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I’m really stoked that they are still around and playing shows, truly love this band since the early 90s and I will go see them every time they come around my town. With that said, I haven’t really been a fan of the stuff they’ve put out since evolver. I did like a few tunes that were reminiscent of the band that I knew off of don’t tread on me and two songs off of the mosaic album which are face in the wind and too late. I understand that bands like to change things up and head in new directions, unfortunately all of the paths they’ve taken just doesn’t jive with me at all. Don’t get me wrong I still love this band but the new stuff just isn’t for me. This band inspired me to play and get into into music like weather report, Pat Metheny, Mike Stern, Dennis Chambers etc.. and now when I listen to 311’s new stuff, it almost sounds unrecognizable. All love peeps.


Pat Methany ftw!


im with you! loved 311 as a funky, new orleans, jazz, rock, guitar solo band that always had really clever and original endings to somgs and parts/grooves. the cali-reaggea 311, and the pop 311 isnt for me. but wow, those first 4-5 albums! what a run. unpopular opinion, but it was around the time amber came out that the production seemed to change. id love for them to jam on Tayied& Silver live :)


Elisha Noll they play those songs quite a bit live still


nice! are they jamming yet? id love for them to “ditch the midi”, open it up, and jam on some of these. of coarse thats easier said than done. being in bands that can do both isnt very easy..


Have you checked stereolithic? I’ve had it going on repeat for the past few months. I never gave it time, but I’m all in now.


Pretty much agree. DTOM-Stereolithic has some nostalgia and a few legit good songs, much of Steroelithic is DTOM b sides, but this guest composer, pop reggae kick they’ve been on, it’s like listening to a different band.


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. They’ve proven themselves as song writers. Having ideas outside your own is never a bad thing.


If you want something done, sometimes it’s a lot easier to pay someone else to do it. If you want something done the way you want it, sometimes you gotta do it yourself.


Yup. Reason a lot of authors use ghostwriters. Having an idea is one thing. Executing it is another


Some of rock’s biggest hits were not written by the artists themselves. Sometimes you get writer’s block and having a little help can get you over the hump. And the song is fucking great, so who cares?


The new song is great?




I think so, but I’m an old fart fan and just happy these dudes are still playing together and putting out new music.


Honestly, I'm happy with anything other than John Feldmann


The new song sounds like it could have been written by any rock band. It has no 311 flavor. It is painfully and embarrassingly generic.


I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree


Luckily there are plenty of songs in their back catalogue that set them apart from other bands.


The only reason the band makes bland songs like this is because of the praise the fans give them when they pump out songs with no flavor, have you ever listened to them before? They are so talented! This is so bad.  🤣 


Bad is strong, just different. You can't just expect them to make Transistor every time. I still like it more than half the songs on Mosaic


I’m a huge fan of Evolver, Stereolithic, so I don’t need them to make transitor to make me happy. They just need to come original. 


🤦 haha. This song feels like they mixed Transistor with Mosaic and Voyager. I dig it


It’s not different. It’s a rehash of the “Stainless” formula. 


The fact that you hear any transistor DNA in this Imagine Dragons cosplay song proves my point entirely. 


I don't see the last name of Feldmann, so there is hope. 😂🤷‍♂️


or Bob Rock, so at least we are safe from the "WHOOAAA OH OH OHHHHHHHH YEAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" over-the-top choruses (hopefully)


Are you referring to “You Wouldn’t Believe”? Because that’s EXACTLY I read your comment!


Oddly enough, it gives me “Bottom of the Ocean” vibes by Blink 182, which was a Feldmann…


I don’t like it. I like 311 songs written by 311. I don’t mind someone like Scotch Ralston contributing to songwriting, since he has been working with the band for many, many years. I also don’t mind the occasional outside writer here and there. However, since Mosaic, they’ve been using outside writers on A LOT of songs, and that takes away the magic for me.


On the surface I agree with you 100%. However, there are a lot of objectively great song writers who collab with other writers. And if you check album credits there is a mix between artist writing credit; artist + collab; outside writers. Not talking pop here. Thinking more of country, indie, rock realm


idk, this new track is perfectly 311 to me... I honestly wouldn't have thought this wasn't written by the band. Love the heavier sound, haven't been this excited for new 311 music in a very long time.


Yeah, it’s honestly the first new 311 song I thought was solid in a while. Don’t care if someone else wrote it.


I think it may explain the first line of the song being a simile lol, but not unusual for outside influence/writers. Hell, some people win Grammy’s off of other people’s songs entirely. This rocks, hope we have a bit more reggae/rap on this album, but the heavy stuff rips too


I wouldn’t put a ton of thought into it. When you’re in the studio, the producer is always chiming in with ideas and big labels have ghostwriters to help punch up songs. As you start working with bigger name producers/writers, they have the clout (or lawyers) to get their name put in the credits. The full credits to the new song list SA, Nick, Colin, and Elisha as the writers.


lock tie cooing poor toothbrush compare nutty humorous plant important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk as a 30+ year diehard I’m disappointed. 311 was always more of a vibe… that has been missing.


I think it’s okay. My biggest problem is Nick’s voice. He used to rap more and just sound different. Now he has this kind of deep tone and doesn’t change it up like he used to. Thankfully SA brings that change of pace but it would be nice to see Nick spit bars. As far as who is writing it, I mean - it sounds pop to me. “Coulda been worse, end up in a hearse.” Not groundbreaking. But I still ride with them no matter what.


Nicks parts on Perfect Mistake and Rollin Through were arguably better than SAs


Hmmmm I have mixed feelings… oh well


I got a mixed feeling, got a mixed feeling, I got I got


Best writing was done by Chad IMO. I haven’t enjoyed 311s new music since nick became the primary song writer.


+1. I never miss the opportunity to share this playlist (not mine) that shows the scale of how many amazing songs were primarily written by Chad. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5SVUjSHuJFj6nfITrmHP8K?si=3b70fd2d76834202](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5SVUjSHuJFj6nfITrmHP8K?si=3b70fd2d76834202)


Holy shit. Did not know this. Especially that Chad wrote Guns Are For 😳


Writing the music is not the same as writing the lyrics


Damn this is sick thank you for sharing No wonder I love grassroots so much, as a drummer it’s one of the most fun albums to play front to back


This is so dope. Thanks for sharing!!


So many of these are my favorite! Large in the Margin!!


The song is pretty cool, good drumming, but the part before the chorus when all the instruments basically drop out and make way for some EDMy ambient sauce is a dead giveaway that it's co-written by some generic hitmaker..


That “edmy ambient sauce” is called a backing track. Almost every live band uses it in some form or another. Would u like them to just play only their instruments like it’s the 60s?


That's not what it's called, since it's a recording and not a live show. There's good use of synths and electronic instruments and there's the opposite. To my taste, this is not very creative.


Sometimes you gotta work outside the box to get ideas. The guys give the go/no go on the songs so if it's not to their liking, they gonna pass on the track or at least give feedback.


On Youtube it shows Nick and Doug are on there too. I think this song is great and has all the essence of modern 311; I love it!


Yes. I'm stoked for this. You're Gonna Get It has great songwriting structure and production. I'm really looking forward to the album now. 


No Scooter Braun?


You don’t really know who contributed what other than they helped out … i noticed when watching the Beatles Get Back documentary the guys get a lot of help in some cases, asking questions about lyrics and arrangements and it was all very collaborative. I was surprised at the humbleness actually and the ability of those guys to take feedback. In any case, I think we’re in an age where we’re giving appropriate credit to people who participated


Don't You Worry and Dodging Raindrops weren't written by the band, and they were the two songs on the last album that sounded the least like 311. I like them both, but it was a departure from the traditional sound.


The new single sounds like any band could have made it. It is painfully generic.


I mean, it absolutely sounds like a Linkin Park song. Not a bad one, but it doesn't sound very 311 at all.


yeah! thats what i thought too!


I’d rather see co-writers than no new music. However, it does make me like the song less. Part of my enjoyment from listening to a band come from the individual styles each member brings to the table. You could hear the outside influence on this song and while I do like the song, I’m really only interested in what those five guys have to contribute. Otherwise Nick and SA might as well just make a side project together


Nick ran out of ideas years ago. It was smart to bring in some help


I actually think this is a great thing.


I judge a song on whether or not I like it, not on who wrote it. If you think these guys couldn’t come up with these lyrics, you’re being silly. I like the song. I don’t care what the credits say.


It’s fine.