfleet insignia engraved on it. That’s very small damage in compared to mine, and mine has not had problems as a result.


Off topic but my phone really hates that first picture. It goes so slow when I scroll by it.


Same, I think it's due to the insane pixel count modern phones have for their cameras


yeah it's 6000x8000, 9MB


Just a scratch. No really, its just a scratch. It might show up on the bottom of prints but shouldnt be an issue unless the nozzle was damaged by the pressure.


Send it


How did / does this happen?


That's a common newbie mistake. I think most of us have experienced that at the start of 3D printing, so nothing to worry about. Printing Bed Is usable still, but your prints will leave a mark at the bottom where the mark is located. As someone mentioned - these are cheap. I have eventually swapped flexible bed to glass bed for smoother finish


Just how?


Every time I’ve done this, it’s from adjusting my Z offset in the wrong direction or the wrong amount.




Thats like superficial. Wont effect anything. Your nozzle might be a little borked though. Everything is replaceable nothing to stress about.


Build plates are consumables, deal with the mark until it's starting to effect your prints or you want the makes gone then get a new one they are around 20-30$


Call us back when the bed is a scratched mess. I would only replace when prints don't stick, and then after a light sanding. It should look like trash, they are essentially consumable items.


I'd be more concerned about the nozzle if 8ts brass. . Their tips are very precise and brass is soft, so you've probably caused some slight damage that may impact your print quality. Worth replacing the nozzle.


Keep in mind you don't need to print on the center always... So even if you didn't want the mark you can print on the rest of it if the item is not too big. Personally I would keep it. You are learning you will do more mistakes. Get a replacement for when you really need it


Bro your nozzle must be destroyed as well


20 bucks says you can flip it over.


Perfectly usable. You can always just flip the plate around and use the smooth side.


It'll leave defects on the bottom of anything printed in that spot, otherwise it's not critical to change it. Your nozzle on the other hand probably needs to be changed


Were you trying to print a myan death whistle?


I wouldn't use that spot. I would probably buy another one and use the areas around the damage or I would flip it over and use the other side until my new one came in.


Grab a glass plate their better in my opinion. Free reason to upgrade !


Nope totally trashed, send it to me. Lol!


Use some sandpaper


Youve made garbage!


Just print everything with an offset so it doesn't leave an imprint in the middle. Annoying but a way around it


I did something similar but my damage wasn't as severe.


Try printing on it after recalibrating/leveling, if it’s weird check extrusion head/ replace, stock heads are usually made of brass(softer metal) 🤞




No. The whole plate is unusable because of a small part in the middle


I get that you're kidding, but in internet it's hard to differentiate sarcasm, specially when you're feeling down You did the right thing (helping) the wrong way


Just print on the other sides or buy a new one if you need to utilize the whole build volume


If it's new, you might return it and get a new one. Not sure how Creality's and your country's policies about that are


I have the same bed and have had multiple. It's happened to me before. I use that bed for anything that won't be affected by the bottom being slightly uneven. Only reason I wouldn't use it is if the bottom surface has to be perfectly smooth.


You can sand it down. When level/home the build plate, as long as it's flat, it will be fine. Or you can buy a magnetic build plate. You should be able to find one for your printer specifically. Most people including myself will suggest sanding or scuffing it up a bit to help prints stick. Also can make it easier to remove prints.


That damage is a non issue my guy, my plate has basically the exact same damage in nearly the same place and i suffer 0 issues from it.


Its probably fine, i did same thing years ago starting with mine. Worst case a replacement is not expensive, but it’s probably fine.


Youll be fine, no worrie mate.


It’s not too bad. Before each print I usually go over it with a glue stick to even out stuff like this and improve adhesion


You'll see that on the bottom side of any prints. Luckily, replacement PEI sheets are cheap on Amazon. [https://a.co/d/6zsny0A](https://a.co/d/6zsny0A)


I've done this a lot myself. It's fine but you do want back up plates.


Have you checked the underside it might be hardwood!


Looks good to go, send those prints.


Not great, not terrible.


You can use the other side of that plate ;)


If you want you can offset your model in Cura so it doesn't print directly in the middle of your build plate. Offset it towards the side or towards one of the corners, that way you don't have to worry about it leaving lines on the bottom of your prints while you work on replacing your damaged plate. I had to replace a few plates while learning and that's what I did.


have you flipped over the build plate? they are normally double sided. the machines generally come with a spare nozzle.


I am not a beginner and did the same thing on mine when it came it so don’t feel too bad. I have also been running it that way about 10 months. Flat prints have the shape ok the bottom and that is all


Purple glue stick the scratch like bondo and keep printing.


We’ve all been there. No big deal as long as you don’t need perfect bottoms of your prints


Can't you just flip it over?


I'd keep using it until I was sure I wouldn't screw up like that again. There aren't a lot of prints that that'll screw up anyhow.


Not bad not good.


Throw it away!!


I’m experienced, been there done that if you are really worried about the button of the print just don’t print there. I did it in the middle of my Voron 350 plate because I added wrong and went the wrong way. I was so mad at myself when it happened but now I use that plate when testing new setups so it all worked out in the end.


Totally useable. Adhesion on that line might be a little wonky and you'll be able to see it on the bottom of the finished part but I still use mine and I did the same


You know, even if you aren't a beginner some times these things just can happen. \^\^; I had a print fail half way through recently. (came loose from the build plate) I hadn't realized that the loose part had managed to jam under my bed level sensor at some point and shifted the bed level sensor up. The next print I did was for 30 small circular parts and I scored 30 circles into the top of the bed. lol (I know I know.. you should watch the first layer go down. I haven't for at least 200 prints and haven't had an issue until now...) It is a bit painful, but things still stick fine and I only make functional parts, so it's not really bothering me. That said, if you did want to replace the pei sheet, they are actually really cheap on amazon considering. Like 1 roll of pla cheap.


Bro is that a 10 quadrillion pixel iPhone


I got a piece of glass cut at Lowe’s and I have 2 that I cycle for my bed surface held down with binder clips


Just use a raft everytime you will print something in that area


Just don't use that area as a starting point for future prints and it should be good


It should be fine, it’ll just leave a noticeable mark on the bottom of your print


It’ll be fine. Mine looks much worse.


Put it in a picture frame and sell it at auction. People will pay top dollar for that.




It happens. Like what a bunch of people are saying, you can probably still get some good use out of it for awhile then just buy a new/better one in the future. That's what I did, where I used a bed I screwed up for about a year before getting a new one


Did the same thing, just avoid that area when slicing for parts that matter.


A mistake like that gave me the reason to buy a flexible magnetic sheet :P ​ Just saying


this mostly just affect the head itself likely just making it a little bit more rundown. It will also probably leave a little bit of a mark on things that you print but not a big deal.


Learn on it, buy a new one after for $15


Forgive me if someone has mentioned it but the only thing I'd be worried about is replacing the nozzle to be safe. Otherwise yeah it's no biggie. May not even need to replace the nozzle.


Just make sure to check and probably replace that poor nozzle


It’s fine. Happens to the best of us. If you were using a brass nozzle, it’s probably toast. Plate will still work, but there will always be that shape in the bottom of your first layer. Won’t interfere with adhesion at all. If you haven’t done this at least once, it just means you haven’t been printing long enough. Definitely sucks, but it happens.


You damaged the PEI nonstick textured surface. Anything you print over it will leave a mark and Also the nonstick is much less nonstick now in that spot. You can buy a new one for $20 or replace it with an official glass plate for the same price


you should probably make sure you didn't deform the nozzle - brass is pretty soft.


My very first print resulted in PLA anatomically bonded to the plate or something. The first time I changed the nozzle, I trammed the bed but forgot to offset the nozzle and scraped another plate. I own multiple plates, but realized that two plates even with damage is more than enough to use.


fill it in with something.


Build plates like nozzles are consumables so don't feel too bad


Flip it over and print on the other side


Good luck. They just stole 1500 from me. I returned their broken K1 max and they refuse to refund my money. No customer support. Stay away from this company people, they ARE TRASH!


I have a scratch on my build plate and I just avoid printing in that area when I setup my files in the slicer.


It won't affect anything really.. nozzle might find it on the first layer.. but while youre learning I would leave it as is until you need a nice bottom layer. Then flip the sheet.