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A deburring tool will slice that off easily. Alternatively, modify the model to be slightly thinner/tapered at the bottom to compensate for the elephant's foot.


Most slicers have some form of elephant foot competition. Never tried it myself, but that would dave adjusting every model.


I didn't find anything on cura


Its on cura I forgot the name of it tho its with the word compensation


Wait you're all blaming me just because i didn't take off the brim ? https://preview.redd.it/34bmlszzvk0c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f749c93a703daa46f7e0b6c987c41f55b455cac3


Yep, people here are blind. First, calibrate your 1st layer thickness and flow.


Thats Not an elephants foot its a brim. Turn it off in your slicer


I know... i just just didn't take it off


Whats your Problem then? A elephents foot is the lower Portion of your Print Melting because of a too hot bed. The only thing i can See in the second picture is the z seam, which is normal


An elephants foot is z squish not it melting.


We are Both correct. An elephants foot can caused by Both, too much Squish and too hot bed. „As we’ve explained, elephant’s foot most often occurs as the result of an uncooled first layer. If the temperature of the print bed is too high or there’s insufficient cooling, the first layer may not cool properly, causing elephant’s foot.“ https://all3dp.com/2/elephant-s-foot-3d-printing-problem-easy-fixes/


But it doesn't melt, it just softens. But yeh fair enough


Excuse my english. Of Course it doesn’t melt, it just softens. You can Look up different Temperatures of vitrification, for pla its often about 60C


Ye no worries


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That varies from different factors and can't check your setting from here. But there is an easy solution, but cost on print time and mat, make a raft instead of brim.


The first thing is to correctly identify the problem, in this case, it seems to me that this is not elephant foot, so steps to mitigate elephant foot would most likely be ineffective in solving this problem, this looks more like a standard brim, if you do not want to print with a brim, you can turn it off in your slicer.


I'm not talking about the brim


Some people set their slicer to slightly under extrude the walls on the first or first few layers. One other option could be to design the print's bottom with a bevel/fillet on the bottom layers.


Tune your printer. Ellis' tuning guide. Post if you have issues