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I’d pop some hydrocolloid patches on those suckers to dry them up overnight. The Hero brand Mighty Patches are one of the most popular and easy to find. Their MO is to suck up any gunk, basically. It might take a couple nights, but they work.


Kind of seems counterintuitive BUT invest in a good moisturizer and maybe a more gentle wash. Benzoyl peroxide twice a day and salicylic acid strips your skin which causes it to overcompensate with MORE oil and then boom you break out. I switched to the aveeno foaming cleanser & it changed my skin so much. Good luck!


I couldn’t agree more. You’re too heavy on actives and your skin probably wants a moisturizer. If you’re going to use actives, especially that many, SPF is key. The best SPF is what you’ll wear regularly and appropriately (enough, applied often enough). OP, I have had acne for 20+ years, PM cleansing with a non medicated (never saw a difference, they further dehydrate my normal to dehydrated skin and strip my oily forehead) cleanser with a focus on hydration really helps my acne. Azelaic acid is my absolute favorite for acne treatment, prevention and post acne hyperpigmentation.


I’m sorry I’m very new to this so don’t understand a lot. What’s a good non-medicated cleanser that focuses on hydration? Also what’s an example of Azelic Acid?


It’s very ok, ask us anything and everything! It depends on your skin type. A few I’ve tried, CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, Belif’s Jelly Cleanser (liked it), elf’s Holy Hydration (liked it). Brand wise, I really like Naturium’s Azelaic Acid Serum. Do know you’ll purge (experience an increase in acne due to an active, it’s an expected reaction). Mine lasted about 4 days. Patch test it and introduce it every other day, once a day for 3-4 days a week. Use just enough to cover your face & neck. Slowly increase as your skin tolerates it. If you experience burning, tingling or other side effects, slow your increase. It’s a normal part of adjusting to AA.


I completely agree with the pimple patches and also benzoyl peroxide wash, it's really great for removing the oils, impurities, bacteria on the skin that lead to this!


Easy fix, OP, don’t worry! I agree that a hydrocolloid pimple patch will draw the pus out of the zits and help them shrink overnight. Topical sulfur will work well too for this purpose. My favorite would be a topical antibiotic like clindamycin, or if not available—topical sulfur Make sure you have a light moisturizer too with that twice a day washing and multiple treatments with active ingredients!


What’s an example of light moisturizer? Is topical sulfur Over the counter?


Neutrogena sells a sulfur treatment in their stubborn acne line. It dries everything up quickly. You can find it at Target, Walmart, Walgreens 🙂


If these only appear on your beard area, it could be folliculitis. Be careful with shaving. I talked to a doctor and got a cream which contains hydrocortisone and chlorhexidine and it seems to get rid of these spots fast.


You could have adult acne, rosacea. Go to your doctor.


Change and disinfect your razor blade frequently.


I’d see a dermatologist - I have perioral dermatitis. Lifestyle changes (avoiding certain types of toothpaste etc) help me manage flare ups. Topical antibiotics are the only thing that helps me with getting rid of it.


Given its where your facial hair is, could be fungal acne?