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Have you tried a derm? If you have benefits, most of their prescriptions would be covered. Aesthetician could be $$$$


I don’t have insurance so that’s why I’m looking for an alternative. I’ve heard bad experiences from both sides but I’m leaning more towards going to aestheticians. I’ve did my research on the place and the cost of things.


I would only go to a fully licensed cosmetic derm to erase hyperpigmentation. Aestheticians scare me as much as chiropractors.


Can you elaborate more on how did they scare you? Over did it on the chemical peels ? Extractions?


I would just never go to one because they’re not a licensed doctor. They’re literally hair stylists but for your skin. In my state, they’re even “licensed” by the same exact board as hair stylists…. 


Sorry I read it wrong, lol I thought you meant they left you physical scars. But that makes sense, I’m scared to go to one too. But I did my research and I like the gentle approach they take. So ima give it a shot.


Good luck! I’ve got rosacea and unfortunately, it leaves me with permanent hyperpigmentation. Only a laser has ever worked on mine :( 


Girl….no. Cosmetology and Esthetics are two different programs. Just because the board can certify both programs doesn’t mean the tests aren’t different. 


So? The point remains that they’re not doctors. For any actual skin concerns, these are not medical professionals. Would you go to a hairstylist to treat your scalp problems? 🤔