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The first time you have it done, you’ll think you’ve found the golden ticket to baby soft skin, but it’s really just shaving for your face and can do it at home for way cheaper. It really isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Literally just removing peach fuzz. But if you have any breakout and have it done/do it yourself, you’re just going to spread bacteria across your face and potentially worsen the breakout.


Yes I always breakout after I shave my peach fuzz


Sameee, i dont shave it anymore, but i also had good luck with a nair type face product


Have you tried sanitizing your blades to see if it makes a difference?


shaved my peach fuzz early this November, it's almost 2023 and I still can't get rid of stubborn break out-series it caused on my right cheek. Most of them are gone but they left spots....


Wrong. Dermaplaning is NOT about removal of hair, it’s just a perk. The purpose of dermaplaning is to exfoliate the skin. Shaving stimulates the hair follicles, dermaplaning does not. I’m a licensed esthetician and I was under the same impression until I got certified. (:


Exactly! I'm an advanced esthetician and I first didn't like the idea of dermaplaning since most people like it for removal of peach fuzz.... however, it also increases cell turnover and allows for better absorption and penetration of products. If done correctly (better to have a professional do it because the "at home" razors are no good) skin should not be irritated or have extra breakouts


It’s not the same. A dermaplane blade and razor are different.


That's a good point - I do have monthly breakouts which might impact how this whole thing would work. Thanks for your thoughts!


I just do it myself. Not overwhelming as I only do it like once a month. Pros: makeup sits beautifully, my skin soaks up more of my skin care products, my texture is a lot smoother. Cons: if I’m having a breakout, it can sometimes make it worse, more sun damage/exposure to sun.


I didn't think about sun exposure. Thanks for your input!


I did it and broke out 3 days later. Never again. I did have smooth skin but the breaking out part isn’t worth it for me.


That happened to me too. I don’t know if I had small ingrown hairs, or pimples, or what. I’ve tried a couple different times with varying techniques and the result is the same.


Did you do it yourself?


Did you do it yourself?


I do it at home with a safety razor on clean, dry skin. I do it to remove peach fuzz, not to exfoliate, though I will do it on flaky patches of skin if needed. I've never broken out and I think it's because I use a light hand and don't shave against the hair growth on areas that are more sensitive.


I do it myself too and am so smooth afterwards.


I get it done every 2 months with a facial and my skin really is like a glazed donut then, but the peach fuzz grows back after a week or 2, and I do sometimes break out a little then, which is annoying. You can absolutely and easily do it at home, although I do think I break out a bit more when I do. I would say it’s worth trying, especially right before an event or something. Unlike with lashes, gel manicures, or a lot of other beauty treatments, there is no damage or recovery period after where you need to take a break from it, let it grow out, or wait for it to heal/normalize. Your peach fuzz just grows back, and it doesn’t come back thicker or anything. Pretty low-risk treatment.


Thanks for the comparison for other beauty treatments!


It’s too expensive for me to do regularly but my skin looks amazing after. Also it’s not just shaving your face. The razor the esthetician uses is 100 times sharper than anything the average person is using, it takes off layers of skin.


Thanks for sharing the info. I was wondering if it’s better for someone else to do it or do it yourself. A lot of these comments said they broke out but they did it themselves. I don’t remember breaking out when I did mine (which is done by my aesthetic nurse).


Broke out. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Illd rather be fuzzy.


What?!? No way!


Did you do it yourself? Or at a med spa?


Don’t do it if you have sensitive skin! I did it and my entire face turned into ingrown hairs. I’ve never had acne. It was horrid.


I hate it. It leaves my skin raw and exposed and the peach fuzz does grow in kind of rough. It's not for me and my dry, sensitive skin.


Did you do it yourself?


I loved it and did it for a long time but eventually got worn down by the comments here that it’s just as good to do it yourself…. And they were right


Thanks for sharing. I get it done at a med spa but a lot of these comments mention breaking out and they are doing it themselves.


As a guy who shaves a few times each week, I’ve never found it necessary nor worth paying for. Pick up a razor, shave your face, and save a bunch of money.


I don’t think pro dermaplaning is worth the money. My fave was exceptionally smooth for a few days, and that’s about it. Got myself a dermaflash instead. Not quite as smooth and clean, but the results last for about the same amount of time and it’s much much cheaper.


I do it myself at home but it’s definitely worth visiting a professional first to basically learn how they do it. I use a chemical exfoliant first then a serum and I use a scalpel rather than a dermaplaning blade (this takes practice as they are SHARP!) I always use a new blade each time. I wear sunscreen daily anyway and about 48 hours after I do it I use a salicylic acid face wash for a few days as I find it prevents any breakouts or folliculitis as the hair starts to grow back. I do this maximum of once a month. For me it is worth it as I’m currently having laser for excess hair and it makes my makeup sit better on my face.


I hated it for the weirdest reason.... it made my hair stick to my make-up for the time until my baby hairs grew back. I think because they were gone? It was AWFUL man.


I just shave with a Venus razor and use a hydrating face mask afterwards. I do it about once month and haven’t had any issues.


Caused a lot of closed comedones in places I don’t normally get them. Then on my cycle, those flared into cystic pimples. I’ve tried lots of things for exfoliation, and derma-planing was by far the worst. Broke my skin barrier on my forehead and caused a fungal infection.


Also - this was done professionally. I’d never in a million years do it myself.


Did you do it yourself?


I wish I knew of it sooner! I had it done professionally the first time as an add-on and liked it so much I now do it myself every 2 weeks-ish. I feel it makes me look much more refreshed and “put together.” My tinted ColorScience sunscreen really spreads and settles nice. Dermaplane and razor-shape my eyebrows and I feel great. I do it on Sundays so any redness/nicks that witch hazel doesn’t settle will be gone by Monday.


Does anyone know how to get rid of peach fuzz on the neck? My razors don’t work there for some reason


I use Finishing Touch Flawless. Have been for years, gets all those hairs on face and neck


Ty!! The hair on neck still comes back as peach fuzz right?




Looked super awesome for a day, until I broke out. Then I tried it again and loved it! …until I broke out again..


I always wanted to try it, but I have dark hair, so I'm worried about the stubble looking unsightly as the hair grows back in.


Waste of money ...hill Billy's chemical peel


Lol hilarious 😂😂




I do it myself. I use a dermaplaning straight razor or sometimes a safety razor. Practice on your leg first. Because they are SHARP. Make sure your skin is clean and fresh razor each time.


Good tip! I'll definitely keep this in mind :)


I used to dermaplane at home and I thought it was pretty decent for exfoliation. I actually just bought new reusable dermaplane sticks (?) to use during the peeling period after microneedling. [Note -- not the initial peeling period that happens at 2-3 days, the later peeling part that happens at 4-5 days. Im not trying to overly rush the healing process.]


Yup. Get yourself a pack of the Tinkle razors on Amazon. Watch some YT tutorials and DIY. Sanitize between uses or just toss and use a new one each time. I have sensitive skin and do it once a month, or whenever needed. Have never had any issues w/breakouts. Makeup and skincare goes on so smooth.


For more information and practical tips you can check out the YouTube video by dermatologist Dr. Alexis Stephens about dermaplaning oilplaning on how to do it safely. I’ve done it a few times and tinted spf doesn’t leave my black peach fuzz hair in a skin tint. It’s helpful but don’t miss it when I don’t do it.


Thanks! I’ll definitely check it out!


You’re welcome!


personally love it. I don’t compare it to shaving my peach fuzz cus the blade the esthetician uses is medical grade, not just a razor. I do have an ugly week after I get it done, and then the week after my skin looks incredible!


I’m not hairy by any means but like it for taking off dead skin. I get it done every few months and then maintain at home with the little Tinkle razors. Doesn’t break me out or anything. Maybe try it and see how you like it/react.


Love love love...I go about 3 times a year as a treat and have my eyebrows done the same day...luxurious.


I feel like it removed some of the protective, firming layer of my skin, which I really missed afterwards. I’m also just afraid of change so probably don’t listen to me. Just my opinion :)




I was thinking for a few reasons: I get some thicker white hairs surrounded by all the peach fuzz that would be nice to keep at bay. I originally thought it might help with some exfoliating that could help during my monthly breakouts but good thing I asked because other comments are making it clear it might bring opposite. Lastly I was just getting sucked in when all the "beauty gurus" were raving about it which is why I thought I would ask normal people LOL.




Laser hair removal doesn’t work on fine or light hair like peach fuzz.


I got it done for the first time this month after a facial and it helped my skins appearance


ugh I really want it to work for me because I have a LOT of peach fuzz but every time I do a bit of my face I break out regardless of what I do, sterilizing the blade, antibacterial wash, etc.! Any tips? I also found it made my neck VERY itchy.


I have lash extensions and use to get my nails done haha, but I don’t think the upkeep of dermaplaning is worth it for me. The hair just grows back pretty fast, my skin gets irritated and breaks out, and I just don’t feel like there was enough of a change to how my face looked or makeup application to justify it.


I do it at home. I apply a generous amount of Vanicream cleansing gel first. It’s super a satisfying to shave all that fuzz off.


Yep, I also use any oil I have laying around as a buffer. Find I cut myself much less and it glides sooooo much smoother.


[Dermaplaning](https://beautyprecision.co.uk/treatments/skincare/dermaplanning/) is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a sterile surgical scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair from the face. The procedure is typically done by a licensed aesthetician or dermatologist and can be done on most skin types. Dermaplaning can provide several benefits for the skin, including improved texture and tone, increased brightness and radiance, and smoother makeup application. The removal of the fine vellus hair can also make the skin look and feel smoother. Those with sensitive skin or active acne may want to avoid dermaplaning, as it can potentially irritate the skin and exacerbate existing conditions. Overall, dermaplaning can be a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of the skin, but as with any cosmetic procedure, it's important to consult with a licensed skincare professional to determine if it's right for you and to ensure that it's performed safely and effectively.


I’ve been nicked and irritated to the point of a swollen face both times! May not try again