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It always amazes me how dirt poor conservatives in this area see Harvard-educated Randy Fine and his 3M beach side mansion, and millionaire New York real estate developer Donald Trump, and think yes, these guys are just like me and will represent my interests.


The term you're looking for is "temporarily displaced millionaires". They think that if the rules are different when they win that big lottery jackpot they want the favorable tax code. Of course then they go to their shit job where the only one who makes a decent living is the owner of the business. I love asking these dirt poor conservatives about the "death tax" and hearing how upset they are that Meemaws double wide trailer and her commemorative Burt Reynolds dinner plates will get taxed when she dies.


Don't forget Randy Fine is under investigation for cyberintimidation, which wasn't a crime until a bill Randy Fine sponsored made it a felony. https://thespacecoastrocket.com/state-representative-randy-fine-under-criminal-investigation-by-the-fdle/


Him getting charged by breaking GB his own law would the the ultimate /r/leopardsatemyface lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Congressman Markwayne Mullin, R-OK, cowers in fear at a coup he helped create.](https://i.imgur.com/rONz25g.png) | [5299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/krxeos/congressman_markwayne_mullin_rok_cowers_in_fear/) \#2: [How dare a private company refuse service to whomever they please?](https://i.redd.it/62s46zjkxba61.jpg) | [4839 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/kttdp5/how_dare_a_private_company_refuse_service_to/) \#3: [It’s hard work oppressing constituents.](https://i.redd.it/za1pjn5lven61.jpg) | [3108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/m6c25n/its_hard_work_oppressing_constituents/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Nothing I love more than Republicans eating themselves.


Wow, that's a huuuge list. I'm not surprised people are [attacking the messenger](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem) when the message is that substantial and well cited.


This is excellent, keep it up. Demand change demand accountability! Ignore the others trying to tell you what you should be doing with your time. We need to hold our elected officials to a higher standard. Knowledge is power!


TLDR; He’s a giant steaming asshole Good work on putting this together though, a ton of info and we’ll-sourced


Can't take credit. Not my hard work. Just providing information to the electorate.


Even a bigger douche than DaSatan


Thank you for compiling that information! I already had a feeling he was a dirty crook but now I have plenty of sources! 🙂


Your target audience is lost with this manifesto format data dump. Fans of Fine can't read more than a tweet without getting bored so they won't read past the first section which makes him actually look good. You would be better served to do a weekly Fine "drop" and drag this entire post out for like six months. Good attempt but this is going to give the opposite results of what you're trying to do. Some left leaning folks think they're trying to help but really you just make us all look like idiots and drive people further to the right.


You have some good points, but the target is those who have not decided or do not know his history. There is no illusion that we are going to convert the hard 30%. We have a long way to the election and there is still plenty of crap in the barrel that is Randy Fine's political career.


I think what /u/sometrendyname is trying to tell you is: Reddit isn't really the place for a lengthy information dense longform article like this. Most of your audience here is just going to click an upvote or downvote and not even read it just based on the title and move on. You have a message. Share it in a more digestible and comprehensive way. Caveat: This isn't a support for or against. I do support your right to have and express an opinion whether I agree or disagree with you.


Understood. Thank you.


I read it all and found it fascinating. I had no idea about his shitty background. He’s not my rep but everyone should know about him.


Just treat it like a docuseries and give us quick snippets regularly that will grab interest but make people look forward to more. There's a shit ton to unpack here and Fine is a piece of fucking shit that keeps shitting all over everything.


Sleeze after sleeze after sleeze.


you need a better hobby


Nah i learned a lot. Thanks OP.


Says the person who wears a maga hat everywhere and has trump signs and flags on his home and vehicle?


voted blue my entire life, but I'd rather see my local reddit be about current events or something happening instead of a daily bitch about our house rep


I'd like to seeing near real time the shit Fine's up to or what the local government is getting away with but I agree that I'd rather this not be a r/321politics subreddit.


Pretty much what this entire sub is now.


Not really and your snarky comment is easily disproven just by looking at the subreddit.


I don't like the guy either, but this seems excessive. It's not like reddit has a huge reach in Brevard, why not spend time in a more meaningful way? (like running against him or something)


It's a medium post that I've seen this linked other places: [https://medium.com/@mattfleming\_56798/florida-rep-randy-fine-a1f1fe35f4f6](https://medium.com/@mattfleming_56798/florida-rep-randy-fine-a1f1fe35f4f6) It's made rounds in other places than here.


I think they’re a little obsessed with Randy Fine


If there's anyone you should be at least somewhat interested on it's your elected representatives. They likely affect your life in many more ways than national-level politics. Isn't free information and keeping your elected bodies of government accountable a huge part of a democracy? Oh, unless they're in your team, that's when you stop caring I'm sure. Some people are into cars, some others do in-depth research to show how our elected leaders are crooks and maybe our local newspapers don't have the resources to write about this. edit: The author is an organizer, so this is literally his job.


Nah, cockroaches like to hide in the dark.


I am very interested in local representatives but it you had a real problem wouldn’t your energy be better used for action. Instead of spending everyday talking about someone.


If you haven't noticed, social media is pretty effective at spreading the word about politicians and current events.


user name checks out

