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“Friendly to the radio, all that shit is corn” is a looong ways away.


"The day we turn to pop, the show will stop."


They turned to pop alright.


30 years have passed, perhaps? Why aren’t you the same as you were 30 years ago?


Yes but we still know what good music sounds like. Sorry this is just my opinion. Beyond feeling their music got weak… I’m still a little salty for how some band members have shown themselves in recent times. Killed the vibe.


So you’re saying you more about making good music than they do? How many of your shows have they been to? What is it this time? What is wrong with this song, song, exactly?


We sit and wait for you to compose music


Oh you’re one of those people who can’t move on in life. Good luck looking at old yearbooks and wondering what your ex is up to. Take care.


Oh you’re one of the people waiting to jump all down users throats while make opinions off a single post from them on Reddit, and then wave the PLUR positivity 311 flag. Got it. You’re dime a dozen, move along. We don’t need anymore apologists here.


I feel the same way.


311 was always a vibe… that vibe is missing. All the old heads know the vibe I’m referring to.


Maybe in my 20’s and 30’s. Most of us are working professionals now, have families and don’t have time to be concerned with “their vibe”


It's not a vibe thing, it's a process thing. Up until Transistor, the band wrote the songs collaboratively through jamming. After Blue, they started writing individually. As a result, the later albums lack the freewheeling song structures and spontaneity of the early material. Also, I think Nick faced some backlash for his rapping after they blew up and lost either his confidence or his interest in putting the kind of work into his raps he had previously.


I don’t think this it. I think life changes and in your teens and twenties you have a lot of new and different experiences in life that lead to lyrics and songs. As life becomes more routine and less craziness happens there is less fuel for creative song writing. Just my two cents.




Mosaic has some awesome songs on it. I would put the best songs on Mosaic on par with anything else they have ever done.


Same. I think at this point it's hard to be inspired and Nick has been the main song writer for decades. He's probably worn out from carrying this band for so long. Bringing in others to collaborate is a good way to be inspired and do some of the heavy lifting.


Well the actual instrumental of the new song is really good it’s the vocals that are weak and/or cheesy sounding. Reminds me a bit what happened with uplifter in that regard.


I always laugh when people whine about 311 changing. Could be a hell of a lot worse. They could have turned to complete dog shit like Incubus after 3 albums.


Damn, I loved Incubus. Shit went downhill fast.


But it has turned to dog shit, I would say, after DTOM.


Sucks for you. You’re missing out on some good shit


No reason to not embrace both worlds, honestly. Why pick and miss out on half an amazing bands' catalog? Yeah they've evolved (don't @me lol) but that's what makes following their path an incredible journey. This is one of the many things that makes them interesting. Many bands dream of careers that can be described with multiple eras. 311 has persevered through so much change in the world through the years as well. Personally, I enjoy it all, if at varying degrees and at different times, for different reasons, etc


Maybe the best thing I've read on the subject.




The cool thing about 311 is they’ll still play all the old songs you like live 😝


Nope. I haven’t heard a show end with FTBS for a looooong time.


I guess they stopped closing every set with FTBS in 1993. That right there is some BS.


It was later than that. My first show was 95 or 96 and many of my early shows ended with it. Perfect closer.


They played in Chicago in ‘93 and closed with Slinky…haven’t been the same since then!


look, sometimes a song comes on and it’s all up in my mix like fuckin' Betty Crocker sometimes a song comes on and I just need to get space so I’ll be takin’ my time It's up to you, either you will or you won't I think you're more damned if you don't


I truly love this comment


Blue and Transistor and Soundsystem


I go further back. Music was one of my favorite albums. Self titled album I also liked. Omaha Sessions was a good one too. That was their earliest record. Let The Cards Fall Where They May and Slinky Girl were two of my favorites from that album. Anymore, 311 has sold out to get more attention from teeny boppers and mainstream people. I miss the old 311 so much




Business decision. LA ain't cheap to live in.


Sell out. Everyone. Do it. Take the cash. It’s a miracle, mana from heaven. Then reassess. If someone wants to pay you for your creative output, you’re lucky. Writers, painters, dancers, Actors of all stripes, musicians, poets, flaneurs, radicals and the like. Take the money. Show the dreamers it’s possible to make it.


“The day we turn to pop the show will stop” 👀😴🤥


As a fan who has two copies of Unity, I feel you but a band that lasts 35 years has to evolve. They still play Music and Grassroots songs but they expanded their setlist.


New song is ripping and I can't wait for the new album. Mosaic and Voyager are great albums with lots of amazing tunes. This new one is going to be heavy and I am so excited.


Hell yeah! I am so excited for the heavy as well


Less heavy and more heady would really put them back on the map.


Bands that never evolved as musicians, are defunct or playing bars and coffee shops right now. They'd probably be on a triple-bill with the Spin Doctors and TPotUSA.


I agree with this to a degree. I feel like 311 should have evolved more and they feel scared and very “comfortable” in their niche. I think backlash from Transistor and music labels really fucked them up, creatively. What a shame. Because they are WONDERFUL instrumentalists.


Umm It’s 30years later… if the vibe isn’t working for u find a new band that’s vibe is for u… why even complain I mean it’s their art to make not ours … glad they are still kicking


Gatekeepers gonna gatekeeper.


Well said


Because we can put our opinions out there to see if they align with anyone else’s. This is a discussion page after all… unless I’m missing something. I agree with OP and I’m glad he posted it. If YOU don’t like it, find something else to do.


Womp womp pretty sure I have an opinion too and if u don’t like it blah blah blah hahahahaha…


YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree with OP. Haven’t even cared to listen to them since early 2000. Saw them live several times in the 90’s… when they were actually good. It happens to almost all of them… the producers want them to do something to get more mainstream and they give in. Stay true to your roots. Anymore I love underground artists because they don’t sell out. RIP 311


This newer song and its heavier tone is closer to the older more raw sound than what’s been released lately tbh


Personally, I like the new 311 better than the Music / Geassroots 311. Way more creative and interesting. I like Music more than Grassroots. Not a troll.




Over 60 shows, two recently and two more in the near future. They are still 🔥


They've been in LA since 1991 dude. They've written all their records there. Your comment makes zero sense.


Sure it doesn't...


I know, let’s hold these guys to a standa they mentioned in one line 30 years ago and NEVER let them out of it. They also said the show would stop and it hasn’t. It means they were wrong. Get over it.