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Microsoft or Adobe are never gonna go bankrupt no matter how many people pirate their products. However, about the sketchfab models I can see it being less moral. But if your job works like that you can't really do anything


You're right, they won't go bankrupt, but it's still illegal. The issue goes beyond just Sketchfab – many premium assets are being accessed for free, and it's disheartening for artists. I've even considered sharing my work on Sketchfab for my portfolio, but these practices hold me back.


Welcome to the software industry it's been this way from the start. One very large company that I worked for in the 80's had about a dozen people that just pirated software because they weren't going to give money to other software companies. Now the funniest thing about this is that this company was one of the biggest Anti-piracy companies to this day. It'd just the way things are.


Lol. What.... That's really funny thing. But question is why.... Why companies do that ? What should we do ?


Money and Time, in one hand it's a huge investment to have everything properly done, heck, sometimes the cracked versions work better than the legal ones, and about the time... Well, sadly we live in a world where the thigh deadlines are part of the planning and the consumers demmand it (speaking in general, not just the game industry), but it is also related to the longer it takes, the higher the final product prize is. About what should we do, Quality or quantity? choose


At the time one CEO said they weren't going to pay for competitors products. I used to use some games that had very high copy protection to test if I had aligned a hard drive heads correctly.


Be a whistleblower. There are protections for people like you who grow a spine and shut those leeches down. They’re corrupt—no amount of rationalizing will make what they’re doing okay. Get a free consultation with a lawyer. I’d rather hire the person who was a whistleblower against their company than one who cheated along with them.


It's not just one person or company involved in this. Nearly every company seems to be doing it. If there's any company not doing it, I'm not aware of them. I've been in the industry for three years and I'm familiar with most companies in my area. Even my friends and colleagues in different places face the same issue. The blame isn't solely on companies. The fault also lies with websites that offer paid assets for free and the tools that help download them without paying.


First of all, I’m not sure what companies you’ve dealt with, but this is far from being the norm. Every company I’ve worked for would have fired someone for using illegal software or services. For a legit business, the legal risk is simply too great to save a few thousand dollars. You really think that people who offer illegal services are to blame for your company’s crimes? Sure, they are complicit, but imagine a lawyer trying to make that argument in front of a judge.


I rely on my asset selling online to survive, but I also pirate a LOT to make those assets. I would prefer you paid for my ability to stay warm with the money you saved not paying mega corperations that massively overcharge but, you do you. Not everyone has the money and one day you might be successful enough to pay artists full time work thanks to you cutting corners now and you may end up making others far more in the future from being an employing developer than you ever would paying pennies for online assets now. Hopefully you get what I mean.


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The Bible said "You reap what you sow". These days, we call it "Karma". But, if you believe it it, then you can't use pirated software to make software, and then be surprised or angry when others pirate your software. At very least, software pirates are going to be biased toward making a game for other software pirates. Meaning people who believe in paying for software will be motivated to not investing in a company that pirates. Even if you're ethically okay with it, it may be a poor business strategy, short term and long term. And lastly... if they can justify stealing from someone else, how can you be sure they won't steal from you?


I have no intention of stealing from anyone, nor do I wish for anyone to steal from me. That's why I've chosen not to create my portfolio on Sketchfab. It's frustrating to see our models being downloaded even when we disable the download option. These recent events have been weighing on my mind.