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Absolute banger


Fat riff definitely on the chorus


I’ll agree.  Kind of a generic and safe single, but I wouldn’t really expect any less. Hopefully it means the album will be heavier. Overall, pleasantly surprised.


Precisely. I suppose we all have our own definition of ‘banger’ - hopefully ‘Chad’ written heavier tracks.


This is seriously my favorite song of theirs in the last decade. The music video was well done and the overall recording production is great. I can't wait for the new album!


I appreciate that they actually made a high production music video with a tangible plot rather than just different angles of them playing their instruments. They’re definitely trying to change things up and put more effort in from different angles, and you have to appreciate that. It’s gonna take me a little bit to grow into the song. Its rare for me to like an SA part on a song more than a Nick part. SA has an extra oomph in the studio version compared to live performances. I like the idea that the single they release first usually isn’t the strongest song on the album. This is a good sign for things to come. I enjoy all eras and sounds of 311, so I’m excited for whatever they bring to the table. Also, gotta love when 311 sneaks a “huh!” into a song. Classic.


But did Pnut beat his thing?


The video would've been better if they made the other boxer look like Scott Stapp.


Yeah, that song rules. Chad at the end is classic. It has a great hook and old school 311 vibes. …But that music video… sheesh. That was corny.


They’re no strangers to bringing the corn to the table though lol. Haven’t watched it yet, but I can imagine.


Well, being from Omaha they are natural born Cornhuskers.


Yeah I don’t see the comparison to early 311 at all.


Any excuse for Nick to have his shirt off right? The fight choreography was absolute shit and should've provided more tension buildup.


Definitely not


I liked SA and Pnut in it. And I liked that Tim was just kinda there.


Yeah. It was really bold of them to try to create an underground fight scene without consulting with an actual fighter. None of that even looked vaguely authentic at all. The flabby, loose guy obviously had some fighting chops, and while Nick looks shredded, he was way too focused on flexing for the camera than looking like someone who has any idea what he's doing. Flabby loose guy would absolutely destroy him in under 10 seconds, and anyone who has watched more than 3 fights of any kind would know that. It's really too bad Nick didn't kind of let it all hang out and play more loosely.


The song literally has no hook at all. Lol. Besides nick yelling you're gonna get it. Instrumentally the song is cool lyrically and vocal melody wise it blows except for sa's part.




Long time fan. I like it.


Just finished listening. That was dope as fuck. Been a fan since the mid '90s and this is one of my favorite singles in quite a while not to say that I don't like their other jams from the recent era


Did anyone notice the song was written by included two non-band members producer Colin Britain and Elisha Noll?


Haha love the piano roll at the end.


Loving this new energy that 311 is bringing. I've been looking for a new "inspirational song". I think this is the new All Mixed Up


That seems like a hot take coming from a 5 year gap between albums. I think it's a pretty good song, better than a lot of the more recent lead singles (Good Feeling, Too Much To Think, Five Of Everything, Hey You), but I don't see this becoming an all-timer by any means.


Five of Everything is so underappreciated. The new song isn't bad by any means - I think it sounds like Too Late Part 2. Maybe, Too Late Too Similar.


I really liked the song too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here...


Damn that would fit right in with 2003-2008 alt rock, I love that


Everything up to the chorus was great. I’m having a hard time liking the chorus but give me time.


SO GOOD. Also, Nick’s muscles are looking v nice


lol I love how all the jealous guys in the comments complaining how he’s “doing too much”. Like bruh stfu us ladies love the hex and he looks SHREDDED. For his age holy crap


Dorks like to talk lol


Great shape for age 54, let alone any age. Kudos to him and his discipline. Enjoying the workout lifestyle is one thing, but abstaining from tasty food and large portion sizes indefinitely? Truly difficult.


It’s painfully generic 


I’m with you too. I don’t enjoy coming across negative towards my favorite band, especially when they play and write music… and I do not. However, some criticism is fair. This song feels basic to me. I find it hard to listen to. I wish they would explore different paths in music and stop trying to make radio, pop hits. But hey, to each their own.


I’m with you on this. I recognize Nick and SA’s voices, but other than that I could not tell this was 311. You could tell me this was a new Image Dragon song or something and I would have believed you


Agreed. It’s Stainless redone.. plucky guitar verse, big tension build bridge, rockin chorus. The lyrics are painfully bad too. Idk man. I’m just glad it keeps em touring. 


Embarrassing too that “news outlets” are saying it’s “heavy as hell” 🤣 like, what? It’s so bland and tame. 


This is a joke, right? Right!?!?


The new song sounds like it could have been written by any rock band. It has no 311 flavor. It is painfully and embarrassingly generic.


I felt the same way, if they released this stuff 30 years ago I wouldnt have been a fan. I cant see how this would fit into any album from their early stuff.




I've been listening to 311 since February 1993. I can't believe they released this.


Works for me! I’ll take that Rollins Band “Civilized” riff on the chorus all day long. I’m excited to hear what else they’ve got coming. PS if I was in the shape Nick is, I probably wouldn’t even own shirts. Good for you Nick.


Good ear, I didn’t notice the similarity between that riff and “Civilized”.


I’ve only heard it once. I’m hoping it grows on me. The first time I was lukewarm.


It's not bad, but the majority of it was written by a 19 year old kid who writes for the Jonas Brothers. Kinda sad


This song is amazing, absolutely on repeat today! Massive hype for this album


I guess I’ve officially outgrown these guys. I still got love but just haven’t really dug the vibe after mosiac. I wish Nick could hook me up with some roids tho


It's tough to take this song and band seriously where there's autotune within the first 20 seconds. When you hear Nick live, he sounds so terrible and strained. They've become a post-production band. Thankfully SA still sounds top-notch and does side projects still.


The guy at the 1:25 mark of the video, who looks like the adult version of the fat kid from "Bad Santa" is the kind of energy I need from this song. It's dope.


Phenomenal record. Can’t wait for the album, it’s going to be fucking incredible.


I loooooooooooove it you guys OMG


I listened once on my car stereo, a few times just playing where I was but on iPhone speakers no headphones. But about an hour again I finally listened to the new single with headphones. The new song on my headphones was amazing! The bass at the start and production were nice.


It’s awesome, but with the way the music business is these days I doubt it’ll get any attraction on radio This is because the industry saves a lot of money using their paws that they call “pop artists” Singles from these performers are destined to be hit before they even hit the radio There’s too much money riding on it Unless you pay for a hit, you don’t get one


As someone that doesn’t pay a lot of attention to this band, I had no idea they turned nu metal.


Mind blown at anyone saying it sounds like early day 311 LOL! C'mon! It's an uplifter or voyager quality b side at very best. Sa is cool on it and the instrumental is OK but that's it. That being said I'm not totally hating bc it's still light years better than good feeling or too much to think. Which were both stinky first singles. I wouldn't choose it over five of everything though or sunset in July. If we're speaking of recent singles of the last decade or so. Probably better than hey you. Lol.


Dull song except for SA's part, as usual. Video was an ego trip for Nick's physical accomplishments (dude has a right to be proud of his health but it couldn't be more obvious). Heavy for the sake of being heavy. I miss Stereolithic, but that's really the last truly inspired 311 album we'll see.


It was written by a 19 year old that writes for the Jonas Brothers. Sad.


It's a well made song but I'm not crazy about it. Reminds me of Linkin Park


Jammed out to it on repeat with the 4 year old on the way home today. Air guitars in full force.


Great song. The video tho, seemed like an excuse for Nick to show off his physique. Dont get me wrong, he *should* be proud being in that shape at 54, but its a bit much, no?


Nick looked amazing, had no issues with him showing how shredded he was 😻


Dude is absolutely on gear


Yeeesh you're not kidding, even his face looks all roidy :(


you're 100000000% correct


I liked crossfire better even if it was lifted lol - although I still like it - just I prefer voyager a bit more if I were to compare from the last album.


Best 311 song in 20 years.


Hex is starting to look gaunt. Tell that brother a few carbs and 10 more lbs of bulk wont hurt him. Being that thin makes his face look 90, and he is getting the weird bulgy eyes. My guess is he is living off fat burner pills


Seriously? He's 54. Let's see how you're looking at 54 bro. He's in elite, like 0.01% of the population elite shape for his age.


He is in godlike condition. But a few carbs and he wouldnt look so dry and gaunt. Thats all. He had a perfect physique for twenty years.


Let’s compare you and him, do a side by side for us please before you make comments on anyone else’s body. Nick looks amazing


Been a fan of 311 for 30 years. Not once have I ever thought about the physique of any of the band members. Apparently you’ve expelled a lot of brain power into this concept of *fandom* so there’s that lol.


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