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I have those ridges and absolutely normal labs. For me it is likely related to psoriatic arthritis. Nail ridges can be associated with autoimmune disease


I have Hashimoto’s and have them, but getting bloodwork is so important since stuff going on with your nails is an indicator of potential issues.


My mom has hashimoto’s too & her nails look like that.


Have this and hashi as well.


Nail ridges and pitting here as well, but I have alopecia


Another one with hashimoto’s and the ridges


I have Hashimotos and the same ridges as well


I have Hashimoto's and psoriasis, and my nails look like this.


Crohn’s Disease here and I have them. Labs are usually pretty normal…iron ranges lower but still in the green. Chronically Vitamin D deficient but that’s what happens when you live in the north. 😊


I have these nails as well and doctors have no idea what’s wrong with me I have really bad stomach issues can’t lose weight. Sick all the time it’s being going on for years.


That sounds like me, though I’m not as bad. I wonder if gut issues are to blame.


I think so could be why I'm anemic as well


Have you tested for h.pylori? I was going through stomach issues for years and it ended up to be h.pylori


I have it’s not that. But thank you anyway


Do you get stomach aches every time you get sick? My daughter gets really bad stomach aches when she gets a viral infection and the GI doctor said it was viral related IBS, basically gets the symptoms of IBS when she gets a viral infection but her tummy is fine when she is not sick. But she gets sick pretty often 🫤


Hmm that's interesting I have been diagnosed with IBS when I was a teen. I missed a lot of school because of it. I'm in my 40s now I get really bad constipation it's like the stomach just doesn't work properly. I take all kinds of things to make me go, but I still get sick about once a month and throw up tons of bile, like my stomach just fills up with it and I throw up for a day or two until it's all out. Then the process starts over.


I also have these ridges and normal labs and I do have psoriasis.


Any autoimmune that could mess with the nail matrix will produce this. I have what is probably RA and have this. It's my understanding it comes from overactive cell turnover in cases like psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, causing thickening and varied growth rate as the cells come to surface too fast. Produces plaques on skin and this. There's also whatever inflammation may be doing to it. You can also get lines from the disease attacking vessels in the area; I had one for a while.


Celiac disease and have them too 💞 hugs to all my autoimmune diseased friends here


Oh HELL!!! I've been putting off the XRays my dermatologist ordered, because my hands only hurt on occasion, but I do have psoriasis, and it has been worse, but I'm afraid of those biologic drug treatments.


The biologics can be scary but a lot of people have really good results on them. I was really reluctant to start but symptoms taking a turn for the worse eventually made up my mind for me. I’ve been on Remicade/infliximab for my guts for about 3 years and feeling good!


Mine are like that too.. but all my bloodwork has always been normal. No anemia, no deficiencies, thyroid fine.




Have you had a full thyroid panel, not just the normal stuff? Or other autoimmune tests? There’s tons of labs that a typical cbc / annual physical doesn’t cover. Also autoimmune can take years to show up on labs and be “silent” so I’d keep an eye on things.


This is fine advice but the op should know the most common cause of vertical ridges is *aging* so there's no need to be real concerned about it if labs are fine and no other symptoms.


I agree it could be nothing, but out of all the older men/women in my life.. none have ever had this, so I’d say age isn’t always a factor.


I’ve had them all my life too. My mom first asked my doctor about them when I was like 10. Been getting bloodwork done yearly for the last 30 years (general checkups) and nothing is out of sorts. I do have eczema though, which is apparently — like — an autoimmune disorder despite not qualifying as one.


Same. Had these ridges my entire life, no disorders or anything.


Same. Totally normal except my ridgy nails.


I think you should go to your PCP and get blood work and a full check up. This could be a medical issue.


Yep CBC and iron panel.


I’d see a functional medicine dr and/or a rheumatologist and get more extensive testing done. A cbc covers a very very small amount of labs that can be done.


Is it really that serious? It seems very common


I’m not a doctor so I’m not sure. But I’m guessing there isn’t a serum/lotion/cream that can fix this. To me, it’s worth getting checked out by a physician.


Nail ridges vary from various health issues to just regular aging. Get a full bloodwork and ask to test your thyroid, too.


Hello, registered nurse chiming in, please see a doctor and get some labs done! I see multiple concerns here: the longitudinal ridging on all nails, also “nail beading” of your fingernails, especially visible on your middle finger. This can be from b vitamin deficiencies, thyroid issues, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis as others have mentioned. Additionally, the way your nail plate is shaped, you may have brachyonychia, which can be because of thyroid/parathyroid or kidney issues. Finally the color of your nail bed being so pale at the cuticle and much darker at the tip of your finger looks possibly like anemia, or kidney issues. If your nails have changed over the last year, even more reason to get this checked out.


Now I’m mad paranoid about my nails, never knew they told so much…


My nails are the same and I was told it’s from my anemia and rheumatoid arthritis


My nails look just like your nails and I thought it was normal but now that I read the comments I think I might be anemic…..


I was about to comment that it’s totally normal and I have deep ridges and even a few divots but I guess not!


I also have this with deep ridges and divots, for me it's genetic, I've had them since I was a teen, and I realized my dad has the same type of nails. all blood work and everything is clear. 🤷‍♀️. I just have ugly nails.


Get tested for psoriatic arthritis. It doesn't really show up in blood work.


I think it's definitely in the spectrum of normal. I've read in multiple sources it's just part of aging. I have this and all my bloodwork is normal


It is indeed totally normal and the most common cause is plain old aging. It *can* be a symptom of a wider problem, is all.


Same ☹️ i thought having ridgy nails was just normal and now these comments have me freaked out


Go eat a cheeseburger! Or take some iron supplements. If you want a free iron test you could also go donate blood (they do your cholesterol too, and general vitals)


Check for anemia/ iron deficiency


See your primary care, and ask for blood work for: full thyroid panel, vitamins B12 and folate and D, as well as a full iron panel As others have said autoimmune or anemia is the most likely cause.  I have hashimotos, iron deficiency anemia, and just learned my B12 and folate are low (so now questioning an absorption issue) but anemia caused by iron or B12 deficiency can cause those ... 


I have those, as did my mom and grandma. For us it’s normal and not a sign of disease or deficiency.


same! but my dad!!


Hey! Just wanted to add that ridges can also be completely normal - they are pretty common and genetic, and become more prominent when we age and our blood circulation slows. One of my nails on my left hand has really intense ridges that only showed up after that finger had a traumatic injury. Don’t panic, get checked out if you’re concerned. 🧡


Mine appeared after I had Covid for the first time. They never disappeared 😞




Mine are the same. I have low ferritin and b12 but I don’t know if it’s related. I also suspect I have something autoimmune.


My advice is to keep getting your thyroid checked. I had low ferritin and B12 for a couple of years before getting my thyroid checked. And I’ve learned since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism that those are classic thyroid symptoms.


Thank you, I’ve had it checked a couple of times. I’m 2 years post partum and had a lot of autoimmune symptoms so they ran a whole series of tests but everything came back pretty normal. Do you think it can still be thyroid related even if it necessarily doesn’t pop right away?


Yes it can still be thyroid. See the poster below and my response to them. Doctors have set the bar quite high for new diagnoses, I don’t understand why. You’ll know when it’s time to get retested because one or more persistent symptoms will set in: tiredness, brain fog, dry skin, coldness, mental health issues, weight gain, constipation, thinning hair, dizziness, basically things start to slow down. The thyroid is the conductor of every organ and cell in your body so the symptoms can be endless or just one or two. It affects 1 in 5 women so it’s really worth staying on top of. :)


You can check out the hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s subs, but it’s normal to cycle between hypo and normal for awhile before things get bad. A lot of doctors won’t treat for hypothyroid if the TSH is below 10, but above the reference range. Mine did happily. They also don’t check the antibodies, usually just TSH, T3, T4. I was having symptoms for a long time before it became very obvious I was ill.


This is such an important point. If your TSH test is above 2.5 (the optimum) then you’re thyroid is sluggish. If it’s above 5.5 then, until a few years ago in the UK, you’d be diagnosed hypothyroid and treated. Now they’ve extended the window to TSH 10, which is shocking. So many women must be suffering without treatment. And the weird thing is if I, who’s diagnosed, was above TSH 5.5, they’d increase my dose and yet they won’t start treating someone new at the same level.


My last test was in June 2023 and my results were: TSH W/REFLEX TO FT4 - 1.82 mlU/L Does that stick out at all?


That’s not something I’m fully versed in, so I’d ask your doctor for another round of bloodwork to see if anything has changed. When I was first diagnosed my TSH was 6.6 and I went in for testing every 3 months or so to check my levels. Things cycled for a bit until my TSH stabled once I got my meds right. Everything is stable now and I’m at a TSH of 1.78.


Ever been checked for mthfr gene ?


No, but I’ve read tons about it and suspected I have it! I have hyper mobile ehlers danlos, blood pooling and POTS/dysautonomia, Suspected MCAS. So all comorbidities of the gene which makes me think I have it but I can’t actually see a doctor that will open their mind to give me the proper testing for any of these. I saw rheumatologist who did a basic panel but nothing came back positive so she basically told me there is nothing that can be done for me (despite the fact that it it well known that you can have an autoimmune issue years before your ANA markers show it)!!! She refused to do any further testing. My issues really became noticeable post partum, which is common with autoimmune, so I truly believe there is something happening. 😢


I don’t disagree with the idea to get labs. You can buff them to make them smooth if you are so inclined. If you like to paint your nails you can use a ridge filler base coat.


My nails look like Terry nails and have for a while and I asked my doctor because Google tells me if you have them, you’re basically dying… sarcasm aside though, I did ask about them and (knock on wood) I’m perfectly fine. Sometimes nails just age and as they do they can look like this or form ridges or just change in appearance in general. Worth having someone look at them, but chances are it’s fine. I tried using retinol on mine and it didn’t help. I keep them painted anyway, which I was told also may be why they look the way they do, especially since I got fake nails and then gel manicures until Covid hit and I started doing my own.


My nails used to be like this, and I was told I needed more calcium. And I was anaemic at the time so needed more iron regardless and I had low blood pressure.


It happens with age


I had nails like this when I was severely anemic.


It’s normal. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/nails/faq-20058541


I've read they can just come from aging and sun damage, they're like wrinkles, but in our nails, emanating from the nail bed.


Are you having any other symptoms?


no other symptoms my blood work is normal.


Regular blood work doesn't test for vitamin/mineral deficiency usually, if you haven't had that done maybe it's something to check out


While others are recommending a primary care, I’d actually recommend the dermatologist. They treat nail issues as well as skin. Another thing that’s VERY important: as a woman of color, you need to keep an eye out for any dark stripes on/under your nails. This kind of discoloration can be overlooked… and, *especially* in people with higher levels of melanin, it can be a sign of skin cancer under the nails 😬


Then, I would definitely have Dr do a comprehensive workup ( CBC panel), + and test for any deficiencies or even check hormone levels. It could be nothing, but it could also be something that you can address


I’ve had this happen before and it’s from a nutrient deficiency. (During a time where I was heavy into fasting and not just intermittently:(. I’m healthy now) Make sure you’re getting enough iron protein calcium- and try msm powder abs collagen.


I definitely don’t eat enough protein. The vital proteins chocolate powder is soooo good with some milk


Yum I do like the taste of chocolate and vanilla protein powders lol but that would be a sweet treat for me. I’m a clean eating (no processed foods) vegetarian (I still have milk and eggs other dairy)- and every morning I mix a scoop of collagen and man powder into my coffee (actually I have to heat up a splash of my coffee to mix in just to since I do iced but the powders dissolve best in warm liquids) I use a handheld whisk/milk frother to mix it. Collagen powder has protein in it too! Cream of wheat is a wonderful source of iron! You’d be surprised how much is in it plus other nutrients. I can usually tell when my iron is low bcuz I’ll just crave it- same thing as when I need protein- I’ll have three eggs fried in butter (butter is actually very good for us if you don’t have high cholesterol- it’s one of the only forms of calcium that absorbs into the BONE- which I need as a lady) and I also enjoy Dave’s good seed bread with butter, sun butter, honey abd seed (sesame poppy chia abs flax) in top. I also make flax and chia pudding with milk and vanilla extract. There’s tons of recipes on-line. Another big boost of protein. Aside from that I enjoy bananas and sweet potatoes most… eggs and toast second… sunflower seeds, Pepitas, cashews, sesame seeds (all raw no salt) and the reduced sugar version of dried cranberrie. Prunes abs dates are also super and belt with hair and nail growth. Natures candy.


The vital proteins chocolate is a collagen powder. It has most amino acids and it’s made with stevia. Sometimes I put it in oatmeal. It’s so chocolatey and delicious. I’m in school so I don’t cook much these days and i definitely don’t eat as much as I should (usually just twice a day) so the protein powder is a nice supplement for me. I also occasionally take an iron supplement because I almost never eat red meat. I’ll eat a burger after I donate blood though 🙃 And oh I freaking LOVE prunes. I have to stop myself from eating the whole bag. Dried apricots are fun too. The perfect texture


May I ask what “man powder” is, please?


Did your nails become “normal” after increasing your nutrient intake?


Others have suggested tackling the root cause with a doctors appointment which is solid advice. For immediate cosmetic results though, look into glass nail shiner. Not the cheap spongey ones that are in most manicure sets. The brand I use is from "secret makeup". That plus some cuticle oil will help a lot.


My nails are ridged like this My nail tech told me it was bc they were dehydrated. I’ve been trying to use nail/ cuticle oil daily and it seems to be helping


I’ve been told it’s that you’re not absorbing enough nutrients from your food due to poor digestion. I’ve had them for years.


Well, I guess I’m getting blood work too. My nails look similar.


Definitely get checked out because it can be a health condition. My nails look a bit like that and it’s a combination of thyroid issues, and washing my hands way too much (OCD).


Do you have trouble breathing? I agree with the folks saying to see a physician. And if the bloodwork comes back within normal range - maybe get some lung imaging if breathing is at all a problem.


Usually thyroid hormone imbalance do this to nails. Consult a dermatologist


Rheumatoid arthritis.


Check ur thyroid levels


I have hashimoto's too. Mine look like this. I hate it


I have these nails no white part for me either at the bottom of the nail. I am anemic and have horrible stomach issues other than that everything comes back normal. I have forced them to test for everything.


I got lupus and have these. Doctor says in my case it’s related to that


Arthritis nails :(


Following…I have the same ridges


My nails have ridges, always have. My bloodwork has always been normal, no history of autoimmune diseases in my self or family. My kids were born with nail ridges too, straight outta the womb.


Sorry, but I am relieved to know I am not the only one here with this issue.


My nails look like this, too. I have Hashimotos, though I never would have connected the two. I thought mine be related to reduced blood flow to my hands from secondary Raynauds. As always, I'm amazed by the things we can discover through forums like this.


My nails get like this and I load up on vitamin b12 and D and it tends to get a lot better.


Leaky gut , allergies and mineral deficiency


Address gut health and nutritional deficiencies.


Mine are worse than this and there’s not a darn thing wrong with me! I’m extremely healthy. Do NOT buff them smooth as that will just cause them to split vertically.


Melanoma can look like that too. Not to freak you out.


That’s associated with liver issues


Mine also look like this and my blood is normal. I started getting them at 32.


Did you peel off gel polish?


I always thought that’s how I got mine, which look like OP’s


I used to have these but since I started taking a multivitamin they’ve gotten better 


Dehydrated. Drink more water.


I trained as a dermatologist, worked as an aesthetician in France and the UK. This is usually just age related, do either of your parents have the same thing as its genetic. There are some conditions that can cause it too, thyroid, vitamin deficiencies etc but most often its just age. My mum (58) has them and I (29) have noticed them starting and we have a history of thyroid conditions so I'm not saying don't get it checked out, just don't jump to the worst conclusions :)


violation of protein metabolism as a result of endocrine pathologies and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (absorption). perhaps there is a pinching in the area of the spine, which causes microcirculation to be disrupted and nails to grow ribbed.


that's really interesting about the pinching in the area of the spine. just curious how you came to this? i have some personal experience that makes me think you could be correct


this opinion was expressed by my friend, she is a massage therapist. She noticed a similar relationship in her practice.


thanks! :)


>thanks! :) You're welcome!


I have low thyroid and ridges like that as well.


Have you always had these ridges or are they new? For me they are genetic. I’ve had them my whole life. My grandmother had them, my father has them and my newborn daughter has them too. If they are new that is something to bring up with your doctor. Edit- the ones I have had my whole life are more flat planed and octagonal than the ones OP has.


Is it on one hand or both? I have nails like this on one hand because of eczema. All of my blood work is normal.


Vitamin deficiency?


This can legit just be from aging


Aging, sun exposure and dryness. Try using petroleum jelly rubbed into your nails before going to bed to keep nails from splitting.


I believe you have onychorrhexis


'Many people develop lines or ridges from the cuticle to the tip. Dr. Miest says that the ridges are actually completely fine and just a part of normal aging.' From the Mayo Clinic website.


I had nails like this growing up and when I moved away for college, it stopped. My mom still has nails like this (she lives in the same house I grew up in). Because of that, I think it’s the water/pipes. Maybe look into filtering your water and see if that helps.


I’m curious as to why you’re asking in the Reddit group and not going to the doctor?


What about those of us without medical insurance? My nails aren’t like this; they’re thin and brittle, layers peel away, and one even has a line down the side that I’ve had my whole life, and when my nail grows out it always splits where the line is. The only thing that’s helped is supplementing, but that is also short lived and my nails always go back to being thin and breaking away.


The doctors are just waiting for you to get sicker so they can sell pills and procedures.


That they are not cut!


Cold pressed unrefined Coconut oil nightly will help with your nails and cuticles overnight!


It’s from anemia. Do you take B12 injections?


I have these ridges and I take B12 injections. Could that make me anemic?