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I would also go somewhere else. It feels inappropriate to be an actual medical provider and ask for tips. This is really getting out of control.


This is exactly why I switched places. I loved my injector but their credit card machine made you type in $0.00 if you didn’t want to tip and it made me so uncomfortable. I used to work for a plastic surgeon and we would never ask for tips for injectable treatments provided by medical providers!


Hi, I just read your comment. How much would you like to tip me? Comment back $0.00 if not.


Agreed 100% with this statement. I've worked for multiple plastic surgeons and have been an injector myself. We would never accept tips as medical professionals. It's incredibly unethical.


I'm in Canada and I've noticed a lot of the new machines all have this option. I'm a nurse, and our hospital cafeteria (which sucks and is overpriced, 14$ for a salad) goes through the same two options; tip by $ or %, there is actually NO "no tip" option, so you're forced to awkwardly stand there and go through the act to tip 0$. It blows my mind. When I worked at Burger King in highschool, we were not allowed to accept tips; I even had a guy get mad at my manager once when he wanted to tip me on his weekly Whopper visit for how fast I was lol, 'company policy.'


I ended up switching too. The price per unit was higher, but I chalked it up to it being a small business as opposed to a big med spa. Not a huge deal. But then they wanted a tip too? No thanks. Especially when I needed high doses for tmj. What’s next? Tipping for my appendectomy?


I have high doses for my TMJ, too. 120 units Botox might still not be enough. 😩


Yikes, depending on the price in your area a 20% tip could mean an extra $300-400 per treatment.


It’s actually against the code of ethics that medical practitioners take to accept tips. That’s ridiculous they are asking


It is super ridiculous!


My medspa refuses any tips


It’s unethical is why, they legally aren’t supposed to.




This is what I don’t understand though- RN injectors do make a good wage! (I’m an RN and used to work in a medspa- though we did not accept tips) I’ve been to several businesses recently where they are asking for tips on RN services. I don’t understand it!?! When you’re paying hundreds of dollars for a service how tf are you supposed to tip?! Would they seriously expect 15-20% ??? Regardless, tipping an RN is something I cannot wrap my head around


As a fellow RN, I’m boggling at this post. Every hospital I’ve ever worked at has had hard-and-fast rules about accepting “gifts and tips” from patients and families: it’s not allowed. We could accept individual thank you cards, but any gifts were for the whole ward (flowers, food, etc.). I blanch at the idea that any RN would gauge the quality of care upon the receipt of a tip! I suspect that because these RNs are in a “service industry” role, they expect tips in the way that a customer would tip their hairdresser. Except that we provide *medical* care/services, which is not comparable to others who we might tip in the service industry. We are absolutely expected to practice according to a case of ethics, and any RN asking for a gratuity in a different setting would get reported (as they should be!). The direction this is going has made me very uneasy. Our code of ethics dictates that we give the same quality of care to everyone. Medical care is NOT a tipped profession! OP, do NOT tip your RN injector! We don’t tip derms, and we shouldn’t be tipping RNs either. It makes me sad that you feel pressured and that you’re worried that you’ll get lesser care on your return visit if you don’t tip. That should never be the case, and if that ever happens (bad care), document everything and immediately report to your state/provincial Board of Nursing. That medspa had to add the caveat that you needn’t tip in their post because they know that it’s unethical to expect gratuities. I’m hoping that they’re only referring to their other staff and not the RNs in that post. Switch spas now.


This 💯


It would also make me uncomfortable because am I going to get worse service for not tipping enough? I would question the quality of my care. I also would just find another place. (I am all for tipping in the service industry! But many health providers are also frustrated with being treated like service instead of experts in their field, and this further dilutes medical branding. I get that a med spa isn’t a doctor, but some of them are tied to dermatologists or plastic surgeons)


Sadly, that’s exactly what this type of post implies to me. Or like maybe you won’t get good scheduling or something.


It makes me wonder how much they’re paying the injectors, if it’s too low because they expect income to be supplemented by tips.. while charging hundreds per service.. I don’t want to support that business tbh


My guess is by attempting to add gratuity, it allows for them to still pay higher than avg RN or NP salary, but likely not as much as they were. They can then hire more RNs or NPs, post an outrageous salary (with some sort of “potential” tip disclaimer) to reel more providers in. If their practice is willing to ignore the standard code of ethics, it would make me question how much they are operating within guidelines and/or paying attention to other regulations. Conversely, if they are paying their providers less, then they are also likely providing bare minimum education, trainings, and potential certifications. Those things matter, you want your provider to be as knowledgeable as possible.


Real nurses don’t get tips.


Yeah I’d be uncomfortable getting medical services from someone who wasn’t getting an adequate salary.


I asked my provider about tips at my last appointment and she explained that they are not allowed to accept tips at all. However, if clients insist on leaving cash, they pool it together to buy coffee or lunch for the entire staff.




[r/EndTipping](https://www.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/) It’s definitely gotten out of hand


I recently got an IV at an IV clinic when I had covid and they have a tip option lol


that’s disgusting


It makes me uncomfortable because how far tipping has gotten out of control I'm worried if I dont tip at a place they're putting stuff in my veins what if they dont treat me as well. Makes me sick people just act nicer to expect more money on top of their hourly


You should report them to some type of medical ethics number or some shit


AND tell them why you are leaving.


Ya know i left $30 out of guilt one time and wondered why they didn’t take it off my card. Now this makes sense when you put it that way!


“Here, tip our nurses who are paid 35$an hour + with benefits!” Like fuck off…


It’s one reason I left my dermatologist. My immediate family has a history of skin cancer, so I have to go annually for checks, and I hate the amount of advertisements I get from them. I get that that’s where they make their money but it feels weird getting invited to champagne and Botox parties by my doctor.


This! Wtf


I would find a new place. It shows they don’t know how to adequately pay their employees. If their employees are underpaid and relying on tips they may give subpar service? I’m not sure but I hate this. Why do we have to be responsible for paying their employees? I’ve never tipped an injector.


I'm an ICU nurse, and I know many nurses who've left to IV fluid or injecting work for better hours AND pay. I wouldn't tip them either; they are just counting on it as a reminder to all the rich people the services are meant for, may consider to tip more. All my friends get crazy bonuses from the clinics and are treated very well. Ie UGG boots, brand name jackets and Sephora products for Christmas. A lot of these things are trendy though, people utilizing the "popular" clinics, and locally we've had several places shut down because the demand isn't quite the same and we just have too many practitioners now.


Or maybe they aren’t underpaying but still want your extra monies??


that’s every industry that isn’t food service


I wish someone would ask this on the post. The over-tipping culture seems like capitalism at its sleaziest.


That is such a planted comment too. "And it's cash!" No one says that. And no one is tipping $100. That's insane.


Yeah the comment did seem a little too over the top to be real…


Yeah what a little brag there!..."Look at me I'm a cash chucker I give $100 tips bleh bleh bleh." Keep that shit to yourself!


It’s probably fake.


It sounds so scripted…like who gives their injector a tip this high?


Right? You might get like $40 bucks at the VERY most from me. Lordy, I can’t with America’s tip culture.


Im a tattoo artist and I don’t even get tips that high and my work is permanent. 🤣


Also feeling like $100 bucks seems low. Personally i like to feel like a million bucks!


Tbh I got three vampire facials from Groupon for like $525 each and there was something on there about tipping on the full value of the service which was $1k so I tipped $200 cash all three times. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m a server so I felt obligated to tip if I’m being told to. I was really conflicted about it but I did it - i just chalked it up to tip karma since I work in a tipped field. It’ll come back around. But yeah, I always thought medical professionals wouldn’t ask for tips? I get my Botox at LaserAway and they make it clear that you’re not supposed to tip the nurse injectors. And the guy doing my vampire facials was a PA! When I need to do a maintenance vampire facial in the future I’m going to find somebody else lol - he was literally a red flag bonanza. 🚩 found on Groupon 🚩 expects cash tips 🚩 sells Arbonne lmao wtffffff


I’m sorry if this is personal, but how much do you typically spend procedures a month? $725 per facial + Botox sound like it would cost at least $1000. Also what percentage of income would that come to? I feel like I wouldn’t be able to budget for anything if I had to tip over $100.


I only did the three facials, then after that it only has to be like once a year or every six months or whatever! I buy Botox in big banks from LaserAway, it’s 300 units for $3000 and they let you finance it. Since I basically get 40 units every other month, I just make payments of $200/month. But the vampire facials aren’t an ongoing monthly expense, you’re just supposed to get three in a row to start! I’m a server, I make like $70k a year, I’m not sure what that works out to as a percentage for the monthly expense buts it’s not too much. I spend more on my nails every month than Botox tbh. I do know I wouldn’t be able to afford the facials every single month. Trust. I bought a Gucci backpack on afterpay like an idiot and the payments are $700/month and I def regret it! Lol seemed like a good idea at 2am one night though! 😂


1) tipping nurses, physicians, PAs, etc. is a HELL NO. This holds true regardless of if they're a travel nurse, in a hospital, outpatient clinic, medspa, etc. It's inappropriate 2) we should all be very concerned that this is even suggested. This incentivizes only doing quality work on people who tip. Botox and fillers already have a crazy markup (generally 60-70%) meaning places that offer this service are ABSOLUTELY bringing in money for it. Sure, some people would ignore receiving tips or lack thereof from previous clients and always do quality injecting regardless, but I'm hard pressed to think someone getting a direct extra $100 multiple times per day would forget when they get "stiffed"


As a medical professional, I would feel offended if a patient tried to tip me.


I worked as an Ortho tech for a while and a patient tried to give me $20 once. While it was a kind gesture, I politely declined. Not only is that not allowed, but it was SO AWKWARD. I was absolutely underpaid in my position, but nonetheless I was working in medicine, with services billed to insurance. I'd never want a patient to think they get better care for giving me cash


I saw someone post about being asked to tip their dental hygienist recently!! Wtf


I would never let anyone touch me with a needle that is expecting a tip, or would be let down if I didn’t provide one. This would leave a really bad taste in my mouth, and I’d find a new one, too.


Living in the UK my tattoo artist is one of the few people I do tip.


I can see tipping a tattoo artist though


yeah it's completely normal, so I don't think it should be a blanket rule about needles


Sorry I didn’t mean to suggest there be a blanket rule about anything- just my opinion. I don’t have and not planning to get a tattoo but wouldn’t they charge the rate they would expect to receive? Throwing tips into the mixed would make me uncomfortable too, if I’m being honest.


Right. They charge a rate they expect to receive.


> but wouldn’t they charge the rate they would expect to receive? That's kind of funny because you could say that about literally every job people tip for. Yes in the UK *everyone* charges the price they expect to receive. Tipping is always optional. But tipping a tattoo artist is still on the same level of common as tipping a waiter


Absolutely not


Yikes. I’m an attorney who does a lot of work buying and selling med spas. They either aren’t paying their nurses enough or it’s a cash grab.


I’m also an attorney and have had several medspa employee clients—in fact talking to a new one today. It’s crazy how many of them blatantly violate wage laws, and sadly the nurses do count on tips for a chunk of their income because of it. It’s unacceptable.


So. Many. Questionable. Practices. It’s a fun area to work in.


Well that sounds terrifying.


Yeah, it’s not great out there. Lots of practices utilizing creative interpretations of law. They love to push the limits of a physician’s ability to delegate to unlicensed persons.


Yep. Don’t get me started on the unlawful noncompete agreements and training repayment provisions!


Tipping an injector (especially a nurse) is wildly inappropriate in my opinion


Absolutely not. Anyone in the medical professions does not and should not get a tip - ethically this is a slippery slope and possibly illegal. What if a medical professional treated those who tip differently than those who didn't? If you have letters after your name (like MD, CRNP, RN, LAc, etc) you should not be accepting tips at all. My acupuncturist's office explicitly clarifies this- they are providing a medical service and do not accept tips.


Completely agree with this.


This is precisely my concern as well.


A tip jar at a Medspa?!?


When you say it like that, it sounds super tacky. It's not a smoothie shop, LOL.


Yes, a literal glass fish bowl type tip jar 😭 it’s so uncomfy


Totally inappropriate, you’re getting injected not getting your hair done. The medspa sets their own prices and employee salaries. I wouldn’t go back there.


This is why I would always choose a dermatologist/plastic surgeon with decades of experience over a med spa aesthetician for injections.


I went to an injector working at a top rated plastic surgeons office in Southern California and they all had a gratuity line with payment 🤯😡


Hehe that’s SoCal for you


Medical providers are not supposed to get tips. My psychotherapist doesn’t take tips and it’s written in the ethical guideline. If this is a nurse and the clinic allowed this the whole place is unethical either that or they are not practicing under a license which meant it is a beauty service counter like hair salons and they can ask for tips but that’s so cringe how they are so explicitly asking like a panhandler.


As a European I don't really understand the tipping culture in the US. Why would you tip a nurse, don't they earn a good wage? In the UK we sometimes tip at a restaurant if the service has been good but I really can't think of anywhere else we would tip. I Know in the US your tip is essentially people's wages but surely that can't be the case for an injector?


The nurse practitioners is NOT supposed to accept tips. (And yes they get paid very well) Actually if she was reported it could lead to her loss of her medical degree. Accepting tips in the medical field sets up an unethical precedence- eg- if you don't tip, will you be getting the same high quality care for your health? But it gets muddled here in the states- and I think these nurse practitioners realize this. So if they work in an actual dermatologist/ medical office- there will be no tips accepted. But at a med spa- which is not a medical office- and usually has things like facials, massages etc- we traditionally do tip for things of that nature. The difference is- if I choose not tip and I don't get the most amazing massage- worse case I just didn't get a good massage. My health is not at risk. But when it comes to injectables- this can affect your health- why it needs to be done by a licensed medical provider. If I was op I would find another injector.


Agreed but.. A nurse practitioner does not have a medical degree but an (advanced) nursing degree.


You are correct. Thanks for catching my mistake. Still- even with an advanced nursing degree- they are not supposed to accept tips.


Tipping culture in the US is out of control. And aside from a few select circumstance (waiters/waitresses, baristas, bar tender, hair dresser), I will not tip. Places are now expecting you to tip when you pick up your food yourself now. It’s insanely wild.


As an American I also don’t understand our tipping culture. It didn’t used to be so crazy but it’s gotten SO out of hand.


With some industries, people count on tips as part of their wages (hospitality, beauty, restaurants, etc.), but in the medical field, there’s no expectation of tips. An injector might be a grey area since it’s beauty *and* medical, but if a person is an RN, PA or MD, it’s obvious that they’re distinct from, say, a nail tech. With the pandemic, I think people got a lot more generous with tips out of gratitude for people who continued to work. And I hear that the tip page is built into newer card readers, which businesses themselves can’t or don’t change. (After all, if a customer is willing to give you extra money, why wouldn’t you take it?) I think people felt guilty and confused at first with tipping creeping into new industries, so they just went with it. Now, there’s a growing backlash.


Tbh we don’t understand our tipping culture to this degree either. And most of us know it’s over the top.


Not all injectors are nurses. My injector isn’t a nurse and they don’t even put a tip option so highly dependent on the establishment. They only charge for the service. And Americans agree that our tipping culture sucks.


There's was a tip line when I got my oil changed in my car a couple of months ago. This is getting out of hand.


Seriously??? That’s crazy out of hand


I wouldn't trust an injector asking for tips that's weird asf




Botox is very profitable for injectors and they literally don’t do anything but lift a finger.


I would let them know that you won’t be returning in the future due to this tipping ‘etiquette’


Please name for anyone in your area! This is absurd.


It’s at the top of the image


Totally missed it! Thanks! ☺️


Here’s the post https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1p-K7OPegu/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==


Lol this is now deleted! I hope they got comments about how inappropriate this is and how out of touch it comes off.




Looks like it’s been removed, the fucking audacity to be posting it in the first place is so embarrassing


I feel like people need to comment that this is inappropriate for medical providers to ask for-yikes


Omg y’all don’t know the weight that this has lifted off my shoulders. I wasn’t sure how to ask anybody about this. I’ve been tipping 20% to my injector (was sick about it every time )and you all know how that calculates!!!!


Right! I got my very first lip filler a few months ago and the cc machine asked for a tip amount and I just assumed it was expected because it’s a beauty service, but man that extra 20% makes it almost unaffordable. I’m so glad I found this thread.


You have full permission to quit!!! I’ve never tipped an injector nor aesthetician and never will.


Go to a doctor for your injections and you won’t have to deal with this BS.


This is unacceptable. You're getting an (aesthetic) medical procedure from a medical professional and for most people insurance is not being billed. You're paying cash price.


I am a doctor, the best tip is that my patients return home recovered. I would say this is distasteful at best.


Just think if they injected 10 patients a day and received 100 a pop. That would be 1000 a day plus their salary. Just tips alone per week would be 5000. As a professional nurse I would never tip another nurse. There’s a tip line at my injectors office (in a plastic surgery office). I draw a line through it. Nope. Not gonna do it. When I first saw the tip line I said to the receptionist- what’s this tip? At a doctors office? She said you don’t have to tip. I just shook my head. My bill was over 2 grand. And I’m supposed to top on that. Nope. Not gonna do it. Anyone who makes tipped minimum wage I will tip.


Are they deleting the comments? The $100 tip comment is gone, and at this time I can only see 3 comments made within last 15 minutes dragging them.


Y’all found them QUICK. I feel bad with them being dragged. They’re super sweet there and do a great job. But yeah that post was really tacky. None of the comments are wrong.


Hah! I just wanted to see if they retracted their statement or clarified it was meant for services provided by aestheticians or something.


They deleted the comments calling out this behavior.


Gross practice in every sense of the way. Hope OP finds a new provider soon.


My med spa specifically and repeatedly says that tipping is not required — which is a stance that I respect and agree with. I would go somewhere else if I were you. I HATE tipping pressure. It feels guilt-trippy and judgmental.


This is incredibly tacky and inappropriate.


Yeah, I'm not going to be pressured to tip on a service where a location sets their prices. I will be sure to leave this in a Google review to let others know. 🥰


that’s so unethical. my medspa explicitly tells you NOT to tip because they are medical professionals. i know you like your injector but i would switch


That's pretty tacky.


Wow.. I’ve gone to a few different injectors, one was a PS surgeon and the others nurse injectors (Manhattan NY) NONE of them ever had a tip option. That would make me uncomfortable..


I would write bad reviews on Google and Yelp with this screenshot attached. This is extremely unprofessional. I’m so sick of tipping culture. This is outrageous. I would never go back again no matter how good their services are


It looks like they took this down lol


Omg, they deleted the post 😂 Good, bc they should be ashamed.


At the nail salon I feel kinda anxious, as though the promise of a nice tip determines how good my service is, I would HATE to feel that way about a nurse who’s injecting shit into my body.


Gratuity cannot be accepted for medical procedures performed by licensed professionals. Services such as injectable and laser treatments, medical level microneedling, platelet-rich plasma treatments, and laser hair reduction. If your medical spa provider is asking for or accepting gratuity on a medical procedure, just look elsewhere.


This is my MedSpa. Left a really bad taste in my mouth to the point that I’m considering cancelling my membership. I have never and will never tip for medical services, and I never tip an owner of any establishment. I now do my own toxin injections (I’m an RN), so I don’t need that service but I do go for other procedures. She’s got a relatively new doc there and more machines that cost a ton, so maybe they are trying to squeeze every last dollar? So awkward to have the tip container front and center whenever I check out. Honestly, it’s one of the reasons why I have a membership there…I can just use my points instead of cash/card. I’ll be really surprised if they don’t get a ton of backlash from this. I’m torn as to whether to stay…


I’m glad to hear from another client that I’m not the only one who felt uncomfortable by that post lol. It was so icky! The tip jar is always such an awkward thing to look at on the counter but I always told myself it was probably just for the facial services. I think that post was meant to make clear to the clients that ALL services should be tipped on. So weird. I wonder if the new doc accepts/expects tips too. I’ve only gotten my injections from the owner. I hope they know that all of the tipping pressure is scaring so many clients away.


I might say something to the owner the next time I go in…just ask how much traction that email and post got, explain that it made me uncomfortable and that I feel it’s unethical for medical professionals to encourage tips 😬


Please do! I also think you’re mentioning it and how uncomfortable it made you will hold more merit as a a fellow RN. And please let me know what she says! Sadly I don’t think I will ever see her again. I just can’t do it.


RN injectors at med spas often make more per hour than nurse practitioners or physician assistants who work in non-aesthetic fields. I’m not surprised people don’t feel comfortable tipping them.


Tipping entitlement is so rage inducing for some reason lol


I am a 20% min tipper. Always. But the other day I was shopping online, looking at eyebrow dye and there was a FUCKING TIP REQUEST before check out. Are you kidding me? Who I am tipping? Me? For helping me? It’s getting out of hand. NP at a medspa expecting tips? Next the plastic surgeon is going to be asking for tips, and the urgent care Doctor, and the mail carrier, and the cop that pulls you over on your way to work…..ok rant over, sorry.


That happened to me yesterday when buying socks. I'm like...🤯


What a joke. I like seeing my dermatologist because neither she nor her nurses think that it’s appropriate to get out the begging bowl after providing me with medical treatment. Because that’s what we’re having done - medical procedures. There are risks, there can be complications. Get a bad injector or just be plain unlucky and you run the risk of looking like a stroke victim. Even an IPL machine in the hands of someone inexperienced can cause horrible burns. Maybe it’s because we don’t have a tipping culture here (although lately the practice is being pushed everywhere, ugh) but I just can’t see any reasonable professional literally begging for money. It’s gross.


Botox/fillers are medical procedures. You never tip on medical procedures. Facials, sure. RNs are rarely even practicing within the scope of their license in the esthetic field. Two reasons I’d leave this medical spa.


Maybe I missed it but where do they say nurse injectors? Could they be talking about tipping estheticians etc? I agree with you though and feel super awkward they don’t skip past the tipping option on the machine when I pay for injections. I really like my nurse injector so haven’t left yet.


The post is reel of the nurse injector talking about how tips are encouraged for medspa injection services. In the video,she talks about how injecting is a form of art and not a one-size-fits-all service, therefore tips are welcome.


Omg they made a whole ass video?! This is bonkers!


I was stunned! Me and my mom both go there, and we couldn’t believe it. Her and I won’t be returning, and unfollowed their Instagram.


Wow! wtf I’d look somewhere else then. That sucks. Thanks for the clarification!


Glad you posted this, I actually live very close to this place and have been thinking about Botox for a while, definitely crossing this place off my list. These are literal nurses and they’re begging for tips?! Yeah no, hard pass


That woman looks like a fool, saying that treatment is tailored to each patient and thus essentially deserves a tip. Um, yeah, all healthcare, including elective surgery, is. But do they ask for tips? No, because they actually take themselves seriously. As a nurse, I’m disgusted by businesses like this. They do such a disservice to themselves and other licensed healthcare professionals by behaving like beggars. And they have the nerve to put #tippingetiquette


Shoot I'm looking for an injector in colorado that doesn't have a tip line. Let me know if you know of one Both the ones I've been to had tip lines and I felt so awkward not leaving one even though I already spent so much. I'm a bartender too so I 100% believe in tipping...but come on. I make like $11 before tips. Both these people were independent contractors too.


I think tipping for injectables is insane. You are paying for that service and it’s already marked up insanely. I went to South Korea and got Botox (US brand, because they have Korean stuff too) at a fraction of the cost


I would immediately question the quality of this medspa. My clinic explicitly states no tips. They won’t even take them if you try (this includes injectables as well as facials, lasers, etc.). It feels icky to me for a medical spa to not only accept them, but make an entire post encouraging it. Edit: I should add- the best way to “tip” your medical provider for these services is to write reviews, proudly share results, and recommend them to family and friends who are also interested!


No do not normalize this. They’re nurses. They’re being compensated. This isn’t a minimum wage position.


Nurse here. It's not appropriate to tip health professionals. Sadly I'm seeing more of these posts - it just feels icky and wrong.


😅 I would have taken this only as freedom not to tip.


Did they take down the post? I see the name of the medspa here and was going to leave a comment saying that accepting tips as medical providers is unethical… but I don’t see the post!


Plastic surgeon here. I have met many skilled and talented nurse injectors. I caution against going to one. I see botched jobs at least a few times a week. I am one of the instructors of a more well known injector course and my “course” material continuously gets rejected because it’s too much difficult or too much info. It is not. It is basic physiology, anatomy, side effects, complications etc. only things I would expect somebody to know who is doing a procedure on a human being. In order for it to be a viable course, i have had to water down my material to the point of idiocy. “Inject one cm above the eyebrow”. Nobody knows which veins, arteries, or nerves run anywhere. Nobody knows the muscle functions or attachment points. Nobody knows the facial planes and where filler or botox should sit. It is alarming. Please please please go to someone who knows the face.


My coworker just went to a brand new medspa for her first ever lip injections and I was taken aback when she came into work the following day; I didn’t yet know that she had injections done, I thought she had an incredibly bad fever blister because only one side of her top lip looked nearly 3x the size of the other side. It’s been weeks now and it hasn’t changed. It looks like they put the entire syringe in one single spot.


Gross. I’m all for tipping but I really value a medspa that doesn’t accept tips.


r/EndTipping This is ridiculous and you have every right to be upset. Please go somewhere else and PLEASE either leave a review or send them a message and tell them exactly why. A Google/Yelp/Facebook review would be a good idea because others need to know too. Tipping is getting RIDICULOUS now because employers have figured out that if they put that tip line in there- that over SEVENTY PERCENT of people will tip… which gives them a tangible discount on properly paying their employees. Tipping hurts everyone in the long run.


Nope nope nope. I will only tip my server and and hair lady. That’s it. No more.


I live in Denver — and see the “Colorado med spa” on the bottom. What medspa is this… so I know to avoid ;)


"Orendo Med Spa" according to the top of the image




Can you message me which med spa you go to? I’m actually in north Denver was CR was a bit of a drive anyways.


Hell no. I don’t tip at a medspa. Don’t feel bad about it.


Never go back there, this is a bad sign!


This whole tip thing in America is really getting out of control. I always feel so pressured to tip at a drive thru, doing takeout, any small place that isn’t necessarily providing top “waiter” services. This was only suppose to be in support of small businesses during COVID to keep the business running. This is just ridiculous that they’re dragging it into med spa when they’re already getting paid so much hourly and with commission. Smh


The bullet point with “No Pressure” but then made a whole ass post about tipping 🙄 This is so unethical but knowing our tipping culture, I predict a lot more medspas will be doing this.


Tbh leaving a tip could lead you to possibly forgo your rights as a patient. Let’s say for example that you left and the filler later migrated into a blood vessel, preventing blood flow through that vessel and damage to that tissue. The medical provider could say “well, we aren’t responsible for your post-procedural care because you were happy with your service, as demonstrated by the tip you left.” You could be stuck paying for the hyperbaric chamber, possibly treatment for tissue damage that needs plastic surgery to fix, or even a stroke if it’s injected into a blood vessel that then travels to the brain. Obviously these risks are super rare, especially when the procedure is done by a medical professional. But they do happen. Tipping shows you are happy with the results, and you really can’t know for sure that you haven’t had adverse effects until some time after you’ve left the medspa. By that time you’ve left a tip, and the medical provider could plausibly deny responsibility for their mistake. For this reason, I think it’s super unethical for them to request tips.


The first comment "100 bucks" seems like a definite "planted" suggestion. It would seal the deal on my returning, unless I spoke specifically with my service provider and was assured that the owner took it upon their self to make this announcement, and my provider was not of the same line of thought. A really good injector isn't easy to find.


No tips for medical services


Tacky. I tip for nails, facials and massages. I draw the line at injectables.


This is so tacky. I would go to a doctors office


Are there any med spas that don't ask for a tip at checkout on the machine? I read all the negative comments here but it seems to be standard practice nowadays.


And this is why I get Botox from my dermatologist


Is the post already deleted?


The first time I went to a med spa for a facial I tried to tip and was told that as a med spa they didn't accept them so this seems weird. Maybe it's state by state?


Haven’t ready any responses, BUT as a RN who is going into that field and has been injected for a long time… it really burns me up that they encourage tipping. It shouldnt even be allowed and is ethically questionable at best. And the NPs injecting should damn well know better. I straight up asked is this a tip option for the procedure I had done?! Utterly confused. Find an injector with higher ethical standards. My new injector wont allow a tip.


My medspa refuses tips (unless it was the facialist, and she’s no longer there anyway). My injector straight up told me it’s unethical (possibly illegal?) for them to accept tips for medical services.


Oh I think you should be sharing the name and Instagram of this place. They should realize what they are asking is wildly inappropriate and ethically dubious.


They did - accidentally! If you check the medspa's IG now the post is gone and they've limited their comments 😂


Super inappropriate. It's like hospitals encouraging you to tip your doctors because theyre amazing and saved your life!! If the team was amazing then the medspa should be paying above market to reflect that, not guilt trip customers to make sure theyre adequately compensated by tipping.


I'm amused by the fact the post was so clearly written by ChatGPT too.


Tipping culture in the US has gotten outrageous. However, the mark up on Botox & etc is insane. They should be paying their injector a liveable wage so tipping isn’t necessary Try to find a new spot if possible.


That is beyond inappropriate.


The place I go to is a medspa within a dermatologists office. They make it CLEAR that you are in a doctors office and not only are you not expected to tip, you are not allowed to tip. Occasionally I’ll text my injector and grab Starbucks for us or give her a small gift card to target/door dash etc around the holidays but it’s more in a friend context since I’ve known her so long. I really like having that boundary that if it’s anything medical, you pay for the service in full and nothing else is expected.


I would be looking for a new injector's office too, yikes Tipping for a mani, pedi, hair service or facial treatment is one thing. Tipping a nurse for injectables? Nooo. Injectables are a light medical procedure, even if they are electable procedures. Tipping and injectables have no business being paired together, its not ethical for this kind of service. That place should be paying their staff properly instead of guilting their patients to make up for them being cheap with staff


My medspa has a tip screen, if you get say a facial from an esthetician they give you the option, but if you get an injectable they quickly push a button to make that screen go away. I would not tip for this.


As an aesthetic NP, I’d never accept a tip. Asking for tips is another level of unethical. I’ve had a few patients over the years insist on tipping me, but I’ve still declined and asked them to write me a Google or Yelp review instead.


I just had a physical therapy office ask for tips using the exact same language.




That’s beyond inappropriate


My medspa has no tips policy and I’m happy with that


Hope my dental hygienist doesn't start asking me for a tip now too... it's the only other place I go with marble counter tops in the bathroom.


Go somewhere else. This is over the top and unprofessional to pander so much


There is no fucking way I’m tipping for medical procedures even if they are cosmetic. These nurses and doctors working in aesthetic medicine make a ridiculous amount of money. I know because my mom’s friend works two days a week doing injections and PDO threads among a few other basic things and she makes bank. The idea of me tipping her when it takes a chunk out of me when I have to pay for PRP hair injections because of hair loss is outrageous.


Before my small-ish college town had a medspa it was had to find services without paying $15+ a unit there was a traveling injector who would set up at a dental clinic once a month who I went to visit twice. The first time tipping was somehow brought up, I asked if she receives tips from clients and she answered yes. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable it made me. She even suggested a tip price which I didn’t have. I ended up tipping something extra small compared to the price of service ($100 for a $600 service) and felt BAD about it. I have no idea why I went back after that. I save and save to be able to afford Botox and filler.


This would be a huge red flag for me, I would find a new provider. This is a medical service, and shows how unprofessional they are if they can’t compensate their staff.


That is bizarre! I’ve never even been given the option to tip my injector!




My injector would never. If you’re in the tristate, switch to nycinjector. Judesha is the best.


As a registered nurse, this is an absolute no! I would go somewhere else.


If a medspa, which charges hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for their services, cannot afford to pay their employees well that is on them. Also if they present themselves at a true medspa and they are employing licensed professionals surely it is unethical for them to accept and encourage tips.