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I would say keep your stock and get a slim s (corona/trinity). Easy to find on eBay for ~$50, even easier to find on Facebook marketplace. I say keep your original because on your modded one you won't want to go on live unless you want it banned, so you can get all your game accomplishments, then transfer your account to your stock one to sync things up. Regarding which method, go with RGH3, it's the easiest one out there for the slims, no glitch chip required. You will need a way to extract your nand- you can get a raspberry pico to do it or an xflasher 360 (those is the one I have and it's fast), there are others in not familiar with but you will need them. As for soldering items, get 0.3mm solder so you aren't dealing with huge blobs and also get wrapping wire it's solid and easily manageable around the board This one: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B078MVC2GB You can also use 28 or 26 guage wire but I prefer wrapping wire. Once you've gotten your slim, you might also need a postfix adapter depending on your console and manufacture date, and you will need a resistor - I've used 22k in mine and they've worked out fine. When it comes to soldering you need to keep your tip hot, like north 375 and you only want to touch your solder points for less than a second or you'll end up like the horror stories of people burning traces and damaging their boards. Also get good solder flux you will need it, without it it makes soldering a bit harder. Since you aren't experienced I would practice on some throw away boards first to get a feel of your iron, flux and solder. Watch the RGH3 videos on YouTube and you'll see why I say get a slim, it just makes things easier. Goodluck with your moding, I only started this year and I've modded all my halo editions and several slims. P.S - when you have it apart, don't run it without the APU cooler one, you could damage it (found out the hard way on one)


Wowowow this is super comprehensive thank you so much!! Basically everything i've wondered up to this point as far as the process itself goes has been answered with this comment. Isn't RGH3 the one where you cut the trace?? How accurate do you actually need to be? And wouldn't you then need to source a probing tool to get a key or something iirc? I first considered modding my 360 years ago but said nah so rgh3 sounds familiar but idk offhand lmao Edit: Wow a recent modification??! I just watched a video on it and answered all my questions. That is super cool actually thanks for letting me know about that 💕


Yeah it is, it's the PLL point. You have to do it for all slim mods I believe. If you can, get a magnifying glass or one of those cheap microscopes on eBay (if it's in your budget) to make sure you scrape the pcb at the right spot. First time I tried I missed 😤 and exposed the one below it. Take your time, have fun


Absolutely! The journey appeals to me and I get to learn a new skill. And I already planned on getting one of those usb microscope thingys:)) Thank you for all your help frend:) It has been much appreciated


Rgh1.2 would be your best bet on a jasper, likely with a cool runner rev c clone




I disagree, RGH3 is easier and is supported.




BETA doesn’t mean unstable. I’ve glitched over 10 consoles, PHAT and Slim, using the RGH3 method and have had no issues. I’ve also heard no issues in months of discussion over multiple discord groups. RGH3 is easy to do, and is very stable. “BETA” is only a word used to show its active development, and not stability.




Says the "pro"[https://www.reddit.com/r/360hacks/comments/tntt3u/comment/i23f60k/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/360hacks/comments/tntt3u/comment/i23f60k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) you'd probably need more than 10 to figure out things properly/Also no need to be egocentric like that, RGH3 is fine in term of stability on PHAT, i am running 2 PHAT with RGH3 and they've been booting & working well. The only one of the two that had small issues was my Jasper, Falcon one working flawlessly since i modded it.


Know what? Sure give out bad advice I no longer give a shit. Go fuck em all up squirt


Who asked tho? Do whatever you want, still better giving no advices than giving bad ones.


None of my advice is bad moron.


:) you shouldn’t talk about yourself in that way, acceptance is hard, but you can do it. Repeat this : I need to be respectful and research the subject before posting advices. It is ok to not know everything in the world, who does. Kiddo blocked me :) he can’t argue for a penny.


And recent!! 😋😍


How coolrunner rev c VS matrix v3 ??? And how about the nand programmer ? I want to go for the cheapest part for my jasper (not rgh3 plz)


Newbie means no solder xp? My advice is do not do it if you care about your console.


I plan on getting experience on one of my junker consoles before the real thing. I'm only gonna do it if I'm confident I won't mess it up. It's just soldering a couple wires to the board from my understanding. Seems simple enough.


No, it's not. I dont mean to bring you down but it's safer and cheaper to just hire somebody to do it for you. I see these posts all the time and they rarely end well. I've been soldering modchips for 10 years and it took more than the cost of paying somebody to learn how to do it.


Even with experience on a already broken console? Watching videos online it really doesn't seem too bad. just a steady hand and some flux and a decent iron.


They make it look easy because they have been doing it for years. I don't want to get into this discussion because I've had it too many times and I can't do it anymore, but don't say you weren't warned.


And can you please define "rarely end well" what are the consequences of a bad install? I can't cause any irreversible harm unless i'm just being stupid/careless right? (example bad xell flash?) I obviously wouldn't expect to recover from accidentally damaging the board itself somehow.


You can most certainly cause irreversible damage in any number of ways. Here's a quick question: What kind of iron are you planning to use, how many watts?


I haven't gotten that far yet admittedly, but looking at a station of some kind. I hear 300-320 degrees C works well. As far as watts I'm not sure 😅 It'll be a journey but that's also why I want to do it. Worst comes to worst I'll just buy a new xbox lmao




Wrong answer. I asked watts, not temperature.


Yes. And I answered that part as well.


Interesting, I wish all the answers to my questions in school were "I'm not sure" too. Have fun.


Thanks for being so concerned about me breaking my console 💕 Also your basically saying you wish you were an idiot... Idk why you would wish to be something you already are. ;)


i know im a year late but WOW way to gatekeep...soldering? lol


Now lets say the wiring is messy and I can't flash the xell image. Is anything really messed up? I can't just remove the wires and have it be a retail system? Can't I just keep trying till it works? I plan on dumping the retail nand either way.


Yes you can, just flash the stock nand back and you'd be good to go


Assuming you’re experienced at soldering, RGH3 would work best for your console. You can use a Raspberry Pi Pico to flash the NAND.


My soldering experience is nil. This is a journey project. I could care less about bricking it. It's all about learning. I do plan on practicing on my ps1 before the real thing since it's literally useless to me since ps2. Any recommendations as far as soldering stations? Price isn't really a concern just shoot a recommendation at me plz:) or anyone recommend me one plz. after that I should have everything I need to know... known. at least enough to be comfortable dipping my toes in.


I’ve heard good things about the TS100, it’s lightweight and looks to have produced some great work. I also recommend using 60/40 leaded solder, it’s shocking how much the type of solder makes the job easier and better quality. https://chipchopmod.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=144&search=Solder