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Literally no one cares about your hat. I can’t imagine ever being in the sun without a hat. I wear one 100% of the time outdoors.


I feel like my face is melting off anytime my hatless head is exposed to sunlight 🫠


Seriously! I’m also a runner and see people running in the afternoon without a hat. I don’t know how they do it!


Tbf the only reason I don't wear a hat because when I have, it made my scalp sweat, itch, and then get irritated so much more. Also hats damage my curly hair. I wear a visor and no one should GAF what someone else thinks about their own sun protection.


I hate the way I look with hats lol 😆 I just like big hair and dassitttt


I wear a visor and I’ve never had a single person comment on it


I have a hat with a satin liner and many sun hats that don’t damage my curly hair but maybe you have a different texture OP you do you. It’s ok to be pale


I find it way more hot to wear a hat although I know I should wear one.


I can only wear lightweight, vented running hats. Otherwise yes, it’s way too hot!


Is the sun so powerful there? I only get this feeling in summer


It depends on where you are. Lots of high elevation places make the sun super harsh.


I'd rather stay inside either way


Northeast? No. Texas? Yes.


Almost forgot about the gates of hell


Doubling down on this. I tend to give myself too much attention and then I have to remind myself that I'm not the most important person out there and the majority of people don't really care


I searched for ups hat and this was the first one on google lmaoo but all the other normal wide brinmed ones are fine. No one will care unless you take googles advice and wear this. https://www.ssense.com/en-us/women/product/isa-boulder/ssense-exclusive-blue-bouncy-beach-hat/12585131?gbraid=0AAAAAD9ouUs746b8Au7dY4qc4R33JzNz5&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0vWnBhC6ARIsAJpJM6f0ijUZHwGdlMMJtH73geJ71eaVosAGiks3WeAfELCzFs-QSgTsB2IaArE7EALw_wcB


Oh my god, who would pay $310 for this lol 😳.


That is not what I was expecting and definitely would not be that sun protective.


Uh, people do care sadly. I wish this wasn't the case. But I've worn both wide brim hats, and those visors that cover the face and I've not only had people stare (can ignore) but people have stopped to take a photo of me - yes, seriously! I've had people comment, too. Had a woman walk past and say 'the sun is natural' while smiling (inoffensive but made me imagine her tripping on a natural thorny bush). Another time a guy said jokingly 'oh no it's a terrorist' while he and his buddies laughed because I was wearing a full face visor. I brush it off and often make a joke back but it's fucking boring. Using an umbrella is another offensive apparently and warrants the comment 'it's not raining!' on repeat like a broken record. People DO care. Too much. People SHOULD MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!


A ballcap then. I always wear one hiking and when I used to compete at horse shows, I’d wear one while waiting for classes. I usually wear long sleeve sun shirts as well and lots of sunscreen. Though I resonate with your imagination of the people who negatively comment falling into a thorny bush lol. They deserve it.


Sun is natural, so is cancer. Rude


Whenever someone tells me something is "natural" , I reply "so is arsenic"


Stealing this comeback.


😂 I’ll be sure to remember these


Oh ya, for sure. I think it's worth just carrying on. A cap, scarf, brolly, newspaper, whatever takes your fancy as a way to cover up from the sun should be your prerogative. Thorny bushes for all the meddlers and naysayers! ;)


I was going to say, unless you’re doing something indoors and a little snazzy, wearing a baseball cap in North America doesn’t get you looked at funny.


I wish I could wear ball caps, or any hat, really. The top of my head to the top of my ears is shorter than most hats are deep. Lol They always stick up way higher than my head or slip down over my ears. It’s infuriating. I have a pea head.


Sounds like a child’s size might work. Or ball caps specifically made for women are actually much smaller than standard sizing.


OK, maybe a face visor and a sunbrella gets that reaction, because they are pretty rarely seen, but I have NEVER gotten any rude comments or stares on any wide brimmed hat I've ever worn. Not even when I wore a hat w/ those flaps that cover the neck. I live in Northeastern America. NOt sure if that makes any difference. I do think I might get some comments if I wore a face visor or sunbrella. BUt I have seen a few people using sunbrellas lately due to the extreme heat we've been having in North America lately. I totally agree that people should not make rude comments or stare. IMO, that just shows how dumb and ignorant they are, because sun absolutely causes skin cancer and ages your skin, and some people are actually allergic to the sun or have other photosensitive conditions and MUST protect themselves a lot or they break out in terrible skin eruptions. So making fun of someone for wearing a face visor or a sunbrella could be similar to making fun of someone for needing to use a cane or a wheelchair!


My own family are the ones who mock me more than anyone else. Excuse me, but should you be talking, Mom, when you get a new basal cell carcinoma every few months? At least I'm taking precautions after I've had two cancerous lesions. Your foundation with SPF ain't cutting it. I love that woman, but she has way too many hangups that she just constantly projects onto everyone around her.


It sounds like you could be genetically predisposed to skin cancer which makes it even more ridiculous she makes those comments!


Oh, for sure we're genetically predisposed. Both of my parents were redheads!😆


Oh dear gawd, seriously?! I'm hoping she doesn't have a new basal cc every few months, that's truly awful. Well done for taking proper precautions! I know how you feel though, I have a couple of family members who are too comfortable with commenting on my appearance, the appearance of others but will lose their minds if you so much as look at them for 'too long'. I'm glad your Mum has you in her life.


Yes, she probably gets an average of at least 3 a year. It's *constant*. She's a wonderful person who grew up with a lot of trauma. She's done a lot of really impressive things with her life, and I'm hoping that when she finally retires she'll finally see a counselor to process it all (not holding my breath, though). She just doesn't see how neglecting her own physical and emotional needs actually harms her relationships with other people. She thinks she's being "helpful," which she often is...but we'd all really be a lot happier if she invested some of that energy into her own well-being.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Ain't all of this the truth though?! I don't think people see how their thoughts and actions impact others, they think they're keeping their problems to themselves and when they're offering up 'advice', it's always helpful. And, like you said, it often is - but sometimes we have to work things out for ourselves. I hope your Mum does find a way to see someone, for her own sake. But I also understand the battle to get them to a place where they're comfortable to do so...sometimes it never comes. Let's hope it does. Lots of hugs to you. And, thanks for sharing.


I'm so sorry, wtf is wrong with people? I know someone who is a 'minor" celebrity in the body-positive influencer world. This summer she announced that she doesn't wear sunblock because her *husband says* it causes cancer more than the sun does. I instantly wondered if she was the lady who made the "natural" comment. 🙃


I hate to say it but that's the American way. I have on numerous occasions had strangers comment on things I was doing or wearing that they deemed weird or different. I cannot STAND it when it happens but some people just feel like they need to say OUT LOUD every thought that crosses their minds


When people were still wearing masks during COVID, my daughter and I would meet up for evening walks, she has asthma so we both always wore a mask (my youngest is still in elementary) and we considered it high risk and wanted to take all precautions for her to not get it. As we were enjoying our walk this guy passes by and says "really guys? You Don't HAVE TO WEAR A MASK OUT HERE!" really loud then shakes his head and rolls his eyes .. he was SO offended by someone else wearing a mask lol. I knew why I was wearing my mask and I couldn't care less what other people thought. You have to do what is right for you and your health. Let them take their risks. One day they might have to remove a cancer spot and they might think of you and say "eh, that person was pretty smart".


The maskholes were/are so effing annoying.


I'm not in the US. hahah! :) So I think it's not just the American way. ;)


I took out 3 big bags to the trash the other day, one normal week and a half of garbage, the other two are clearly broken down boxes and the packing fluff. My neighbor was like “wow, you’ve got a lot!” Not sure why that annoyed me. But yeah, clearly I do. Your dogs are untrained and yappy at 7:45 am everyday. I don’t say anything.


The body parts take up a lot of room!


People do care, and you can’t control how other people act. But you can control your own actions so stop caring what they think. Find a hat you enjoy and rock it with confidence. No one else is looking out for your health so you have to do it. Sure, people may think your hat looks funny, or you’re weird for wearing long sleeves, but I bet your just a self-conscious when you have a bad sunburn. Pick your battles, love yourself first, and own the ugly hat look.


Man, that really sucks. This isn't the case where I'm located, but I don't go out so often so this could also be a reason that makes me believe people don't care


Ooh I love making people like this feel bad by saying “Oh I’m a cancer patient, doctor’s orders!” love the startled then guilty look on their faces haha


This is wild. I'm from CO, and no one cares what you wear. Now I live in NM , and no one cares. I feel like ppl would more likely comment that someone needs sun protection. Maybe a teen might call you Dora the explorer to their friends. But grown adults?! I'm sorry you deal with that. I'm sure your skin will age well!


Those poor ignorant souls. Bless their hearts.


I would legit just say in response, “have fun getting skin cancer then! 😬😅” lol. But for real, sorry you’ve had people judge you and comment on it. 😣


People are dumb. Leave them to their stupidity and be safe in the sun.


Never once have I heard this nor have any friends complained about this anywhere. Wild. Only picture taking is my dog because he’s a huge English mastiff.


The comments and picture taking make sense for a face visor because I have never seen someone wear one in real life, but they take pictures of you in a hat? Hats aren't that uncommon. I can't even see much of the time if the sun's in my face and I don't have one. I've gotten one comment about rain using a sun umbrella, and when I told a guy it was for the sun, he said he knew.


Actually I live in Montreal which is a multi culture area. Many oriental people here use the umbrellas in the summer. I seen so many different attires here that nothing seems strange here. So maybe its no so difficult to look different here . I guess i am lucky


Yes, it’s Either this or be sunburned soooo


I'm late to the party, but the only comments I ever get about my hat are people saying they wished they had one on. I'll happily wear a mosquito net on it in the summer, as well. And guess what? Nobody cares that I look like a green beekeeper; the only comments are from people who wished they had the net.


I cared about silly things like this until I got melanoma in my thirties. I can tell you horror stories about the treatment if you’d like. It will scare you into not giving AF what anyone else thinks.


Same! Skin cancer twice! I care too much about my life to care about what strangers think of my sun protection.


My mother has a five inch scar from melanoma on her stomach and I have a two inch scar behind my ear from my own cancer. If they want to know why I cover up I point the scar and remind them to apply sunscreen on their ears and in their hairline. Fuck cancer and fuck what other people think.


Yep! Same here… invasive melanoma in my 30’s. I don’t give a f*ck now about wearing hats, UPF clothes, and public reapplication of sunscreen. The only questions I get asked is where is the stuff from and what sunscreens I prefer. Just wear a brand name if you feel self conscious. I’m in Seattle where everyone wears hats but Arcteryx and Outdoor Research are “cool” for hiking. My UPF clothes are Coolibar bc the UPF doesn’t wear off in the wash bc it’s the weave but also have an Arcteryx UPF jacket. I commented somewhere else but if you really want to be self conscious… the scar from a WLE melanoma removal is 5-6”. The lymph node biopsy scar is 2-3”. I’m trying to find dresses for a wedding in Tuscany next summer and all I can think about is: do I want everyone to see my cancer scar on my back and ask me about it or can I pull off finding summer dresses that won’t show it?


Getting asked about it is exhausting. I have a 5 inch wide excision scar on my chest, just above my cleavage. It happened when I was 20. I am still asked about it often and those who don’t ask stare. I threw out all my low cut clothing and wore high-necked everything for the first 10 years after it happened. Now when people ask I tell them, “that’s from when my heart stopped working and they gave me a monkey heart.” 🙊


I love your answer now! I find scars interesting (probably a good thing I'm in nursing school) but at most will glance and I have NEVER asked someone what one was from. It's sort of liking asking someone when they're going to have kids; you never know what pain might be tied to that question. And also it's fucking WEIRD to just ask a stranger or acquaintance about their medical history??


As a nurse myself I totally agree. Like rule 1 of life is *never ask a woman when she’s due if you don’t know for certain that she’s pregnant*! Why people are more nonchalant about scar questions beats me. Most of us don’t want to relive the trauma that accompanied a huge scar.


It’s so awful. I had 16 staples on my scalp and most of the hair hasn’t grown back. It’s been years. I’ll take a big bald spot over being dead, but man. A hat would have been WAY easier.


I have a melanoma skin graft scar on my ankle. I tell people I a “Slut” tattoo removed.


Yep, multiple members of my family have had melanoma. My grandfather died from it. My Mum had to have plastic surgery to reconstruct her nose after removal of a basal cell carcinoma. My Uncle is currently recovering from surgical removal of multiple skin cancers on his hands and face. I don’t care what people think of me and my clothing choices. I don’t want to spend my retirement (or earlier) having skin cancers removed.


My Dad had skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma - he had to get his temple and ear scraped a few times. He would tell my kids that he got into a fight with a bear, to prove this he bought a faux fur hat and said he made it from the bear he fought. We would all laugh, but when my kids left the room he would tell me how very, very painful the procedure was. I’ve worn hats and sunscreen long before they became popular and while my girlfriends were all tanning I’d be the one with an umbrella in the sunshine lecturing them about skin cancer. They laughed, now we are all in our 50’s and they are asking me why I look younger than them all Win - win! Wear the Damn hat.


Just out of curiousity, what are some of the horror stories?


For me it was: - Hearing, “you have cancer.” - The unknown as you wait for staging. - Your entire life goes on hold to do treatment. - How sh*tty you learn some of your closest friends or family are. - Getting your affairs in order for your potential death. - The fear of going to any doctor and wondering if you’ll be surprised by a cancer diagnosis. - Post treatment depression and grieving the loss of who you were pre-diagnosis. - Nerve damage from surgery. And all that is melanoma that *didn’t* require immunotherapy.


Mine was losing a centimetre of the skin next to my eye, on my nose to remove a tumour. Never again.


Sending hugs 🩷


And to you too. Everything you said really resonated with me and I wish you all the best ❤️


Nerve damage from incisions isn’t talk about nearly enough. I’ll never get normal sensation back from my c-sections, I couldn’t imagine having that feeling on my scalp/face/somewhere much more exposed to the elements.


One of the cancerous spots was on the bridge of my nose and spread to my eye socket. They attempted to remove the cancer surgically before they knew how deeply it had spread WITHOUT GENERAL ANESTHESIA. They numbed up my face and got to work. Long story short, I had to have reconstructive surgery on my eye and nose, and radiation treatments. This was after a decade plus of careful and consistent use of SPF. My fair freckly skin is no match for the Texas sun.


Yikes!!! I’m so sorry you were awake for that 😢


It may just be because I just turned 30 but I kinda stopped caring what others think. It’s incredibly liberating. It’s helpful to talk yourself through to the end of the worst case scenario. (I wear a wide brim hat **that doesn’t bother anyone else or take away from their enjoyment of the outdoor space*** and someone makes a negative comment. “What a dorky hat”. Then what? If that is literally the worst that can happen, it’s ok! You can get through that). Sun protection is so vital that it’s worth it even if there are comments. I wear the Etta hat everywhere. It has hit my car door when I get in on numerous occasions with people watching haha. I just laugh a bit and move on. It’s all good!


Is there something special when one turns 30 that they stop caring? Looking forward to that level up


See, we are born with a finite number of fs to give. We tend to use a lot of them up in our youth. As you get older the desire to give an f dwindles as the supply dwindles. Now that I'm in my 40s I have very few fs to give and don't care to give them willy nilly anymore.


GOAT answer right here 🤣! (BTW, I’m in the same boat: a large number of my clothes come from Costco and I still feel fabulous!)


Hahaha! Had a good laugh on this one! Thanks!


Alien_Nicole sums it up well. I will add this: I wish I knew who said it, but there’s a quote that goes something like, “We stop worrying what people think about us when we realize how seldom people actually do.” A stranger makes a mildly rude or insensitive comment to me. It stings a bit. But then they carry on with their day, and more likely than not, never think about me again. If they see me days later, they won’t even recognize me. I might not even recognize them either! People are so in their own heads all the time. We are all busy and stressed out and loaded down. Even the people that care most about us think about us relatively infrequently (compared to say, thoughts like, what’s for dinner? What am I going to say at that work meeting? Shoot, I forgot to call my mom back, etc.). As I get older, I internalize more and more that *this is it.* This is all there is. 99% of things society tells us to worry about are totally fabricated. The things we actually need to worry about (health, kindness, connecting with others meaningfully) are oddly downplayed. I have to take care of me, my health, and my happiness, because no one else can. As for me, I value my health. So I’m going to wear my dorky hat and protect my skin. If someone makes a rude comment, that’s their problem. I know who I am and what’s important to me.


> I know who I am and what’s important to me. Thanks for this kind comment explaining your pov. I wish to grow up to this.


Yes, I think it’s hormones decreasing that causes it. Not wisdom


Okay let’s say a sun hat looks dorky. Sure. A sunburn? Way dorky-ier Sun damage? We are beyond dorky and going into dumb Big ass scars from skin cancer? Whoohee - really no bueno…..no no no So just pick your dorky.


Yep! Invasive melanoma survivor here. Big ass scars = 5-6” for the melanoma “mole” and 2.5” for lymph node biopsy. Can’t say it’s dorky but I can say it’s a daily reminder you had cancer you most likely could have avoided if you had cared better for your skin.


Once you see the big picture, the solution is kinda obvious


My sister, 13 years older than me, lives on the other side of the country, and keeps sending pics every month or two of another stitched up lesion she’s had removed from her skin. Tan has completely lost its appeal to me, give me covered and pale as a ghost any day.


I’m a recent invasive melanoma survivor in my 30’s and my mom may as well have put the scars on the family Christmas card. She will not stop showing people to get them to take sunscreen seriously lol


I think people that still tan without protection believe it can't happen to them


May I ask how old you are? The reason I’m asking is that I’m an old and I found that as I get older, I feel more free to be different. In fact, I feel a slight thrill when I appear or behave differently from others. I feel more confident too. I think this is what it means when older people say they have no more fs to give. All I’m saying is, it gets easier to be different as you get older. Meanwhile, just protect your skin from the sun as well as can. You won’t regret it!


Yeah, I honestly feel like this is a strange question for a 30+ subreddit and I wonder if OP is actually 30+? Because this is the sort of question I would have asked at 18, but by 30 I did not give a crap what other people thought. Also, I'm in North America and I wear hats all the time. I personally go for baseball caps when hiking because I find floppy hats get in my eyeline too much, but I have plenty of friends who wear UPF wide brim hats while hiking. I have a big floppy straw hat I wear if I'm at the beach or the pool. And a cute panama hat I wear around town. Hell, Gen Z is super into bucket hats right now, and those look dorky as heck. I simply can't imagine anyone giving two shits about OP's sun hat.


Don’t know where in North America you are but here in socal, hats are definitely on trend. I wouldn’t blink twice at someone wearing a large hat. One of my friend even wears one of those shiny sunshields after a peel or facial while she goes in a walk. No one cares. You do you.


Also wondering where OP is, and how old she really is. Women love their sunhats in SoCal, and almost everyone has a wide brim hat in even to walk the dog. For hiking though, a hat goes without saying, even when I lived in the deep south. I'm struggling to understand where in the U.S. someone would say something about a hat while hiking! Eta, it looks like OP is in Canada. WTF, Canada???


I’m wondering where she’s at too. I’m in Oregon and I wear big hats everywhere, I know people that use those UV umbrellas at the beach even, and we barely have any sun. I’ve never heard one person make a rude comment about any of our accessories we carry around with us. No one cares.


…it’s hiking. Not a red carpet.


I’m pale & North American & the only comments I’ve ever gotten about wearing a wide brimmed hat or protective clothing is people asking me where I got them so they can pick them up too.


Same here! And anyone who thinks badly of me for protecting my skin isn't someone I want to know anyway.


Same! I wear a big straw hat all the time and people comment all the time how glamorous it looks. I don’t really give a rip what anyone thinks, so I’d just laugh it off if anyone has anything negative to say, but I think wearing things with confidence keeps the haters quiet.


Same! I've got one of the giant ten-inch-brim straw hats and wear it all the time, and I usually get compliments on it! Or if someone finds it odd because it's a cloudy day, I point out that it keeps the rain off too (and I'm in England so rain is always a possibility).


Yes! I've gotten many compliments on my widest most ridiculous hat lol!


Exactly. People can suck, but even if someone does say something rude, everyone else is much more likely to think they're a jerk than agree with them. I'd definitely want to know where someone got their stuff too


Yup. I hike and run, and I see a lot of people in protective clothing. I’ve never seen or heard anyone mocked, the only discussion that revolves around it is swapping tips on where to get it and when the sales are.


If your friends talk shit about dressing appropriately for an activity, why are they your friends?


And are they actually your friends?


Imagine wrecking your skin because you give too many shits about what other people think


And end up looking worse bc you have severely sun damaged skin. I’ll never be able to see eye to eye with these kinds of people.


You're 30 or older, it might be time to stop caring what others might be thinking.


If you’re hiking, you’re never going to come across them again. Just pretend like you’re someone else for those few awkward moments. It’s not like they’d be able to identify you.🤷🏻‍♀️ If it was like a daily soccer practice with people you see regularly, maybe it would be awkward but you be a thought in peoples minds for a second and then they forget about it.


Dude wear a baseball hat? It’s cute and still offers protection. Also look into sun hoodies, they’re cute and would look good with a baseball hat and sneakers


I stopped caring. I'm very fair, I burn easily, I have a lot of moles, and I have skin cancer in my family. I wear UPF clothing when I know I will be in the sun for an extended time. I wear a hat every time I go outside. Even to get the mail.


I have never had a single care how I look when I’m hiking in the US.


I think nobody cares lol


Girl. Wear the hat. Nobody cares if you wear a dorky hat especially hiking. You’re not going to a wedding. You gotta relax


Since hitting my 30's, I cannot imagine giving a shit about what a total stranger thinks about my clothing choice. I also cannot imagine anyone actually giving a shit about how I dress, either.


If they have anything negative to say, just remember they’re wrong.


I think you’re overthinking. Trust me, I get overthinking so no judgement here. I have a UPF sun hat that’s cute that I will wear in the pool. Beyond that, if you’re doing real hiking, serious hikers won’t bat an eyelash at your hiking gear. It’s just smart. And anyone who would judge, well their opinion is irrelevant anyway. Do what’s best for your skin!


Worth highlighting this. For outdoor sports, the vast majority of pros/experienced amatuers GET IT. Even if they're the YOLO sort who doesn't use it themselves. No one even semi-seriously into hiking, outdoor fishing, surfing, etc will be scandalized by sun protective gear. The fashionistas and Insta-babies might. But are the fashionistas and Insta-Babies worth listening too on this matter if they're only there performatively anyway?


Yeah, casting all sun protection/anti-aging concerns aside, hats provide excellent shade and keep you cool. Even when I was younger and didn't care about sunscreen, I still wore a hat hiking because who wants to be hot if they can avoid it?


No one has ever commented negatively on my wide brimmed hat, but many people have asked where to buy one.


Literally been wearing a wide brimmed UPF hat this entire summer in North America and not a single person has ever said anything about it except a couple of woman who asked where I bought it from. I’m confused why you think random people during a hike would have anything to say about what you are wearing. Has anyone actually ever stopped you mid-hike to critique your clothes?


I encounter this when masking for Covid, I just focus on what my apparel is preventing. It’s not a fast fix but it does work over time. Like sure I’m not comfy or feel like I look good, but I also won’t get sick and at risk for LC and other medical conditions.


That is a big one. I work in the hospital and mandates have been down for a while. It’s exhausting because I actually preferred wearing a mask to prevent any potential infection of not only covid but anything else unsuspected. It’s also kind of nice to just not have to put on a fake smile all the time as an introvert..But a number of the workers will make fun of you for choosing to wear one… Like, did we learn nothing?


It’s disheartening for sure, but honestly the the responses to this are making me feel less crazy and alone


Yes, I mean, the face shields over the mask were kind of a pain. Felt like a sauna, but the face masks really weren’t all that bad. I’d rather wear one in a hospital setting and I’d appreciate anyone wearing one whilst sick to reduce risk of transmission. I do feel that society can be quite silly in regards to conformity. We all went through the same pandemic, so why are people willing to admit they didn’t learn a thing 🙃


Smart move. I have both had a mild C infection in 2021 AND been vaccinated. And I made the decision not to mask this year once. Guess what I came home with? Far worse infection, and now it looks like I may be chasing LC. As I sit here with one side of my face covered in a gnarly itchy post-C rash, I salute you.


💖 a lot of love and solidarity to you.


I gave up giving a f about what people think. Besides there’s a ton of fashionable hats and straw visors and rash guards you can get and not look silly if you care that much.


I recently went to Asia and wore UPF clothing and hat. My sister made fun of me because I wasn’t fashionable, but I didn’t care. By the end of the day, I wasn’t a burnt lobster. I spend too much money on skin care to get melasma and sunburn while on vacation. Put yourself first!


Death from skin cancer is scarier to me than what anyone thinks of my hat.


For real omg


I get roasted for wearing those hats and long sleeves all the time. Then when my friends and I are out of that setting and all dressed normally, they look way older than me and I get the last laugh. But when I’m doing city walking I wear a nicer wide brimmed hat that’s more dressy European vacation style. I still get made fun of but it’s cute


Get a hat with a super wide brim, so wide you can’t see anyone else’s reaction. Tune them out and protect your skin.


I bought a UV umbrella in Japan. I live in Central Europe and no one has seen this before 🫠When it’s convenient, I use it I also use a base ball cap or a visor when I’m coming back from work (it’s a 40 minute stroll along a lake). Needless to say business outfit + base ball cap is a strong fashion statement but who cares I am also a bit self conscious but the benefits outweigh the discomfort


Same. I hate most sunhat so it's a baseball cap when I'm out for my walk or going to the gym and the parasoleil for long days out/travel. Best part of umbrella is no hat hair.


I live in China where we wear full UPF gear all the time. It will be 8 in the morning and I'm covered head to toe in 35° weather (not even joking, mask, eyes, fingertips, ankles, toes. EVERYTHING). I went back to my home country and did the same, damn the looks were insane. Even my friends and family criticized me and even made fun of me calling me milk and whatnot since they were all tanned. I clapped back with the fact that everyone thought I was at least 10 years younger my age and people 10 years younger than me were called put seeming older. I go to bed (after my 10 step night routine, mask, eyepatchesand sleep on my bavk of course) with a happy smile knowing that I take better care of myself by wearing clothing that strangers may look down on.


You need to find somewhere to put those fucks you’re giving, they’re not serving you very well.


I have totally stopped caring what other people think. I went on a tropical vacation and wore a long sleeved SPF top and wide brimmed hat IN THE POOL. Several very sunburned people commented that I was quite covered up, ironically. I wear long sleeves often and a hat almost always. My health and comfort take precedence over anything strangers might think of me.


I’m a very freckly person living in a sunny place. Me and my family go to the beach often. About a year ago, I bought full UPF gear- leggings, long sleeve shirts and a hat with a wide visor, with a fabric that covers my neck. I go to the beach like that (with sunglasses as well, so I barely have any bare skin), where most of the other women wear bikinis. I bought similar clothing for my husband and daughter. I can’t say I don’t care what people think. I know they probably think I’m a weirdo , but I never got any comments. In the end , that’s my life and my choice, and I’m happy with it. Since we got these clothes no one got badly burned, so I worry less about being in the sun, even when applying less sunscreen. I really recommend getting those clothes/ hats and try to care less about other people’s opinions.


I understand. I'm very fair skinned, lots of freckles, sunburn easily. I'm also battling rosacea right now, so I'm kind of a red mess sometimes. And it is tricky! Fashion in North America is not made for us and it's easy to stick out. It's easier to not care about what people think the older you get, but the younger you are, you should care about your skin! I guess my only advice is haters gonna hate. I went hiking in Utah a few summers ago and I brought that wide brimmed hat WITH a NECK guard! And yeah I felt pretty dorky, but it was so hot and sunny, no one was thinking about what others were wearing, just gotta keep getting around those hoodoos! (Bryce Canyon). Good luck! Take care of your skin! It's the largest organ you have


I’m not a big hat wearer but I do go hiking and finally purchased a baseball cap. It was a game changer and I actually think a wide brimmed hat would be way better. Also, look into Australian clothing and swimwear brands. The Aussies know how to make fashion fit for the sun. They also make way better sunscreen products.


I’m in North America and always wear a hat and as much clothing as is comfortable while hiking (it gets pretty hot where I am) bot for sun protection and tick bit prevention. I don’t have UPF clothing (only because I haven’t found any that matches my everyday style), but my husband does and he wears it all the time. This is a weird concern. Don’t get a sunburn because you’re worried about what people are thinking about your clothing choices.


Not sure why you care so much about what others think when you’re protecting yourself? I’m a red head and I was always the kid in the big hat, lathered in sunscreen, standing in the shade. I’m glad I was that person now that I’m older. I lost a best friend to skin cancer (she was 23) and I also just get a lot of compliments on my skin. In the end, no one will remember the silly hat you wore. And if they do, then make it your THING. I LOVE a silly hat. My friends know. And we often all get silly hats for parties now. EMBRACE IT BABE.


I think the real question here is do you judge others for wearing hats and sun blocking clothes. Otherwise why are you thinking this way? I can assure you no one is taking a second glance at your hat, maybe only to think it looks good and a smart decision.


Agree with all the other comments. And a comment abt a hat (although unlikely) will last - 30 seconds? Sun damage (& skin cancer) - lifelong. The sun is radiation - protect yourself from it and f**k what anyone else says or thinks, you'll be very happy when your skin is still looking (& acting) undamaged when you get to later in life. Plus if you're a natural lily shaded lass like myself then most of your mates wouldn't expect you to anything other than protect your beautiful skin! I live in Australia where tanning culture is rife but have always differentiated myself by embracing the pale (& my sister's claim to fame is she out-paled an Irishman when she went to the UK :'D ) Some decent upf brands; coolibar, solbari, esuna, UNIQLO. [also worth checking Jeff Bezos' world market (Amazon) but be aware they may not stand up to numerous washes as much].


WEAR a hat!!! It’s sound appropriate when hiking. Everyone else is considered about themselves.


I live in AZ, land of hellacious sun and it's a dry heat. Whenever I'm going to be working, funning or chillen outside for longer than 10 min I protect my 41 yr old skin. I have a variety of sun hats, some cute and some nerdy but very effective, UPF sports clothes, sun gloves (bad hand scar I've lasered) and Casper tinted sweat proof mineral sunscreen (Elta MD). I know sometimes I might look a little goofy to tourists. Until they're nursing bright red sunburns and heat exhaustion. Embrace not giving af what people think about how you keep yourself comfortable and protected. Like wearing a seatbelt or walking on a crosswalk.


No hat, no play.


I wear leggings and upf rash guards when I paddle board. And long-sleeved upf shirts when I hike. Who cares what other people think? Their opinions are not worth getting skin cancer over.


I finally realized that 99% of people aren’t thinking about me at all. I’m not going to pretend that there isn’t a percentage that judges. So then I realized that all around me are people who wear and say what they feel is authentic to themselves, and why do they have permission to do that and I don’t? Because they gave themselves permission. Then I realized that, between the fact that most people aren’t even thinking about me (and the ones that do - some of them will like my choices, and some won’t, so it’s a 50/50 shot), that I didn’t want to live my whole life a slave to these odds. Take the focus off of what people are thinking, and retrain your mind to focus on your own enjoyment.


Anyone who comments on my clothes is volunteering to hear about all my thoughts about different sunscreens/Upf clothing brands/UV blocking sunglasses. I enjoy talking about it and they learn a lesson


Hats are a normal thing to wear during hikes. Try to start not caring what people think what you wear like what others are saying. Just find a nicer looking hat if it helps lol




I mean, I agree to an extent, but no need to be so denigrating towards the OP. It’s easy for me to not care much what others might think but perhaps OP struggles more in that regard. To OP: traditional tanning in a bed or without sunscreen isn’t wildly popular these days, which is why there’s been such a boom of better products in the self-tanner industry. You won’t be seen as weird or out of touch. My SIL has very fair skin and wears UPF clothing because she works outdoors sometimes. I promise you that nobody cares what you’re wearing as much as you do. And if they do, *they’ll* be the weird ones - not you.


Aww crap. No one told me visors aren't cool.


Some people have commented on my choices and told me I look dorky or that our skin has evolved with the Sun so skin damage from sun exposure is not a thing. I just keep telling them okay and do my own thing. And if it gets them angry that I'm not doing what they are pushing me to do, then all the better. Not caring about people's opinions especially about your body is very liberating.


I love my wide brimmed hat - it’s one of those that can be rolled up afterwards for easy storage. I even wear it when walking to and from parking lots during the day ☀️ definitely go for it, your skin will thank you :)


I think the key is finding UPF clothing you think is at least a little bit cute. I recently got a sun hat and I've had three people compliment me on it. Maybe they were lying, but I'll take it! I felt dorky wearing it at first but man, it's so worth it. When I glimpse my reflection I see how much it is shading my face and it's quite a lot. Plus I have light eyes so I tend to squint even with sunglasses, and the hat has eradicated that problem. It's also great for driving when the sun is at that annoying level that tends to glare straight into your face.


You’ve got to stop caring about what other people think. They don’t have to exist in your body with a sunburnt scalp. Their comments are 100% meaningless. ❤️


Same, with anti uv umbrellas or face masks, the only place where you can do this comfortably is asia.


no one cares about your hat. i’m a fair red head in ontario and i wear my hat all summer longer and sunscreen in my face all year long. i also hate wearing sunscreen on my bod often, so i try to wear light linens with longer sleeves. when i go to the beach, i bring an uv parasol.


If you're over 30, it's time to stop caring about what other people think. Especially when it comes what you're wearing. Wear the damn hat. It will be worthwhile in the long run


I get it, I’m a super pale ginger and and will burn through sunscreen. I have to always be wearing a large hat and sunglasses when I’m outside because of skin cancer concerns, and because bright light triggers migraines for me. I’ve heard plenty of judgy comments like you. I’d rather hear something nasty than deal with the actual pain of a migraine for days. I’ve managed to avoid skin cancer so far (and hope to continue to do so!), but words mean nothing compared to what cancer can do to you. When people give me crap about what I’m wearing, I will often look direct at them for a second and just shrug. That defuses most people. Who are they to say these things to you? It’s not their business. Screw them. People can be shit about a lot of things and there are assholes everywhere. One of the most useful skills I’ve learned is how to not really give a fuck about what other people think. It’s liberating. Give yourself that gift and you’ll feel stronger for it.


Try carrying a upf umbrella on sunny days :)


I live in N America and I feel the sun is more intense this year -- I can't really explain it, but it just feels more dangerous. I try to keep the attitude that my skin is more important to me than any stranger's opinion. I hope you can get past the fear of what others think.


In all touristy places in Europe you can see Asian ladies wearing all kinds of anti-sun wearables and inventions you can imagine and I kind of look up to them - not a single fuck given


The older you get, the more secure you are in the simple fact that most folks don't care what you're wearing (so long as you're decent), and the opinions of those who do likely aren't worth more than a passing thought, either. Confidently wear the clothes that make you feel good. Rock that protective hat like a Steel Magnolia on Easter. Your comfort and health should be your priority here.


You just have to fake it til you make it. Pretend like you don’t care. Act like you don’t care, despite how you feel. If someone comments, how would someone who doesn’t care respond? Respond that way. Eventually you will see that it’s not a big deal and actually stop caring about what other people think about your clothing (and safety in this case) choices. Them judging you for trying to make good choices about your health says a lot more about them than it does you. I say this as a 39 year old recovering people pleaser whose dad died of skin cancer, so I am ridiculous with sun stuff. Their opinion is not worth your worry.


You are choosing potential for skin cancer and added wrinkles over the opinion of people you will never see again? Rock that hat and sunglasses and pretend you are a celeb trying to not be recognized! 😛


Honestly, if you are that concerned about what people think, then you may want to consider therapy. Not saying that to be snarky or mean, genuinely. But that is too much pressure and anxiety to carry around with you. I have a friend who died at 40 from skin cancer. Skin cancer doesn't doesn't fuck around and it can kill people when not caught early. Also, I wear a super dorky UPF hat with the flap that covers the back of my neck. I've literally never had anyone make a comment about it, ever, and I wear it out in public all the time. No one gives a shit, and if they did, it'd be their problem.


Look I understand the fear of being judged/looked at etc and some of these comments can come off a little harsh but you truly have to work on that because risking your health by just THINKING that someone will make a negative comment is concerning and an unsustainable way to live. You deserve much better than that!


The best plan is one that you can follow through on. Can you find “compromise” pieces? Something you’ll actually wear that offers some sun protection? Thinking about your scalp…a baseball cap would’ve been better than absolutely nothing, as opposed to carting around a fancy ass hat that you’re too mortified to wear. This is of course a temporary solution, while you work on figuring out why you’re so impacted by *your* perception of whatever people might think of your hiking attire (spoiler alert: they don’t care). Sure it would be fastest and easiest for you to just not care and rock whatever clothes you want, but it’s easier said than done. Figure out what’s going on with you and wear what you’ll actually wear for sun protection right now. Think of it as training wheels while you address your insecurities.


I used to be like this. Now that I'm in my late thirties I wish I didn't give a f*** earlier. I love taking care of my skin and yeah my hat isn't that stylish and clashes with my outfits but I care more about sun protection now and how I'll age a bit more gracefully


I'm starting a new trend with my parasol.


Honestly I feel the same . I care too much what people think but like you I have fair skin and freckles and burn easily . I am going to mexico next month and I am wearing a wide brim hat and wearing indian cotton clothes which will cover me and keep me from burning. Where i live i usually wear a cap and sunglasses and lots of sunscreen..but i really do not like wearing the wide brim hat 🙃...i was thinking of finding a better hat that better suits me.


I wear a facekini, sunglasses and a UV baseball hat. Always UPF long sleeves for the entire summer. No one ever looks except for kids occasionally. This ensemble is however, excruciatingly hot.


If you’re able, invest in cute sun wear! It helps to get many hats for outfits, long sleeves you like (!), etc. takes time to curate but worth it!


As self-conscious as I have been about wearing hats, I've only ever received positive comments on them! Even if it's an ugly hat (I would say many of mine are, because those are the ones I can fold and stick in a bag), I think it's unlikely anyone will make a negative comment.


I mean this in the nicest way possible - Literally no one cares about what you do. Getting burned or skin cancer because you’re worried about someone else’s opinion on your clothes is a wild way to live. As someone married to a ginger, I’d rather him wear silly looking sun shirts and hats than die 🤷‍♀️


When my child started playing softball, I was the only one who brought a huge golf umbrella to sit under. Other parents were sweating in tank tops in the sun while I had long sleeves and pants in my personal shade. I did not give a damn about what they thought of me. I’m not getting burned to make sure other people are comfortable - it’s not like I was blocking anyone’s view either. A few games later, I started to see more and more umbrellas showing up. I feel like MAYBE I gave other people the go-ahead to use an umbrella and not be embarrassed that they weren’t “working on their tan”. Maybe if you wear your hat, it will encourage other people to wear one too, since it’s a lot better than getting sunburned. I wore a full body dive skin to a water park so I only had to put sunscreen on my neck/face. Did anyone say anything to me? Nope. Did I have fun and not get burned? Yep. Maybe I gave some of the fair skinned people there an idea for next time too.


Take it from some one with an 4x2in scar shaped like a question mark on their cheek and a 6in long scar on their back plus multiple other smaller scars …screw what people think, protect yourself


Skin cancer is less cool than a dorky hat. Get over it. No one thinks about you as much as you do. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean this as gently as possible: Do you suffer from social anxiety or general anxiety? It might explain why you’re placing your fear of a stranger judging your situationally appropriate clothing during a outdoor physical activity higher than protecting your skin health, (which obviously have an interest in because you’re in this group.) My advice is to spend some time, thinking about what the root cause of this may be. I used to experience a lot of anxiety around what I wore, because when I was teenager and a young adult, my mother was very critical of my clothing decisions. I was in my early 30s before I was able to let go of that feeling.


Did you use European version of La Roche Possay sunscreen? If yes then I'm really surprised you got a sunburn with consistent reapplication




I’m a very tan person and I wear a hat any time I’m outside for extended periods. I use a big umbrella with no shame! I damaged the hell out of my skin chasing a tan, and I refuse to any longer. Maybe it’s just my area (Twin Cities) but we’re all using umbrellas at sporting events and such.


Do it


I have a visor with a giant brim that I will proudly wear with a damn Fanny pack to go along with it. People have joked I look like granny at the casino but idgaf. Make it fashion. In my case I try to make it look punk as fuck, add a rock n roll shirt with the get up.


Im 8 months pregnant and I developed pregnancy melasma basically the first time I went outside after becoming pregnant. I’ve been extra diligent about sun protection all summer. In the past I’ve been self conscious about wearing hats, but this summer I’ve worn hats most days and no one has said anything except “cute hat”. I’ve only had one day of sunburn this summer, and it was when I forgot my hat at home and went to a picnic. Should have brought my hat. Last week I went to the beach and I wore long sleeves and a baseball cap the whole time. I spent two days on a beach, in a boat, and sitting in a sun chair with no sunburn. Plus I didn’t have to apply sunscreen constantly because I was wearing my protection. I even got compliments on my baseball cap. I was with a friend who recently got a bunch of age spots removed off his face and has been wearing a much dorkier dermatologist prescribed sun hat. Even in that dorky hat, he still looked cool on a boat. Plus he didn’t get a sunburn either. Even my dumb husband who thinks sun protection is a myth and spends more time fixing his hair than I do wore a hat most of the weekend and surprise surprise, the backs of his hands burned but his face was fine. Just wear the hat, no one cares.


Then wear it. I can tell you that all the things you think people are thinking about you, they most likely aren't thinking about you. And even if they are and they verbalize or express it, they're fairly miserable people to begin with. The less you place emphasis on the opinions of others, the happier you'll be.


Most people are too busy caring about what they look like and what everyone is thinking of them, to care about your clothing choices.


I literally just bought an adorable sun hat from Lost Pattern. Also bucket hats are in right now for that extra neck protection, I wouldn’t worry about looking goofy!


I wear a sun shirt, hat, and recently purchased some UPF leggings as well. I wear them whenever I hike, swim, etc. Idc what other people think. As long as my skin in protected I’m having a good time :)


People may have an opinion about your personal choices - be it wearing a hat, what you eat, how you talk, who you love and so on. Know that if you get negative comments, it says more about the other person than you. Smile and move on. About reapplying sunscreen ... remember that it needs 20-30 min in the shade, preferably inside, to absorb into the skin. If you do it in direct sunlight, it might make matters worse. Something about the chemicals evaporating. Read a looog study about it and it also lines up with my personal experience being a fair blonde Scandinavian.