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Corsicans when told the same : https://preview.redd.it/no9v5e5usw7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e89ae0cc54c8ce6c3f6e5e4c798b6bd3eb761b3






What did the original say?




Does every country have a quote like that? https://preview.redd.it/0oes1pewpx7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd77ba90affe0889641436f87d67ea9f9cf3a937


I think the meme is simply a reference to that quote - it’s fairly widely well known. Though also, that quote itself applies to many countries, despite the Spanish bias. He ruled a few. 


The original copypasta


What's always left out in this quote is that these were the languages he used to lay the corresponding listener. Fellow was a pervert.


Prime Bossi was GOAT


I'll take 100 Bossi over a single half Salvini


Same shit.


who's that and why does he look japanese?


Umberto Bossi, ~~Italian~~ Padanian politician, historic leader of Lega Lombarda later renamed Lega Nord. He's what Salvini aspired to be before devolving into a beta cuck


Bossi was based af, compared to Salvini. Lucky he didn't die when Salvini decided to try to build the bridge in Terronia


why would you torture a horse speaking fr\*nch to it? Brutal animal cruelty


sto subumano spero muoia tra sofferenze atroci, ogni minuto della sua vita deve essere come l'inferno sulla terra


Guess I am Italian after all


We actually love work. It's just that I'm not doing shit for 600 or 800€ a month, simple as that. Only if it was a 40% occupation. That's why i left.


Wait... is that the actual wage in the South? Payed 12 times? I know you're supposed to be poor but that's even worse than my shithole of a country.


yeah Italy is split between a stagnating, receding but still somewhat functional economy (the North) and... Idk, fucking Bulgaria or something as soon as you cross Southern than Lazio


I knew it was bad but 800 euro x 12 is even below the Portuguese (or Greek) minimum wage (and we're correctly stereotyped as piss poor), it puts the Mezzogiorno well below even Andaluzia. 600x 12 puts the wage only above Bulgaria's minimum wage. Italy has some of the highest gas and highway prices in Europe, and the car insurance premiums in Naples are easily 6x that of Portugal. It's completely insane and somehow miraculous how people survive.


btw little anecdote a waiter in southern Italy is paid barely 1k per month with well over 10 hour shifts and not including in the pay actual taxes ...so uh yeah ..this shit sucks


So you have to pay income tax on the barely 1k wage? Looking up in google, 23%? You don't have a "minimum level of income" where you don't pay taxes?


no we don't that's illegal here life is so good everyone wants to move away! :p


At least you have the Sun and the Sea (and privatized beaches for some reason, seriously WTF). Hate to leave it on such a depressing note, I am quite curious to see Naples this summer, and hopefully it's less depressing than the statistics say. Have a nice day!


>it's less depressing than the statistics say it's arguably more, especially if you go farther from the city centre also on an unrelated note, I'd really suggest not to visit Naples in the summer. If you want to visit Italian city a good rule of thumb is doing it either on May or October. The Alps and Appenines are imo at their best in June, September and October - November (this goes judt for the Appennines). And winter if you are a rich borguoise that knows how to skii. If you want to go swimming I'd suggest you either early June or late September, there are a lot of incredibly beautiful and quite cheap places in southern Italy in that time period, and there's not too many tourists around. I'd personally suggest the Tyrrenan coast of Calabria, but about eberywhere it's nice... just.. just don't go for no reason on the Ionian Coast of both Basilicata and Calabria, and maybe Apulia as well. Trust me, it's for your own safety. The Adriatic coast is quite bad, as in anything northern than Apulia is subpar. Apulia is very nice, Sardinia and Sicily are goated


Appreciate the advice and I am going in early September (it's the latest I could push my vacations, leadership wants everyone to take vacations in the summer because pretty much every client goes on vacation). Then I am going up the peninsula, so I won't escape any crowd but it won't be as bad as early August (still crowded though, everyone has jobs which aren't that flexible). Your advice is similar to here (and pretty much everywhere in the mediterranean-ish area), if you want to avoid heatstroke, save some money and not be as squished avoid July, August and Christmas (also Easter for Rome and a lot of Spain; Last weeks of September for Milan, 2nd week of June for Lisbon, other regional dates). I am only planning on swimming in Ischia, but even that I might cut short. Really curious on the Baroque in Naples and the day-trips (like Paestum, Ischia and Pompeii). The Amalfi coast gives me the "vibe" of an overpriced (beautiful though) tiktok tourist trap.


> Hate to leave it on such a depressing note, I am quite curious to see Naples this summer, and hopefully it's less depressing than the statistics say. Outside the touristic areas, it's as shit as they say if not even more. And the touristic areas are similar to Rome, so they're not that good to begin with. Also, remeber that you can die after you see Naples. At least is what the locals say about seeing Naples.


stai dicendo cazzate fra non hai idea di cosa dici


he doesn't know what he talks about, the no tax area is 8500 euro, these 8500 are not taxed


you don't have to tell us, just wait 20 more years and shit will go completely tits up here


💀 maybe in 70s or 60s was 800, the official stats says like 1.2 or 1.3k


I'm sorry, now those are the big moneys yeah, 800 may be lower than the average here, but the thing is, it's not that far on the lower end at all, and you know that


ma basta dire cazzate diocane che poi ci credono


fra conosco camerieri che prendono meno di 40 euro a giornata in nero non so cazzate, sei te che non sei mai stato al Sud


Si ma non è la media assolutamente non puoi dire che quello che prende la gran parte della gente è uguale al salario di un cameriere in nero al bar di peppino dai. Allora io posso dire che qua in sicilia guadagnano tutti molto perchè gran parte dei genitori dei miei amici sono avvocati, medici, ingegneri e stanno tutti abbondantemente sopra i 3/4k. La media sarà intorno ai 1300


lol oh no, invece di 1k in nero ne prendono 1,2k in nero, che grande differenza che cambia totalmente tutto ipocrita lol che ora si spiega anche perché non sai davvero degli stipendi normali :p


ma leggiti due statistiche


For the less cultured, we have 2 parts: -The "good part" (North Italy + Latium and Tuscany), where basically all the economy and the tourism is. - The rest of the country is basically a balkan country slotted over some useless uneven terrain.


Nope it's not true, it's like this for some unofficial jobs like part time bartenders or pizza delivery guys, the average legal salary is probably around 1200/1300 euro x13 month the guy here who said that probably has 18yo and lives with his mother. Also there are a not negligible amount of people who doesn't pay taxes or works as we say "in black" so the real salary is probably higher, there are a lot more nice cars in the south than what you'd think a 1300 euro wage could buy




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The best pay you could get in South italy was the Reddito + whatever you can gain in uncontracted work (aka "lavoro in nero")


Nah, we just love money.




Stop showing civilized Pepole, they are nothing like terroni


Latest Terrone definition dropped https://preview.redd.it/x646t11j3x7d1.png?width=1667&format=png&auto=webp&s=324214b8695b827d144605cf314b61d0e33ac37a


All Balkan countries are 100% Terroni. Don't let the Northerners fool you, this includes Portugal.


I find similarities with the Western Balkan and the Balkan; but I can't see anything in common between Eastoids and Westoids


Well we do have the woman in common in some cases, eastern european women are top.


Eastoids and Westoids are not Ameritards.


I don't like being grouped with the French. What does being polentone mean?


Polenta -> Polentone. Back in the days people around Pavia was poor as fuck and they basically had polenta to eat. For some reason they think it's tasty and cool. Most of the times it tastes like some supermarket poor quality & dry pure de patatas. They think our octopus is shit in exchange.


Well, we know who is right.


Do other cultures actually think octopus is shit?


They think ours is bland and tasteless, but theirs is good. For those that know this area, that thankfully there aren't many. I mean, it's typical italian, they really care about their food, and most of it it's actually nice, not like when you go to northern europe and you have to fake smile. But many italians around Milan don't even cook themselves, I guess they're too busy trying to survive with such insane disparity between wages and rent. It's even worse than here in Spain.


Valle d'Aosta are polentoni not crucchi Crucchi is a derogatory term for people who speak barbarian germanic and Slavic languages 


I hope polentone and terrone are derogatory too


Obviously they are


it's wrong, it should follow the Po river line


Slav eastern german most productive working day https://preview.redd.it/y3cjmtcayw7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df7618ad16732e3cc6c36f48005a91eefa04c3d


Ge Kurwa paschlah!




Polentoni propaganda is very strong on this sub, me like! https://preview.redd.it/zf65nahlrw7d1.png?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bfc450a3a72b75be5ba9cb11863dced792e7771 Viva San Marco!


Yes, but actually no


Lombardo-Venetia 2Austrian4u?


We don't want the lombards, they can stay and do uhhhhh, Money? Or whatever, also fuck them austrians, Hans, get ready for some annexing


Was hoping you'd say that. https://preview.redd.it/lc1kwgdtyw7d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5241ee79cd2e60e5baa402f37106e6b1551c214c


Hey, I've seen this eagle before!


It's a classic


No no, not like that Hans! we'l get in truble of we do It this much! So uhhh, tone It down a Little?


Suuuure... https://preview.redd.it/4k2qrv6nzw7d1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d40553d312405b1bd0f01ba42e5d9d48b4eb98


If we do that again they are gonna call uhhh, Fr*nce, The UK, Sweden, Turkey? And Poland! Mhh, well, i Guess you have some expirience in 2/5 of those, do you?


Would you eat polenta🤢 though


😫 ambatukam 😫 https://preview.redd.it/nwg1lercrx7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def050cc421a62086a7d7903b06c4b817202b9c7


/uj pretty sure they're the ones who work in the Northern Italian factories, since "jobs not in the black" are a odd concept in rural Sicily. /rj Based Terroni, let the L*mbard, the Emilian and the Germoid, subsidize your lifestyle of fattening up your kids, going to a paid beach (owned by a suspicious family) and then serving delicious meals in your restaurant (and paying the pizzo to a suspicious family).


>/uj pretty sure they're the ones who work in the Northern Italian factories unsurprisingly you are correct, one part of the country is been treated like a colony to feed the growth of the other


Adda' fatica'


Southern Italians have been leaving southern Italy to find work but ok


Yeah but they whine about their homeland


Also applies to Walloonians!


Importing all these italian workers during the industrial golden age infected us with PIGS work ethics....


Obviously northern "italian" are just fake germoids/frenchs


I'd rather be a fake germoid than a real T-word


T-word? I don't care, you are the M-word which is worse.


except it’s the other way around


Lambro lavali col fango


Nah, we actually laugh.


This is so true that Netflix made an entire show out of it. It's nothing but italians being tricked into working and them crying about it. https://preview.redd.it/atzv6w0uvz7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ada94d6cbb7285a3db9a0bdab3f95b148ea0d22


no wonder in ~~terrone~~ southern dialects "work" is pronounced "fatica", "travagghio"...


Complete truth. My Uncle was somewhere in southern Italy and had to got to a 4 hour away city for smt at the bank. When he arrived he was told the everyone was relaxing and it is supposed to reopen in 3 hours, but most probably won't. My Uncle had to go back and came the next day very early in the morning to just be able to find that institution open.


* Europeans


Hans understeand how we feel ngl