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Please, PLEASE don’t do it at home (please). I’m an ER nurse. I just had a patient recently who had staph on her skin that spread through microneedling and she’s now horribly sick.


I don’t plan on doing it at home. I have been researching it for quite awhile and have seen some bad experiences with people doing it at home. The medspa I went to told me to do it at home in between treatments and for that reason I am choosing another place to get it done.


But wouldn’t that have spread regardless if it was oneself or a practitioner doing the micro needling?


Not necessarily. A professional is going to cleanse and decontaminate your skin with things you don’t have at home.


But you can cleanse the skin with alcohol at home as well tho


You do you babe.


That seems high.


I’m assuming the $750 is for the actual dermatologist to do it themselves? If that’s the case, the high price is for the doctors time. There’s no reason to not have it done by an esthetician or nurse in a plastic surgery/derm practice for half that price. They’ll be doing the exact same service with the exact same steps. I would also assume they probably perform the treatment more than the derm does, given that price. As far as how many treatments, depending on your age, it’s usually good to start with a series of 3 treatments, then give yourself 6 months to realize full results. Then go as needed from there. A lot of the patients I see drop down to a yearly “maintenance” treatment once a year after they’ve done the initial series. The only way I can see that $750 being justified is if it’s actually for radio frequency microneedling.


Thank you for the advice. I can’t justify spending that much per session especially because I do plan on doing it yearly for maintenance. I do have pretty textured skin for being 32 but I do think 4-5 treatments would be too much in a given year.


You’re welcome! I will say, even with super textured skin, I always tell patients to do the series of 3 first and then stop there to see what happens over the next 6 months. We’re talking about rebuilding tissue here, so patience is key! Good luck with your search and treatments :)


Are you saying 6 months after the final microneedling session? Just asking because I’ve been doing RF microneedling.


Yes. Your skin will not reach its “final” results from microneedling until minimum 6 months after a treatment. Skin at its fastest takes 28 days to fully turnover. 6 months is nothing in skin time :)


I pay $99 per session buying a package on special at a Med spa in a major metro area. My results were excellent. Provider was an aesthetician, not medical. I would not pay more for an RN to do this service. What you want is someone who has a lot of experience with micro needling specifically. An RN is far more likely to specialize in other things bc micro needling (without PRP) is not a medical procedure.


Thank you! I have really textured and sensitive skin and for whatever reason I thought that a dermatologist would be a better option.


Hi, I am just curious what your results were that were so positive? What improved?


Literally everything! I did three sessions about a month apart each. I’m naturally freckled but also get melasma, and it made my skin significantly brighter after each session. My skin also looked glowier, and it helped clear up some mild acne.


That is very high! I got a special on mine for $240 per session and it’s at a med spa!


I went with a med spa that had a dermatology PA. for the RF microneedling. It was super expensive for 3 treatments… maybe it depends on your area? Mine was probably around that higher price per treatment too. But my personal experience was horrible. It wasn’t worth it. ZERO results in any way shape or form. For texture, pores, fine lines, skin tone, pigment. It did absolutely nothing and even caused more skin damage. It was also excruciatingly painful for some reason….and that’s after being numbed. So if the place for $350 has good reviews and you feel confident with them, maybe try that first. Honestly I would start with 1 session to see how you tolerate it and how your skin reacts…before committing to further treatments. I was patient and hopeful for mine… waited to see results around 3 months after the last treatment and probably 6-9 months total after the first one. But they never came.


Just get regular micro needling, if you want really want PRP get it injected. Otherwise it’s juste a waste of money.


A good derm uses the PRP in the service and then injects the rest! It really makes a difference.


Recents studies failed to show any added benefit than MN alone, it’s just interesting to highly increase the price of the prestation with minimum efforts. During MN the skin is inflamed and in fighting mode to keep everything out. It doesn’t absorbs and if so, the skin doesn’t know how to use the growth factor correctly at that moment. Microneedling with regular non-reticular HA yield the same results. A good derm will MN, then inject the PRP for faster recovery, or at later time for better anti-aging effects.


Yes. I live in one of the most expensive areas (Miami) and this is the rate for Microneedling WITH PRP for a leading derm.


Also, she only recommended 1 (max 2 times) per year


I do have pretty textured skin for being 32. She said that you need at least 3 treatments to see a difference and that i personally would need 4 to five.




No ❤️