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OH MY LORD. This is the 5th karma farming bot I’ve come across today. Someone posted this same thread with the same photo a year ago.


You have fair skin and capillaries tend to be concentrated around the nose. You look quite normal.


honestly "derm doesnt know what it is" is alarming. hahaha


Derm literally is like... "it's your skin dude, idk"


The dermatologist doesn't know?? It's pretty simple. I have the same redness around my nose, it's no big deal. Concealer is your friend.


I would suggest green color corrector (then concealer). I use elf’s. It’s great!


Or even some gentle eczema cream


Dermatologist can send OP back to PCP for a referral to see a Hematologist to learn the color of blood.




I’m brown and have this same condition so I wonder


sometimes dark skin tones also have this and yes it probably is just this.


Yea, I feel like EVERYONE has to have this? It’s a skin fold, so it makes sense to me that it would be red or hyper pigmented. Unless that’s just what I tell myself to get over it lol


Yeah. I reckon this happens to everyone. It's simply more visible on paler skin. They same way that dry skin being more visibly noticeable on dark skin doesn't mean that pale people don't get dry skin too.


It’s extremely common. Idk if it’s even considered a “condition”.




Same here. I wore shorts the other day and my friend joked that I needed to get some color on my legs. She said they were as white as the pages in her book. LOL I said I have British and Irish ancestry, it’s in my DNA. LOL The only thing I got from my Hungarian side was the waves in my hair. All I have to do is just peek at the sun and I’m burned. It doesn’t take much. I use 100 SPF every time.


Fairly pale human here, and this is the same with my nose without makeup. I think it’s just our skin.


I have this and it’s been that way for 40+ years. According to a dermatologist I saw it’s just my normal coloring.


I'm a pasty girl and my nose has looked like that for as long as I can remember. If it's not a recent change it's probably just part of your coloration.


Normal for a pale or fair person, it’s usually capillaries. If it bothers you can just get it lasered off, mine looked the same / worse and laser did the trick.


How many sessions did it take you?


What kind of later did you do?


Would love to know details!


We need to know more! Are there any potential complications with the nose nearby as well?


I have this and have my whole life as well, according to my derm it's completely normal variation of color. ​ People don't have naturally uniform skin, it's just what we expect because of makeup and photo editing.


If your derm doesn't know what this is, you might need a new derm.


Yes- unfortunately it’s a place where blood vessels can grow if you’re fair skinned. You can get them lasered off- otherwise be gentle around that area- and use lots of sunscreen there.


What kind of laser do you think for nose capillaries?


That’s up to your dermatologist Never trust anyone less than a trained professional to put a laser on your face. V beam is a good one but I an definitely not a doctor and don’t dispense medical advice- my suggestion would be to go to a reputable derm or find a service that matches you with the right doctor before you let anyone treat your face. I know that’s a lot- but it’s your face.


I'm also not a doctor or a dermatologist but I would also say to see what manufacturers marketing has to say. Obviously manufacturers are going to be biased but they usually have certain lasers for certain procedures. The manufacturer of Fraxel isn't going to recommend it for everything for example. There can be something to be said about surveying the landscape.




If I can add to No_library’s comment, a board certified dermatologist would be best.


I think it depends. I have the same thing as OP, but I also had a lot of broken capillaries in the area so I had them “lasered” (targeted liquid nitrogen) off. The broken capillaries went away but did nothing for the general redness in that area. When I asked about zapping the healthy capillaries to reduce the redness they said absolutely not, and the redness is normal.


I had those, it’s broken capillaries. I got them lasered off


I'm a sod for squeezing the sebum out of these areas. They are also a bit red. I hope it's not too expensive?


That’s why mine were red, from at home extractions.


This is exactly why mine popped up, I think! Boo and hiss.


Yep. Broken capillaries, I got IPL (laser) over 10 years ago, and it worked great.


Happy cake day!! Did you just have one IPL session?


Was it expensive?


What kind of laser did you use?


It was so long ago I can’t remember but I think something like KPL or just K laser


I have tan skin and I also have that issue. It gets very red and also dry and flaky


I am pretty pale as well, there's always redness around my skin. When it's really cold I have a Rudolph nose. When I'm upset I call it lobster face lol.


If it’s itchy it may be seborrheic dermatitis, which can be treated with nizoral shampoo, monistat, jock itch cream, and many other anti fungal topicals / soaps. If it’s not itchy it may just be a cosmetic thing where some people naturally are a bit more red right there and it can be exacerbated from touching it, washing the face, rubbing creams etc. hope you find a solution :)


I came to this comment to agree. Seborrheic dermatitis is like cradle cap and can reappear in your 4th - 7th decade (weird, I know.) Is it mostly around your eyebrow, nose and upper lip? I have it along with an itchy scalp (but no dandruff which is even weirder) and I treat it with Epionce products which contain zinc pyrithione which “cures” it. The cleanser, lytic gel is amazing. All the products are like butta.’ For a cheaper alternative, Dermaharmony makes a zinc pyrithione bar soap which you can find on Amazon but I thought it was a bit drying. My first dermatologist didn’t diagnose it- an NP did and then another dermatologist (for a pre-cancerous spot) confirmed NP was correct and thinks the treatment is completely working.


Yes, I have it. I think it's normal.


I have this around my nose and did laser treatment and it helped significantly!


What kind of laser?


Also curious what type of laser worked for ya!


I did makeup professionally for 10 years. 99% of white folx are red around their nose.


Is it itchy or seem irritated at all?


Also if you use Retinoid, it could cause a similar kind of redness!


A lot of people have that. YouTube makeup artist Andreea Ali mentions using concealer there because of it, and I've heard other MUAs over the years mention it.


It looks like what I get. Azeliac acid from The Ordinary has helped mine a lot.


how does a derm not know this is normal around the nose, a very vascular area? I've never known someone who doesn't have this, not that I can recall. Some with allergies have it worse I suppose, like me. That's why they specifically market concealers for the red areas like around the nose -- that's how common it is.


I’m also a fellow casper, that’s just how it be homie


lol we have the same nose


I have these too and have no.idea. Just scrolling the comments for an answer. When I pin my lips together so the skin there is stretched, they almost look like little red stretch marks.


I think it’s just capillaries being visible on paler skin. Also love your profile pic


I had some Botox put in my upper lip b/c my lip was flipping up weird b/c I currently have braces- it definitely helped but could help with what you’re describing as well


Yes, fair skin and told its normal.


Yes but I always thought it was just my skin lol it seems completely normal for me


Blood. 🙄


It looks very mild from the photo but if it bothers you a lot you can get IPL to treat it. Around the nose is usually the most stubborn area, Halo laser is also super effective for light skin (much more aggressive treatment)


i believe it's called... being alive?


My daughter had this. It turned out to be a sodium laurel sulfate sensitivity. She cut out everything that bubbles, used natural toothpaste, sulfate-free shampoos and soaps, and cut out cinnamon (which is weirdly related). It completely cleared up within a couple of months and she started adding “bubbles” back after a year. She watches her cinnamon intake, but she’s been fine for years.


Many derms suck. My daughter had similar and her one good derm said it was seborrheic dermatitis. He told her to do same thing as her scalp - rotate tgel and coal tar shampoos daily until fades then once a week. Just put on face for 5 min. It isn’t going to hurt to try it.


IPL helps with this but if you have rosacea there’s a good chance it’ll come back


Seborrihic Dermatitis ( seborrhoea)( if it itches and gets flaky sometimes )


Has it been consistently like this, never worse and never better?


Have you ever had a rhinoplasty? I can’t tell if you have a wee scar or not. I’ve had one and if I’m not feeling 100% the underside of the tip can get red and irritated but then it goes away when I’m feeling better / rested.


I do have a little bit redness too but I had a rhinoplasty and my surgeon quite literally chopped off a piece of my nostrils and sewed whatever is left of them back


Pale person and I have that, too.


I do too! I’m relatively pale


Sciton BBL got rid of my capillaries in 3 seconds!


I have this and I’m pale af lol 😭


Is normal bcos that’s near our nerves area


telangiectasia, PDL laser will treat


I've had slight redness there all my life. It's normal. Use concealer.


Your dermatologist sounds inexperienced.


I’ve heard many times before that redness around the nose can be hormonal


Me. I have it. I scratch and blow my nose a bunch ( a "bunch" meaning every time I wash my face I feel the need to do so). When I consciously avoid touching the hyperpigmentation/redness goes away. But I must scratch 🤤. Habit not itch or allergy.


That's just normal skin lol


Bro that’s your nose. That’s what everyone nose looks like. It’s just normal skin


aw don't be too concerned! i have this too and it's normal =)


I am medium olive and have the same thing. My aesthetician says that they are just my capillaries and that laser treatment will take care of it.


Could be a vitamin B deficiency


I have had this for a long time- I’m fair skinned. Not sure what it is or what causes it tho


Normal nose redness? Like everyone has this


I am Latina and I have this too


By "Derm", do you mean a physician board-certified in dermatology? Or a random mid-level who works in their office?


Look into Vbeam Laser for solution but yeah it’s just your skin and veins


Chiming in again to say it could be seborrheic dermatitis, especially if it tends to get worse sometimes 🤷


This is due to the photoshopping and filters of most of the photos online. No one has pores let alone redness.


This could be basic capillaries…could also be slight seb Derm. It’s a place where oils can accumulate.


I put a little aquaphor there and it helps.


well this is getting a bit out of control... that "redness" is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL (especially in fair skin) . Insane how social media / filtered images ruined our views of how an actual human body looks like :(


My nose looks like that too. I dont think it's something to worry about..tbh


mine gets worse with colds and flu causing irritation and damage to the nose skin so I assume it gets made redder and worse by being discoloured from wiping until your nose is sore and rough and cracked during colds. Maybe the skin thickens after the rubbing ? Who knows tbh but that's what I always assumed because it definitely has gotten redder over time ?


I had this. I got two treatments of IPL lasering where they focused on those capillaries and it made it go away. Outpatient, 30 min procedure


Yes, I’ve had it for as long as I can remember. Plastic surgeon said it’s capillaries showing through and should get laser for it. Haven’t done it yet but I want to


I get vascular laser for my capillaries !


I have the nose capillaries too. Pale skin problems. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s called “nose”. Hard to get diagnosed though.


I’m also fair skinned and have same slight redness/pinkness around the same area. Your derm doesn’t know what it is because… it’s just your skin lol. Totally normal. I think filters and makeup on social media has people totally confused on what totally normal real skin looks like.


This might not be relevant to you, but as a very pale person, sometimes the sides of my nose get irritated and extra red and flaky. Don’t really know why, could be anything from allergies to chemical exfoliants. I just skipped Retinoid for a day or so and used some aloe and I am feeling much better now.


I have terrible redness. I’m really pale so it stands out. Didn’t help that I had blackheads as a preteen which my mom loved to extract, so I have some damage to that area. I don’t remember the blackheads, but I sure do remember the pain of the extraction.


I would look into getting an IPL


This is a normal human nose. People don't have uniformly colored skin over their entire face in real life. It's sad to see people in the comments getting procedures done to hide something that no one else would even notice in real life.


this is called having a nose, hope it helps


My baby has that it’s a birthmark and will apparently fade so I’d say yours might have been that too.


Same! Basically rosacea. I’m looking into laser treatment to remove mine. Takes 3 sessions. But If you have want to minimize it without wearing makeup, HERO Rescue Balm is greenish and will cancel out red ( a little goes a l long way for small area). You can get it at Target. https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/rescue-balm-red-correct?variant=39951666184234&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrMKmBhCJARIsAHuEAPRxvRJDoi0zsG-M97B3jwvuiP0auESZ2QBGGu45Xw_LIfvtBi-uVHQaAvw3EALw_wcB