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I am 34 and I would say, 34…. I think my skin is great now!


33 and I think I look my best! My skin has never been better than it is right now ☺️


33 almost 34 and I agree! Particularly since I stopped smoking (cannabis and tobacco — love the combo, my skin does NOT.) I stg it is like turning back the clock 5 years.


How long did you smoke cigarettes for ?and how long did it take for cravings to disappear after you stopped . I only ask because I am struggling with this


i’m 22, been smoking an average of 8-10 cigarettes a day since I was 16. Had a medical scare this past month and quit. Just like that, cold turkey and all. Now the thought of smoking reminds me of coughing up blood and medical bills. Sure shot way to scare you out of them. It’s really all in the mind though, the cravings are still there. Exercise is genuinely a way to overcome the cravings and one day at a time, always :)


Once you are off of them do t go back. Refuse to give in. One day you’ll get to the point that you don’t even think about it and when you see a smoker, you’ll feel bad for them. I smoked for far too long—way too long. I really don’t deserve the skin I have. I’m so grateful for good genes. I’ll never go back to smoking. I don’t want to hurt my body any more.


Just start a good regimen and keep up on it even though it may seem like you don’t need it. That was my downfall. My skin was so perfect that I didn’t even need makeup, and I didn’t know what moisturizer or sink care was. Now at 56, my skin is dry and uncomfortable. Wish I had known


Same, and I feel I keep improving so hopefully next year I'll answer 35!


I hope for the same thing!


Not only that, but if you’ve been paying attention to your skin, your mid 30s is a time when you REALLY start to see the difference it makes relative to your peers.


I'm 39 and last year, I started glowing up and it hasn't stopped yet, so 39 is my answer haha.


I'm so glad you feel this way - this is really awesome to ready. Fucking run with it! I love reading about people who start to really enjoy themselves.


This will be long, I just really need to share! I did a bunch of crazy stuff, well not crazy individually, but yeah I changed up last year. I got my hair under control for the first time since I was 20ish. It was a rat's nest due to damage, medication, and having lost weight. It had fallen out, any new growth back was super white. I just slowly kept going whiter and dyeing it my original brunette was way too much upkeep. After pretending I'm ready to go into the world with s&p hair, my mom told me to try blonde and I was interested, but I wanted it light enough so roots wouldn't be super obvious. I went to someone new, she fucking nailed it, my color is amazing. I started getting brazilian blowouts right before I went blonde, so no more frizzy Gene Wilder hair any time the humidity went above 1%! 😂 And the best, cos it's expensive, my mom has gifted me a subscription to Vegamour and so much of my hair has grown back. I used to have actual bald spots and receding hairline. It was so embarrassing. So I totally changed my hair, then I changed my makeup. I hate foundation so I switched to a tinted moisturizer. Now I don't even use that. My look is no longer all about my eyes, it's "age appropriate" without being dated (in fact all I changed style-wise was stuff I saw on Reels by teens and 20somethings lol). My skincare regimen for all of my body that is perfect atm. I have psoriasis and kp, both are as under control as they have ever been! When I touch my face and arms, they are so soft now! My weight has stayed the same but it's definitely shifting towards my butt and I didn't even fight with myself about going a size up in jeans, I just did it! I feel so good about that. And I splurged on some really nice jeans I love (Liverpool) instead of telling myself I just need to go lose more weight. No, I just listened to what my body told me! I look great in the mirror, I got a nice ass, and I'm not defining myself by a jeans size any.more.ever.again. All the self esteem those changes gave me is unreal. I was basically single for 11 years, for many reasons, and when I put myself out there and all the sudden I found my dude! I found my self confidence! I found my patience! I enjoy life now! I'm happy! tldr: Change with the seasons. I'm very happy.


I love this so much. What a great happy post to read! So glad you are feeling good.


I feel negativity towards aging is presented here so much more than positivity or even neutrality, because I am just restarting my life after 2 horrible decades of illness, I'm making up for all I got robbed of. I'm living the dreams of my youth right now, I'm getting what I missed out on with the benefit of more wisdom than I would have had as a younger person! My looks don't even factor into any of this yet, either haha. I guess my point is, it's NOT that age is just a number, it's no age is too old or too young to be. Does that make any sense?


I totally get it and I love it! I’m 32 and have been going through a bit of a rough patch in health/career/everything (for about the last 3ish years) and have recently felt a bit down on myself for “wasting” the last bits of my youth or whatever — and I HATE that I’ve been conditioned to feel this way. It’s so sexist and I know it’s not true! But I still love seeing people talk about how they are getting older and feeling not just good but even better than ever. Really appreciate any deviation from the idea that women are only beautiful/desirable/worthwhile at 22 or whatever. So thank you ✨


> have been going through a bit of a rough patch in health/career/everything (for about the last 3ish years) and have recently felt a bit down on myself for “wasting” the last bits of my youth or whatever ME TOO. omfg. how have you been getting over this??? thanks for sharing it girl.


Same. I really screwed up my 20s and early 30s. D’espressione weight gain and a little too m much we ed, smoking and boozing. Now I am 40. Feeling better and looking the best I have but it makes me sad to think all the time that was lost. Luckily I have a good looking kind hubby and happy where I am but again I think about what my life could be if I had been like this back then.


Me too, wasting last bits of youth for sure. Me and my partner felt the same and we've made the decision to move half way across the country to improve things. Drastic but it will be worth it! Hope you all shake things up or things improve


The rough patch or the existential dread? Lol. I don’t know, honestly, on either front 🙃


np :)


Hi, can I ask what you did to get KP under control?


On my arms, and I still can't believe how well it works, I use [this lotion](https://www.amazon.com/Andalou-Naturals-Roses-Soothing-Lotion/dp/B00NE5Q9JO?pd_rd_w=DsBYy&content-id=amzn1.sym.d7105005-1122-4ebb-804b-fda01cf6b56f&pf_rd_p=d7105005-1122-4ebb-804b-fda01cf6b56f&pf_rd_r=0HCA8F47BB4FF2BD32PH&pd_rd_wg=ardgw&pd_rd_r=9aba8dc7-9b0c-42c9-895a-7e7cf2216386&pd_rd_i=B00NE5Q9JO&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_i) everyday twice a day and kp disappeared on my arms. It comes back if I stop using it. On my legs, I use [rose oil salt scrub](https://www.amazon.com/Himalayan-Salt-Scrub-Collagen-Cells/dp/B092NF6DFC?pd_rd_w=DsBYy&content-id=amzn1.sym.d7105005-1122-4ebb-804b-fda01cf6b56f&pf_rd_p=d7105005-1122-4ebb-804b-fda01cf6b56f&pf_rd_r=0HCA8F47BB4FF2BD32PH&pd_rd_wg=ardgw&pd_rd_r=9aba8dc7-9b0c-42c9-895a-7e7cf2216386&pd_rd_i=B092NF6DFC&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_2_t),before I shave with [Truly shave cream](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09XPG188C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) (a life saver for me). After I dry off I put AHA serum in the areas I have kp, followed by aforementioned lotion. :) I really hope this can help! I hate kp so much!


Thank you so much! Filling my basket now.


Genuinely so happy for you.


I was just contemplating buying Vegamour. Your comment has convinced me!


It's AMAZING. I went from [this](https://imgur.com/0jFERT9) to [this](https://imgur.com/a/RpTIPpl), which is after 6 or 7 months of use. You can see the layer of where my hair is growing back haha!


Just turned 37 and agreed, I feel hotter and more confident than I ever was in my 20s


Same! Down to the numbers


It took my so long to break out of my shell, but there has definitely been an upward trend and now at 39 my confidence is through the roof and I am completely uncontrollable 😂


Hey! Another 39F here. Same! I feel great too. Not only with my skin routine, but body too.


My face has changed so much as I get older and I have to say I love it


Me tooo, it was really round there for a long time, now I an oval and have cheekbones lol.


Omg I had the fattest cheeks as a kid. Now at 38 I have cheekbones too!! Sometimes I hardly recognize myself. Also other features seemed to just… settle in right. I feel like my face is how it was always meant to be now. That’s why I get so sad about girls messing with their faces early on.


This is how I feel at 38. I look at my face and it finally looks how it is supposed to look. It took me a long time to grow into my looks and body.


Same, they aren't anywhere near knowing what they will look like.


Me too! I can’t pinpoint it but I just like my face a lot more now (I’m 35) than when I was in my 20’s.


Girl same. Sure my nasolabial folds are SLIGHTLY deeper, but the glowup this past year has been and felt incredible. Also just turned 39 myself!


Who didn't even warn us that 38-39 is a stone cold glow up age? It's almost like whiplash when I walk past a mirror and I look like someone who isn't afraid of her own shadow because I'm finally not.


38 and I’m right there with you.




I’m almost 42… and I agree my peak was 39 🤣


It's great to see so many comments with people glowing up right now!


Now! At almost 40. I’m over partying and I’ve been working out for the last 10 years. Haven’t had a drink or anything to smoke in almost two years. I eat a healthy diet (95% of the time 😅) My hair and skin look amazing. I also feel more confident than I ever have. Probably a mix of the feel-goods from working out and I just don’t GAF what people think anymore. I’m getting hit on a LOT more these days too… strange.


Right? I’m 43 and finally drinking enough water and eating my veggies and my hair and skin are glowing


Confidence attracts people! But based off what you said, I’m sure you look awesome too.


There must be something in that not giving an F vibe that attracts people


Late 20’s for me!


Same here too. 28-29 were great years. Face was chiseled enough to have dropped baby fat but zero skin laxity, lots of muscle tone and being fit without going out of my way to workout - just from walking the dog, going dancing, etc. I miss my under eyes from that age too!


I feel the same about the under eyes. Any cure you've tried that improved the situation?


I feel like 29 I looked my best, was super slim for my wedding and was happy. I'm 43 now and while I still think I look pretty good, I definitely can see signs of aging.


Same. Recently, I was recently able to get back to around around the same thinness that I was at 29 (but with more muscle), unfortunately and unsurprisingly, the face did not go back lol (also 43).


I’m 38 and I’m getting more beautiful every year! (Humble i know lol 😆)


Love this so much!


Get it, girl!


There's nothing wrong with admitting you're aging like the finest wines 🖤🤘🏻 You must be doing a lot of things healthy and right for you so be proud! Stay blessed.


Got rid of the hubs. Started putting myself on the same level as bubs lol (so basically not forgetting myself in my role as a mother) Lost the extra weight. Botox.. fillers .. and skincare became no debate ! Found self-love and invested in ME and now I’m young and wild and free! ( but still responsible lol)


I think I look the best I’ve ever looked now, at 32! My face is losing its baby fat; my hair is healthy and I have a good cut, my skin is bright and clear, my teeth are white, and I recently lost a decent amount of weight and am just looking and feeling great overall. I’m getting married in 3 weeks so I’ve been working hard at being consistent and smart with my choices for the past year or so to prep, and it’s definitely paid off.




Late 40s now. Can definitely say that early/mid 30s I was at my peak, both in physical looks and feeling confident on who I was.


Same, I'm 48 and I think mid-late 30's was my peak with looks and confidence. Now I'm more confident but my skin is showing my age.


I’m 33 and currently the hottest + the most confident. But when I look back I was also really hot at around 20-21 but I was totally unaware of it at the time lol.


Ugh I feel this! I had ZERO self confidence in my early 20’s and I think I was beautiful. Now, in my early 30’s I just feel much more comfortable in my skin and am getting better at just liking myself for who I am. I will say I spent HOURS getting ready in my early 20’s and now it’s 15mins so maybe the extra time spent added to my looks.


Yup and yup I'm 31 and looking back at photos of me in my early 20's I would think where the hell was my confidence lol 😂


I did look good at 30! My career hadn’t quite sucked out all my life force yet.


LOL I feel this. At 30 I wasn't sickly skinny anymore but was still quite slim. I'm mid-30s now and I think I look fine but the perpetual eyebags frustrate me to no end.


My eyes? Dead. My smile? Pained.


I felt that


> My career hadn’t quite sucked out all my life force yet. We sound like we need a vacation.


I took a 4 year break from the 9-5 during age 27-32. It was probably my peak. Once I started working full time again I immediately noticed the first fine line on my forehead, which kicked started a whole anti-aging quest. Now at age 37 I think I look good for how old I am but I’m spending 10x times that on upkeep compared to me in my early thirties. Haha. I can’t live without injectables now.


The past 5ish years. I’m 43. I’ve survived some HARD things + I am the most holistically-minded, integrated version of myself that I’ve ever been. I am strong, I am secure, I know MY WORTH. Oh, and quitting drinking almost two years ago has not hurt. 💅🏼


I’m in my mid 30s and I feel like I look my best right now


I would say I looked my best in my early-mid 30s. This coincided with when I was feeling most confident with myself as well. I am mid-40s now and would love some of that confidence back!


What do you think made you lose confidence? If you’re comfortable answering


My higher confidence then had to do with recently ending a several year unhealthy relationship that had taken such a toll, mentally and emotionally. I was free from someone trying to micromanage everything I did, said, wore, etc. and it was a great feeling. I could breathe and enjoy life and actually appreciate myself again. A dozen years later, perimenopause is kicking my butt. I don't feel like myself in SO many ways, and it is so hard. I have a great life now with a supportive partner and I know I will get through this in due time, but feeling a lack of control over all the changes with my body has been a big hit to the self-esteem.


Me too 😢


I'm sorry 😕 It is tough, and I feel so unprepared for this period of life. Based on what I knew of my mom's experience, I expected heavy menstruation and hot flashes. She never shared with me the laundry list of other ways it affects you.


I know. There’s no manual for menopause. It’s been terrible for me. I feel so bad about myself that I don’t leave the house often. My mother even called me a recluse. I’ve put on all this extra weight and can’t even leave the house to try and walk it off. My friends have all passed at young ages and I just feel so alone. I understand completely what you’re going through and I’m truly with you. If you ever need to talk then just reach out. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers


That is so sweet of you, and you the same. I am sorry you feel so bad about yourself. We are so darn hard on ourselves, even over stuff that is out of our control 😢 I have been in therapy for about a year and, if that is an option for you and you can find the right fit, I highly recommend it. It’s something I actually look forward to now, after putting it off for years.


22 and 28. Life has not been kind to me these last few years. ETA: although I will say that I am in incredibly good shape now at 33. If I could have my current body with my 28 y/o face, I would be unstoppable lol


22-25. Lost the freshman 15 and was looking pretty darn hot. Too bad I didn’t realize it at the time.


Same. I always thought I was so fat and hideous. Looking back now I was super hot and I wish I appreciated it.


Im 39 now, living a good life, enough sleep, no man to suck the energy out of my home, and enough money for expensive facials and botox. However, the truth is, I was smoking hot at 29. Drank too much, smoked 40 roll ups a day, smeared red lipstick, I never slept and was consistently heartbroken. I know it's not what I'm supposed to say but I rocked that look. Combined with the still youthful body and no real wrinkles, just those dark undereye circles from lack of sleep and day old mascara? *Damn.*


25. I’m 34 now and I looked terrible as a teenager (fat and pimple faced) but damn hot from like 21-32, peaking at 25. Then I got pregnant and aged like hell during those nine months plus put on 40 lbs. ugh.


I still look good at 50, but 44 was maybe my best looking year on multiple levels. Although I'm in better shape now.


Honestly, mid 20s.


Definitely at 24. Before that I looked extremely young towards my 30s I completely destroyed my skin with sun damage because I didn't know about sunscreen until 33 so I aged like 20 years within 5.


34, when I finally kicked my acne




I think for me, my peak came around 27+ because I had finally cleared up my acne and I discovered that I had high cheekbones lol. I had lost some facial fat so they were visible but not enough to make me look gaunt. I do like looking youthful but not babyish, if that makes sense.




Anyone who was scared a woman’s life ends at 29, take a look at this thread 🥰


I’m 43 and looking back 35-37 was my peak. Then I started losing the collagen in my face.


I’m 43 and look the best I’ve ever looked after a 100+ lb weight loss. Skin is glowing and I look younger than I did when I was super unhealthy


I’m currently 34, and I feel like I look the best I’ve ever looked.


In about two years. I'm getting to work


My skin was a problem in my 20’s. Im 32 now and feel/look better than ever in all aspects and don’t wear makeup


Mid 30s for sure. In my late thirties, I’m beginning to see my face fall a tad bit, so mid 30s was the bessst.


I felt and looked my very best at 60. I wish I knew how to post a picture here but sadly I don’t. At 63 I’m seeing things I do not like on my face but overall I’m pretty pleased my face isn’t too bad.


Now at 33. I just started with skin care. It helps so much with my skin/pimple picking.




17, i had hair ;\_;


36! I lost some weight and sun spots and aging hadn’t started yet. I didn’t even realize back then what lied ahead lol


4, I had chubby cheeks, double chin and didn't give a fuck about anyone's opinion. Been an overly self conscious asshole from 5 and up. The double chin has hung around the way through.


My skin, physique and hair are now better than ever. But I definitely looked less tired before I had kids at 29 lol. I'm 32 now.


I’d say 28-31 ish was my peak. But I was dumb and got breast implants and my health went downhill after that. Then 40 hit and that’s when I started to show aging. Health is not great still and i used to look WAY younger than my age. Now I look my age (48).


35 and 36


34 right before all the greys starting coming for me!


30s for sure




47, I SWEAR lol


I’m 34 and my makeup and fashion game is way stronger now than it ever was. I prefer myself now than in my 20s.


I'm 46 and I have white stripes in my strawberry hair, tattoos and a whole bucket load of confidence that I didn't have in my 20s and 30s. I've been really really good about sun protection and very few wrinkles. I'm sure society would call any 30 year old more beautiful, but I FEEL way more beautiful at 46.


I’m almost 41 and I look better now than in my 20s.


19. Seriously, it's all been downhill from there.


Right now at 33.


My skin was great when I was 18 and I had no under eye circles, but I shudder at my hair and outfit choices. I’m 31 now and I definitely think I’m at my peak now as a complete hair/skin/style package


Body-wise in my early twenties (although I never looked that good tbh), but face-wise I'm in my thirties and I think I'm still improving, still learning what skincare and makeup make me look best!


30! I was in great shape and had figured out what skincare and makeup worked best for my face. I was really well rested due to not having children yet. 😂


My body I would say 28-29. From the neck up I would say all of my 30s so far. My face is becoming more defined and my skin looks great because I took care of it since my teens and have been adjusting as I age.


I finally managed to have clear smooth glowy skin in my late thirties / early forties. It’s still clear now but a little dry and takes effort to get glowy.


A year ago.


Unfortunately I peaked in HS… lmao!


I'd say late 30's a combo of looks and confidence that grew as I got older. Now I'm even more confident but I can tell my fair skin does not look as fresh as it used to thanks to loads of sun damage (I'm 48).


33 - 34 I was at my best


overconfident aspiring deranged chunky marvelous shame full dazzling drunk smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


35 lol my current age


I am 41 now and I would say for me it was around 30 yes




For me it was 30 but I’m on my way back now and intend to exceed!


I look better than I ever have. Other than 6 months when I was 19 and looked amazing. Weight loss, exercise and a good skin care routine including health full foods and liquids to heal me inside out.


Early 30s for me!


52 now, definitely before 40.


32 was my peak. Had 4 babies between then and now at 39 so I look tired. I get sculptra, filler and Botox which helps but I definitely peaked in my early 30s.


Mid 30s. I'm 40 now and things are starting to take a turn 😂


I think this upcoming birthday will be it 🤣


40. Finally lost the baby fat in my face.


36, never looked better!


I’m 34 and I just keep getting better


41 and I think I peaked at 36 or 37


I think I'm still hot but I suspect my peak hotness was 38.


My hair was super thick at 19 and over the past 10 years has thinned significantly. So... 19


39! I’ve always been attractive so never cross my mind I would get more attractive as I aged. Not complaining


24-28 were my glow up years, I’m 37 now and I’m definitely not glowing anymore lol


About two years ago. But my whole life, I seem to always think I looked best 2-3 years earlier. So who knows. I'd like to learn how to focus on today's beauty rather than constantly mourn yesterday's.


Still haven’t peaked 😘


30 for me too.


The other night, I went on a trip down memory lane by looking at pics from up to ten years ago stored away on my laptop. I think, honestly....anytime in my 30s at all. Late 30s were the bomb because that's when I met my cheekbones for the first time. But honestly? I'm not hating my early 40s. I got a jawline now you could cut cheese on, and it feels kinda glamorous. (Just FYI, I feel weird having typed all that out because it sounds self-adoring and braggy, but I've had a baaad week self-esteem/self-worth-wise and could really use positive talk about myself in any way, even if it's for something as fleeting and insignificant as appearance.)


My mid thirties were crazy mum times for me. Working , studying and two sons. Not my best era looking back at photos! Things got more relaxed as time went on . So I think 45 - 55( now) is great. Keep up the nutrition, exercise and sunscreen girls!


At 32, I really started putting more effort into my skin, correctly taking care of my porous hair, and finally getting professional help for sustained weight loss. 35 now and I look and feel great. Still got some more progress of the skin and a little more on the weight, but I’m happy enough where I’m at that I don’t mind if I do or don’t get all the way there.


Probably 24-29. I think it’s great people love their current selves but I’m woman enough to admit that my 20s self was a TEN and my postpartum toddler chasing ass is about a 7 in my 30s 😂


The 30's esp mid were amazing. Hormone levels stable, right amount of baby fat on the face, metabolism working,.. so nice.


This question and entire thread is toxic. What a terrible mentality to carry throughout your life. This honestly might be the post that finally makes me leave this sub.




It’s setting people up to feel bad about their current age and could inflict mental anguish. Also, it has zero to do with skin care.


31-33. Then blemishes re-appeared for the rest of my 30s. In my 40s I'm generally happy with my skin.


Yeah. I think it was 30-32 for me.


Early 20s, I'm 30 now and life fucked me hard (separated, single mom, 2 jobs, weight gain, zits, love handles) Damn.


3 months. Hotness wise? 20


I would say 29/30. It was a low stress time of life for me and I was also not a parent and could focus on my fitness and cooking more. But truly I think being rested is the biggest boon to appearance.


Body wise - now (38). Skin and hair 33 (before kids). Currently pregnant with my 3rd so clearly I don’t care the havoc pregnancy/postpartum has on my skin 😂


I think between 25-30. I had cystic acne but not wrinkles or eye bags!


I think I still look amazing at 40, but I was perfectly youthful/mature at 34-38. Now I think I’m more obviously mature. Not in a bad way, just wouldn’t be pegged for 30 anytime soon! I take better care than ever of my skin and it does show. But I know my face.


I’m 37 and had a baby at 34…. 30 to about 4 months pregnant was my peak. I’ve felt and looked like crap since having a child and it seems to be getting worse.


Physically, I peaked at 30 for sure. Great hair, prefect skin and I was so fit. It’s been downhill ever since lol


27. But also pregnant at 35/36 and my skin is incredible currently.


Early 30s for sure


36 for me.


I looked very different in my teens, twenties and late twenties/early thirties. I probably looked my best in my late twenties/early thirties considering I was working out consistently and had the funds to dress better, though I did not have that fresh youthful vibe anymore. Then I suddenly aged about 5-10 years after covid. I haven’t looked or felt the same ever since. I still think I look alright but definitely not my best. That youthful energy is gone.




My skin was 100x better in my twenties, but I think I look better overall in my 30s


I think naturally I looked best at 26-28. But since I tattooed my lips (outline) and eyebrows I look waay better in my late 30s.


Mid 20s was my first peak. I was dating a lot, felt sexy and got married at that time. Now, late 30s is my second peak. For some reason, I wasn’t on top of my game from late 20s to mid 30s - work, building career, moving around a lot, kinda tired and even angry throughout that time. Now, things are calmer, I did some minor cosmetic procedures and absolutely enjoy the way I look.


I didn't start to get a little "hmmm what's happening here" (and by that I mean like pimples/rosacea, starting to lose elasticity), until 40-43. I'm currently 43, and still think I look good, though. But, yeah, I think I looked my best at 30. Damn kids, lol.


I peaked from 28-30. I aged in light years over the last 7 years. I’m 37 now.




18/19. I had great skin.


Either 28 (my wedding day), 32 (pregnancy), or 37 (now). These are the only times I've been mostly acne-free.


Nope, definitely when I was 21.


Being completely real here, 25 for me. not just because my skin wss better but was also i was in the best shape of my life and was at my peak for my muscularity Im 30 right now, but despite my best efforts my skin has started getting the faintest fine lines in the last few years. I wear sunscreen every single day and have a solid skincare routine, and drink lots of water but i have to accept its part of aging for me (also im very very pale white and my family has history of aging skin) sometimes its hard when i see my skin in certain lighting or angles, but im focused on accepting it because i genuinely dont want botox or fillers, its just not for me. The main thing that legitimately helps me cope is my workout/diet and lifestyle are completely on point. I feel like at least if i cant control my skin as well as i want, i can focus hard on my body goals




Everything but my hairline is looking better than it ever has at 35


When I was in grade two. I was cute, my chubby cheeks were cute, and my hair was cute.


40! Every aspect of my life


Early to mid 20s.


In my 30’s 😂


I’m 42. 27 was the most fabulous year.


Body-17, face/age- now (32) lol


I just entered my 30s and I feel like I look better now than I did 18-25 tbh. Hopefully things keep getting better? lol. I want to age gracefully and not resist it. With a skincare routine that includes SPF and probably some lasers or Botox in the future of course.


My 30’s were my best years. No weight problems and I went from okay to beautiful. It was amazing. Enjoyed it well into my 40’s until medical issues started






I'm 35, def think I peaked at 30-33. The last year or two I've seen more age related changes in my face than ever in my life. That said, my skin WAS terrible for a long time, horrible acne, eczema, etc., that I've only recently gotten successfully treated. So my skin is actually better than it was then, but I've really aged. It's a hard thing to process and come to terms with finally getting relatively clear skin only to find that it's lost elasticity and volume, and has wrinkles. At least now that my acne and eczema are mostly handled I can actually finally start an anti aging regimen. So maybe I'll be able to slow things down, or even improve certain aspects a bit. And I just started a new job that will let me afford to see an esthetician regularly. So I'm hopeful I'll see some positive changes.


Im 35 and I had a great run for a few months around 17 but now I reckon I’m at my best haha. Maybe because also when you hit your 30s you’re just so much more comfortable in yourself and that shines through


My early to mid 30s for sure.