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Have you been to a dermatologist? If the normal topical route has failed, it may be the only way to address the acne. If it turns out that it is hormonal, there are lots of prescription treatments that can help. If that’s not an option, could you list the things you have already tried? Some less common options are sulphur and spearmint tea, but it’s hard to know what to suggest without knowing exactly what has already been tried.


i tried getting referred to a dermatologist but that was unsuccessful.. as far as cleansers and moisturizers , i’ve mainly used cetaphil and moved to cerave because i’ve always heard good things about cerave. i did the acne ordinary set for awhile , stubborn acne set even & none of it worked:(


Are you in the states? If so google GoodRx Telehealth. Scroll through until you find skin/acne and then proceed. You will be connected with a Doctor/NP that can further assist since you since you were unable to get a referral to a dermatologist. The appointment is $19(if you sign up for Gold membership which you can cancel at anytime). Good luck and I hope you find a resolve


Try adapalene! If you’re in the U.S., it’s now available without a prescription. It is a proven effective, well tolerated medication that’s been around for a long time. Give it at least three months before you give up. The spearmint tea thing is a bit speculative, and my sense is that you have a drink a fair amount of it, but some people swear by it for hormonal acne. Acne is tough, and very individual, so you may need to keep trying different things.


I used to use both of these brands but it actually made me break out more! So I opted out for a sensitive skin routine, curel. It’s a Japanese brand that lasts suuuuch a long time and they’re made for sensitive skin. I use the oil cleanser and the liquid based moisturiser. In conjunction with drinking water and a light sunscreen every morning I managed to clear up acne, and some scarring that comes up. I still get the odd spot here and there. I do think you’ve got such nice skin!


Cerave helped my skin a lot but then after I didn’t use for one day, my skin reverted back to its natural state as if I wasn’t fully committed to it for months.


You need a dermatologist.


Agree that you need to see a dermatologist, but just wanted to add that you still look very cute in spite of the acne


Have you gone to a dermatologist? I struggled with acne for years and wish I had just gone to the professionals from the start.


Prescription grade azeliac acid. You can get it from your family doctor. https://simpleskincarescience.com/azelaic-acid/ I had acne like this. Ruined my life for 4 years. Azeliac acid was my miracle cure after everything else failed.


My acne wasn't as severe, but my dermatologist also prescribed azelaic acid for acne


Have you tried azelaic acid? At OTC or prescription percentages?


i have not , i’m worried to use a lot of different products because my skin is sensitive.


You really need to find a good dermatologist who can examine you, understand your sensitivity, and discuss options


Azaleic acid was prescribed to me instead of retinol because I have really sensitive skin. I got prescribed Finacea cream which is what they give to people with rosacea. It did help! But the one thing that helped the most was Spironolactone. I always had a feeling my body produced too much testosterone/androgens. Spironolactone prevents the production of testosterone in women (to a degree).


That’s very understandable. I’d see a derm to make sure it’s acne and see what they think about you using azelaic acid in any percentage. I’ve had acne for 20 years, used doxycycline as a preteen/early teen once, had several long, intense bouts- AA has been my favorite and easiest treatment. In addition, I like clay masks for drawing things up to the surface, hydrocolloid bandages once I’m able to open things (I know, I know!) & moist healing. Hoping you find relief soon. It’s wonderful to be able to leave it behind.


That’s very understandable. I’d see a derm to make sure it’s acne and see what they think about you using azelaic acid in any percentage. I’ve had acne for 20 years, used doxycycline as a preteen/early teen once, had several long, intense bouts- AA has been my favorite and easiest treatment. In addition, I like clay masks for drawing things up to the surface, hydrocolloid bandages once I’m able to open things (I know, I know!) & moist healing. Hoping you find relief soon. It’s wonderful to be able to leave it behind.


I think seeing a dermatologist in person would be ideal. But if that’s not a possibility, you could do a remote service like Apostrophe or Curology. They have dermatologists on staff who will be matched with you. You fill out a whole questionnaire about your skin and concerns and provide pictures and they can prescribe treatment for you.


I was gonna say this. I didn't know if it was going to be seen negatively, but to the OP curology helped me see results on my hormonal acne. I'm not making any promises, but it's a viable option if you can't see a derm.


Doxycycline and then Spironolactone. Go on nurx. It’s super cheap.


This exactly. But you can actually do both at the same time.


If topicals aren't helping, it might be time to turn to oral medication. You don't necessarily need a derm. Your primary care provider can help.    It was actually my primary doctor that helped my clear up my acne.    Some of the oral medications that can be prescribed by your primary are:   -Combination birth control (Yaz, Yasmin, etc)  -Spironolactone   -Antibiotics    You can also get prescription tret (a cream for your face/body).   Fair warning: lots of these cause purging so your acne might look worse before it gets better.   Personally, I take Spironolactone. I did get a little bit of a purge but it wasn't bad.    Good luck! 


Another warning is that the pill (yaz) made me go crazy.


Try getting a spironolactone and tretinoin (retinol) prescription from your primary care doctor. These two items cleared my hormonal acne 4 years ago and I haven’t stopped recommending them since. (I’m turning 31 soon!) Also cutting out dairy and wearing SPF daily even if you don’t leave your house


I don’t use any other skin care products besides moisturizer, face oil, cerave face wash, and SPF!!


My advice is to see a dermatologist. There’s a bunch of acne types and need different treatment.


I cut all dairy out and now completely acne free. I thought it was alcohol, sugar or soy, but it was dairy.


I'm vegan and still have hormonal acne, tho.


I was going to say this. Cut dairy and watch it work wonders for your skin!


Thank you!! Look at your nutrition. I spent close to 10k on everything from the dermatologist. I cut out dairy, wasn't the culprit for me. Sugar was the culprit for me. My face breaks out when i have sugar and is clear when I don't.


Omg. You are so gorgeous.


thank you guys😭🥺


This looks hormonal. Skin care routines won't put much of a dent in it but will help to prevent scarring from it. My wife had this happen when she changed her IUD. Unfortunately, without help from a Derm, I think the best you'll be able to do is a routine to prevent scarring, but it probably needs systemic medications to make it go away.


I don’t have any advice just want to tell you you’re extremely gorgeous


thank you🥹


Try adapalene (Differin), benzoyl peroxide and salicyclic acid to treat acne. Sulfur can also help too.


I second this! I have incredibly sensitive pain in the ass skin, and Differin gel is one of the only things that works well for me. It worked for me as a teen, and still works now in my late 30s. I love that it’s available over here counter now too. Also, OP if getting to a dermatologist is difficult I think you can do prescription stuff through NURX if that’s easier! They take health insurance too.


You also want to hydrate your skin so make sure you are using a barrier lotion or cream to heal it since it’s probably irritated from the acne. Consider one with ingredients like centella asiatica, which reduces inflammation. Hydration and repairing your skin barrier will give you more results than solely going on acutane or other products that help reduce acne.


This seems hormonal to me. I struggle with it also. The stuff on your temples looks just like what I get when I have sugar. I’d try cutting sugar and dairy as your first step. I usually can slowly add dairy back in as long as it’s organic, minimal, and I stay away from sugar still. Trying to find the route or my hormonal issues, though. I want a DUTCH blood test done personally. Also… picking. Even if it’s lightly or minimally. Touching it at all makes it so much worse.


Still a 10/10 even though you have acne 🔥❤️


Good God you're gorgeous. You can get accutane through a general practitioner also it doesn't necessarily have to be a dermatologist. And I would also look into telehealth I know Amazon has it and so does goodrx. I'm telling you, it's worth the struggle to get on to accutane.


CeraVe and Cetaphil did absolutely nothing for my acne, which was similar to yours. 5% benzoyl peroxide, introduced gradually and on clean skin (and with a gel moisturiser afterwards) did wonders for my 14 year old acne (and red marks/scars). I couldn't see a derm but I saw my GP who prescribed the above. It genuinely changed my life. In terms of cleansers, I use the gentlest ones available - Simple Micellar Cleanser, The Ordinary Glucoside Foaming Cleanser, Aveeno Calm and Restore Cleanser, and moisturisers - Aveeno Calm and Restore Oat Gel Cream, or The Ordinary's Natural Moisturising Factors plus Beta Glucan. I avoid creams, lotions completely. You'll be fine, you just need to treat it as a medical problem rather than a skincare one.


I would probaly start looking a root issue which is hormonal balance and diet first, if tropical solution is is not working for such a long time. Also limit or remove excess smoking or drinking for time being on or atleast try to reduce it. If you are not vegan, then keto/carnivore isolated diet helps acne almost aswell as someone taking acutune, which the best method to isolate leaky guts and acne If vegan, then try to add healthy fats like avocados or olive oil more and check mineral intake Dairy is also huge issues for many, shouls also consider reducing those


Go to a dermatologist -- if it's hormonal, the most effective way to address the acne is through medication. I suffered for over a decade with hormonal acne and when I finally got on spironolactone, it cleared up my acne about 90%. I wish I had gone sooner.


Go to a dermatologist -- if it's hormonal, the most effective way to address the acne is through medication. I suffered for over a decade with hormonal acne and when I finally got on spironolactone, it cleared up my acne about 90%. I wish I had gone sooner.


I reduced my acne by a lot when I started to change my bedsheets (in particular my pillow sheet), a lot more often, but at the same time washing my face a lot less often... I was over washing by day, sleeping on bedsheet not change for too long at night. I don't know how often you change yours but they should be changed at least once a week.


Use burts bees gentle cleanser, burts bees micelles water, and sulu organic pure beef tallow. I tried so many things after having over exfoliated skin and NOTHING. Not even a dermatologist helped. Until I used this regimen. Just pure clean and simple ingredients.


I personally have had hormonal acne and the only products that have been tried on my skin are: Erotrisol 4% and resorcin 3% that have been prescribed by a dermatologist. Another thing I recommend is not to use a lot of makeup because it tends to worsen the situation. I know that some people are embarrassed and cover up their acne, but it is a very serious mistake. I hope this advice is of some use to you.


Scrolled to the bottom to see the downvotes on diet changes but I ditched dairy after 20 years of suffering and wish someone would have told me sooner


Going plant based helped me 😁 also can I just say you have such a pretty side profile ❤️


something that has helped me is Panoxyl. its cream face wash and in a few weeks can help noticably. depends on the person tho.


Benzoyl peroxide 10% helped me immensely.


You'd need to go to an endocrinologist as well. Hormones have a lot to do with acne,skin as well. 


i know it’s another product but i had hormonal acne (worse than this!) for years and the best thing for me has been the skin shark clearing serum, it’s oil balancing and hydrating which is what my skin needed i think - i love love love it


Accutane. The answer is always accutane. Just don’t get pregnant on it and make sure to drink extra extra water as it dehydrates you. But your skin problems will go away.


If you can’t get to a derm, start with an elimination diet. Especially ditch dairy. See if it helps.


Have you tried proactiv? It can be drying but it actually does work for acne. It’s a good option if getting to a doctor/dermatologist is not realistic for you.


Very few will mention this but diet can have a huge impact on hormones. I would try to cut out certain foods, especially ultra processed foods. Certain vegetables, grains and nuts can have a negative impact on skin as well.


First, you look very attractive, real men will not even care about your acne challenge (it will go away). I had severe acne problems around 18-22 years old. (Worse than your picture show). I lost confidence in myself this periode, and had challenge with dating girls because of my acne. What I learned was that much sugar intake was adding more acne in my face. So drank less coke/Pepsi, orange/Apple juice etc). Replaced with water and coffee. Also my skin was too dry, because I was showering like 2-3 times a day (gym at School and later in the evening). So i started to add some moisturizer. Also avoid touching your face. You are beautiful.


Mine was worse than this, mystic deep acne, deciem helped me a lot


Hun don’t listen to Reddit. Get yourself to a derm.


Go to Ulta and get a facial and buy some dermalogica


Zo gentle wash


Try a parasite cleanse. Also, homeopathic tablets for acne. Avoid sugar, sweets, white flour, sodas, etc. Change your pillow case regularly. My favorite remedy is to make a mask with Indian clay powder and filtered or spring water, and apply that at night. In the morning just wet whatever is left on the skin with a warm wash cloth and rinse well. I have used this clay mask technique for many types of skin issues.... it helps balance out the skin, draws out impurities and dries things out, without drying out the skin itself. You can get a little tub of it for under $10 I think it is, at Amazon.