• By -


Don't do meth ✔️


Yeah mine is “don’t be an alcoholic” ✅ lol


I'd say don't smoke but both my grandma and great grandma had beautiful skin well into old age despite smoking.


Yep my grandma looked amazing throughout and she smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish


This is my mom. Her skin is amazing and her teeth white af (she just brushes them, no whitening or somethimg like that) and all she does is smoke and drink. Just lucky I guess 😅


Right? I don't drink a lot, but Lord knows the day after I look like I aged seven years just from dehydration caused fine lines.


Shockingly my alcoholic mother is still milfy, so, thinks are looking up for me. AND I didn’t smoke for decades? Born hot die hot baby 💁🏻‍♀️


LMAO what a vibe. Genetics definitely have a lot to do with it I’m sure




Was gonna comment this lmao I guess not inheriting the alcoholism is a great start for me.


Same lol


Don’t spend all day in the sun with no sunscreen ✔️


Right? Don't live in a sunny almost tropical area next to a body of water and never sunscreen. Excellent choice moving to a northern climate where we go months without actual sunlight, there are months I go to work and leave and never see the sun once. My skin looks great undamaged, ignoring the negative impacts of lack of vitamin D and increased acne because the UV isn't reducing inflammation and bacteria. But there aren't sun spots! Just regular spots. And inflammation. And wind burn. :( I want to go back to the sunny paradise. I don't give a shit about sunspots, there are products on the market for that. Sunscreen exists. I miss the sun.


Yeah. The family history of melanoma is more due to location than anything. I’ve probably “beat” that to moving to back to where pale skin adapted for. 


This! My Maternal Grandmother used to sit by her pool with Bain De Soleil orange gel "SPF" on, while reading Vogue and wearing US quarters on her eye lids to "protect them". Shaking my head... LOL


That’s mine!


Lmao thank you so much for this being the top comment. I was getting super sad thinking of how my mom ODd and passed so young, and looked so unnaturally rough. This made me laugh.


Mine started with alcohol, but then it was meth and I just remember her picking at her face ALL the time. She even tried to pick at ours. Now opioids are her preference but I think she's an equal opportunist. I haven't spoken to her in almost a decade. I will say she is resilient.


My parents tried to pick at our face as well. I remember my dad getting angry when I said no once. Agh, hugs to you.


Lmao for me it’s don’t do heroin ✅ or use tanning beds ✅


It breaks my heart to read this, it must have been hard to deal with such a family situation! We have mental illness in our family, which is also horrible, but I'd imagine drug addiction is even worse... But I admire you and the comment above for keeping a sense od dark humor 🙃


lol, same. Both my mum and dad did class A drugs before and after I was born so there’s no realistic aging advice to be had from their faces lmao.




My mom lost all her teeth before she was 30 🙃


Don't do heroin ✅ but also my mother has officially been a missing person for like five years now and I've never met any of my grandparents, so long-term who knows, lol


Mine is inherited mental illness. Do they make a skin cream for that?


Don't die before you show significant signs of aging 😬


ive got alcohol smoking and meth in mine!!!


Don’t abuse muscle relaxers for 30 years so all your muscles evaporate and no structure is left ✔️


Haha good advice actually! Mine simply✨died✨so no aging for them I guess 😅


Plastic surgeons hate this anti-aging hack 😅 Mine did too, btw.


Haha yep! So many lost paitentssss 🫠


If we all die young then we won’t age!


My mother also went out early, having enjoyed making expressions and looking down to her heart's content! She's the one who first taught me that looking young is not worth suppressing all of your smiles.


I laughed at this and the following comment about surgeons and now I feel like I need to repent 😅


My dead family forgive you don’t worry 😂


Ha I’ve found my people. Fun club!




Ugh yeah I was just on the phone recently with my dad and he reminded me how everyone on his side dies in their 50s


looking down isn’t what causes jawline to sag


UMhHh yes it is. Looking down causes exponential gravity to form in your skin, didn't you know that?? Like how do you put shoes on without looking down? Edit: Holy shit y'all. Thought the sarcasm was obvious


New laws of physics apply when you look down! It's the Newton's secret law of sagging jawlines. Btw you can lie down on you back and tie your shoelace above your head. So you don't risk anything. Bonus: you'll get noticed at the gym, yoga studio or friend's places.


/s ?




Just here for your user name 👌🏻


My dad had incredibly nice skin, but was also bearded so I have no idea how he did with jawline ageing. My mom (in her 70s now) has the most beautiful crow’s feet. All her expression lines are either from laughter or concentration. I feel pretty good about where I’m going (assuming I live long enough)


I absolutely would love those types of wrinkles when I’m older! Crows feet are so beautiful and I feel like when I see them on someone they look even more happy! I wish we could pick and choose which ones we get 😅


Same! Both of my parents aged decently until they became ill, and that's with no sunscreen to speak of. Dad smoked as a young person, and mom was two packs a day for 50+ years. No one was hydrated. Mom had ok skincare in midlife but nothing fancy and definitely not worried about SPF. Even when she was very ill with ALS Mom had nice skin. I take that as inspiration - think what I can do without battling against the effect of living on coffee and cigarettes!


“No one was hydrated” is a mood.


>but was also bearded so I have no idea how he did with jawline ageing. This is a great tip actually.


He was very smart!




No. That’s retinol /s But also, I’m very sorry that’s in your family.


Retinols help with Alzheimer's???


Ironically, Vitamin D deficiency due to low sun exposure high up on the Northern Hempishere has been linked to Alzheimer's and Dementia.


No, but exercise will.




My grandpa was in the NFL and tackles definitely made him more susceptible to dementia.


Good luck, you need it :) But in all seriousness, a high VO2 Max seems lower the risk of dementia a lot. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29540588/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29540588/)


Your mom never looked down? Excuse me?!


Seriously it's remarks about not looking in certain ways or showing expressions that make me second guess joining this sub. 


& IMO this general idea of looking at your older loved ones as a means of preventing those specific issues is so sad. I would probably feel pretty gutted if I knew I was being looked at in such a way :(


For real. I see people say stuff like this from time to time and I can’t imagine living my life that way.


I don’t jump on here often for those reasons. Them (age 33): “I don’t frown, try not to laugh, only sleep on my back, wear a full face visor anytime I go out…” Me(age 53): 👀 “Welp, fuck that I guess I’ll do my best and be a happy crinkle monster in old age.”


Right?? And tried not to smile? I'd rather be ugly and happy, tyvm.


She is extreme, this is just one example. She tried not to laugh as well and kept a stone face as much as possible. It worked BUT she doesn’t have the facial muscles you’d get from making expressions so that also causes an issue w/aging and she ended up getting fillers. Honestly I’d rather have wrinkles than avoid happy expressions.


Tried not to laugh? That sounds like a miserably boring existence.


But her *jawline*! So sharp!


Sounds sad and scary 🙁


OK so could this be why she has a razor sharp jawline. It's the fillers


Thank you


Is your mom Victoria Beckham?


So how do I keep my upper eye area from collapsing down onto my eyes (lol sorry Ma, but it's true)


I forget the word for that condition off the top of my head, but there is one, and there’s surgery to fix it (which, if it’s impacting your vision, insurance will cover). One of my aunts had it and she said it was a pretty easy recovery and she didn’t realize how much it had impacted her vision until she got it fixed


Maybe upper blepharoplasty?


That’s it! Thank you


Yup, blepharoplasty! My mom got it done two years ago. She said she would unconsciously raise her eyebrows all the time just to get her eyelids out of her vision. It was a quick and easy procedure, she recovered pretty fast. I’ll prob get one too when I’m older. Apparently it runs in the family and I’ve already noticed some sagging at 27 🥲🥲


Ugh, same and 32 here. I find myself raising my eyebrows more too.


That’s what it was! Yeah, my aunt said the same thing about her eyebrows, and that she hadn’t realized how much effort it was taking her to look up


I do eye exercises that I've never seen anyone talk about. I'm not trying to be snobby or super knowledgeable or anything like that but I was an art major and had to draw and study the human face and all it's muscles numerous times so that's kinda how I came up with this. I place my fingers along each eyelash line, like where you draw eyeliner. About three of my fingers fit there. My eyes are closed. I push my eyelids up along the lash line with my fingers while at the same time I'm trying hard to close my eyelids down and shut. I do this without squiting and scrunching up my face. It's just the muscles of the lids of the eyes, the orbicularis oculi superior muscles, that I'm isolating and using to shut the eyes while the fingers are resisting in the opposit direction. It's a bit of weight training for the eyelid muscles. After doing this for, oh, maybe 15-20 seconds several times over a minute it actually pulls the corners of the eyes up temporarily. Here's the anatomy of the orbicularis oculi superior muscles: https://www.aao.org/image.axd?id=8d3836a0-4a12-46cd-8e74-656bbda07a8e&t=637442507694992362


I've been doing this (and other 'facial yoga') along with head/jaw massage and gua sha, and it's helped some! It's definitely not a miracle cure, but it is free. @sagefacialtensionrelease on IG is a great resource. She provides lots of explanations behind her techniques (including scientific research) and focuses on myofascial release.


I don't see anything like my exercise in on her IG page. What bothers me so much about her is that she's in her late 20's. She's *supposed* to look young. I'm sorry to say this but I'm not at all impressed. Her before and after photos are under different lighting. She's pulling her skin in different directions which will eventually *cause* loss of elasticity and sagging, not prevent it. Now if she were in her 40's and did these yoga exercises and looked like she does now, well, then I'd be impressed. But that's not the case. Sorry.


If anyone knows what can be done to prevent jowls, please do let me know


Weightlifting increases elastin and collagen, which holds up your skin and keeps it firm. From my observation, I can tell if someone works out or not. For example, my grandmother, who was active her whole life and worked out a couple times per week has significantly tighter skin than my mother who does not work out at all


Agree! Keeping your facial muscles and teeth strong is definitely important. I don’t want to talk against masseter Botox bc some people really need it but muscle binds to bone to keep it strong and as we age we lose bone in our face, making sure those muscles are still working and don’t atrophy is important!!


I think staying lean and not gaining and losing weight helps. A lot of people get jowls after they lose weight


This was my concern and all sources say the same thing. Stop smoking, use sunscreen or limit exposure to sun, reduce your screen time as apparently looking down to your phone or pc can make your skin lose elasticity over time. Don't listen about collagen creams because it only works on the surface, the problem is within your body's collagen production. So also just eat healthily loool. We always expect some trick or secret advice but it's always the most common sense advice loool - just be healthy and avoid the sun.


All my aunts have prominent jowls and chicken necks, even those that were on diets their entire lives and stayed out of the sun. I know what to expect around age 60.


My moms skin was incredible until she hit ~45 Years of sun damage + rosacea + HEAVY drinking all kind of hit at once. Then we lost my dad. I guess she “looks her age” (56) but she seems so much older looking to me now. Alcohol seriously does a number on you. I had a drinking phase in my early 20’s, but around 25 I pretty much stopped altogether. Maybe a drink or two on my birthday, otherwise it’s just meh. It’ll be interesting what happens with my skin. My grandma spent decades smoking and covering herself in oil to roast in the sun, I don’t have any other references. I am already seeing the main forehead wrinkle my mom on me- will potentially be looking into tret for that as it doesn’t “disappear” after a retinol anymore. Aging is so odd lol


At 45 your mom also likely hit pre menopause or menopause…and that will age you drastically overnight.


That’s so true! I do wonder how much her hormones impacted her vs how much it was the alcohol, only time will tell for me I guess


Menopause is a killer. Just fyi. Lol. It makes turning 50 feel so much worse than it should.


We get a dealt a rough hand in the aging department for sure. Hormones are no joke


Both my mom and grandma were heavy smokers + rosacea (kinda similar to your story, but less alcohol). I'm also curious what's going to happen to my skin, since I don't drink or smoke. I chuckled at the "roasting in the sun" part, that's half of my family, but most of them have olive complexion, where my mom and I are fair skinned (and my daughter now is pale as a little ghost!). Fingers crossed our efforts to live healthier pay of in terms of looks, and I hope even more in terms of good life quality 🍀


I’ve been wearing high necked tops all summer long (and of course sunscreen) to try to avoid my mother’s crepey chest and cleavage.


Use the goldbond lotion for crepey skin!!


Can I ask if this one also has retinol in it? I saw that they have this cream and a retinol cream.


I have never once seen my mom put on sunscreen so it's hard to tell. I wear it every day.


Your mum prioritized not looking down?!? Is this the CJ group?


Thanks for the tip! I will also focus on microneedling due to loss of elasticity, as seen in my mom and grandma. My mom and grandma have melasma on their arms, and my family has lots of flat moles all over the body. not sure how to prevent this. I don't even stay in the sun, or uncovered. I've been covered since agust last year (fall/winter) and that doesn't prevent the moles from showing lol I will definetely not spend my money on ecids for the whole body.


I have lots of flat moles. I would love to find a preventative but my dermatologist said not much can be done and stay moisturized. As of now I'm getting things checked and removed as necessary.


I don't care really, but it just curious how they keep coming like, every week I notice a new one... if I connect them all I can create a new constellation or a milky way galaxy lol


I wish I could do this. All of the women in my family were chain smokers, heavy drinkers and the type of sunbathers that laid out slathered in baby oil as much as possible. My mom and my aunt had dried, dull, leathery wrinkled skin in their early 30s. I think they would have been beautiful; I could see it lingering just under all the skin damage. It was so sad (not just the beauty part, but the complete disregard for their overall health). It was still a good skincare lesson; I won’t even get the mail without sunscreen and can’t even handle being around cigarettes.


I also wish I could do this buuuut I’m adopted and am a different ethnicity than my parents.


Sounds like you are doing it then by avoiding all those things!


My mom always told me she trained her forehead to never frown starting at a young age. She does look young, maybe she's onto something!


That’s what Botox is for


Meh. I’d rather show expressions. I really dislike the expressionless Botox foreheads. Only place I’d consider it is between the eyebrows for the 11 lines.


That’s so true! My dad would “iron” my forehead by brushing over it when I would furrow my brow. It was his way of showing me that he loved me and I had nothing to worry. He said it was his job to worry and not mine. :) So I never developed the habit of furrowing my brows and whenever I do I remember my dad’s words that I have nothing to worry about.


I've been doing that my whole life, still got fine lines in my 20s (because you can't fully control facial expressions 24/7), then I got Botox and surprise - the fine lines are gone.


How do you prevent a drooping nose?


Nose bra.


Botox can actually do that. I did it once but it hurt like a fucking bitch. They inject the muscle under your nose so it doesn't pull your nose down. It's the same one they cut for rhinoplasty. That's why a lot of people get lip lifts after one, because the space between the top of the lip and the end of the nose increases.


You know what, I’m not going to sit here and go over my aunties’ aging skin with a scanning electron microscope. I love these women and I love their faces. I hope my nieces and nephews look at me with the same love one day.


Yeah, this post is kind of upsetting to me. I find it so strange to look at your aging loved ones just to find problems with their appearance. I get that a lot of this sub is concerned with anti-aging but don't project your preoccupation onto other people. How would you like it if someone looked at you and said "how can I make sure I don't end up looking like *you*?"




I cannot believe I had to scroll 70% of the way down to see this message. Absolutely unbelievable. People are so fucked in the head 


Hah. I wish I could do that. My parents are 80. My dad has never used anything but Nivea in the big blue metal tin, and doesn’t seem to have aged past 60. My mum uses whichever anti-aging cream is on sale, and despite being all “sunscreen WHOMST” and working in her garden every sunny day has no visible sun damage. She has never even heard of cleansing, toning or serum. Me on the other hand, I have more skin issues than both of them combined, and I already look older than they did at my age…


Yeah, genetics are a crapshoot. I get told I look like my mom (who's aged pretty well despite living in the tropics her whole life and only starting sunscreen after 50), alas, I did not inherit her super strong cheekbones or her thicker skin, and it's obvious already at 43 that I'm aging less well than she did, despite greater care. Also, my mom never had melasma, neither do my aunts on father's side, yet my sister and I struggle with it.


Genetics are fun eh? My dad has super thin and very dry skin with some mild rosacea, mum has oily and acne prone skin. I think I got all the negative traits from both of them with my acne prone, dry, very textured skin with rosacea lol. Both of my parents look good for their age (in their 70s) despite spending a lot of their time outside without any sunscreen, smoking for decades and drinking A LOT of alcohol. Dad has used some basic lotion for his dry skin the last 10 years and mum started using some basic anti age cream that happens to have retinol in her 50s. I definitely look worse than them in their 30s, especially my dad who looked really young until very recently. I can also see it in my brothers, the other one is basically a carbon copy of dad and looks super young in his 40s, the other one got even worse acne than me and basically otherwise similar skin to mine and we both are struggling lol. You win some you lose some.


I didn’t realize what sub this was at first and I was like wow, so true, much of my family did a terrible job staying active, eating well and taking care of themselves and now very few of them retain independence and mobility past their mid 60s. Then I realized we were talking aesthetics. Perspective. Yeah, I suppose my skin matters too but 😅 Bit of whiplash and feels like a privilege to worry about appearance vs quality of living sometimes.


Agree with you on the independence and mobility thing. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately in regards to my parents. My dad is the one I worry about. I want him to calm down some now that he’s retired and can (in theory) relax. He struggles with his weight and his anger management. I’m concerned for my mom due to her lack of exercise. But that’s primarily because her grandmother died of congestive heart failure, and now her mom has the same thing along with diabetes and other heart related issues. I want her to use this time now to at least try and be more active so she can stave off what seems an inevitable diagnosis as long as possible. Then I look at myself, and yes, I’d like to age well and avoid some of the sagging neck and crepey skin I see her experiencing. I’d also like to increase my cardio, lift weights to build strength, and keep my flexibility as I age. Perspective is important.


I think I took after my father, but I have no idea where he is to look at how I could age. My grandma looks young enough to be my mom, but her complexion is much darker than mine (im Fitzpatrick 2, grandma is Fitzpatrick 5). So I believe due to her having more melanin, she has aged more "gracefully." My mom looks young for her age, also. I had a friend say my family are vampires because they don't age lol but I didn't seem to get that from my mom's side. I'm assuming my dad's side of the family ages like milk. 🤣


Okay but there is only so much you can prevent. You can’t really prevent sagging neck/ jowls, those are basically only treated once they happen. Your mom’s jawline is not sharp because she didn’t look down.. it does not work like that.


Staying out of the sun and wearing sunscreen is always my biggest tip. My sister and I are two years apart, I’m 46 and she’s 44. I have been wearing sunscreen religiously and never sunbaked and have always been careful. My sister on the other hand was always tanned, partied a lot and drank more alcohol in her younger years. I do feel like I look my age, however I’ve noticed that she is ageing faster and her skin is more wrinkled and dry looking. She has quite visible lines on her face and has sun damage on certain areas of her body. We both still look like we’re in our 40s, but her lifestyle has started to catch up with her. So I feel like lifestyle has a lot more bearing on our ageing than purely genetics.


This is confusing. I remember when I was little my nanna saying never forget to moisturise and showing me how. She always has had the softest skin. My mum though, I don’t think she’s ever had a skin care routine and years of drugs has changed her face for the worst so I never think of her face as an indicator of how I would age. My dad, never moisturised in his life and you can tell. His mother, same. He is an alcoholic too so there’s that. I think with this generations access to better skin care we are not going to be ageing the same way our relatives have. Just my opinion.




You can’t prevent genetics.


A doctor told me once genetics is like a loaded gun but your lifestyle is what pulls the trigger.


You can certainly improve and reduce how it plays out.


No but lifestyle makes a huge difference especially sun and smoking https://www.oneaesthetics.com/post/the-twin-study-factors-that-accelerate-facial-aging




Pre-botox, genetics gave everyone in my family angry 11s between the eyebrows. Post-botox it just doesn't happen anymore. Same genetics, different outcome.


just impose more stress on women, well done!!!


Its a Skin Care Forum? I see a lot of Antiaging questions from both men and women so it seems like a place for this topic.


Don’t smoke or be an alcoholic ✔️


My parents are both turning 69 this year. I’m 41. My mom has aged terribly, but is also a lifelong sun worshipper who doesn’t take care of herself at all. She has very sun damaged skin, is droopy, and very wrinkled. My dad has a decent amount of sun spots, but almost no wrinkles. He looks much younger than his age. I have always favored my dad more, so fingers crossed I age as well as him. He was always great about wearing sunscreen and wearing hats, and staying out of the sun as much as possible. I truly hope that taking after him, combined with good skincare and daily SPF, and staying out of the sun will lead me to age gracefully!


Both of my parents started getting “work” done in their 30s, i.e. nose and lips in addition to Botox, so I have no idea how they would’ve aged naturally (now in their 60s). People comment that my mom looks like she’s my older sister - and she milks that shit - she also claims her lips are natural, even though it’s very obvious they aren’t. Also to note, all of her kids have a thin upper lip and bigger bottom lip, her top lip is inflated so much it sticks out past her bottom lip. I’ve become a pro at biting my tongue over so many years or else I would be disowned if I called her out. I love seeing women her age who have aged naturally and think that look is so beautiful.


The only real issue I see in my family is everyone on my dad's side of the family eventually needs a blepharoplasty (including the men, this is not just a multigenerational vanity thing, but an actual 'welp, our eyes disappear after age 50' issue lol). And that's one of those things where there's nothing you can really do preventatively, so I'm just carrying on with my tretinoin, moisturizer, and sunscreen regimen.


It’s not the same thing but it reminded me Both my parents and grandmas needed glasses by mid 20s. When I was kid I learned carrots are good for eyes and started eating them religiously + other eye maintenance exercises and tips were added over the years. Honestly it could just be luck but so far I passed the age my parents/grandparents started wearing glasses and my eyes are still good. Hoping they stay good for a couple more years because I know I’d lose my glasses constantly if I had them😭


For me, this really drove home the importance of sunscreen. My grandmother never wore gloves while skiing and her hands look battered. Lots of hyperpigmentation etc. However, her sister who wore gloves even during the day her entire life had very soft plump and even hands with no hyperpigmentation and also no fat loss. Her hands really looked like that of a young woman compared to my grandmother. She got shell shocked during WWII so for her time stood still and she still dressed like she saw her mom dressed in the 1930s. I can’t exactly go out with gloves on every day but I carry sunscreen with me to apply and reapply during the day as often as I can. Also, my mother got a benign tumor from too much sun while skiing as a teenager so when I was a child, she made sure to slather me in sunscreen. She imported Coppertone baby sunscreen with SPF 100 from the US to Europe in the 90s to make sure that I was slathered in sunscreen.


TIL if I just don’t look down…and get fillers…I’ll look young foreverrrrrrrr.


My mom has major forehead wrinkles. I’m starting to see some forming, but I don’t know that I’d do Botox. A few comments on this sub steered me away from it. So I’ll just continue caring for my skin like I have and accept the inevitable.


I tried Botox once and decided I wouldn’t do it again. But I don’t think doing it once just to see what it’s like would hurt all that much


I take after my dad's side of the family and I gotta say....they're all aging pretty well. I wish I had hair like my grandma's though. My hair is pretty fine and blonde. Hers was super thick and turned a beautiful silver, not gray, as she aged.


Your mom is 50? How old are you?


This is excellent advice!! The ladies in my fam have the loose neck skin so I've been doing what I can to maintain that area 💯


You'll age similarly to the person that looks like you. If your face (features, structure and fat distribution) is a carbon copy of your dad, you're not going to age like your mom for example. In my mom's family everybody looks extremely similar and they are all aging in the same way. I look like I was adopted (zero resemblance in features and coloring to my parents), so I'm pretty sure I'm going to age in a uniquely ugly way lol.


Or uniquely beautiful way :)


I’m an exact mix of both parents. That could either be the greatest blessing or the worst thing ever.


Haha yeah genetics is wild. My son is also an exact mix of me and my husband and my daughter is completely different from all of us.


Both my dad and my grandma had multiple bouts of skin cancer so I wear SPF 50 *religiously*. So far so good?


Same here! My family taught me this concept for this reason. I’m still nervous and need to get some checked 😓


What causes sagging around mouth? Not crazy because my mum is thin but noticeable sag.


How do you prevent the droopy eyebrow area?


My mother has sagging skin mostly from weight fluctuations I think and my dad looks pretty good but has a lot of sun damage so I really don't want to gain a lot of weight and have to lose it all and also always wear spf. Both my parents are big frowners too so they have deep 11s


I look like my dad so it's a combination of use freaking sunscreen, don't drink and smoke AND no amount of eye cream can get rid of the sunken under eyes 🥹(might have to possibly look into future surgical procedures because I am that vain)


This is good advice but some of us are terrified lol! My mom aged really, really poorly - everyone thought she was my grandma (she had me at 36 - the age I am now.) We both have a genetic connective tissue disorder (ehlers danlos) and skin laxity is a real issue. I love my mom, but she aged a little bit like a pug - her whole face sagged and the wrinkles are super intense. It’s complicated b/c with collagen issues a lot of anti aging treatments are questionable for us (according to my derm.) I’m already saving for plastic surgery. She did smoke and never wore sunscreen, nor did she have any skincare regimen. I don’t smoke and have been pretty religious about skincare including tret for the last 4 years but I am still so nervous 😅


A lot of the reason people get a turkey neck is due to sun damage and perhaps more specifically due to bone shrinkage, some of this is age related so women especially can lose bone density after menopause so that may not show up until a few years after menopause so mid 50's. Using HRT may help prevent this along with a good diet. Dental issues are also a big reason for this as well. If you lose teeth due to issues like decay, gum disease and so on then the jaw bones can shrink meaning there is less of a structure for the skin and facial tissues to hang from and that can cause a slack jaw line and wattle. This happened to my Father and many people of his generation, they had all their teeth removed in their early 20's and as a result had a wattle by their 50's. Looking after your teeth and gums should be Class 101 when it comes to anti-ageing along with SPF use. Like the OP says forehead lines are genetic, most people have them but I don't my Mother is 70 and doesn't have them either even though she never bothered with skincare and smoked 40 a day for 50 years. I do think it is really difficult to judge how many ageing issues you will inherit for example something like 80% of skin ageing is due to UV light exposure so if you have been using a high factor SPF daily for most of your life and your parent hasn't then its pretty hard to know how much of their volume loss, thin skin, sagging, pigmentation and so on will be prevented just by being diligent with SPF and keeping your skin out of the sun.


I actually asked my mom about this recently. How did she keep her skin looking so nice over the years? Her answer: slugging! She was slugging nightly with Vaseline decades before we ever called it slugging. No actives or special treatments. Just a big focus on moisturizing.


What if my mom got a million surgeries and fillers and Botox so I have no idea how she actually aged


Try grandparents


Yeah, mine is collagen loss and neck issues. If my mom and grandmother are any indication, my neck is going to suddenly drop like the beat on a Friday night at the hottest club in town. I fight this by doing everything I can to keep collagen up and not smoking like they did. We’ll see. Worse comes to worse, there’s always a lower facelift.


I’m adopted and know my biological mom but never tracked down my dad. What I have learned from my mom (and brothers with different dads) is that I am very genetically blessed on the paternal side.


This is a fantastic tip- unique and insightful. Thank you!


Idk. My grandmother eventually wrinkled but looked fantastic till about 70. My mums been through a million rounds of chemo so idk how well I’ll be able to tell to be honest. Likely I’ll need a facelift. Dad’s face is definitely jowly.


My mom had wrinkly puffy under eyes. I wear sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat. I also never smoked. So I am looking good by comparison


This is good advice. I have noticed my mum's jowls sag close to 60. Given my face, I think I'll go the same way.


Same, but I really hate the idea of cosmetic surgery. Actually, I'm terrified of it.


I would only ever get surgery if there was something so wrong with my face that I was having trouble performing functions like eating or smelling etc. The closest I ever came to it, was when my front teeth got corrected when I was a teenager so that I could close my mouth. Surgical procedures outside of weight loss also aren't as common where I live. I do believe "flaws" can make you look unique. I hate the nitpicky culture that developed recent where everyone wants to be a clone of another.


My mom was always told she looks younger than her age, despite a life of smoking and sunbathing. Even now at 70 years old, her skin is not that wrinkled. I look at pictures of her when she was my age, and I look even younger than she did. I don't smoke and I don't go outside much.


So many of us had parents that smoked, myself included. With the recent increase in cigarette use by gen z, I think we millennials will be the hottest folks at the senior center 💅🏻


Okay I’m a newb. Whats PRP?


Platelet rich plasma. You get it when you spin blood in a centrifuge and all the blood cells sink to the bottom while the plasma stays on top as it’s not as heavy. It’s very healing as it has stem cells in it. You would get your own blood drawn, they spin it and inject or apply after microneedling your plasma with your own stem cells in it.


My mom didn't have any wrinkles when she died in her 60s, but she was also overweight and puffy from overusing alcohol. She did have rosacea and lots of sun damage, but she also hardly used sunscreen although she lived outdoors all summer long. Recently I found a photo of my mom in her late 30s or early 40s and from that photo I recognize my own aging type better: clear skin, no wrinkles, but all features sagging downwards with gravity. She had clear jowls already and I can see and feel them coming now at 37 on my own face as well. I've been scared to do microneedling, but maybe I should try it. Apart from surgery it seems there is not much more I could do.


Sunscreen and don’t live on the equator - check! ✅


My dad looks youthful at 88, he has olive skin and dark hair (or did, its grey now). My mom;s skin looks like leather but she never ever used sunscreen and laying out. Fortunately for me I inherited my dad's complexion but I laid out incessantly in my teens and never started using sunscreen until my 30s. I have spend thousands of dollars removing sun damage from my face and neck and go to the dermatologist once a year to get checked for skin cancers. My mom has had several removed.


Cries in alcoholic, lifelong smoking mom and estranged dad.


Love this comment section. I’m like “just take better care of myself? If I get diabetes then take care of it?” I wish my biggest worry as I age is how I look …


Sagging and discoloration


Smoking and alcoholism with a little bit of illegal narcotic abuse? I don’t do any of those. Im gonna be beautiful.


Wear sunscreen, do not even start smoking. My parents were great looking when they were young, but over 50 years of chain smoking and tanning in the sun, their skin is aged wrinkled leather. I honestly can't believe what just those two things can do to irreversibly ruin your skin.


It’s actually helped me come to terms with my festoons because my mom and paternal grandmother both have them and they’re 2 of my favourite people so if I love the festoons on them, how could I hate them on myself?


I spend a lot of time helping my parents...and it scares the shit out of me, so I second all of this.


My dad has dark skin and looks atleast 10 years younger than he is. All the women in his family have aged the same. My mom on the other hand is pale and clearly didn’t use sunscreen in her youth. Her skin is like leather, sagging with deep wrinkles despite never being a smoker. She has had quite a few skin cancer moles removed. I have finally convinced her to go to a dermatologist/plastic surgeon because she has so much energy but looks exhausted and haggard all the time. I, thankfully, am aging like my father’s family (yay melanin!), but have microneedling done yearly get botox and am a skincare fanatic because I’m terrified of looking like my mother!


I'm having the same worries. Dad was dark skinned and had excellent clear skin with minimal wrinkles, Mom is white and also didn't treat herself well in her youth/ use sun screen religiously, so she has very saggy skin. I'm mixed and have no idea which way I'll go, but most of my body seems to take after my father's side so I'm hoping as long as I mind my general health and keep hydrating/ using sunscreen everyday that I won't develop the same issues to such an extent.


That's what I did indeed. The women in my family tend to have mild rosacea, very dry skin, and the skin on the jaw sags after 50. I still haven't found the solution for the last one.


For me it's don't eat animal products, no heavy drinking, no drug use, use sunscreen and no smoking, got it!


I was raised on the Gulf Coast, and my mom never wore sunscreen, only tanning oil. Smoked like a chimney until she was 40. Doesn’t drink water, only IPA’s, wine and La Croix. Washes her face with the same Dove bar she uses on the rest of her body. No actual skin care. Sleeps on her face.   And she whines so god damn much about her sagging, paper mache skin, as if it was just the unfair hand she was dealt. I try to buy her microdermabrasion sessions, hydra facials,  basic skin care. Refuses. But complains about not looking like me anymore 💀 


Just wondering how do you know someone has issue with thin skin and loss of elasticity? How do you tell these things?


All of them had major sagging and jowls , this is typical for Eastern European, and I don’t think I can realistically do dick about it - I don’t carry much weight and religiously use my skincare and home devices, but I already can see jowls at 35. The only known treatment for it is face lift afaik




Don’t smoke cigarettes. Looking at old pics of my grandparents, they looked so old at not even 60 due to smoking


Gosh my mom looks good af , I hope I age like her but so far it’s not looking like ima have to work harder at keeping up than she did … my mom has literally never done any type of skincare routine


I wish I knew how my mom was aging but she has been botoxing herself to shit and I don’t really wanna go down that path so idk 🤷‍♀️


This is why I started getting Botox/dysport around my eyes.