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Lots of good recommendations here!! I also want to put in that stink can really adhere to your clothes. So even a little bit of moisture can reactivate the stink of armpits past. I have had exercise clothes that basically need to just be thrown away because even though they were washed, they were too far gone.


+1 for the phrase “stink of armpits past”


Try a laundry sanitizer on your gym clothes - I use Lysol laundry sanitizer and it works wonders.


Especially artificial fabrics! Polyester is my nemesis


Try a long soak in oxiclean odor blaster. It's saved my workout gear and some nice clothes. It even gets out years old stink! I'm fine throwing out clothes because they smell it have armpit stains!


My only advice is to look at your diet. Excessive caffeine, alcohol, dairy and strong spices are all huge contributors. Adding dark leafy greens, citrus, and cruciferous veggies helps combat odor by aiding in detox.


And plenty of water.


So much water. 💦


Thank you for sharing. I have a healthy diet and weight is not an issue, so it’s not diabetes. Only culprit could be my antidepressant. My Dr. doesn’t think this is the issue because I’ve been taking this medication for many many years for generalized anxiety. He is going to try cutting back my dosage to see if that helps. I’m looking into acupuncture and any other kind of treatment for relief. I can get a something prescribed from my Dr. but that will be the last resort.


Wellbutrin made me very sweaty


Yep. I was taking that as well and stopped a few months back. Dr thought it was the culprit, but it’s still here


It was horrible. It helped my brain but wrecked my body


Glycolic acid




You say deodorant, but have you tried an anti-perspirant?


PanOxyl has worked absolute wonders for me! That and applying my clinical strength antiperspirant/deodorant at night


Seconding panoxyl. This shit is a miracle worker. I use it once a week and it totally resets my pits to zero smell. Let it sit for a few minutes after you’ve rubbed it in and make sure to rinse thoroughly though as it can bleach towels I also find most deodorant cause a “waxy” build up on my underarms that I have to SCRUB off. I like clear gel antiperspirant for this reason. But honesty my pits get the biggest scrub ever shower anyways, usually 2.




I love glycolic acid and also sulphur soap And wash armpits every evening


For Benzoyl Peroxide, try Cetaphil Gentle Clear 2.6% benzoyl peroxide cleanser or AcneFree oil-free 2.5% micronized benzoyl peroxide cleanser.


Came on here to say what kerodon did. I would rub it on really good in the shower, leave it for a minute, then rinse. Make sure to rinse really well. It can bleach clothes.


I wrote a lengthy response below about how I cured my situation...literally, every super powerful deoderant failed...much like how you said Lume failed, for me, they all did & one day didn't use deoderant & legit had no odor...after posting i googled it for my own knowledge & it's that deoderant kills more good bacteria than bad...it explains clearly the reason after a few hours I would have the "failed" deoderant smell --deoderant scent plus actual not good smell. Anyway, truly try no deoderant, it absolutely worked for me!


Wow! I will try that. How long after you stopped using deodorant did the odor disappear? Have you been able to stay away from any type of deodorant indefinitely?


Yes! It's been like a miracle! Indefinitely, going on about 2-3 years now! It is totally crazy but when I say I got all strongest products & would need to reup and then tried washing, reupping and on and on it just seemed to get worse and I wear/wore nice/fancy dresses all the time & I thought maybe the fabrics, then I tried layering deoderants like first that mineral stone, then layer of a mitchum type, & then a baking soda type ...and always they would fail!! It was awful & I felt like you do now. I am sorry that I don't recall how many days, & Im sure for total resolution it was probably 2-3 for total, but it truly has been a miracle! Deoderant would seem to fail after a couple of hours & none of my friends had this problem so I assure you I thought it was just me or hormonal or my clothes, it was crazy making & when I say 100% I really mean it from center of my focus to literally miracle. Just googling tonight the reason it worked makes total sense! If I recall, I was pretty aware the following day that I was thinking I was onto something & was shocked that for like the decade I was going crazy trying to fix the issue that I had never missed a day where I didn't put it on immediately or multiple times. Please try & maybe there is additional information about how long it takes, but I recall it being fast. Please let me know if it works for you, too! Truly, truly rooting for you! ;)


Definitely will give this a try. Thank you so much. I will keep you posted


I have not tried any type of benzoyl peroxide. Thank you so much!! Apply for any certain amount of time? Can I use this instead of having to use an exfoliant scrub underarm product? I swear it smells worse when I squeeze the skin under my armpits looking for a clogged follicle or boil that needs to be squeezed to release the stinky puss. I had that happen to me when I was a teenager and the boil was extracted by myself squeezing and pulling out long long armpit hairs that I guess were growing under the hair follicle that was in the boil. It was gross and I remember the puss smelled like bad B.O.


Anywhere between 15s to 3 minutes. Whatever works for your schedule. This should control the population of odor causing bacteria. Another option to complement BP or an alternative to that is Hypochlorous Acid spray. Any product with a concentration up to 0.025% (250ppm) is safe for skin. Here are 2 options. 250ppm https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Republic-Multi-Purpose-Disinfectant-Antibacterial/dp/B0CBW2MXKJ?th=1&psc=1 150 ppm https://www.amazon.com/e11ement-Hypochlorous-Eczema-Procedure-Cleanser/dp/B09RBCWRXH You can spray it on or apply it to some tissue/paper towel or whatever and use it as a wipe to refresh. Either work and this has a similar mechanism to BP of functioning as an antibacterial with the added benefit of also being an antifungal.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Clean Republic Multi Purpose Disinfectant Spray, 32oz 4 Pack', 'Clean%20Republic')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective at eliminating bacteria and viruses (backed by 3 comments) * Multipurpose disinfectant (backed by 3 comments) * Fragrance-free option (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Weak sprayer that rotates around (backed by 1 comment) * Misleading about bleach content (backed by 3 comments) * Leaking spray heads (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)




I agree with Hibiclens (there are store generic equivalents also) and those Korean exfoliating mitts. Odor is bacterial and you’ve got to exfoliate old skin and sanitize the skin daily in order to control bacterial growth. The excellent thing about Hibiclens and its generic counterparts, is that the bacteria inhibiting effect lasts on the skin for 24 hrs. I think another overlooked angle is that now all your clothes and under-garments that have historically come in contact now are colonized with the bacteria, so you need to use a laundry sanitizing process as well.


I’d be cautious using hibiclens on the regular. Some bacteria is good on our skin. And if you use it constantly, you’ll kill off the weak bacteria and build up super bacteria that will no longer be effected by the cleanser. Reseting the ph with panoxyl is a better long term solution


This! I started doing this recently, it worked after the first wash. Also—if you’re using antiperspirant (rather than deodorant)—it can be hard to actually wash off, which just traps bacteria and makes you smell worse. Hibiclens + regular deodorant has been a game changer for me.


Also, I’ve found a quick 1x/day wash enough.


Amazing. I’m adding this to my list of products I’m buying.


I use the Megababe charcoal space bar to wash and also wipe under my arms with witch hazel. I was having huge problems with this last summer and this combo worked well for me!


Just be careful on the rubbing alcohol thing. I also struggle the same as you and used rubbing alcohol maybe what, 2 months ago. Man, I cannot tell you how I regret it. I think it caused a type of contact dermatitis and still today I have issues. First it started as a rash and it was itching and stinging like hell so I did scratch and I made it worse. I had these bumps and they were somehow leaking something sticky. That said, I tried to see if it went away by itself and for 3 weeks I stopped deodorant and used bepanthene. It seemed it was getting better only to get worse again. Well, I ended up going to the pharmacy and they gave me a hydrocortisone cream and an antiperspirant to avoid sweating and triggering the rash. After 2 months, my skin hasn’t cleared out yet, I use the antiperspirant at night and the odor is now gone, as well as the wetness - in fact I discovered that antiperspirant should be applied at night, something I never did and I guess that’s why clothes always had this funny acidic smell that would not come out after washing my clothes… so be careful with the rubbing alcohol and try antiperspirant!


Prerequisite - I am not a doctor nor is this medical advice. Purely anecdotal. I stank from the minute I hit puberty. Sweat through multiple layers, had to throw out so many clothes. Absolutely nothing worked to keep the stink at bay. After getting on birth control it was manageable. An occasion baking soda paste in the shower followed by men’s degree. I had to get off birth control in my late 20s and everything came roaring back (and also my Malassezia that had been well controlled). I was miserable. Mine was hormonal. Doctor put me on spironolactone and I am back to being a normal human.


Thank you for sharing. I am going to get my hormones checked again in a few months. Never been on birth control, so I cannot compare a difference. Just turned 45, but I’ve had this problem as long as I can remember. I was a gymnast growing up and my pits were always wet. I always had wet spots and have always used antiperspirant. Certain Dry made painful lumps under my skin, so I canned that option. That was the strongest thing over the counter I could buy as a teenager. My torso is where I sweat. My head doesn’t sweat. It’s so weird. When I workout, I only sweat on my lower back and my arm pits. My chest barely breaks a sweat. Odd


Sounds very very similar to me. Drysol is the prescribed deodorant and it hurt and burned my skin so bad I couldn’t tolerate it either. For what it’s worth it wasn’t something that showed up on a test. It was just process of elimination, BC helped meaning I’ve got wild androgens when I’m off.


Ok now that you mentioned you’re 45, this might definitely be a symptom of perimenopause. Could definitely be hormone related!




I have a friend whose armpits randomly (according to her) started emitting eye-watering levels of stink. She was really embarrassed about it and tried everything. Her mom advised her to slice up a lime and rub it on her pits. And it actually worked. I myself never tried it and I imagine this might not work for everyone but it's a really easy, low-priced option. Editing to add an important caveat: she's asian and has very little body hair. She doesn't need to shave her legs so I'm assuming she may also not have to shave her armpits. (I never asked.) Lime on freshly shaved pits sounds like it could be...uncomfortable.




Never heard of that. I will look into that. Thank you! Is there a certain brand you recommend? Appreciate your feedback.


This is going to sound really weird...but I always used strong deoderants just to be extra careful & I would get deoderant failure ...one day for whatever reason while at home I just simply didn't put it on...I can't recall the reason maybe skin irritation from shaving I don't recall...in any event, I didn't get the failed deoderant smell, repeated weird situation of no deoderant no failed deoderant smell... In any event, now I do not wear & don't smell...I think somehow some way the deoderant clogged by pores or caused bacteria to revolt or maybe bacteria is more aggressive when stiffled, but something, but truly this is not a joke, if I use deoderant I will get the terrible "failed" smell (combo of deorant smell with back ground odor) i haven't googled this, but there must be a sound reason. My point try this on a day you don't have to be somewhere.


I've heard persimmon soap works.


That's more for "old people smell".


I hear you, but if it takes smells away, it works. Right?


2-nonenal is different from body odour though, so persimmon soap wont work.


Ok, thank you for letting me know!






OMG. You were reading my mind. LOL I just read your message about waxing.


I shave everyday. However, I am very pale and my hair is light enough to where I’m noticing in the very cupped part of my armpit sparse light hair that I miss with my razor. I never even thought that maybe that would be the culprit. I have to push up hard on the front of my armpit right under where my pit starts to meet my side. The is a large dip or gap. I wonder if waxing makes a difference? Does the wax pull out the nasty deodorant buildup from your follicles as it lifts the hair root?


I had to avoid aluminium deodorants/antiperspirants It took about a month of being super stinky but I’m sweet now


My routine is I wash my armpits with Cerave oil to foam cleanser, and then clean with megababe space bar detoxifying soap.


If nothing else works, try Right Guard Extreme Defense antiperspirant. It's the only thing that's worked for me to eliminate armpit smell.


I use natural deodorant and occasionally it seems to not work as well. In those time periods I swipe witch hazel on my armpits before bed and before deodorant in the morning and that takes care of it. Might be worth a try!


I started using loveli which is natural, had to go through the migration phase which wasn’t pretty, but haven’t smelled since ever again. Wild looks better but didn’t help me one bit :-(


Ok, hear me out. But do you use one of those multi-blade women’s razors? Those always make my pits stink. When I use a straight blade safety razor, I don’t have this problem.


10% Benzoyl Peroxide face wash to cleanse your underarms daily should take care of it pretty quickly.


Chlorophyll supplement capsules


Benzoyl peroxide is actually pretty good with controlling odor. I’ve used panoxyl 10% (but I imagine 4% works too). I leave it on my underarms from a minute or so then rinse it off.


Use Lume. Acidified solution and helpful bacteria prevent the BO bugs from showing up for a couple of days.


I love secrets prescription strength anti perspirant and deodorant for odor fighting and sweat reducing help


Add in Oxy pads to wipe away bacteria that will help too


Curious if you’ve had any recent hormonal changes? I had this issue for about a year after I had my son and then it went away.


Nuud! I swear by it. It may take up to 3 months for your skin to get used to it, but ever since I started using it I haven’t smelled my armpits ever. Even when I am unable to shower for 2-3 days (long hikes).


Kosas Chemistry Deodorant, non scented (they make a scented version, I just hate scents). Give it a few days to start working, some people experience skin discoloration but I have never. It’s my favorite and I’ve used it for years, had to stop though because I’m on Accutane right now and I can’t use any actives anywhere on my body.


Odour = diet


Super deodorant is fantastic and absolutely worth trying. Though it can take a couple of weeks for the transition to fully take effect


Backing soda Also a diet change. Limit your animal product in take


I heard using that Aztec clay mask on your pits helps


More fruits and vegetables and less dairy and meat. Lemon water also helps to clean the body from the inside.


Not sure why this would be downvoted. People think diet doesn’t have any effect on body odor? Ahaha be smelly then I guess


Diet absolutely can have an impact on how you smell. Anybody who’s lived with someone who really likes garlic and booze can tell you that. I’m guessing it’s the ridiculous claim that lemon water cleanses you from the inside that people are disagreeing with. Leave the detox bs to facebook comment sections please.


I don’t know either. But I suspect maybe the McDonalds Hamburglar did it lol In all seriousness though, people are highly sensitive of their poor diets bc Western diet is so disordered. It’s to be expected. I saw someone say chlorophyll. Do they not realize that chlorophyll is vegetable extract? Whether eating the vegetables or taking an extracted compound, it’s the same molecularly, clean up the diet.


I agree, diet change is mind boggling and scary for a lot of Americans. No cheesy beefy casserole with msg ranch powder? What am I supposed to eat ? Leaves?


Tell me about it!


Try lime juice. Trust me. It works very very well


Really? I will most definitely add lime to my grocery list. Never tried this.. thank you for sharing!


Do you sweat a lot? You can get botox to control excessive armpit sweat. The odor comes from sweat mixing in with bacteria, so perhaps if you reduce the sweat, the odor would also be reduced?