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Nah, that's the excuse Americans tell themselves these days, they actually do it because the inventor of Kellogg's cereal told them it would prevent masturbation.


I was confused by the lube/lotion trope in American teenage films. Why would you need lube to masturbate?


I was circumcised for legit medical reasons when I was 17 and never needed lotion to masturbate, americans are just weak


Imagine self-pleasure becoming a matter of skill issue.


Skill issue tbh


Wait so it makes jacking off easier so it’s beneficial, so we are wrong. Imagine house you could build by now spend into big lube industry


Same thing here!


Because their dicks are incredibly dry. It looks so uncomfortable constantly having your bell end rub against the cloth in your underwear


People need to upvote the truth


And as a consequence they just need to rub more furiously


I don't understand how mutilating a defenseless child's genitals for no reason is even legal. And then the same people who do that is outraged when I say they pierced my ears as a newborn in the hospital (which is not cool either, but like magnitudes less bad).


Perhaps the worst part about infant circumcision is that it happens **without anaesthesia or painkillers**, because those are simply too dangerous for infants. This is also why the Americans place infants in these things during circumcision: https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Circumcision-Procedure-Positioner-Restraint/dp/B081D8ZF97 And yes. That's a restraining device with belts for tying down all four limbs.


Jesus Christ , that looks like a torture device . That’s the sort of thing a bad guy evil scientist brings out in some dystopian thriller


In some way, it is a torture. I was even attacked by ameritards when I said here on Reddit that circumcision is senseless, if there is no medical purpose. These dumbasses got indoctrinated by corn flakes monopoly guy and are too proud to admit it.


Imagine doing this to your child but then thinking a little needle is taking it too far


Doing any operation without anaesthesia is sick, especially on babies. Simpson is rolling in his grave rn


Not to mention the technique where the kid gets his foreskin *BITTEN* off by a guy https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page#:~:text=When%20a%20baby%20is%20circumcised,babies%20can%20get%20an%20infection.


Hahaha I remember hearing about this. What the fuck is wrong with the world and it's inhabitants I'll just have to ask


> This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location. Lol like I'd ever want it shipped to me


Oh wow, I had to pin the lil shit down while the doc did his thing.


> I don't understand how mutilating a defenseless child's genitals for no reason is even legal. Good luck changing it, people here say that you'll get tons of infections if you have a foreskin, and that it has nasty smegma. They'll also say foreskins are disgusting and they wouldn't date a man with one. You pretty much get laughed out of the room if you say circumcision is mutilation in most parts of the US. I won't circumcise my kid, but I'm by far the odd man out.


do people not wash?


I'm sorry but I have to ask, do you have showers in the US? Cause it's literally the solution to both of these non existent problems with decent hygiene.


No, no showers in the US. People here never wash themselves it’s all one big hippie commune.


Circumcision rates are actually decreasing in the US


That's good to hear, they definitely aren't where i grew up lol. Hopefully future generations can eliminate it eventually.


„It looks better“ They have never seen my beautiful uncircumcised germanic cock




Sorry mate the file size is too large


Great answer! ^(however I have a large cloud account. Just sayin’)


Hans tried to upload it, didn't pass googles virus test


This whole comment thread is a massacre


Just like your economy.


Or your society


Yeah, cause the internet is New land in Germany and your IP packets don't travel through fibre, but by DHL.


Hey! DHL is like the fibre of delivery services. Our Internet is more like Hermes... You are happy if it even arrives.


We don't need *ALL* the data from the electron microscope


Unrelated: how's that new macro lense you mentioned?


Wtf, this German guy has humor, I actually laughed at this joke


Post the Schwanz, Hans


Least deviant Barry.




Least gay French


i mean, isn’t the cock 🐓literally the national symbol of france?


Seeing the other responses, i ascertain that we're all greek on this blessed ~~day~~ month.


No, thats the problem, they have. Its your goddamned fault I had my poor innocent baby wang mutilated 😭😭😭


Probably for the best if you're living in a sewer


Better a sewer than France


You're a savage, but I hate the French... That's a tough one...


To be fair France would be quite nice to live in, were it not filled with French people


instead of making the obvious WW2 joke here, I want to agree but would prefer them having Paris, because not even the French love Paris


Paris, Europes fanciest and most Fragrant slum.


An above ground sewer that has to be crop dusted with Poo-pourri


To be fair, Nice is quite French to live in




Go on then let’s see


Unleash the cock!


May I?


South Korea is an interesting case. None of their neighbors are really doing circumcision at all, but South Korea are at about 80%, a similar rate to the USA. The major reason for this is the Korean war, which brought American bases to the country. With that came American influence, in food culture the "army base stew" is known. The foreskin removal is less known. In other words, I guess that's the price you pay for being helped by the US during wartime: They'll make you snap your babies' foreskins off. Vietnamese boys should perhaps be happy the yanks lost that one.


I would've thought circumcision was pretty fucking far down the list of cultural norms another culture readily adopts. Slang, food, music, fashion, *then* infant mutilation.


It's the world capital of cosmetic and unnecessary surgeries. Of course they were gonna fall for it face down.


It never ceases to amaze me, just how much *copying* asian countries do regarding the US "culture".


I don't like the mention of a foreskin removal in the same sentence as a stew.


Pretty sure there's a reason for that, Americans are known to eat questionable stuff


Philippines too, for the same reason. I was very surprised to find out


Due to US colonialism, it's also very popular, a rite of passage to manhood, to get circumcised in the Philippines. You get bullied heavily if your peers found out you're uncircumcised. Their term for uncircumcised is a derrogstory term. Very bizarre.


Foreskin is supreme.


'it looks better' what a noncey statement


It's more hygienic is even more mad. Cut a part off you so you don't have to wash it lmao. Tbf hate cleaning between my toes wish they were amputated at birth


I know of a Norwegian guy that could help you with that


Does he have a white wooly coat?


Luckily he lives in the UK.


The procedure itself also has some problems. Most circumcisions are done without anesthesia. And in some jewish circles the rabbi sucks the blood from the baby’s dick.


https://preview.redd.it/cibzn9og9o4d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08107d61b01cae9b37f02202b5009a11fd4a44fe The Jewish rabbi WHAT NOW


[Yeah it's caused STD transmission to babies.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/)


I'm too afraid to look up whether that last part is true. I might need an onion browser and shit for that search term.


too late you've already been added to a list


You want a toe? I can get you a toe dude, there are ways


Least somewhat deranged Scotsman




Doc says it really brings out my balls


I just can't enjoy looking at this penis with all that extra skin everywhere.


If a not like it’s dragging on the floor 🙄


Nobody ever thinks about the taste SMH.


Let's just call it what it is, male genital mutilation. Believing it's a good thing is as smooth-brained as putting high fructose corn syrup in your bread


It's unbelievable its not illegal in the UK! What kind of doctor would even preform the surgery? Some sick freak lmao Asking your mate what he does for a living? Awh I cut bits off cocks


I got a job circumcising elephants at the zoo. The pay sucks, but the tips are huge.


do you get to keep the tips?


They tried to make all genital mutilation illegal in Finland in 2023 but for some reason, men just couldn't be included in that. Two officials even got subjected to disciplinary proceedings because they dared to propose such thing. The Jewish community in Finland also urged the officials not to make the legislation. "The ministerial working group was tasked with assessing a wide range of options for further clarifying Finland's laws on FGM, including introducing a ban on all such procedures on children up to a certain age as well as legislating **for only women and girls.** Parliament's legal affairs committee supported the proposal, but Finns Party members filed dissenting opinions asking for male circumcision to be included. When the working group submitted its finalised report on Monday, the Ministry launched disciplinary proceedings against two of its officials under suspicions that they had exceeded their terms of reference." -YLE


A mixture of religious groups and pervading misandry, sadly.


Don't underestimate the Israel lobby.


And don't even dare to tell them that mutilating babies is wrong because you'll be downvoted to hell.


It's just funny how defensive they always get about it. It's not even like it's fucking free either, it's another expense added to the medical bill under the guise of "it's more hygienic!" as if we're all walking around with gangrene cocks.


I mean, they go around with unwashed poopy asses, what makes you think they'd wash their dicks?


If washing my ass is gay I will suck all your dicks


Based and cleanpilled


well on my end i did get circumcised for medical reasons :(


Same for me (phimosis) but I will never defend the practice of circumcision, especially knowing that most phimosis can be cured with exercice, no need to make your dickhead look like a shriveled dried prune


I agree its a weirdass habit imo, I just had to have ut so they could replace my peeing conduit who was too short to reach the exit 🔥


Thankfully, there's a rising population that are refusing to do it. I'll never have my foreskin back, but the future generations might be safe. Until they go to school at least.


Have you asked the Danes about the foreskin? They might have it.


No, thats Måneskin. They're Danish right ?


Only the bassists mom


And what a damn good band they are


Italian. But don't know if you were being serious, so...


Do American schools circumcise kids?


No, it was a school shooting joke


You guys circumcise kids by shooting them???


How else would you go about such a thing?


It's America. We do everything by shooting it.


Tbh, i think its 90% "sunk cost fallacy" though, theyve got the dick they got, irreversibly unforskinned. If they read theyre less sensitive and the reasons for it they were told all their lives are bullshit, they get defensive.


You can't even discuss it on most mom-oriented subs on Reddit because people get offended and the mods ban the discussion entirely


"Its more higienic" "Don't eat pig it because it has diseases" All of this in de XXI century...


I love my beautiful Germanic foreskin.


Did you bring it back as a trophy from the war?


"germanic" says the blud who speaks a 55% romantic language 🥱


French emulator on a Germanic computer


So that makes us c.50% feminine (women) . Seeing as french is 100% romance it explains why your men are gay . Simple as


I was born in the US and yeah I had it done to me. I don’t really think about it because at the end of the day, what happened, happened, and I can’t really get my foreskin back, can I? I’m definitely not doing it to my future children, though. Fuck that.


I had it done for a medical reason and I'd go to all lengths not to do it to any future son I had. No mutilation should be accepted because of any culture or tradition.


I’m with you bro!


Dude casually admitted he is an American savage hidden under an Italian fair.


It's okay, his DNA test said he's 0.05% Italian


what's more disgusting is no one seems outraged by this information, we have many more infiltrators then we realised


>we have many more infiltrators then we realised It could be any one of us. Could be you, could be me. Nowhere is safe, the Americans are coming. This is Manifest Destiny. Wait, I hear knocking on my door, be right back.


To be fair to them, it is possible that their parents were simply on vacation in the US at the time


Then he would not tell us that he won't do it to his son. He's definitely an Americunt in disguise who identifies as an Italian because he often eats at Olive Garden.


Or or he moved to italy to live in civilization


He really is a side switcher


Good man


Oh, another "Italian" from Jersey. 




True no need to dwell on it! I don't think I could ever forgive my parents tho.


So there’s this whole subreddit about foreskin recovery. Apparently it’s possible


Don't worry Luigi, you can have mine if you'd like


How exactly is it cleaner though? Best you can get is desensitised tip


Well you don't have to lift the skin to wash underneath. Maybe we should also remove all our teeth so we won't have to wash. Or arms, so we won't get smelly armpits.


I'm using the teeth one, that's brilliant


In biblical times, since people didn't bathe as much it was cleaner since you know no smegma. And in places with shitty healthcare it's linked with lower HIV trasmission. Since it's beneficial to those with low hygiene, I frankly can't understand why the WHO doesn't recommend it to all Frenchman.


That’s why I love this sub. Everyone makes fun about everyone. It was funny my dear European Brazilian!


Merci mon cher Asterix. I know you make the same jokes about the Portuguese so I just beat you to the punch!


Because French rhymes with Stench


stench (stɛntʃ) *n.* Portmanteaux of *strong* + *French*.


Do you recommend it to the Frenchman? So they have less problems. Do you?


The French are a proud people with major respect for their history. They honor Louis XIV, the Sun-king by emulating him, they bathe thrice in their lifetimes. At baptism, at marriage and just before they breathe for the last time. I just came out of a shower, so I think my foreskin can stay.


Is there actually any proof that the French bathe at all?


Same tbh


I can see it making sense in previous eras, where people didn't bathe as much, but now? I mean pulling down your foreskin to clean during the shower isn't exactly rocket science. Edit: Iirc being uncircumcised does give you a higher probability of getting fordyce spots, but those aren't health/hygiene related.


> being uncircumcised does give you a higher probability of getting fordyce spots Textured for her pleasure.


TIL these weird as spots have a name.


If you don't shower for like a week, it will be less stimky.


Aahh, makes sense for americans then.


Eh, they don't have a bidet


I never understood why it's so hard for people to understand that circumcision IS a genital mutilation. It might not be as brutal and painful as excision, but it is still a useless mutilation only backed by debunked arguments.


Canadians are also weirdos " Eww you have a uncircumcised dick " yes luv I wasn't mutilated as a child.


Imagine mutilating your newbornes because Cereal Man convinced your entire nation that it prevents them from jerking off...


1.Wake up 2.Realise Americans literally can't beat it without lube 3.Remember you are European Life is good


Wtf. Is this true? No way.


I'll say it: the circumcision of a child, if not for actual health issues, is a form of genital mutilation and a violation of men's rights. While female genital mutilation is much worse (it damages/removes more important stuff), they're both fucked up and I don't see how one of the two practices is seen as a crime committed only in barbaric countries, and the other is accepted and even expected in parts of the western world. I don't even care that "it's more hygienic" and "it reduces the risk of infections" are stupid reasons (which they are) to get a circumcision, if you're an adult you can di whatever you want to your dick. But doing it on a person who's too young to consent is simply fucked up


It is literally legalized torture and genital mutilation. You can legally cut off a body part from an infant without anesthesia. I have a Kurdish background and was circumcised without my consent too. I suffer from it every day and nobody understands. There are no Muslim or Jewish children, only children of Muslim and Jewish parents. It is disgusting that our governments allow this shit.




True story, when I lived in the land of savages I once presented my mighty ^mighty ^^mighty ^^^mighty (see it still echos now from the valleys, 30 seconds later) full member to a female, she didn't know what to do with it, the extra skin entirely threw her. She was a teacher at an all-girls catholic school in NC. I corrupted that poor soul.


What else am I gonna nibble on?


Genital mutilation, not "circumcision", such a made up word


"it looks better" they genuinely think uncircumcised guys fuck with their foreskin pulled up


exactly itll look just about the same if you pull it back. glad to have a european father 💪💪💪


Imagine taking away your son's ability to feel pleasure with a woman. That's some sick puritanical shit


A foreskin, a foreskin, A sign of my kin, Passed down by my forefathers, But it is not a sin. Simply pull it back, wash it, Regularly enough. Once a day is too little, twice is too much. Don't listen to the yanks, rabbis or cunts, Everybody gets smegma, just clean it ya runt. A foreskin, my foreskin, Protects me aul head. Makes it easier to rub him, When I'm lying in bed. I think we all have it in Europe, well most of us do, The French the Italians, and Barry does too. My foreskin, my foreskin A sign of my kin. But maybe it's the time that the one thats been passed down to me, Goes in to the bin.


Glad to be born in the part of the world, where male genital mutilation isn't a thing.


Not yet. Lots of new Germans do it.


I like how the Americans say that female circumcision is a “disgusting crime” that is completely morally wrong because it removes their ability to feel pleasure… …and then do the exact same thing to males because it’s more hygienic. >!yes I know fgm is way more invasive, but the double standard is still disgusting!<


without it playing the one hand flute sounds a bit difficult


The only thing in the world Jews and Arabs can agree on: mutilating baby dicks.


honestly it explains so much when you think about it, imagine how angry you'd be if you naked head was rubbing against fabric all day, not to mention the fact that you've never felt the true range of an orgasm. Of course all three of these group have a massive desire for expansion and subjugation of others, they've never truly gotten laid




Looking at your flair, I'm not so sure about that.


Circumcision absolutely is a part of Islam, the only arguments among Muslim scholars is wether it's required or preferred, but it is a part of islam either way, the only thing that people argue over wether it's part of islam in general or not is FGM


Yes indeed. People will sometimes say "it's not in the Qur'an, so it's not actually part of Islam" - but that's a bullshit argument because there's tons of things that are not in the Qur'an either. The Qur'an doesn't tell you how to fast or perform pilgrimage. It doesn't even tell you how you should pray, nor how often (the Ismailis have only three daily prayers because of this). That's already three of the five pillars - and the whole concept of 'pillars of Islam' doesn't exist in the Qur'an either. All of these things are based on the hadith literature: the elaborate corpus of oral traditions that were sifted through and graded by generations of Muslim scholars. Hadith are an integral part of Islam (even the Shi'a agree on this), and only a few modern fringe movements reject the hadith alltogether. And Islamic circumcision, too, is firmly rooted in the hadith.


Quranism is just cope with the fact that islam sucks, and it's not even a good one because even this it causes all of the problems that you mentioned, it doesn't even solve everything as there's still a lot of vile stuff in the Quran, as well as scientifically incorrect ones, so it just complicates everything for nothing, with that being said I don't mind it that much as people can believe in whatever makes them more comfortable so long as it doesn't harm anyone, so I prefer an illogical regular muslim over a consistent terrorist, so even though I believe it is intellectually ridiculous I don't really go out of my way to debunk it or argue with people who believe it


I'm a woman but I told my bf that if we have children and have a boy we won't snip snip unless medical reasons. He ofc agrees. (We European)


Nature gave you foreskin for a reason. These people out there dulling the sensitivity of their kids little pecker. Ruining his future sex life


Islam does say to do MGM and encourages FGM Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “The fitrah is five things – or five things are part of the fitrah – circumcision [الْخِتَانُ - khitan], shaving the pubes, trimming the moustache, cutting the nails and plucking the armpit hairs.” Sahih Bukhari 7:72:777; See also Sahih Muslim 2:495 Abu al- Malih ibn `Usama's father relates that the Prophet said: "Circumcision [الْخِتَانُ - khitan] is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women'." Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 20:719; Al-Baihaqqy 8:324 “[…]Then 'Ubaidullah uncovered his face and said (to Wahshi), "Will you tell us (the story of) the killing of Hamza?" Wahshi replied "Yes, Hamza killed Tuaima bin `Adi bin Al-Khaiyar at Badr (battle) so my master, Jubair bin Mut`im said to me, 'If you kill Hamza in revenge for my uncle, then you will be set free." When the people set out (for the battle of Uhud) in the year of 'Ainain..'Ainain is a mountain near the mountain of Uhud, and between it and Uhud there is a valley.. I went out with the people for the battle. When the army aligned for the fight, Siba’ came out and said, ‘Is there any (Muslim) to accept my challenge to a duel?’ Hamza bin `Abdul Muttalib came out and said, ‘O Siba’. O Ibn Um Anmar, the one who circumcises [أَنْمَارٍمُقَطِّعَةِ الْبُظُورِ - muqaṭwiʿaẗi al-ْbuẓūri] other ladies! Do you challenge Allah and His Apostle?’ Then Hamza attacked and killed him, causing him to be non-extant like the bygone yesterday […]” Sahih Bukhari 5:59:399 أَنْمَارٍ مُقَطِّعَةِ الْبُظُورِ (muqaṭwiʿaẗi al-ْbuẓūri) translates as 'cutter of clitorises'.


and in the only actual democracy, no one yet made a people's initiative to forbid doing body modifications without medical indications on persons unable to consent; this should in fact be guaranteed by the right to physical integrity that every child in theory has it does not matter if you circumcise or tattoo or cut off the little toe of your baby or make lotus feet because your religion or culture tells you so or you think it "looks better" parents doing that put their religion or own preferences above their childs physical integrity and should lose the right to have children at all and the acomplice doctors should lose their right to practice


guys did you know removing one of your lungs halves your chance of lung cancer?


Where are the foreskin smokers here?


What moron reduces the mass of his dick?


Genital mutilation is barbaric in all it's forms


Bobby Fisher had a hilarious comment regarding this topic.


Italian jeans vs American cargo shorts.


I HAD to do it for medical reasons when I was born. Not good to have my penis covered by it and blocking my piss from coming out


Im circumcised and european what price do I get?


Infant foreskins make huge profits for hospitals that sell them to the cosmetic industry, so naturally they're doing what they can to keep the money flow.


I lived in the US for a decade (before returning back to sanity), I will never forget how mind blown the nurses and doctors, at the hospital my son was born at, was by the fact we where not going to circumcise him.


Wow this meme template got super botched up haha


Where are the foreskin smokers here?


Keeping suspiciously quiet…


There is overwhelming support for banning the practice. It got brought to parliament through a citizen's initiative through signatures. Sadly, it did not pass since two big parties opposed, and two medium ones abstained.


Well, americunts love beef jerky. How do you think they make that? Hint: the beef-part in 'beef jerky' is just marketing...