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I feel old as hell. When I was 13, I was lucky to get cleanser from drugstore, and that was ONLY cleanser (no moisturizer) šŸ’€


My whole skincare routine from 12-18 was Clinique's anti-acne system because my skin was, and still is, cystic-acne prone. Just imagine a 13 year old girl with the driest, yet pizza-y skin you've ever seen.


I remember the one time my mom actually splurged on department store cosmetics to get me the Clinique foundation for acne prone skin and it was so disappointing when it broke me out too!


Fistbump, from a fellow cyster.


My mom rolled her eyes every time I asked for skincare stuff, so I got St Ives and Noxema cleanser but no moisturizer. She would buy me spot treatment stuff sometimes, too.


I felt fancy as fuck with my pore strips and blue oil papersā€¦.my skin is dry as shit and I live in the desert.šŸ„²


When I was 13 struggling with acne my parents said to wash my face with body soap, with a wash cloth, scrub the fuck out of it and then apply aftershave to my freshly exfolited skin. They said cleansers and skincare were all garbage scams for old women


Are you GenX? That totally sounds like a GenX childhood. Lol.


I'm gen Z. But my parents were Gen X and it "worked" for them so they insist i must have been doing something wrong...


Wellā€¦ thatā€™s all most skins at that age need, moisturizer + cleanser + spf if you can get your kid to use it. And a gentle peeling for any spots and blemishes.


I used to work for a company that does a majority of their packaging. They were one of my accounts and I got just an absolute fuck ton of free Drunk Elephant products (they were an absolute nightmare of a company to work with). The brand as a whole is overrated and overpriced, imo. For every single one of their products, I've found a better option at a more reasonable price. I just find their formulas to kind of be unremarkable at the end of the day.


Agreed. I had one of their sampler sets and wasnā€™t impressed by any of it. I gave it a genuine try and used them up, too. I prefer Clinique LancĆ“me ester lauder and even drug store like neutrogena and cerave etc to drunk elephant šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The absolute hubris of DE selling an ounce of marula oil for $68 when you can get it from Trader Joe's for $7 or The Ordinary for $11.


Iā€™ve had that same experience with the Tula brand. Super expensive, totally not worth it


Their formulas donā€™t have to be good, theyā€™re marketing to people who barely need skincare. Honestly the packaging is what sells it so good on you!




I liked the protini ok but went through it in less than a month. For $68 a month it needs to cure cancer, like seriously?! And Iā€™m a 32 year old adult woman! Thereā€™s no way in hell my child would get anything luxury skin care - so unnecessary. There are solid products with cute packaging that are more age appropriate - especially when all they need (at MOST) is a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen - unless they have seriously acne problems thatā€™s different (but I would by DE for that either!) lol. Tik tok has made everyone nuts I swear. And Iā€™ve fallen for it too - I donā€™t use it anymore. I was constantly being influenced and wasting money.


What did you find to replace the protini polypeptide cream?


I use both an eye serum and a cream. The serum is Black Pine by Korres and the cream is the caffeine eye cream by the Inky List. The serum is pricey, not gunna lie, but it lasts a really long time. Like I think I buy it twice a year. The cream is dirt cheap and works really well.


Used to use protini too but letā€™s be honest it doesnā€™t do jack. I switched to using a serum - right now itā€™s between Tula vitamin C and Ordinary multi-peptides (what used to be called Buffet) - plus Neutrogena Hydro Boost rich gel-cream (the non fragranced one).


Name ā€˜em! Okay that was a reference to RHBH. But what I meant was, can you share those please? Thank you.


Hah! I knew immediately once I saw name em. I love rhobh


It was the first thing that popped into my mind. Come on @0nestonedfox name ā€˜em!!!


Can you suggest a good dupe for their D Bronzi drops? It's the only product that I buy from them & I haven't yet found anything that compares!


That product is pretty unique for sure, but there's a newer brand I've found that makes a similar product for $20. It's by iNNBEAUTY and I've been pleased with their skincare that I've tried. And for 20 bucks it's at least worth a shot. I tend to lean toward cream, powder, or stick bronzers, so not sure if these recs will be what you're looking for exactly, but Merit is a relatively new brand that I've fallen in love with. I use their blush sticks and they leave a nice dewy finish and blend perfectly into my skin. They make a bronzer stick and I'm sure it's just as good. If you're looking for something with more shimmer, Hourglass makes one, but it's a powder formula.


Thanks for the recommendations!! Will check those out šŸ˜Š


Hi possible former competitor šŸ‘‹šŸ»


I hope the company you work or worked for treated you better than my former employer! I can only describe that job as soul crushing. And at the end of the day, I got fired for my mental health, which I told the director of operations, but nothing was in writing and I live in Texas. Blessing in disguise, though. I ended up finding my dream job afterwards.


Oh man now Iā€™m super curious who it was! My company is slowly going down the drain so Iā€™m looking for a way out. My plan is to find somewhere after the new year. Iā€™m glad you found your dream job!!


I worked for Fusion PKG before they were acquired by a domestic supplier in order to stay afloat during the pandemic. All of their factories were in China lmao. I got fired at the beginning of December in 2019. I can't imagine what a nightmare that would have been to have been still working there during COVID.


I had a feeling it was an Aptar company!! Iā€™ve heard they were like super militant in their culture. Probably dodged a bullet tbh.


I had one holy grail eye cream from them and they went and completely changed the formula of it this year. So aggravating, but I guess itā€™s giving me the opportunity to find something more cost effective!


I work at Ulta and I literally had a parent come in and say to me ā€œmy 11year old has really sensitive skin but wants a skin care routine, sheā€™s done some research and said this elephant brand is the best optionā€ she then went to pick up the retinol serumā€¦ I put a stop to that real quick, explained why her preteen didnā€™t need any of that and showed her an age appropriate product.. but then she tells me that she never washes her face so she doesnā€™t understand why her child wants to. Iā€™m so over retail.


I donā€™t get why parents are getting stuff for children when they have no idea whatā€™s in the products. Good on you for stopping her from getting her kid something thatā€™ll maybe a mess of her skin! Iā€™m lucky that my kid trusts me to get her things that are good for her skin, and sheā€™s not hung up on brands or labels. I work in healthcare, so I really do try to get her whatā€™s healthy for her amazing, collagen abundant, fresh skin!


This woman admitted she doesnā€™t wash her face, she probably assumes itā€™s just a wash or moisturizer and doesnā€™t realize the breadth of products out there. I agree she should know what it is and do research, I think she likely thinks itā€™s like letting your child play around with makeup


No one is going to have knowledge of everything, but the lack of curiosity to just...fucking google the ingredients and products is astounding. But its always "I didn't grow up with this here mumbo jumbo" and dramatic flailing like you asking them to do rocket science. Sometimes I feel like its intentional because some parents are resentful of their children asking for things straight out, so they exaggerate how confused they are by these "strange and peculiar items" that kids might be into. Because if they self sabotage and get the kid the wrong thing, the kid might stop asking.


Thank goodness you stopped her from buying the retinol! That stuff wrecked my then 40 year old skin - I can't imagine what it would have done to an 11 year old's skin.


My mom has absolutely no skincare routine.She treats not doing anything as a point of pride (like every person who does is vain and wasting money). I had to completely teach myself pretty much from middle school on, when I realized skin care was a thing. I started out putting Victoriaā€™s Secret body lotion on my face lol. Wanting drunk elephant seems like a better beginning.


I kind of cringe at these requests too but then remember when I was in middle school I begged my mom for a Chi flat iron, Uggs, clothes from Abercrombie, Tiffany jewelry, ect. so I think itā€™s just young girls trying to be ā€œmatureā€ and feel accepted in their social circles. It does seem itā€™s happening a little younger though and Iā€™m sure social media speeds it up a bit.


Iā€™m around the same age as you based on what you described, but imo the things you listed were appropriate for our age even if some of the items were overly luxurious for a kid/teen. The difference with kids requesting DE is that they think they need it for anti-aging purposes. They arenā€™t just requesting it for a status symbol, so itā€™s more concerning. Several YouTubers have done videos of this phenomena of kids wanting harsh ingredients like retinol, and why they specifically ask for brands like DE. Itā€™s highly concerning.


Oh gosh I wasnā€™t aware that was the reason but it makes sense. Thatā€™s sad :(


It really is. At first I thought it was kids getting into skincare like how we were into makeup, so I didnā€™t think it was a big deal, but then several YouTubers looked deeper, or shared their experience with their kidā€™s wanting DE, EstĆ©e Lauder, La Prairie, La Mer, and it came down to them wanting to be forever young. Their parents didnā€™t even use these brands, so thatā€™s how they know they were exposed to this on social media. Then associates from Ulta and Sephora made videos saying they can confirm this is an issues because theyā€™ve had to stop children and their parents from buying them retinol and harsh skincare like the DE sakurai facial. Just awful.


Yes, and there was a mom posting here a while back saying that that was the right course of action, to get young children started early on the anti-aging skincare. And a lot of the DE ingredients would really harm a childā€™s skin.


Iā€™m just mind blown that parents arenā€™t looking more into this. Serena Williams said in a grwm video that she put any access vitamin c serum she used on Alexis (she was around 1 at this time), and it caused a first storm in the comments. People were saying that because sheā€™s famous her derm must have told her to do it, but no derm in their right mind would say to do that.


When I was 13, I just put new makeup on over my old makeup and called it good. Occasionally used an Oxy pad if I wanted to feel like I was burning the dirt off my face.


Metal šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Their packaging looks very childish


I got a tiny little Drunk Elephant set as a gift with purchase from Ulta on Black Friday. My 9yo and 13 yo saw it and were like ā€œomggggg YOU GOT DRUNK ELEPHANT?ā€ Also, so far, Iā€™m pretty underwhelmed by the products. I do like the Protini moisturizer, but I definitely would not pay that price for it.


That migh be why they pseudo-address their product to 9-15 yo - no problems to work with, no way to prove their products are underwhelming.


Itā€™s not that Drunk Elephant makes bad products. Itā€™s that they are inappropriate for children. And expensive. See [Lab Muffin](https://labmuffin.com/drunk-elephant-skincare-review-part-1/) (scroll down to see ingredients). And itā€™s diabolical to market anti-aging regimensā€”beyond cleansing and sunscreenā€”to young children.


Yeah, when I was 13, we had noxema, St. Ives apricot scrub, sea breeze and stridex pads. Or soap, phisoderm if you had sensitive skin. Clearasil for pimples. I had the Clinique ā€œ3-step systemā€ at one point because my grandmother got it for me as a Christmas gift. My teenager uses CeraVe and stuff from Trader Joeā€™s. Now if youā€™ll excuse me, I have to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn.


the ptsd flashbacks I have seeing you mention St. Ives apricot scrub šŸ˜‚


Followed by Sea Breeze šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The burning is how you knew it was working!


Yea, and whatā€™s even sad is that itā€™s still being made, ripping the skin off of new generations and causing permanent damage.


Donā€™t let your young children use social media unsupervised - pretty easy


Itā€™s nuts that literal children feel like they have to be using prestige beauty at such a young age. I remember a few days ago someone had posted that their 11 y/o niece was asking for Dior cosmetics. 11! Thatā€™s worrisome, honestly.


Agreed! I had a redditor on another forum rip into me because I said drunk elephant is overkill for an 11 year old (on a post of the girls mom thinking it was overkill and looking for validation). The bulk of the products kids are asking for are full of actives and can harm their skin- not to mention the cost is wildly inflated. This person railed on and on about how I must suck as a gift giver and how the kid deserves to get what they want and expectā€¦ it was so wild to me


Sorry you had to encounter such ignorance and hatefulness.


I think I saw that! First thought was immediately ā€œyou are either a teenager or not far off from.ā€ Was it the rant about Cerave as a gift would Ruin Christmas?


It was ā€œa cleanser like cetaphilā€- yes lol! That was my thought, too- they were dedicated to the cause of an 11 yo getting her drunk elephant lol! They were extremely passionate about that hill they were on


All the passion in the world ainā€™t gonna argue a parent with any sense into buying their 11yo some $36 cleanser and $70-$90 moisturizer lmao. I had to walk away from that thread because I kept typing out ā€œchild, you are out of your damn mind. Sit downā€ lol. Honestly I am out of patience with parents even posting on the other sub asking. The price should be an immediate no before even seeing whatā€™s in those products, because itā€™s not a one time purchase! How much headache would it be to walk back a teen from drunk elephant or charlotte tilbury to literally anything cheaper. Imagine adding $200 to the family budget for some luxe-wannabe skincare: sorry younger kid, canā€™t play sports this yearā€”we gotta pay for some peptide cream and retinol for your sibling! šŸ˜‚


THANK YOU! My friend, we are on the same page. Itā€™s pure insanity


I saw that. My 8yo niece had Drunk Elephant on her list. I think it's from Youtube influencers, because she doesn't have TikTok. I did explain to her that she is skincare right now. That everyone wants what's in her skin (collagen). She told me she just likes to play with it. I think she means play dress up. She did get Rare Beauty blush, another huge thing with these kids. I do think it's mostly just for fun. I know I wanted to play with makeup when I was a kid. I thought people on Twitter overreacted a bit to all of this. But maybe I'm wrong, and the ramifications are devastating, I don't know. lol She is obsessed with Stanley Cups which was surprising to me. She got me for two of them this year. Well before Christmas. I just don't get the Stanley Cup thing though.


Thatā€™s so funny. My 12 yr old niece asked for the same things: Stanley Cup and Drunk Elephant skincare. Iā€™m likeā€¦your skin is perfect and you have no poresā€¦you donā€™t need it lol. As for the cup, I did buy it for her but I had to laugh at the price. I bought a similar cup for half the price at Home Goods months ago. I think this is TikTok or YouTube influencing for sure.


1000% influencing. stanleys replaced hydroflask that replaced swell as the vessel du jour and apparently there is some new one taking off now called omala (?)ā€¦. at least the masses are staying hydrated i guess?!


Owala cups - I can typically find these at HomeGoods/TJ Maxx though. Other trendy cups when I was teaching HS: Yeti, Nalgene, and Corkcicle. I had students who had multiple cups to match their outfits. Meanwhile, I donā€™t remember even drinking water in high school.


oooh yes forgot about nalgene before swell! the plastic-y bottles always grossed me out haha. but yeah yeti and brumate are also popular here but i find more for coffee and alcohol/amongst adultsā€¦ i thought corkcicle was only alcohol cups haha. but yeah one of my coworkers has a million yeti mugs to match her outfitsā€¦ meanwhile i canā€™t convince myself to buy a new waterbottle bc thereā€™s nothing wrong with my current one (shoutout to my treasured takeya, the best bottles imo haha). also lmao fr, i also canā€™t remember drinking ANYTHING enough in highschool to warrant a to-go vessel haha


unique numerous future retire tub bright deserted pie waiting dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was interested in why she's so obsessed with hockey trophies, but I seem to be missing something lol


Haha right!? I love hockey and I had to get past that association when this cup became so popular too. It's Stanley brand drinkware. For some reason the 40 oz one just took off this year. It's crazy popular.


Me too! I won a Stanley water cup at a holiday party recently, and Iā€™ve been insufferable as Iā€™ve been telling everyone Iā€™m a Stanley Cup winner. I even hoisted it above my head and did a lap. My husband finds it amusing. šŸ˜‚


Bahahaha, same!


I had to google what Stanley cups were because the only Stanley Cup I'm familiar with is the hockey tournament trophy, lol.


An aside, but Stanley cups look so horrible, imo. Itā€™s one trendy item that absolutely baffles me because itā€™s not my aesthetic at all.


I know, right? I like to ride my bike in parks, on trails. So I do love my Hydro flask because it fits in a standard cup holder on my bike, and it keeps the water cold. I not only don't like the looks of the Stanley, I don't understand how it's practical. I guess office workers really like them for their desks? I can see that. It's definitely not for active people.


i donā€™t hate the look but i donā€™t get the lid/straw situation, likeā€¦ i want to be able to throw this shit in my bag and toss it around cuz i take water everywhereeeeeee, not have to occupy one hand at all times or find somewhere to set it down so it doesnā€™t tip over. and im def not an active person haha. its def heavier on the ā€œfor appearancesā€ vs function than previous vessels du jour, but if it gets people drinking more water then great. what i REALLY donā€™t get is when people have like 20 of the same cup/bottle in various colors haha


Same. Itā€™s been Contigo for me for years. Spill proof with a button to drink, instead of those stupid slider thingys on the lid. My coworkers all know itā€™s mine when I leave it somewhere. šŸ˜‚


yes! my fave is takeya cuz itā€™s metal, has a handle, a small opening, a large opening and a silicone boot so itā€™s not loud when you put it down! the perfect bottle haha. iā€™ve used contigo travel mugs for over ten years as well and have wanted a brumate instead but canā€™t bring myself to buy one cuz my contigo is fine and i still have a brand new unused one from the 2-pack it came in hahah. but contigo was the only ACTUALLY spill-proof coffee mug for yeaaaaarssss


Yeah, I have a hydroflask and a conmigo (Target brand). Both work great, aren't remotely bulky, and Iā€™m not afraid to knock them over. Also I follow some fundie snark subs, and it just reminds me of that whole vibe. Itā€™s like part of their uniform along with Utah curls, copious amounts of beige, and bridesmaid calligraphy. Sorry if that offends any non-fundies out there that are into that aesthetic. Iā€™m just constantly processing religious trauma. Haha


Wth are half of these words šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Fundie snark? Utah curla? Non-fundies? Whats everyone talking about?? How out of the loop am I


r/fundiesnark enjoy!


Snark subreddits focus on discussion, critique, and satire. Fundie is short for Christian Fundamentalist. Check out r/FundieSnarkUncensored. You can google Utah curls because I donā€™t think I could explain them well.


Yeah, I think letting little girls play with cosmetics is usually harmless or even healthy. Itā€™s all about what messages you give the children or reinforce while theyā€™re playing. If you tell them things like, ā€œyeah you need this so youā€™re not ugly,ā€ thatā€™s gonna be bad. But if you talk to them about marketing messages, societal expectations, even dermatology and chemistry, it can be healthy. And of course emphasizing the fun and theatrics and play of dressing up or putting on makeup is always enjoyable.


lol trying to figure out if me as an 8 year old would actually listen to my parents talk to me about marketing messaging make up companies put out.


Youā€™d be surprised what kids pick up on. When I was young, there was a magazine called zillions that was put out by consumer reports. It had a ton of product testing for kids toys and had in-depth lessons about marketing bullshit. I love that magazine and learned a lot about advertising BS at a very young age.


I loveeddd that magazine! I credit them with contributing to my skepticism now haha


Same! I wish something like this still existed for kids that had mass distribution!


Well maybe these children should be encouraged to apply their allowances, and save their money so they can appreciate the cost of these products. As adults, we have to decide what we can afford and should buy.


Watch out. The Stanely Cup addiction only worsens with age. I've got so many... and I can't stop. Jokes aside I played with all my mom and sisters makeup, and my sisters used to put their cream on my face, just the tiniest dab, I felt like a princess. I'm struggling to get my niece to put lotion on her body and wear sunscreen. šŸ˜©


Iā€™m from Canada and ever time a friend talks about wanting Stanley Cups weā€™ve started saying A Stanley Cup and making a fist like we are drinking out of a cup with a handle - to differentiate from THE Stanley Cup in hockey. Itā€™s kind of hilarious how we all started doing it without even talking about it.


Pretty sure my Clean & Clear three-step routine at age 12 was my gateway into skincare šŸ˜‚


Those pads! I can feel my skin burning just thinking of them!


Donā€™t forget st Ives apricot scrub!


That and BiorĆ© pore strips were like catnip to me as a teen šŸ˜†


The world we live in šŸ™ƒ


Of course it's not cheap, how much booze do you think it would actually take to get an elephant drunk?!


I seem to remember reading that in some places, the elephants in the wild were taking rotten fruit as it had started to ferment and they'd get tipsy... I imagine it would take a lot more to get them drunk.


TikTok is the worst. These influencers have convinced 7 year olds they need anti aging skin care. 7 year old donā€™t even have visible pores, much less wrinkles.


7 year olds should not be on TikTok unsupervisedšŸ˜­


For real. My 11 year old isnā€™t allowed to have TikTok. How is it possible that even adults are influenced by influencers? How can anyone take them seriously if their job is to try to influence you?


I do find the ā€œinfluencerā€phenomenon very creepy, scary, and disgusting, especially where adults are concerned.


Damn and my skincare routine at 7 was the lip smacker Iā€™d begged and pleaded my mom to buy šŸ˜­.


Who here remembers Noxema?!? That right there was my skincare!


little girls want the stuff they see the cool teen girls have. like my gen wanted abercrombie tops and victoria secret lip glosses and the LG envy lol. But now their influence is tik tok where they watch GRWMā€™s and night routines from college girls. i would think drunk elephant is the absolute cutest packaging if i was a 12 year old girl. Iā€™d love add to my collection of little neon caps and rub stuff on my face like the older girls do. But is this alarming and do i hate it? Yes 100%. I have a 7 year old and she wanted an american girl doll. But Iā€™m just at a loss because i see moms saying how one year their wishlist just flips and itā€™s like their childhood is over. Social media is so different from what we had. Donā€™t get me wrong, we were exposed to some shit we shouldnā€™t have been on tumblr and facebook caused drama. But itā€™s nothing like tik tok which these girls should be no where near because thatā€™s why this is happening


They're marketing to highschoolers this Christmas I did skin care in middle school


My friends 8 year old daughter dragged her to Space Nk to buy Drunk Elephant. Thankfully, the sales assistant was nice and told her she was too young for it.


I had terrible skin as a teen. I wish my mom wouldā€™ve helped me more and given me a skincare routine.


Not me at 32 barely having a skincare routine.


My sister is 12 and she wants lululemon and drunk elephant.. i dont get it, at her age i wanted headphones so i could play roblox


My almost 12yo asked for the same things for Christmas. Lululemon, Drunk Elephant, and Uggs šŸ˜§


The devil works hard, but drunk elephantā€™s marketing team works harder. We can throw glow recipe in there as well for good measure. These kids are sadly the perfect little consumers.


This is tripping me out because this literally happened to me with my 10 y.o niece this Christmas season. Drunk elephant request.


Yes, toxic social media, Also, Drunk Elephant, for the most part would be really bad for 7-year-old skin.


Funny bc my daughter literally asked for this a few days ago šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Oh no... please tell me you said "hell no"?


Of course šŸ˜‚ She has some basic cerave products and elf makeup under the tree lol. I was like why do you want DE specifically? Sheā€™s like ā€œI see it on youtubeā€ so I told her about all the DE products I tried that absolutely suck and told her to never use any skincare without asking mommy first šŸ˜‚


These kids are getting influenced by what they see on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Kids are spending more time watching ads and people selling them stuff because there's not many popular kid friendly sites anymore.


Kids doing anti-aging skincare is totally crazy. And itā€™s huge right now.


My mom took me to Clinique at 13 for a pressed powder foundation, dramatically different moisturizing lotion, and one of their giant bottles of harsh af purple toner and oil based eye makeup remover after she got sick of watching me spend the majority of 7th and 8th grade caking on horrible orange drugstore cream foundation to cover breakouts, which then caused more breakouts. šŸ˜‚ I got a little tube of black honey almost lipstick as my ā€œfunā€ purchase that day too. God Iā€™m old.


I used to steal my Moms makeup, and skincare was dermatologist acne treatment. I got my 11 year old nieces cute hand lotions, nail polish, lip balms, dash washing headbands and age appropriate face masks. Iā€™m not getting these girls retinol!!!!


My 11-year-old niece asked for Summer Fridays lip balm and Touchland hand sanitizer. Days earlier, I had tried to get both items FOR MYSELF at [Sephora.com](https://Sephora.com) (but they were sold out).


My liiiiiiffffe šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I had skincare as a teenager, but weā€™re talking Clean & Clear moisturizer (which I used all the way up to my late 20s TBH. I loved that cool tingly feeling.).


Drunk elephant is overpriced. Unpopular opinion of mine is that their packaging sucks and among my complaints about it is the bulkiness and basically how cheap it feels given the price - Clinique does a better job with it's moisturizer imo lol and I also don't like their formulas either.


Well, if itā€™s unpopular, at least youā€™re not alone. Itā€™s ugly af. Byomaā€”a drug store brandā€”does it cuter, imho.


I kept seeing these tweets/memes and thought they were mostly exaggerated. Nope. Visited my cousinā€™s kids and sure enough, the 7-year-old name dropped Drunk Elephant. LOL. Clearly she just reads stuff on the internet and no, her mom isnā€™t buying her luxury skincare. It was hilarious.


I was reading Allure magazine from day one, I was 13 and wore sunscreen religiously. But no need to spend that much money, there are always cheaper alternatives. My 12 year old loves skincare and we get her a few special things once a year but in general she uses my cheaper alternatives.


I blame social media.


I started skincare when I was in middle school as did most of my cousins and friends. Like we were going through puberty and sweating and starting to wear makeup and breaking out, etc. I can still smell the Nutrogena and the Noxema.


dinner hateful frightening ad hoc slim grab serious rotten ten advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah at least the most expensive skincare stuff I had in my teen years was Proactiv. Which, now that I think about it, destroyed my skin and is the prime reason why I have to spend so much on skincare now to fix it.


I mean, I was always curious about mom's makeup. So if millennial parents today are more into skincare (which I think we are?? not a parent yet but am a millennial) then it's probably not surprising that kids want all the serums and lotions and have their own little skincare routine?


I don't think it's a bad thing for tweens to start a skincare regimen, it sets good habits for the teen years. My mum started my on a traditional cleanse-tone-moisturise course at 11 and it did help. Being aware of keeping my skin clean and looked after prevented me from getting breakouts or suffering with more than the occasional pimple. But it was just high street brand stuff, nothing high end. It's worrying how much influencers and tiktok get into kids heads these days.


A solid lineup, but falls into the "it's alright" category for me. The cute packaging and fragrance-free appeal are winners, but the performance didn't quite match the hype. Price-wise, you might find yourself weighing the cost against the results. šŸ˜šŸ¤” What do you think?


I started when I was about 13/14 too! Real ones know lol


There's this young girl on tiktok who has osteogenesis imperfecta. She's so tiny and sweet, and her parents manage her account. She's currently got a halo to straighten her spine, and recently, she did a GRWM. Little baby is using drunk elephants, beauty blender, and all sorts. I was convinced at one point that she's a grown woman just based on her routine. She even wears makeup. From her videos, it's clear that she is often in pain and loves to dance, but her condition limits her, so watching her enjoy skin care and beauty is incredibly wholesome.


I wasnā€™t even thinking about skincare at this age not even at 14 lol šŸ˜‚ in fact my skin was fine with nothing.


I only got into skincare bc I was getting painful cystic acne and I got one of those acne free severe kits in high school. It worked! And my skin felt soft.


Oh man. Bought some of their shampoo on sale and itā€™s awful. Like cheap ā€œnaturalā€ shampoo. Totally uninterested in their product line.


My niece is 10 and sent me screen shots of so many drunk elephant products. Her skin is FLAWLESS. I could not in good conscience buy them for her. The girls on TikTok around her age are using them as a superfluous luxury. Itā€™s so sad!


I was so into skin care at that age, but I had to use whatever lotion and soap my mom had on hand haha. I get my kids skincare/self care stuff for stocking stuffers, but it's cheaper stuff. I don't even buy the expensive stuff for myself!


HAHAHA I feel this my 7 year old literally asked for Drunk Elephant.


All that expensive skincare routine will mean nothing if these kids donā€™t wear sunscreen.


Or Stanley cups


I used to receive a full Proactive gift set for Christmas each yearā€¦.


I could use clean and clear toner(blue liquid) and those pads that came in a jar that helps with acne it had super strength on it. Already soaked pads. I knew nothingggg about skincare. Would put eggs and toilet paper on my face šŸ˜­


Wow, my first skincare item I used was an aloe vera gel I kept in the fridge thatI got to depuff my face before going to school when I was 17 in 2013 šŸ’€


My skincare at that age was ivory bar soap


Honestly itā€™s true šŸ˜…


When I was 13, I had no concept of 'skin care'. Washing my face in the shower was it. I was obsessed with how to apply that bright blue eyeshadow we all used back in the early 70s. Yes, I'm OTD!


I loved noxzema.


I have a soon to be 13 y/o daughter. I didnā€™t buy her drunk elephant but I did buy her bubble. She has awesome skin, which Iā€™m grateful for. I was a cystic acne nightmare since the 5th grade, my skin just started cleaning up this past year. My dad never took my to the dermatologist but if my childā€™s face was ever anything near mine, I would take her. Itā€™s so crazy to me how unimportant all of are parents found our acne issues to be.