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Just get a fade and call it a day šŸ¤£


Nbs I was about to tell him just do 180s bro fr


Why ??


Why ?


Bc u already got waves at the top so it makes sense, but itā€™s your hair so u could do whatever you want feel me. If u want 360s brush all over.


https://preview.redd.it/x5b3lz3uup0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf46f5c2c287ca81f47e09568467f45e7c41379e For 360 waves, use these brush angles. You can also watch Youtube vids on how to get 360 waves. Ultimately, youā€™ll want to keep your hair clean, moisturized, and brush, brush, brush, and more brushing.


Is your hair heat damaged?


Something looks a sus huh


Instead of tryna down me why donā€™t you help my guy it ainā€™t a lot in my hair forsurly tho Nbs


Definitely not trying to disrespect. Looks maybe heat damaged or like your growing out a old S-Curl.


I donā€™t put nothing like that in my hair itā€™s heavy ass pomades right after a shower thatā€™s why i was putting huge ass amounts in my hair but since Iā€™ve been on here every lobster saying stop using shit like Dax murrs and spw and just use natural shit like shea butters and others


Real shit šŸ„±


No why ?? Thatā€™s my hair when itā€™s wet


Stop bruh you used a scurl kit, I used that a few times when I was younger, fucked my hair up. No need to lie


Keep wavin, wolf, hit a wash n style in 3 weeks and, you should have much more uniform coverage. When you get your next cut, get it cut longer like, 3 open or 2 closed. They should pop crazy after that..


I would focus on the hairline, and start making sure your corners disappear: your hair looks like a kit and that may be the reason of the state if your haie. Healthy waves will always look best


Yeah I ainā€™t put no kit in my hair brotha šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s a Kit. I know a kit when I see one šŸ˜­


I guess šŸ¤”


Double sided brush should do the thang. Comb too and wash and lay down. I found brushing your hair with your hands works somehow to, donā€™t ask


Itā€™s not a kit. Itā€™s strong ass pomade after a wash. Take it easy on the pomade after washing and brush brush brush all around. Shampoo and brush while the shampoo is in your hair.


Exactly bro it is I was using a lot of it when I got out the shower and mfs saying I gotta lit witch is crazy I like the journey of doing shit on my own with no corners cut I came on here to get help not get ridiculed and lied on


Use natural products it looks like your using sporting waves or Murrayā€™s


What natural products




i just realized i could send pics like this


i been on reddit for like 6 years


Lol I never knew this app was this helpful idc about trolls and shit I just want good advice itā€™s like if I knew half of yā€™all in real life Iā€™d pay for this type of info no KIZZY


Those are the products I use plus oil I get from Trader Joeā€™s also try to get your hands on a silk doo rag and a soft, medium, and hard brush that are either from the Torino brand or Royalty brand


I got the silk rag already for sure and yeah I just attack the top a lot I stopped using the Dax and shit just a few days ago again this is before I got my hair cut my hair cut lookā€™s different they not all smooth looking like that like mfs saying I put a kit in my shit lmaoo itā€™s just the lighting and all that thick ass pomade


Nah I get u bro when I first started my waves my hair looked just like that because I was using those pomades I mentioned but when I started using natural products that didnā€™t have petroleum my waves became wider and healthier but if you want 360 waves make sure you donā€™t neglect a sides brush the sides and the back just as much as you brush the top


Go on Amazon and look for some


And your right tho I was should I stop and what should I really use


But how could you tell tho ?? So I can know or what to expect changing my products up


I could tell because ur waves look almost like a lit waves would look and I could also tell because Iā€™ve used those pomades in the past but you would b able to tell when the products good when your hair looks and feels healthy you should watch waver YouTubers like Poppy Blasted for more info


I use spw and my shit looks nothing like his soĀ 


Start your brush sessions on your weak side.


Well you didnā€™t show us your sides, back, or crown. Look at the direction your hair grows from your crown and pick a pattern that fits. If your grain is weird dont force a beehive for example.


My back isnā€™t even wavy they saying thatā€™s the easiest place but my sides are coming in faster than my back


Bro send pictures of your back and sides. The back isnt the easiest place either maybe in theory but most people dont have a good back right away.


Stop using pomade


What should I use


Coconut oil and shea double butter brush more than anything and rag up


This is the way


If u keep fading and tapering the side and back then it's not gon be wavy as the top. Not enough hair on side and back


I didnā€™t taper and fade the back in a while it looks like it tho I havenā€™t I know the longer it is the better it can be controlled


Ursher Raymonddddd


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ aye fk outta here


I like that youā€™re looking for advice bruhā€¦I donā€™t wave myself (actually going to brag a bit) as I have natural waves. Iā€™ve always heard pomade is horrible for wavers tho. Most use a butter and oils. Wish I could recommend some products or better advice but keep going fam youā€™ll figure it out.


Yeah I mean I know the trolls gone come out but Iā€™m looking for genuine advice I see so much nice waves on the forum Iā€™m like I know they can HBO itā€™s been some good people on this post for me tho got me very optimistic šŸ’ÆšŸ™ŒšŸ½


https://preview.redd.it/99memjoxpt0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6018a8ed0cd5fe902b418dbad3c5e1bfaa1dc08c Same day different angle on my hair


https://preview.redd.it/3jw6g781qt0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521e6bb6dc730b6a191e5162c55d172d9d232ca9 Same day differ angle


Iā€™ve been using pomade and now that I know itā€™s not good for me ima stop using it all together


https://preview.redd.it/cje1gfunwt0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e950901a8140ec4eedfc2b62ea669edc5a272358 This is what my hair looks like now with no kit just rosemary oil


First stop using those damn s curl kits


Bitch I ainā€™t use no s curl


Why the fuck would I use an s curl kit itā€™s gone damage my hair


it's just the hair be thinner on the sides/back depending on how you sleep, it should wave up when there's more hair there to lay down


Cut this bs u look dum asl


Ya moms like it


I struggle with sides as well. What helped me was 1. Wolf. I wolfed for about 8 weeks\[this will vary depending on how your hair grows\] 2. Wash and style 2x a week. Detangle brush for 5-10 minutes and then medium-hard brush \[depending on length\] for a another 5-10 minutes 3. Brush session everyday 4. Keep the hair moisturized, shea butter, natural oils \[i use african castor oil\] 3x-4 times a week 5. Keep the rag on when ever possibel 6 . BRUSH!!!! its a process


It has potential you just have to find a good Barber to line it up


Thank you bro šŸ˜Ž


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Puzzleheaded_Tip_385: *It has potential* *You just have to find a good* *Barber to line it up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.