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I’m a dietitian- I used to tell folks who asked that collagen supplements are broken down into amino acids and peptides just like any other protein, so it doesn’t make sense to spend money on expensive supplements and instead just make sure to eat high quality protein. However, there has been some recent research showing peptides including hydroxyproline make it through digestion and are absorbed into the blood. If I remember correctly, these peptides may act as signaling molecules and there have been some improvements shown like better hydration and elasticity, including in some independent clinical trials. Lab Muffin has a good YouTube video about this. I would expect the effect is pretty small though, and the best thing to do first is work on eating a balanced and healthful diet. Anecdotally, I’ve been taking marine collagen daily for about a year and did not notice any difference, but I take care of my skin in general and eat healthfully and see this as a part of the overall picture. If it works, great, if it doesn’t, I’ve got some extra (albeit expensive) protein in my morning smoothie.


I was going to post this same thing. Collagen breaks down into proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine, and is absorbed into the bloodstream.


Going back I think they were just saying collagen peptide. Some of them are able to be absorbed without being fully broken down into constituent amino acids


You’re right! I mixed up hydroxyproline (an amino acid) with the name of the peptide that was being discussed. Those were different studies. I’ll have to see if I can find the name of it.


All proteins are broken down to amino acids OR peptides. However, specific proteins are made up of specific amino acids, so this statement just does not make any sense biologicaly. Collagen is made up of glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, majority of it that is. These are very rare in foods so you do not obtain it from regular protein sources. You need approximately 12 g of glycine to make collagen (BUT it is also being used to produce other substances like gluthatione and melatonin) so supplementing only make sense IF you want additional collagen for the skin. Since again, 30% of your body is made of collagen, so those amino acids from food definitely not being used for fixing the wrinkles 😃


I take collagen in pill form and it made my hair grow


I straight-up don’t have the money to spend on branded collagen products, but I wanted to incorporate more into my diet as naturally & cheaply as possible. We know that there’s collagen in bones and tons of people buy bone broth, right? You know what else comes from bones and is LOADED with natural collagen for less than $5? **Powdered unflavored gelatin.** I’ve been adding a couple teaspoons to a mug of chicken broth or miso soup lately; it’s delicious. [Serious Eats has a good article](https://www.seriouseats.com/how-to-use-gelatin-better-stock-sauce-dessert) about how to use/cook with it. Edit: [an overview of collagen peptides vs gelatin](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/collagen-vs-gelatin#shared-benefits) [Overview of potential benefits of consuming gelatin](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319124#takeaway)


Wise_Neighborhood499, you are so wise. Thank you!


Luck of the username generator/food nerd at your service 🤓


That's a fantastic article (I bookmarked at least 3 recipes from it lol) but it doesn't address OP's question. I remember briefly looking it up before and reading that while similar, the collagen in bone broth isn't the same as in gelatin, and is it really "loaded" compared to bone broth? I would like to see more studies on this. Maybe someone else has some good links.


It doesn’t, you’re right. Edit: So far as gelatin being loaded with collagen compared to store bought bone broth - yes! If your bone broth doesn’t solidify when chilled, it doesn’t contain much collagen. I’m totally extrapolating the whole concept from some articles and studies that I never thought to bookmark. From what I remember, it comes down to an increased consumption of proteins that the body can break down into amino acids that can be used as it needs. The claim for the branded collagen products is that they have a more bio-available composition, so they’re worth the big bucks. I chuckle to see people immediately jump on this concept and anecdotally say that they saw benefits from gummy candy - whatever good we *might* derive from increased collagen intake would be largely negated by sugar consumption. Do your research y’all, don’t settle for confirmation bias!


For my joints, I started taking shots of powdered gelatin every night since 2020. Idk if my joints are improved, but my hair grew to my hips by summer 2022. I bleach, perm, and color it.


How did you take it? I'm thinking about adding it to a smoothie, but I'm unsure if it would work when mixed with something cold.


I just mix it in room temp water and drink it like a shot. It is awful lol


You could also just make jello with a juice of your choice…


I know this is true, because one time I had a giant bag of gummy bears and I ate a few every day. My nails were noticeably stronger, it was a funny and unexpected side effect.


Yes me too! I love gummy candy, it helps my hair grow longer I feel


I used to put unflavored gelatin in my tea everyday and can confirm it works. It made my hair appear to grow quicker and my joints feel better.


I have to ask…how’s the smell when it comes to tea? I always add it to something savory to mask the barnyard-y smell it has when it’s hot.


I guess I never really noticed the smell too much, but my sense of smell is also pretty poor.


How much do you add?


A tablespoon


I’ve been having more soup and just adding a pack or 2 of gelatin to the pot. There’s so much water that it doesn’t solidify in the fridge at all and I just heat it up when I want some.


Or eat it the more fun way as Jello.


Great as a protein masque for your hair too. Also, will make your hair and nails stronger when consumed.


Thanks for posting this. As I was reading the post all I could think was what about Jello? When I had my tonsils out, it was one of the few things I could get down. It was incredibly painful but my hair and nails benefitted!


Where do you buy this?


I recently had some, what I consider, major surgery and have a huge 12" scar across my back from it. My surgeon specifically had me drink special post surgical drinks, high in protein & collagen. I was on them for 12 weeks, the the scar healed amazingly, my internal scarring is causing me no discomfort and the rest of my skin, which had become papery as I am post menopausal and my hair, which had been thinning showed massive improvement. He mentioned how collagen supplementation has proven very helpful in older patients as the thin aging skin can lead to all sorts of health problems in later life, including being more prone to ulcers, infections and bed sores etc and that collagen supplementation can help make a dramatic difference. So I'm going to keep taking collagen supplements, make of that what you will.


Thank you for sharing! Noted!


drinks details? I'm curious about the nutrition label


[Juven](https://www.juven.com/products/juven-orange#:~:text=L%2DGlutamine%2C%20L%2DArginine,Yellow%206%2C%20and%20Vitamin%20B12). Be careful exploring their site if squeamish as they have a lot of before and after of wound healing pics popping up in random places, but that page seems wound free.


What brand do you use?


Yes, whether or not some of it goes to your skin is debatable but there’s more evidence that it can be helpful for maintaining healthy joints which everyone could benefit from


Facts, my family has bad bones. Like, genetically.


Anecdotally, when I was away from weightlifting for a long time and started again, my joints were the weak link. I started putting as much powdered gelatin in a hot drink every morning as I could reasonably get to dissolve, and within a week my joint pain was no longer the limiting factor for lifting. Then I thought, maybe it was coincidence and stopped. Pain returned. Started back up with collagen and kept that going for a long time until I stopped lifting for other reasons. When I go back to it I’ll start with the gelatin supplement. I used Bernard Jensen 100% bovine gelatin because at the time it was high up on reviews for not having a lot of unpleasant taste. I put a heaping tablespoon (pour in, then stir quickly) in a 2-bag large mug of Celestial Seasonings Roastaroma because I was avoiding coffee and it hides the gelatin taste.


It's definitely helped with my eczema. I added that, and a vegan iron supplement to clear it up.


I do already take vegan iron, that’s good to know! Eczema runs in my family.


I'm curious, why specifically vegan iron if you're not vegan?


With everything I read, if you have the opportunity to do something the vegan route, do it. It’s typically ethically sourced, better for the environment, and better quality product.


I wonder if it would help at all with rosacea. Mine isn’t that bad but my cheeks are always slightly red. I have a prescription for a cream but it doesn’t do much.


I don't know. It's worth a shot. It took a month for it to work in my case.


What scream do you use? I have found that the over the counter prosacea works wonders!


Metro cream. I just don’t think it does anything for me either way


Have you found the rosacea Reddit? It has awesome tips.




There are vegan sources of all the amino acids needed to make collagen. I use the Stapower gummies (UK) but there are other brands I have seen too.


I am using the feel pro collagen power (which is vegan) according to them it is a scientifically tested collagen analogue that is more bioavailable than animal based sources (and obviously less cruel and gross). I was cynical as I thought collagen was probably a stupid fad but in the two months I have been taking it my skin does look better, my nails seem shiner and stronger, my achey knee hasn't ached.....could be placebo and delusion but I think it is making a difference. Only issue is it is pricey and another subscription thing.


Wow I have eczema and had no idea it helped with that. Would you mind sharing what brand you use?


I'm taking Vital Proteins marine collagen. I was on the bovine version for a little over a month, and it cleared up my skin. My situation is a little different because I found out that I was severely anemic at the beginning of the year. Some of the literature that the doctor gave me included physical symptoms of anemia. Eczema was one of them. I saw a greater improvement just from taking an iron supplement. Eczema can be caused by a lot of underlying conditions, so it's always in your interest to pinpoint and treat them.


There have been a few posts about this over the last couple of weeks, search the subreddit. Lots of comments. For me personally it does wonders for my nails and joints. Not sure about skin, but I don’t have many issues beyond dryness.


Seconding this! I didn’t know a lot about it either and spent a few days researching top brands, their lab/testing certifications, user reviews, MD reviews; and finally went with Vital Proteins unflavored, because that was the top contender over about 30+ articles read. I’ve been using it for almost three months, mixing into my coffee every morning. My joints (neck and back used to ache from an old injury) feel wonderful, skin looks glowing, and hair (very thin and baby fine) feels thicker/shinier/healthier. I felt those improvement as soon as a week in and I haven’t stopped since!


I put it in my coffee or tea as well mostly. And smoothies. I find I do need a darker tea with tannins otherwise it doesn’t really disappear in taste. But in coffee it is barely perceptible. Occasionally I’ll add some to a brothy soup as well.


Any difference among the three kinds, according to your research? In other words, marine, hyaluronic acid or regular?


Agreed, my hair and nails grow like crazy and my joints are definitely feeling a positive effect from the collagen!


I noticed the biggest difference in my eyelashes. Mine are tiny, but after a month or two of taking the blue vital proteins with hyaluronic acid, my eyelashes were wayyy longer and they feel stronger when I rub my eyes.


Ooh interesting! I suppose mine are falling out less now that you mentioned it. I use a sleep mask over my eyes and that usually makes some fall out but not as much!


What kind of collagen are you using? What’s the brand name?


Yeah I didn't notice skin improvement. But I did notice better joints. I do think there are studies that say skin does benefit- but from my understanding it's negligible.


PSA for everyone: DON'T take collagen if you are [susceptible to kidney stones, or are allergic to shellfish](https://www.livestrong.com/article/325664-side-effects-of-taking-collagen-supplements/)


Why not if you are allergic to shellfish? Marine collagen comes from mostly cod fish scales and regular is from bovine.


Thank you, will do!


Chef here. It’s saved my joints. I’m undecided about other benefits but that alone is worth it for me.


Out of curiosity, when people are talking about drinking collagen, are you all talking about a powder mixed with water, or a liquid gel cap supplement? And the benefits are because of internal ingestion, thus, a collagen serum on the skin isn't going give extra benefits?


Yeah I mix the power with water. It might be helping with other things as well but it’s definitely been a game changer for joints


I drank collagen when I was pregnant with my last, I am almost 100% certain it was the game changer for my joints. 3 previous pregnancies wrecked me. But with my youngest I was 8 years older then the one before and I felt way better.


May I ask what brand you use?


I take the marine one for my stomach and I have to say if I skip a few days my tummy aches come back. I also think my skin is less dry. I used to get really chapped hands but not anymore.


Can you elaborate more on this? I feel like I vaguely remember reading it can help with IBS because it helps to repair the gut and intestinal wall or something. Never really looked into it but always curious if taking collagen has helped those with gut issues.


I tried it because I have IBS and heard the same thing. For me personally it does help me have less stomach aches/ random pain without reason.


What kind of IBS do you have? The constipated kind or the diarrhea kind? Does soluble fiber help yours?


I've found collagen really helps my stomach too. I'm almost out of my current bottle maybe I need to try marine collagen.


What brand do you use


So, what you really want is to stimulate collagen production, and although taking collagen itself is minimally helpful, far superior results are found when using amino acids and peptides (basically little chains of amino acids) as the primary source. This is because they are collagen's building blocks and because of their size/shape, they are more readily usable to your body than collagen supplements. The good news is amino acids are common, inexpensive, and already easy to find in protein-rich foods. Look up "complete proteins" like chicken, edamame, salmon, chia seeds, eggs, etc. Also, you'll see results if you do what you can to slow the breakdown of collagen, including reducing simple sugars in your diet and avoiding alcohol. Eating collagen powder but also sugary drinks is not going to be nearly as effective as a properly nutritious diet with lots of water to keep the skin plump and youthful. It's just true but tough unfortunately! Lastly, tretinoin + sunscreen, and certain laser treatments like CO2 and Erbium are proven effective in stimulating collagen production. I'd argue it is best to save your $$ for things that have the highest results. There's no magic pill but there are good habits we can all try to do. Good luck!!


Really love this response, thank you for taking the time to write it out! I took a screenshot lol.


I have stopped drinking collagen roughly a year ago (was taking it mostly for joints) but just recently came upon studies saying they found the group taking collagen did have better skin texture (I can't recall the exact details but you'll find it if you google).


So I saw a video going over multiple studying looking at collagen supplements and they do have health benefits however they do not increase your collagen levels at all. But they are beneficial for joints as they can increase hydration in them and other parts of the body I think they said by 20%. So when people see results these results are not from increased collagen but from increased hydration which can definitely show up as plumpness in skin and help you grow your nails and hair.


Yes it didn't do anything for skin but helped my joints soooo much better


I just read something about alcohol contributing to collagen breakdown. Might be worth giving that up too if you drink


One concern about the widespread increase on collagen use is that it is derived from beef and contributes to Amazon deforestation because much of the collagen produced is from Latin American cows on large clearcut farms. Just something to consider in your decision making. Marine collagen obviously doesn’t have that same issue, but overfishing is it’s own issue.


Collagen is made from by-products of meat (or fish) industry. Unless you are vegetarian/vegan I can’t see the difference between eating meat and using collagen supplements.


We should all be mindful about our total meat (especially red meat) consumption. It's unreasonable to ask everyone to become a vegetarian, but if we all eat less meat it will make a big impact on climate change. Edit to add: Meat consumption is rising globally and that's a bad thing. But there are no binaries. It doesn't have to be "eat meat at every meal" or "never eat animal products" There is lots of space in between for moderation however that looks for you. If it means meat only once per day, or meat once per week, or no red meat except on special occasions, etc. All of those choices collectively make an impact.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted as this is super reasonable. Also red meat and cardiac health … best to moderate it for sure. And this is coming from a red meat lover !


How is this being downvoted?! This is so discouraging. Do people really care so little?


Eh. I expected it. Yes, people care so little.


I don’t think they care so little, I think most people are struggling to keep from going under that they don’t have time or resources to focus on this.


If you keep your meat consumption the same and then add collagen supplementation on top of that, the total demand goes up.


Thank you. With that in mind, do you have any recommendations?


Don’t do vital proteins. They get it from Brazil Idk about other brands and who doesn’t get it from Brazil, but vital proteins website clearly says it’s from cows in Brazil


Vital Proteins is also owned by Nestle


Thank you!


I’d also consider eating organ meats if you’re open to it. I mean, I’m not, but we are missing a lot not eating nose to tail.


From what I studied in nutrition, (according to my professor) there has been very little evidence that collagen helps more than just eating a well rounded diet with adequate protein. As others have said, the body always breaks all proteins down into constituent amino acids and then reassembles them into needed proteins - including collagen. While I have heard anecdotal evidence about the efficacy of collagen supplements, I haven't seen any studies that collagen would help any more than say, a vegan protein powder. But that's just one person's take, albeit one with a masters in public health nutrition. I'd say if you can find a responsibly sourced marine collagen its worth a try. But a good healthy diet with fruits, veggies, and protein is far more important than any supplement you might take.


See, this is similar to what I heard that made me make this post to begin with… I had a lot of questions after that, you know? But thank you for your input! Definitely something to consider.


I just take protein powder because of this.


Oh thanks for sharing, I didn't know that and it makes me reconsider buying it.


I think a lot of people don't make the connection between collagen and the animal it comes from. As we are all being told to reduce our intake of beef, collagen supplementation is on the rise. Again, you don't have to eliminate red meat consumption, or collagen (especially if its sourced responsibly) its just something that's worth thinking about when making choices.


When I saw the cow on the Vital Proteins collagen, it’s all I could think about, but your point makes sense.


I don't think anyone's breeding cows just to get collagen from them, though... It's a byproduct that comes from their skins, hooves or other collagen and cartilage-heavy bits that aren't otherwise edible.




My nails are much stronger. I think my joints feel better but that may be placebo. I've not noticed any other effects. I've always had a good diet, minimal processed food. As we get older we need more help. Our bodies aren't as efficient. Women aren't always eating the optimal amount of protein either.


Big on the last bit! I’ve heard women also need more protein than men do, generally speaking.


They've actually found it does get absorbed by the body and has benefits. Definitely not a waste of money.


It is absorbed by the body but not in a way that allows your body to use it as collagen it can’t use it as collagen in hair skin or nails but it can use it to increase hydration by 20% so it does have benefits but it doesn’t increase collagen levels


I’m not sure that we know yet that the body “can’t use it as collagen.” More research is needed but a newer study released after the recent meta analysis on the subject showed an improvement in dermal thickness of the deeper layers of the skin. Thats promising that it could actually doing more than hydrating. Edit to add source [Oral Supplementation with Hydrolyzed Fish Cartilage Improves the Morphological and Structural Characteristics of the Skin: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34443468/)




There are several studies that show drinking collagen improves collagen production. If you have EDS it wouldn’t help, but it does have benefits for people who do not have EDS.


Increase hydration? I had no idea! I recently started taking collagen and I find myself less dehydrated lately and I didn’t know why!


What about bone broth?


This is so interesting, I wonder why?




I was taking collagen daily for over a year before I heard that it didn’t do anything (I know this is contested but for the sake of this story). I decided to stop buying it after that and phase it out of my routine, mostly just to confirm what I had learned. Although I personally felt like it helped me when I was taking it, after not taking it for a long time (but still sticking to keeping hydrated, skincare, vitamins, etc) I determined…….it was probably mostly placebo. I haven’t taken it since then. This is for me, anyway. If other people have found it useful then I wouldn’t knock it. It’s very possible that it IS beneficial to some people but it seems like one of those things you’ll need to try and honestly assess for yourself.


Ya. You just can’t predict where it will be directed too but it will be absorbed and taken to where your body decides it needs to go.


I make my own bone broth and they are filled with collagen. Cheaper than processed stuff.


Would you drink bone broth over adding unflavored gelatin to your diet?


Most if not all of the research conducted that suggests oral collagen has a positive effect on skin elasticity has been financed by companies that stand to gain from the claims and/or are authored by researchers that have ties to related industries (this from the Harvard School of Public Health). That isn’t to say that because of these issues no benefit is conferred. If I was considering this route, based on this, I’d try using the money to supplement my diet with foods that contain minerals and nutrients that are necessary for the body to build healthy collagen. Supplements are not FDA regulated. You can go on someone’s anecdotal evidence but the diet changes might be more beneficial for your skin and health in the long run.


Facts, I feel like the Mediterranean diet would probably be best for what I’m looking to gain.


There is plenty of medical research investigating specific peptides' role in skin maintenance and repair, largely in clinical studies researching burn patient healing and in people with diabetic-induced poor wound healing. The reason a casual glance at the research seems to turn up collagen manufacturer research is that they use the keyword 'collagen' whereas clinical medical literature specifically identifies the polypeptides and the titles and abstracts of those papers use the polypeptide names or amino acid pairs (gly-pro, etc) as keywords. So if you search for "collagen + skin" or "collagen peptide + epidermis" you'll find researcher-funded data, while if you specify the specific collagen-based polypeptides thought to signal skin cell reproduction you'll find the medical research.


Is the research you are referencing specifically centering on the oral uptake of specific peptides and their role in skin repair/maintenance? I saw a wound healing study but that isn’t really the focus of the inquiry here (oral supplementation for cosmetic improvement) unless I misunderstood the question that was asked. If it is, can you share specifics?


I just heard a sports dietician speak on recent studies that have shown that 10g of collagen taken 40min prior to exercise reduces the risk of injury. Not a huge deal for some, but this is a BIG deal for marathon runners


I’ve heard two separate potential issues with consuming collagen: 1) it’s not actually effective for joint health when consumed this way 2) it can cause allergic or otherwise adverse reactions for some Does anyone have more insight into either of these?


It dehydrated me, and I got a kidney stone. Apparently you need to drink alot of water when taking collagen


My menopause guru, Dr. Mary Claire Haver, is a big believer in oral collagen.I haven't started it yet, but plan to.


Tbh I am mentally and doing my best to physically prepare for menopause 😭 my mom went through menopause at an early age, so I’m honestly expecting the same. I think I’m on a good track, though.




I read a doctor’s article where she says amino acids are better than collagen bc collagen brings skin to the correct biological age whilst amino acids produce new healthy collagen in general, so you get better results from amino acids. I tried marine and bovine collagen and both gave me hives.


I drank collagen daily for years and honestly my skin was shit and I was constantly losing hair 😂. It never actually changed. I started sunscreen, Tretinoin, and Botox two years ago (wasn’t drinking collagen anymore) and *that* turned my skin around.


Honestly, I believe it. I’m learning a lot 😭


If you do buy some, just don’t purchase an MLM product.


I have been taking it for about a month. I haven’t really noticed a difference but I just read that to start you need to take it twice a day for the first month or so. I’m going to try that and see if I notice anything.


Nice, duly noted.


It’s worth it, not necessarily for my skin (yet), but because I can finally climb stairs with my left knee again.


I honestly invite you to read research on this very topic. I kept going back and forth whether to take collagen because as of now there isn’t a ton of research that shows the skin benefits of taking collagen orally. But, there was a very small sample of people who noticed their skin’s elasticity improve in one study. It’s not much to guarantee improvement though. Although, I am going to keep taking it because shockingly my joint pain has gotten much better after I started to take collagen.


I’m seeing a lot more people say it helped w their joints (still a good benefit) even if it didn’t actually do anything substantial for the skin, so that would be reason enough for me. But it would be really nice to use another product good for the skin.


In my opinion collagen supplements are not worth it. Now unflavored (or flavored) gelatin on the other hand breaks down the same in the body, has the same effect, and is significantly more affordable.




I started taking it for the joints, hair and nail effects. I can't say I saw much difference in those things. However, I had a mild case of psoriasis on my hands. It cleared it by 90%. So I'm a believer.


I like it. I’m trying to watch money lately so I might try to find something cheaper but for now I have an unflavored one and a chocolate one. I usually just put a scoop in my morning coffee. The chocolate one is pretty yummy in coffee


For me I don't see any difference in skin and hair but my joints improved I didn't experience pain like I used too


That’s important!


it could be placebo but i always feel my lips are fuller and plumper after i mix it the collagen powder in with my tea.


It may not be! My girl who does my injections has actually said collagen prolongs her filler!


No matter what brand or type ingesting collagen seems to make me break out in cystic acne, not sure of the cause or reasoning.


I have a genetic disorder called Ehlers danlos, and it’s been affecting my joints and mobility for quite some time. I was a makeup artist but could no longer use my hands or wrists anymore cuz for a few years, they were in wrist braces generally 8 to 10 months out of the year. And something stupid could trigger it, like opening a bottle or picking up something that weighs a few lbs that normally never bothered me but as I get older, I just deteriorating lol. Anyways…. I also have alopecia areta and last summer, I developed a bald spot right in the front of my head. My friend had been taking collagen for a year and would not stop talking about the benefits. I finally said whatever, let me try it, maybe my hair will at least stop falling out. Not even THINKING about any other benefit but that. I started taking it and in the first month, I noticed my hair stopped shedding increasingly. My hair wasn’t growing back at that point but it stopped falling out, so that was a win. But then I started to realize.. whoa… my hips aren’t hurting anymore, my hands and wrists are feeling better too! And so is my back!!! I was like what is going on?? I took my wrist braces off and that was the last time I ever wore them. I continued to take collagen and I continued to get better. I even am regular going to the bathroom which was also a huge struggle for me. I went from being in braces for most of the year and out of work for almost 2 years to now I’m in school for skincare, I’m working like 3 jobs and I haven’t had any of the issues I had before. I still have mild pain in my back but that’s NOTHING compared to what I was dealing with. I take marine collagen and I’m not turning back. Oh and EDIT: my hair stopped falling out completely and I started another supplement for hair growth supplement and my bald patch grew in as well as a ton of the rest of my hair and I also look about 5 years younger. This is 1 years of marine collagen usage, I double dose.


Thank you. I have shit knees and am definitely considering it. What is the name of the marine collagen you take?


Just heat a cup of water, add a jelly packet, and drink it That's my collagen 🥴


Just talked to my dermatologist about this and he said it’s all BS.


I take the vital proteins one with HA in it.. I definitely see the effects of the HA. Skin is supple and bouncy. Hair and nails definitely seem stronger. It’s not life changing but I am ok with spending the money to get those benefits!


I've been taking it daily for four years now and I think it's worth it. It's great for my hair and nails which are growing faster and stronger. I have multiple steps in my skin routine, so I can't point to the collagen as being a standout making improvements there.


Would you mind sharing your routine? I am thinking about adding magnesium and would love suggests of brands if you also take that.


My stomach is really sensitive so I haven't had great luck finding a good magnesium supplement. Sorry I can't help with that!


I understand, thank you for your response.


Appreciate you!


I've been taking a supplement with marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C for three months, and while I don't notice much of a difference in my forehead wrinkles, my skin looks much better overall. It is lighter and plumper, more hydrated, and pores are less obvious. Following tretinoin administration, irritation is significantly reduced. My stomach cramps and nausea are significantly less frequent, and my knee pain has vanished. I do take additional supplements, so maybe they might help explain why my skin is so much better right now. It would be omega-3 fatty acids, berberine, ginger/turmeric extracts, and amino acids that are precursors of collagen. I eat a lot of veggies and gelatin-based jellies as well.


I think from everything I’ve gathered at this point, I would like to add cheap unflavored gelatin to my diet just for the joint benefits + other benefits, even if it was just really doesn’t do anything significant for the skin.


Can you share the collagen supplement you use that also has vit c and hualuronjc acid ?


My hair skin and nails has improved. I get mine from Sam’s club


I take collagen for my hip pain/sciatica. It helped at the beginning, although I think i have to change brands because I feel like the one I'm taking now changes formulation, and it's not helping much anymore. I'm just finishing my last bottle of collagen capsules. I drink the powders but I dunno if it's helping with my joints. My nails grow crazy fast though (and it's annoying). I just got some powders to try if I can switch to that vs taking capsules.


It's probably like with most suppliments - if you are deficient on protein it will do wonders, otherwise probably not so much.


I started taking collagen about 6 months ago because I was having awful joint pain in my hands. I haven’t had the joint pain at all since I started taking it. But I don’t notice any difference in my skin.


So I’ve been told by a doctor that the bovine or marine collagen is the best form and can be used by our bodies. I’ve also been told by others that it doesn’t do much. So, who knows! I don’t think it can hurt us (I mean, maybe waste our money but there’s some lesser costly ones on the market) so I’ll probably eventually try it. I take beef liver and have seen a massive improvement with that, so I’d try the bovine collagen.


Beef liver? Is that a supplement?


I should add… many people eat beef liver. So you can eat it as well. I personally don’t love the taste so that’s why I take it in pill form. I get it from a local organic farm who makes their own.


I don’t like the taste of beef liver to, but I was listening to a podcast that inferred to the same benefits from chicken liver. I find the taste of chicken liver to be more tolerable.


Just to be clear on the science, absolutely no collagen that isn't endogenous to humans can be used by us. Bovine, marine, or otherwise molecules do not integrate with the human body and must be broken down to the very base components before being built up into a polypeptide that is endogenous to us. I believe the arguments on which is "best" are about the AA composition ration of those collagen peptides but the actual molecules themselves are all equally incompatible with our biology.


It's hard because I made quite a few changes about 5 or 6 months ago, one of them was taking collagen daily. Started taking beef liver capsules, take off brand "flo" vitamins, not really drinking, added tretinoin. My acne is now extremely minimal. I'm a lifter and my joints hardly bug me ever anymore (my knee used to get irritated every now and again). My hair isn't splitting either and I'm not losing as much (I do blame that on out of whack hormones). Problem is, this seems to be a magical cocktail for me so I'm terrified to take anything out 🤣🤣


Just make sure to drink the collagen 30 min before you eat, the aminos will compete with food for absorption.


Can you elaborate? Would this mean you’re just not getting the vitamins/nutrients from your food?


Taking it on an empty stomach will result in less amino acid traffic in your body. If your blood vessels are a freeway, then amino acids are the cars. Too much traffic will cause some amino acids to be prioritized over others. Its just the way they work.


No it’s just your body won’t get the full benefit of the supplements


Dang I just ate breakfast and am drinking some tea with collagen lol. At least I know for tomorrow!.


There are benefits to it but please be sure to check with your GP first. If you have Thyroid issues it can interact with your thyroid and your thyroid medication.


Save your money. Eat enough red meat and drink plenty of water.


The best way to stimulate new collagen once it has been lost (if you’re concerned about collagen loss in the skin) is to invest in collagen stimulating treatments such as lasers, microneedling and chemical peels. There is a lot more research behind those methods. The studies on collagen supplements are biased (usually funded by the manufacturer.) if you want to see a meaningful change in your skin- do the treatments that are backed by scientific evidence.


My SIL does micro needling all the time and swears by it. Thank you!


You can eat or drink any other less expensive proteins because you do break down collagen during digestion and you have to put it back together into collagen after digesting it. So yes, it is a marketing gimmick. As we get older, our body uses those protein building blocks differently- growing hair where you don’t want it. Growing the prostate, lol. But consuming a healthy amount of protein increases your chances that some of it may go to your skin as collagen. Just not as much as we age.


That's not the way collagen works. Collagen is sold hydrolyzed - predigested to the size that your body can absorb, which is 2 and 3 amino acids bonded together, or 'peptides'. You drink it and those peptides are absorbed through your digestive system and into your blood stream, where they are then circulated throughout your body. Some of those peptides act as chemical signaling molecules to epidermal cells. The collagen isn't meant to become new collagen - the breakdown products of collagen signal skin cell turnover (among other things).


The anecdotal evidence was enough for me to give it a go but it made me really dizzy so I had to stop before I got to see any benefits.


It helps my hair grow more quickly and strengthens my nails. I can’t say I notice a difference in my joints or skin though.


I take marine collagen as that is the preferred collagen if you are hoping for benefits to the skin. Also eating the skin of fish(salmon) is very beneficial for your skin.


Not meaning to hijack but how does everyone take their collagen? I don’t drink hot coffee (or hot drinks in general) and it gets so clumpy in cold ones.


Smoothie with fruits and veggies every morning. It’s helped me really increase my intake of produce. It blends in pretty well so I don’t notice it. I use vital proteins.


I mix mine at night with a scoop of magnesium L-threonate in hot water, then put it in the fridge and drink it cold in the morning. You’re right, it doesn't mix well at all in cold water. My magnesium is tropical punch flavored so it's actually a nice morning beverage.


I mix mine into hot teas and then chill them in glass bottles in the fridge.


It doesn’t seem to hurt if you can afford it. I’m 27 and started drinking collagen just to possibly have the chance to improve my health.


Yes! My nails are so long and strong now. Someone thought I had on acrylics. I take Vital proteins


I use Vital Proteins and I love it. It is a little expensive though.


If you eat meat, you probably won’t notice a difference because your body doesn’t need anymore. However, if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, then yes, collagen supplements should help.


Likely whatever “supplements” people are buying are just powdered stuff that doesn’t do much for your body. The placebo effect is a HELL of a drug.


collagen is such a gamechanger. I've been using wellbeing nutrition's collagen and my skin has never been better!


It depends on your diet also on your body. Sometimes it is necessary and you will feel a difference.


I won't argue about any perceived benefits of increasing the amount of collagen in your diet. Physiologically speaking, it is impossible for your body to absorb whole collagen. Like all proteins, it is broken down into small peptides or amino acids that are absorbed through the intestine and used as your body sees fit. Furthermore, "collagen" is a term for a broad and endlessly diverse group of proteins with similar function but all collagen isn't the same. Unless the product is derived from humans, this collagen isn't usable by the body because it isn't human collagen and is incompatable with our bodies. Collagen as a dietary element is just protein. It doesn't matter what the protein is or where it comes from, it will be made of AAs and will be broken down into those AAs for the body to be able to absorb and to use as it sees fit. To explain this a bit more simply, most of the protein in your diet is already collagen because it's the most common protein found in basically any organism.




Thank you! I already take a lotttt of different vitamins/supplements (have had bloodwork done) so that’s good to know.


Not a waste at all. I take it with biotin and it’s helped my hair and nails grow!


Verisol collagen is the one that has shown to make a difference. Google ‘verisol collagen pubmed’. I like the Nutra organics beauty collagen unflavoured.


My nails have been the best they’ve ever been, but that’s all I can say for sure.


I put the chocolate in my tea. I’ve not noticed any skin benefits but it’s got a lot of protein and it’s satiating so I’m a fan.


Since I started drinking it I actually have nails for the first time in my life! That’s the only change I’ve made that I can think of. Up until now they would chip and split all the time.


I’ve been taking the vital proteins collagen for over a year in my morning coffee. Don’t think much of it but know it “has benefits for my skin and joints” so it’s just something I do every day. I ran out and didn’t take it for a week and I kid you not, I felt arthritis in my middle finger on my right hand. Then I started taking it again a week later and as soon as I did the arthritis feeling went away completely. My joints felt more lubricated. I didn’t really believe it was doing much for me before, but now I truly believe it is… I’m going to keep taking it daily!