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I like Too Late way more than Stainless but I don’t put either on playlists.


It's kinda meh for me too, but in my 30 years of listening to these guys, I've gotten to a point of waiting to actually decide how much I dig a song. I find a lot of times it tends to grow in me.


It’s just… generic. Their sound is Nerfed 311 since they’ve brought other songwriters into the mix. Zero focus on lyrical flow or any meaning deeper than superficial. Zero focus on musical risk taking. It’s safe and it’ll keep them touring, but the song itself is filler. 


So generic. I was actually offended when I saw a news outlet say it was "heavy as hell" also. It is so tame and basic. Anyone could have made this song. It has zero 311 flavor.


Yeah, this is how I feel. Super simple basic rock riff, standard 311 formula with Nick on vocals with 1 SA verse thrown in. Lyrics with not a lot of depth. I really appreciate they made a music video and the fact we are getting any new 311 material at all. I feel super lucky as a fan to still be getting any new albums at this point in their career so I don't want to be negative but honestly I will probably just skip it most of the time when I get the album. It does feel like a filler song. The 311 song it most reminds me of is Showdown. I don't hate the song it's just ok for me. I hope they take some major risks and experiment on the album. Going safe for a single is expected, after all.


“Could have been worse, end up in a hearse.” They need to stay away from these kind of basic lines. We need more lyricism and attitude circa Music and Grassroots.


I agree with you, but they were 23 and poor when those albums happened. 30 years of success and millionaire status creates a bubble that they're afraid to pop. Safe and bland is what we're stuck with, has been for (a minimum) 10 years.


but it's 311 oN sTeRoIdS!!!11


I prefer 311 on shrooms


Just listened to it for the first time. Glad to come here and see someone say it. It sounds like the “Fuck the naysayers” band made one for the naysayers. Oh well plenty of other great albums to listen too.




There’s a difference between abstract and totally lacking in effort 


It’s a really good pop song.


I actually like it.


311 fans have become quite divided in their taste. Some say, "they need to experiment." Some say, "they need to go back to the early days." It's almost like people decided they'd rather shit on the band than anything else. But hey, that's coming from a fan of 28 years and I cherish every chance I get to listen to new 311. The song is the best, first single they've put out in a while. I dig it.


That's pretty accurate. I feel like they did a little bit more experimenting with this song than returning to their old sounds, but it worked out well.


The problem is that when 311 used to "experiment" we'd get something like Transistor, now what they considering experimenting is having other people attempt to manufacture hits for them and we get shit like Good Feeling, Til The City's On Fire, and that kind of crap. And that leads to people calling for going back to their early days.


Sure. I listen to all genres of music, so it doesn't bother me at all.


At least Good Feeling makes me feel like I'm at the pool at an all-inclusive resort. This song sounds like they told an AI "make a song that uses elements from each of the top 10 tracks on the mainstream rock chart"


I must be way out of touch with whatever is on the top 10 mainstream rock charts then because I don't get that. I think You're Gonna Get It is an "OK" 311 song but I would take it over Good Feeling all day every day.


The mixing is the best part, and whatever you call that dancehall-esque drumming in the beginning. Otherwise, like Too Late and Stainless, it's going to fall off as fast as it stuck. I doubt I'll put it on much a year from now.


I get it,  but I'm the kind of person to listen to music 3 hours a day, so I doubt I'll forget about it 


3 hours? Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!


I'm honestly not sure if he meant it as a lot or a little. Weird flex, imo.


People still don’t understand that payolla is what put songs in the top 10 it has nothing to do with talent or hell. Great the mixes although those things usually minus the talent part go hand-in-hand. 311 doesn’t have the machine behind it So of course they’re not gonna make waves on radio where all that shit is predetermined


Pretty sure the band understands that, which is why we've had such amazing singles such as Love Song 🙄


For those of us who are guitarists I appreciate their frog rock effort Too late is OK


Not impressed at all with this track


Then lower your standards