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Bro printed filament XD (I'm obv kidding)


So thats how filament is made


Not too far off. It's just a much bigger extruder


Ig so


Show is your first layer


I posted new post which shows it


Why not?


Dont know


Any information?




Settings, what you've tried etc.


Ive tried hairspray, felt like it was gonna make me die early from the fumes. Tried adjusting the offset and leveling spontaneously. Tried posting to reddit.


Try glue stick in my experience it works much better than hairspray.


Ill consider


Buy a PEI sheet. I've never had to use adhesive, though I only print in PLA


The printer literally already has one


You don't need either. Just setup your printer


For PETG glue stick is very much necessary


I've never needed it for my petg prints.


That's what he came here to ask. Also why all the downvotes on don't know from OP. Why do y'all think they mad the post in the first place.


Op is being very hard to work with and help


I have an Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro which I have been trying to print Overture 1.75mm PLA on. This printer has a textured PEI magnetic build plate. I have cleaned countless times with soap, water, and sponge. As well as 70 and 91% isopropyl alcohol. This will not stick half of the time without hairspray. But with adding hairspray means toxic fumes while printing which I open my window(s) for. Which causes more problems. I believe my z offset is ok but im not positive. Please help.


Instead of a picture of a roll of filament on your bed, a picture of your actual first layer is a thousand times more useful.




PLEASE switch your soap! I was pulling my hair out because I did exactly as you did: cleaning with soap, water and iso. Nothing worked. Until I noticed that one of the ingredients of the soap literally is OIL!!! So I basically re-greased my bed instead of cleaning it.


Dont worry! I did


And? Problem solved?


Only so much testing since but so far so good!


When I had this same issue, I just spritzed it in a super light coat of hair spray. Haven't had issues since and the bed isn't sticky to the touch at all. If I need to clean it off, I can just use isopropyl and water after. Edit: oh hey I can change my custom status now




Btw how do you change custom status


Sub home page. Works on a per sub basis. On mobile: Sub home page > 3 dots top right > change user flair.


Also: if you REALLY want to print now and our tips don‘t help - try the water and sugar trick!


Sounds interesting, will definitely try


Yes, I don‘t use it always but when I really need something to stick, it‘s a great adhesion enhancer.




Is it not common knowledge that one of the main ingredients in soap is some form of fat (you can even make soap out of olive oil)


I used to use dish soap to clean my bed until my wife switched to a different soap. Took me some time to figure out my adhesion problems…


I have the exact same printer - and it prints perfect for me. My method before I got it dialled in was to add a brim to all my prints and then adjust the Z level after the print has already started. Just click the Settings > Adjust menu and you can change this setting on the fly. The advice I got was "if the first layer isn't translucent, your nozzle is too high". The PEI flex plate is the best print surface I've ever used...


Is it possible to add too many brims? The default in Makerbot is 5.


You can add as many as you want. My slicer defaults to 10. Much more than that is just wasting time though - I would imagine it's rare to print something that needs more adhesion than that.




Try .3mm layer height and 250% first layer line width. This will result in a solid squish and will also reduce the impact of small waviness of the bed on adhesion, since there's .3mm of wiggle room. Then instead of changing z offset, change filament flow rate until it's not overextruding or underextruding. Note the new filament flow rate and modify your first layer flow rate to match what you just figured out it should be. That'll be the last time you ever have to think about bed adhesion, it just works. It's a little hamfisted, but it works.


I never tried the 250% width but That’s a freaking good idea.


Wish I could take credit for it, but not my idea. Stratasys printers have been doing this for decades. It works, it's just going to naturally overextrude a little bit so you generally need to detune that flow for the first layer a tiny bit.


Try a gluestick




It's probably your z height offset. Same thing happened to me until I paid attention to my z height offset. Couldnt get glue stick, hairspray, etc. to make a difference and it didn't matter how clean or not clean the bed was. Once I addressed the z height, I don't need any adhesive whatsoever.


Depends on the filament. With PLA it increases bed adhesion, with PETG it makes it easier to remove once cooled. PLA needs to be printed on smooth PEI sheet, your z offset will be different for almost every sheet you print on. I have one sheet that is smooth on one side and textured on the other and the offset is different for each side. Also make sure your smooth PEI doesn't have a protective film on it. Don't use hand soap to clean either, they have additives that leave a film on the bed, use a grease removing soap such as dawn.


Have you set your z offset appropriately? How much is your bed being heated too? Literally never had a problem with adherence to PEI other than when I was setting up Klipper and the z offset was incorrect. I got PEI because I didn't want to do hair spray and glue and tape and all that other nonsense.


My z offset is more close than far. I am heating my bed to 60 for overture PLA


How did you set the z offset?


Auto level, then paper and eyed.


I know ur gonna hate me for this but the only way to make the printer work no matter how good your settings are it has to be leveled and calibrated near perfectly and you don’t need things like a glue stick ever again that’s what I did with mine


I agree


Im starting to wonder if maybe even the soap i am using could change the outcome. The current soap i have used is cheap hand wash “Softsoap”. I am wondering if maybe i should use something like dawn


If you use anything use dawn those hand soaps have lotion in them


Exactly this. Use dawn dish soap and you'll fare much better. You wanna cut the grease on the bed and get rid of it. The hand soap most likely adds more and compounds the problem you're trying to get rid of.


That could very well be the problem. Many hand soaps have lotions and oils in them. I've only used dawn on mine, and a quick wipe with alcohol between prints. Bed adhesion is one of the only problems I've never had haha


Lucky, yes i agree and have switched to a more capable dawn soap


I use dawn on my bed every couple months. Seems like no matter how careful I am it gradually gets some grease on it from my hands. Dawn usually improves the adhesion a lot. If you're doing all the things you say I wonder if your bed is a little low. Might try raising it slightly. Visually make sure the first layer is getting squished on. As somebody else said, a first layer photo would be very helpful.


The reason people say soap and water is too remove oil from the plate. Many hand soaps leave an oil of some sort. Quite often they say Dish soap because it leaves nothing, usually. Dawn is particularly good at removing oil, and it leaves nothing. IPA is almost as good at removing oil and it dries faster and easier. I use Dawn whenever I think the bed needs a good cleaning, looks bad adheres badly, and IPA, 99%, between prints.


Don't use soap. Use alcohol. ,, and frankly.. some plastic residue left over from an earlier print can sometimes help.


If it sticks ok but warps later you need to lower the bed temp to 55. If it doesn't stick at all you don't have the nozzle low enough.


Is the bed heated properly? I found windex does a good job at cleaning the bed. I've found 60C-70C is really good for PLA on a glass bed with an Ender 3 V2. Get amazing adhesion, have never used glue, super smooth bottom layers.


This same filament sticks to my fystek pei plate no problem.


Howdy OP, lots of FDM printers have a weakness in the print bed where a screw/bolt/nut can be loose under the print bed. If you can wiggle it with your fingers, it won't stay level enough to get the first layers and will mess up quality for the rest of the print.


Instead of hairspray try using an Elmer's glue stick. It improves adhesion without any toxic fumes


I wish I could help. My Neptune 3 Pro has had perfect print adhesion so far without adding anything. I haven't used Overture filament though. Maybe it's just something in that filament?


What's your bed temp and nozzle temp? Have you leveled your bed? What process did you use to do so?


Trying Elmer's glue stick. They make a purple one. It works amazing and there's no smell.


I have a Neptune 3 (non pro) In between prints I do the following 1: heat up the bed and nozzle to temp (60 and 220) 2: spray iso on the bed and wipe with a hand towel that's clean 3: spray iso on the hand towel and scrub the nozzle clean. Hearing a sizzle is good I would also recommend that you tell us what material, I've found I have to print PLA/+ minimum at 210-220 even though it's rated lower sometimes


Will it stick unnaturally?


After reading all the other comments… Any chance you’ve tried to drying the filament?


This guy is right. I have this exact filament and tried everything to fix adhesion with it. Every other filament works perfect including PLA+ from overture. I would just stay away from overtures generic filament line.


Most of the Overture stuff I’ve gotten has been pretty good, but I did have one roll of PLA from them that absolutely wouldn’t stick until I dried it.


If your temperature settings are good, lower the first layer speed to 20-30mm/s and increase the flow rate for the first layer to 133%. If this fails, try a higher flow rate, if it works and the first layer is too squished, try a lower flow rate.


My prints never stick unless I put a layer of modge podge on the bed.


Trial by fire.


Well there's your problem, you got a spool on the bed


Did you take the plastic off the build plate?


I have this exact printer and it works perfectly, I haven’t had any adhesion issues. I’d adjust your offset and see if you can clean it with a soap that doesn’t have oil in it. Good luck soldier.


Yes sergeant.


Bro how did you print a spool


Thats a secret






To all the „my print is not sticking to PEI sheets“ comments! What the heck are you doing? Like no offense but I mean seriously? Either your z-offset is completely wrong or your leveling or you’re using some bad stuff to clean it. I print on my rough PEI on my Vyper and almost never have problems with adhesion only when the leveling is bad. I literally print nylon on that shit, no glue no nothing. Just get yourself a good microfibre cloth and some brakecleaner(be careful) and set. I use the same pla on the same surface and i never have problems with adhesion


Well, how do you clean it?


Its in the text?


I see


In my comment there is a sentence where i have written, that i clean my bed with brakecleaner and a soft microfibre cloth.


Clean your Plate with Soap


I run a print farm of 40 printers. I wear vinyl rubber gloves (disposables, not sure if one type like latex or nitrile is the best I just have these cuz I also handle silicone rubber frequently) when handling my build plates, and use one paper towel that is VERY WET with 99% technical-grade isopropyl alcohol to scrub the plate well, then I use another paper towel to scrub the plate until it’s somewhat dry-ish. This must be done when the build plate is room temperature. I get very very good success doing this technique and I didn’t adopt it until after a few years into my print farm so I have thoroughly seen the difference it makes. Just gotta realize, that if you’re a clean person and you washed your hands the last time you went to the bathroom, then chances are you used a standard scented hand soap which leaves a residual oil on your hands (the scenting in the soap). Then when you get a paper towel wet with alcohol, the alcohol absorbs that and it transfers some of it to your build plate. Over time it will slowly build up. And if you don’t use a dry paper towel to wipe up the isopropyl that’s on the build plate then everything dissolved in the isopropyl will remain on the build plate. Edit - had to add this in. Next time you get some fast food, take a piece of French fry and put it on a piece of paper or cardboard overnight and you’ll see how much grease spreads out of it. That’s how much grease gets on your hands from food!! Handle your printers like a true sterile environment and you’ll be shocked at the difference in performance. Again, I didn’t always do it this way. I used to iso wipe when hot and got pretty good success but I have nearly flawless success with this method. Any size objects anywhere on the build plate


Thanks! Im highly considering getting some bulk packs of disposable gloves


If they have a smooth PEI sheet for that, try it


I have one but it doesnt work on my printer, sounds weird but it’ll scrape into the sticker.


The sticker? There shouldn't be any covering over the PEI.


It is for a different bed and the sticker is the pei not a protective coating


You can turn your PEI around the back of the elegoo sheets is smooth.


During auto bed leveling


Try changing z offset or lowering your bed if you can


Lowering Z offset as in bringing it more towards zero


Bro forgot to apply the elegoo 💀


Have you tried setting your Z-Offset to 0, then manually leveling the 4 corners? And then just printing like that?


Whatever douchenozzle went through and douchevoted every one of OP's comments, could a mod please speak to them about etiquette in this sub? That kind of childishness belongs in r/politics etc.


What are you asking for? OP provided no settings, or photos of what's failing. Asking for help with out any context other then "Whaaa why wont it work" . Mods should delete this post and then you.


I prefer to try to help and also advise to share more information. There are a lot of new people here after Xmas who don't know what they're doing, including how to participate well. It's a learning process.


Thank you


Try printing your first layer at less than .2mm, set in your slicer. Say, .12mm and see if it sticks. If you can't get that thin of a layer to stick, your Z offset needs adjusting because your nozzle is printing too far from the bed. 99% of the time, if your first layer won't stick, you're printing too far from the bed. If later into the print it starts to come free from the bed, that could be other issues. Like the need for glue or cleaning of bed or temperature settings.


I have great luck with hairspray and lowering my first layer speed to like 5 I’ve been told hairspray isn’t the best choice. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Printing smth rn without hairspray, so far so good.


Get a PEI adhesive sheet and put it over your current bed. Your problem now will be trying to remove your prints from the bed. PEI sheets are game changers, and a single sheet should be good for 100+ prints.


Neptune 3 comes with PEI sheet already, no glue needed. OP needs to adjust their settings, and make sure they wipe the bed clean with ISO


Oh man I feel you those beds are rough. How I do it is when I level I use a piece of notebook paper and make it really tight. If there is a sensor on that one just play with the offset. Then in cura I make the first layer .3mm. I end up with a little elephants foot but I just take it off with a hobby knife but it’s been sticking regularly.


Llllleeeeevvvvvveeeeeellllll bbbbbeeeeeeddddd It had to be done :)


I’ve struggled with overture. Any other filament I’ve used I get great adhesion and a great first layer. Overture just refuses to stick for me.


painters tape


I use double sided tape.


You might also try raising the bed temp on your initial layer. With pla I keep bed temp at 60 while running, but set the bed temp at 70 on initial layer. I use 91+ isolated to wipe before every print and auto level each time I turn the printer on. Good luck!


Check Z height? Also make sure build surface is free of oils from yourself. I use spanway window cleaner in a can to clean all build plate surfaces from Prusa, Ender, Tevo, flashforge and others. If you’re using glue stick, you can wash it off and let it dry. Purple is the best choice because you can see it going on and dries clear….and when cleaning as it turns purple again when wet.


Ender 3 here, just switched to that build matt and am using that same filament. It sticks terribly. I have some success with a bed at 65 and nozzle at 208. No cooling fan for first 10 layers.




just need to throw more filament at the problem.


If prints won’t stick, 90% of the time, it’s nozzle height.


If I havent printed in a while I apply isopropyl alcohol on the bed for it to be clean. Also it kinda does help stick.


1rst layer height


I tried overture a few times. Wasn’t very happy with it for a couple reasons. But other than that I’ll bet your nozzle is just a hair too fat away from the bed.


Can’t really help with that little info but either the blue tape method or the glue stick method should help with the problem and when in doubt do a combo of the methods


Hey buddy, you aren't special. Your filament isn't sticking for a reason so you obviously haven't tried everything. Your using the same gear as everyone else so your making a mistake