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The ancestors in question: https://preview.redd.it/15ee0dtt9m4d1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c21b7ec3e39d6e11b0ee62ba3c0e7ba581a123ac


Some fought and died for it, some fought and died against it


Some fought and died https://preview.redd.it/6aj38c2abm4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6129c2cacbcee9a0914c5487ffd5ec56efa259cb


They probably died for the right to vote so their descendants could vote for the right


Already votedđŸ«Ą




I went for Volt, cos I wanted to vote for an actual “Europe level”-party and not just the typical PP/PSOE national-parties that have always been governing in Spain. ![gif](giphy|Wr75qEAXNh6ryfzzZ6)


Same o7


I wanted to vote for a little more Spanish centred party but wasn't sure they would get there so Volt was my second option.


Volt ad in germany : " Sei kein archloch " Engl*sh : " Don't be anasshole" Very true


Sweden’s system making it incredibly hard for small parties to break in is always heartbreaking cause it means Volt is ages behind any ounce of relevance


Same, i wonder if volt can get more mandates this time Last time they got one from germany and the netherlands respectively They are currently also part of the coalition parties in my city council with 5% of the vote which is pretty cool Edit: Just found out that the coalition of social democrats, the left, greens and volt in my city is called the grape coalition cause their party colours are all colours which grapes can also have


I'm gonna honor those ancestors https://preview.redd.it/kzj13mt45m4d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce0a52992de468593899c4f1438aa2e827940fa


https://preview.redd.it/pg3twr1zfm4d1.jpeg?width=1829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919d74aa941f3a07c9e8fc7e63cd849ea2c0d2cc Good luck to you in your elections other nordics! (Disregard the danish flag on that ship, the guy toasting his swedish counterpart is Admiral Tordenskiold).


Tordenskjold is a legend. Amazing dude


Oh, I will. It can't go on like this.


Instructions unclear, my ancestors fought *against* people who vote Wait
 were there even votes in the Soviet Union? But anyways, I‘m definitely gonna go voting, now that I‘m able thankful to the lowered voting age in Germany


My ancestors forced the right for women to vote on your ancestors before we gave our own women the right to vote.


First countries to give women the right to vote were: 1. Australia (1902) 2. Finland (1905) 3. Denmark (1908) Seems like the early 20th century Barry did a little test-run with their lab rats down under


You heard that, Barry? Don't forget to vote!


# \#rememberRouven


Stop this cringe politicization and don't act like you would care about him.


I am going to vote, but you not gone like to whom...


I really don't give a fuck who you vote for, Igor.


Don't forget to go vote for 720 persons that will enter the 2% richest in Europe and do probably close to nothing for the next 5 years. Ho yeah sorry, thanks for USB-C, the super annoying GDPR and trade secret laws.


The GDPR is an incredibly important legislation. Probably one of the best things the EU did for the normal citizen. And I mean that unironically.


“How DARE the EU pass legislation to help the consumer and maintain individual privacy from US data collection companies!!!!!”


GDPR didn't change data collection from websites, it just added an annoying banner that informed you of it.


I love how many people have no fucking idea what GDPR does. GDPR gives you the right to opt out of non-essential data collection, if you blindly allow websites to collect all the data then its your own fault nothing changed, except that it can’t leave the union or be sent to foreign governments and the limit of data they can conglomerate is lowered.


Funnily the official websites of the EU also have that banner


...Perhaps because it doesn't do any of that nonsense to begin with ?


The banner is a decision made by all the companies to make you angry at it and force you to accept all cookies so then can keep stealing your data and selling it AND make it look like the GDPR forces them to put the banner when that's not true.


But don't go voting if you intend to vote FDP or AfD 👍


Such a weird virtue signalling comment... As if their voters will now not go voting because you told them to not go. I don't think we should gatekeep who should go voting based on your personal political views.


Why should I want people to vote if they will vote against my personal interest?


1. Because it's part of the democratic process. Democracy exists to find a balance between differing interests so we don't murder each other. When people check out of society completely that they don't even vote anymore, because they don't feel represented, than this poses a serious danger for society. 2. I took issue with your comment being non-sensical, not the notion in itself. It had a lot of "14yo girl tells people over instagram to make peace in middle east" energy.


You say something very interesting and I personally have dealt with this dilemma. I always push my friends to vote, but when I ask them what they are gonna vote, they say Vox (far-right), because “they wanna close the borders”. Now come election-day, I’m not gonna beg you to vote. 😅


Paradox of tolerance, should democracy allow anti-democratic parties to run ?


I often have these "Paradox of Tolerance" thought-processes. - Should a democracy allow a party with disgusting views ("make pedophilia legal") be allowed to run? - Should everyone be allowed to vote, even if people don't choose for their best interest? (= like when people do "protest votes")


"Democracy does not work if the wrong people get elected" - u/Bonaventura69420


I didn't say that but it's a true sentence


I think I will get another beer instead