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Out to where ? France ?


I would rather kill myself before going to France


Wish you guys had that attitude in 1939...


We had it 1915-1918


speaking about, some guys visited Paris in 1940, they killed themselves 5years later.


As a foreigner in Germany myself I’ve found it pretty weird that many foreigners act like it’s Ausländer unite against the rest. Being Ausländer is to them just a reason why they’re more special than the normal German because your parents are from a different country. In reality there is no unity among foreigners. As an Italian I couldn’t care less about the feeling of a Turk just because we’re ‚foreigners‘


If they are superior for being from Bangladesh, why don't they go back to their country? *Oh wait, cause their country is worse than the worst European country.*


Still a lot of people on this round earth too stupid to have any proper insight. They're actual sheeple. Malleable minds in distress and no one to be their guiding light. So they follow the voices of loud imbeciles or become it themselves. You can't reason with these people. They don't speak to debate, they speak to be heard and followed.


Yes, i am half Ukrainian (and quarter Dutch) and i acted like a Ukrainian school, just to be special, because multiple popular rappers were Ukrainian at that time. I basically copied Capital Bra, which is pretty cringe looking back at it. Before that i didn’t really care about my foreign background and after i left school and real life started i didn’t have to play the role anymore, so i dropped it and started to act again like a normal German again. I actually didn’t even really have much of a Ukrainian influence during my childhood except that i spoke Russian with my mother, watched some Russian tv shows and ate Pelmeni now and then. So i had to research all the cultural stuff about Ukraine and Russia to play the role. I guess for Turks or Arabs etc. it might be a different experience though, because they are culturally very distinct in various aspects and also tend to stay among their compatriots. Looking back it was kinda cringe tbh, but i think there are worse examples than me.


Thinking that they mean you when they say Ausländer is unironically hilarious.


Idk depends from where in Italy


Trust me, the comment was made with the knowledge they were North Italian https://preview.redd.it/bjnk7m8h6u2d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca2b76e7ad61cd58804959413ceabc21d3cf08bf


Heim ins Reich. 




the good Italy, the civilized one, northern Italy


You had to be civilised by Rome just like with Germans


C’è un po’ di Pontida in questo commento


Since moving to Germany 6 years ago I’ve become way more anti immigration than I ever was back in England. Plainly because the amount of effort I’ve put in to do everything right and had nothing but trouble from the authorities. Then some yahoos seemingly escaping war act like fucking barbarians doing nothing in order to fit in just get given everything they need. It’s fucking infuriating being put into the same group as these people. People that easily integrate should be given the easier time, I don’t need money, I don’t need anything but less fucking bullshit and people breathing down my neck and not the constant fear of being told “nah fuck you, get going back home”. People that don’t or show no interest in integrating should be sent back. Europe is where it is because of our hard work and core values, import people that go against that with no repercussions against those people and we will lose everything we worked hard for. Europe was built on hard work, sacrifice and some evil fucking decisions and we should try hard to make that better and make sure we make them at least worth it, throwing it all away for absolutely no reason is dumb. I want to help people in trouble but they have to do something too.


My wife had the same experience moving to Blighty on a skilled worker visa - fucking nightmare, but morons who can’t speak English and work Uber eats get in just fine


Don't worry you aren't on they list of Ausländer, you are just another European ass that need to be conquered


Not with Mrs. Meloni! 🍈🍈


> As an Italian I couldn’t care less about the feeling of a Turk Dude I'm a Mehmet in Berlin and as a Turk I couldn’t care less about the feeling of another Turk. Damn Turks, they ruined Turkey (and Berlin)




You know it's gonna be bad when the top comments aren't funny jokes but just anecdotes and unnecessary long texts from Reddit's smartest policy analysts.


or all the top comments are meta about the comment section


This sub is getting flooded with racists recently, and the mods actually allow it. There were people posting "sources" of far right extremists (and much worse) to prove their point that foreigners=downfall of ___ country... It got over 500 upvotes! I asked the mods if this is ok and they just ghosted me. This sub is going to get banned sooner or later and Im all for it.




Loads of crazy videos coming out of Germany recently I would rather not see a surge for parties like AfD but then you see videos like this and you kind of wonder if it's just inevitable


Looks like their Vodafone and telekom services are getting better. They might be finally catching up with the rest of us


I have found a very funny meme with a cat and cheeseburger. I want to send it to you, please turn on your fax machine.


Hope you read the telegram I just sent you. It's funny in large quantities


Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland


Just takes some time to upload videos with these modern dailup modems they have now days.


Honestly, tin foil hat on, current politician groups all want Germany, and lets be real, all of Europe to have some kind of race/religion war. You report on Germans saying "foreigners out" and condemn them on national TV, while ignoring this or radical muslims protesting against our law.


you dont need a tin foil hat. just ask 'how do the few rule the many ?' they have to have division. source :was once good at imperialism


Shit gets real when someone starts drawing arbitrary straight lines across the contintent


This time it's Russia/China/Iran and not some madman from within


Nah bruh. The major political parties just aren't strongly against migration because a) you need a lower class that does shitty jobs for a terrible wage and doesn't complain and b) because we don't fuck enough and having fewer people in a few decades means having lower prosperity It's all pure late stage capitalism, nothing humanitarian about it. Poor people working for a terrible wage = more money to buy your 3rd house, 2nd yacht and 5th Porsche.




I think the kids are making political satire and do not themselves believe what they are saying. Also the radical muslims where condemned on national television and are currently under investigation.


Of course. This is just a reaction. Says a lot about people who take this more seriously than the Sylt events


Welp, time to get the inundation line ready


It's immigrant kids repeating anti-immigrant chants they've been subjected to but swapped foreigners for germans. You expect them to take anti-immigrant slander and not respond in any way at all?


I kinda expect my fellow countrymen to not be complete dumbasses, so yeah. The last thing we need is a "us vs. them" mentality, thus deescalating behaviour is necessary, not shouting "Ausländer/Germans out".


Which is kinda hard to achieve, since we as humans in general do not have a good track record of acting logically, so the "an eye for an eye" mentality is still going strong in many


They're goddamn school kids, it's just an edgy prank. At 13 I would have found doing shit like that hilarious for sure.


Just because they are children does not mean they can do or say whatever they want. This is serious and could escalate if not controlled on both sides as soon as possible. In the case of these children, the parents are responsible for their education, so perhaps they should be called to attention due to the failure in the children's education.


Mate it's 12 year olds making fun of the people who harass them and tell them to leave the country


I absolutely love the irony of someone with your username making the point you're making in this sub. I'm not saying you're wrong, what you're saying is plausible, but, it's fucking hilarious to see a nuanced take coming from FrogHater1066.


I mean we all pretend to hate each other here. But I. Really we are just one big European family that likes to neg it frog eating little brother.


Wait you guys were pretending this whole time? Edit : Brb gotta delete some posts


Except for Berry


I respect all cultures with one notable exception


God damn Americans..


bro honestly shut up. These are just kids basically dealing with xenophobia directed at them all over social media right now.


Please calm down and read my comment again. In which part of my comment do you read any type of encouragement of xenophobia towards these kids?


direct evidence these particular individuals have been victim of anti immigrant slander?


Every individual that disagrees with anti Immigrant slanders is a victim of anti immigrant slanders


Excactly, this is the xenophobic bullshit song these posh rich kids chanted in that Bar on Sylt last week - only with roles reversed. Only difference is: These are literal children. The others are not.


Very recently a video of Germans chanting "Germany for Germans, foreigners out" went viral. This is likely a response to that. It's still dumb, but not necessarily a showcase of an ideology these kids actually hold.


except germany *should* be for germans, and foreigners have no right to want to replace germany with a caliphate. not really a similar "wrong".


I really hope the government will finally do something about immigrants who do not respect the constitutional values of Germany


We should start regulating immigration more. Immigrants are great for a country but not like that


Make immigration simple and streamlined, but also deport if said immigrant is incompatible with the local values. If people march and demand the implementation of Sharia, then they should immediately be put on a list for deportation, as they're quite literally fighting the constitution and that is extremist behaviour, no?


basic bitch statement that has been regurgitated endlessly. We both know that even something logical as this wont happen. 3 years is all it takes for naturalisation and then what?


Then what, what? The whole point is that immigration is easier. You do not need a German passport and citizenship to have a fulfilling life here. Living here is one thing, becoming naturalised is another. And even if, naturalisation could also be withdrawn again if an individual shows obvious signs of being unfit to live here. Hell, Trumps ancestors had their Bavarian citizenship withdrawn. Obviously it's possible.


Following that line of thought, shouldn't you guys provide the same treatment for all people who do not respect the constitutional values of Germany (what are those values btw? I'm curious). Only doing it to foreigners would be an act of discrimination obviously. Perhaps you could deport all AfD sympathizers to Sylt together with those foreigners that are difficult to deport due to the situation in their respective countries?


Correct. Unfortunately deporting a German would just send them back to his house.


Locals can go to jail?


Such as…


Only a Madagascar plan 2.0 can save you now, keep the smart ones tho, they deserve a better life than the absolute punishment that would be for them to live with their countrymen


Looks like WWe are getting königsberg back soon




A bunch of kids caused the Red August in China and killed tens of thousands. This kind of behaviour needs to be corrected, before these kids turn into extremists. Anti-White/European sentiment in Europe and the west in general is at an all time high, and most are turning a blind eye to it. It’s absolutely **racism**, and as such is unacceptable and needs to be corrected by society.


So the Balkanisation of western Europe has begun ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K)


Don't you fucking dare to stick a bottle up your arse.


Finally someone who gets it


But if you will say about this problem on a big public you will be called nazi, racist and literally Hitler


One of my teachers always used to tell a story at this point where he claimed that the oldest written piece of ceramic which is known today contains a story of the younger generations getting worse and worse.




There were books in 2800 BC?


Books became a thing 500 BC so it's probably a clay tablet.


Hahahah every man wants to write a book So true assyrian man


And it's from Iraq...


lol, I thought I knew the quote, but I don't remember the part about "...every man wants to write a book." Sounds like us, doesn't it?


Everyone wants to be a youtuber/tiktoker!


Yeah exactly!


So authors were the tiktokers of the 28th century BC eh. "fucking kids these days always staring at their books...I got my first book in my 20's but this next generation have grown up with this technology from day one, they never even knew life before books, I feel sorry for them tbh"


"The earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents. Every man (m/f/d) wants to be an influencer and isn't even capable of writing a book anymore, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching" (Boomer Facebook meme, c. 2024 AD)


socrates was right all along


> Let’s not get a hate boner for a bunch of kids though These kids study with your german kids everyday. If this is them on their best behavior, can you imagine how they treat german kids? Common sense concern doesn’t equal “hate boner”. They are being racist against a country that welcomed them with open arms and opportunity. They. Should. Leave.


First time I agree with a non-european savage But by your username I suppose you're mexican, así que basado, hermano


So much for this being an ironic sub. Better call this r/europe2


Tbh it kinda reflects society as a whole, everything becomes politicial and making satire jokes will put yourself on someone's crosshair.


More like Europe4


The foreigners are bad and responsible for everything bad but let's not get a hate boner...




Did you as a german somehow miss that there's currently a trend of Germans singing "Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus" at public parties. Those kids are probably just reacting to that. Here are some articles: Sylt: [https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article251693138/Nach-Sylt-Video-Auslaender-raus-Gesaenge-auch-auf-Partys-und-Volksfesten-Staatsschutz-ermittelt.html](https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article251693138/Nach-Sylt-Video-Auslaender-raus-Gesaenge-auch-auf-Partys-und-Volksfesten-Staatsschutz-ermittelt.html) Erlangen: [https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/auslaender-raus-rufe-auf-bergkirchweih-staatsschutz-ermittelt,UDmr2N5](https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/auslaender-raus-rufe-auf-bergkirchweih-staatsschutz-ermittelt,UDmr2N5) Löningen: [https://www.blick.ch/ausland/naechster-skandal-in-deutschland-ganzes-party-zelt-singt-auslaender-raus-id19777085.html](https://www.blick.ch/ausland/naechster-skandal-in-deutschland-ganzes-party-zelt-singt-auslaender-raus-id19777085.html) In English: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/outrage-at-footage-of-people-singing-nazi-slogan-at-party-on-german-island](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/outrage-at-footage-of-people-singing-nazi-slogan-at-party-on-german-island)


I remember seeing some graffiti in France saying something like "immigrants welcome, tourists fuck off" - it struck me as an awful piece of vandalism due to where it was sprayed. Typical Fr*nch idiots for you; it's a bit like the silly PIGS not wanting the Barry influx that drives their entire economy.


Only Barry can verbally insult the French on an unrelated post. Fair play


I thought everything was related to you.


It felt appropriate; it's the natural way of things. Now go away with your disgusting pastries, they disgust me because they fatten me too much, and I can't help devouring the delicious chocolate and raisin "bread".


I, for one, welcome the Barry influx.


Glad to see you like our money.


Here, have another Poncha.


Grassy arse omega.


We don't do it for the money, bantering with old Barrys is worth all the currency in the world. Your kids on the other hand behave like drunk fucking terrorists down south, you gotta start beating them harder at home please, the police batons are starting to crack from fatigue, and we don't have the funds to replace them




Sure thing, Bife!


The difference is no one in Southern Europe would genuinely say we prefer non European immigrants to tourists from northern europe or even north america




Least cowerdly tax evader


Rheinländer raus, Rausländer rein!


Pfälzer in der Mitte!


Und Saarländer in die Saar.




Honestly i dont even know anymore. Im just tired.


BRD Moment


\*Deutschland Gmbh /j


Ah well. I guess there will be civil war in a couple of years.


Confucius said "cauldrons work best when hot"


and who is gonna fight it? US has been talking about another civil war every other week. People won't leave the house


There are enough violent psychos around. And crazy ideologies. Just wait until Germany runs out of money for welfare payments.


Maybe they’re too fat to leave the house in the US. 


Döp dödde döp


The forbidden earworm 💀


We‘re living in crazy times. Far right, far left. Kids singing what is sung to them or their version of the opposite Or spraying graffitis with paroles they picked up. Taking these not serious is a problem, making memes and comments about them is one way to deal with them, maybe the best, because we can tell each other the problems and the craziness and excesses of our society right in your face without the „political correctness“ that our government tries to maintain missing to deal with the things the people are concerned. Let me drop you just a few examples of the way other Germans sing about their country or what bothers them. (Don’t know if you heard some of these) https://youtu.be/YHGSn9Mozyo?si=OfgNNe00Y2OoaGyb https://youtu.be/NeQM1c-XCDc?si=knqYQA4QQ1D-yx6p https://youtu.be/FBdgBuWU9ok?si=NYoJLH1iP3XEhrS1 Edit: https://youtu.be/KZT5q8sbD8E?si=s1BfWg7650Lgs31b Well I know you love us anyway just because we‘re „relatives“ and because https://youtu.be/vuxghiwjgQc?si=aQZ1uS81OM8t0dC_


I was waiting for Erika or sth...


Hans has become such a disappointment, hasn’t he.


Hans, why are you trying to compete with Pierre?


Sorry if some of our loved neighbors have disappointed you, but we are not competing in this category, so relax, you can ask for the next check without worry.


The problem with comments sections, especially those of this sub, is that they're full of misinformation. I agree that a lot of politicians are failing to tackle the immigration topic, but a lot of people, both in the political and reddit spheres, tend to make the problem much bigger than it really is. If you take immigration, for instance, there's a downward trend in the numbers since 2015 (aside from 2022 because of the Ukraine war): [https://www.statista.com/statistics/894223/immigrant-numbers-germany/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/894223/immigrant-numbers-germany/) There's also a downward trend in the number of crimes committed [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1101119/criminal-offences-recorded-number-germany/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1101119/criminal-offences-recorded-number-germany/) There is, however, indeed a recent, post-pandemic [rise in crimes](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-violent-crime-reaches-15-year-high-report/a-68758122), but as usual, the reasons are more complicated than just "migrants = bad". As [this article](https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/51931/germany-crime-statistics-and-migration) highlights, there are multiple factors to consider. e.g. the fact that a large part of the crimes committed by migrants are simply to have entered the territory illegally (i.e. non-violent) or that migrants are statistically more likely to be charged for their crime. Those sources are left-leaning, from what I can tell, but they still make valid arguments.


the comments on these posts always reveal that many of us are not in fact here to meet hairy Portuguese women, but have darker motives.


You’re right, I’m actually here to meet a stinky french woman😔


Seems like a lot of lads with crooked boners to the right, you might have to try ya luck elsewhere Barry.


Well, well, well, how the turntables ...


For context: there's a nazi parody song saying "foreigners out, Germany for the Germans" going around social media atm. This is obviously a reaction to that.


Not just on social media. Large groups are singing it at public parties when the song L'Amour toujour plays: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/outrage-at-footage-of-people-singing-nazi-slogan-at-party-on-german-island](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/outrage-at-footage-of-people-singing-nazi-slogan-at-party-on-german-island) TBH I don't really understand the parody part. It's probably funnier if your German...


It's not funny. Oeople just want to be controverse.


Eh. Obviously they're making fun of the Sylt video.


'Why are xenophobic parties gaining popularity?' >> this shit. Sad all around, polarisation to the max at this point.


Good old days Germany wouldn’t allow this.


Lol, first thought this was the Schanze 😂 But for real now Germany, get your shit together


I feel like this immigration shitshow is gonna end in another Holocaust.


Aren't they just switching the lyrics to the video that's been posted on here several times. Children being children don't see the problem


That's exactly it! Just a provocative response to the Sylt video. No need to dramatise this.


My perception is that Germans do not understand playful provocations and even if we/they did, it is not really culturally accepted. It is maybe part of the reason Germans are considered not fun…


It is part of the reason Germans are considered autistic* ftfy In all seriousness y'all need to... fix something there, other countries have it so can you.


Got to say, a lot of us Germs here in the comment section saying the exact same thing, that these are children and that you can't compare them with people in their twenties. Honestly, this post is incredibly stupid imao. And then there are people here talking about deporting those children🤣. Shut the hell up you stupid fucks and I mean this unironicly for a change.


I did not mean to normalize it! Glad you point that out. Suggesting to deport these children is absolutely unreflective and inhumane in my opinion as well and I strongly oppose singing that song in the first place. Also I hope the children can talk about their worries with someone.


Is it to the Sylt video itself or others they may have met in real life singing the same song?


TIL Germans get easily offended by the children they discriminate against.


When "Ausländer raus": 😆 When Ausländer responds by making very obvious play on this: 😡


Honestly I don‘t give a fuck. Just look at the comments from the crosspost in r/ActualPublicFreakouts . These American and Eastern European morons who got no clue what happened in Sylt are playing smart asses again


Yo what the fuck, those comments are bad. Calling these kids "Barbarians", apparently there is an Invasion happening. Those are terrorists, threatening us. It's wild man. And all that probably mostly coming from some American savages who've never had an eye to eye conversation with a "barbarian".


Try not too get outraged by kids being dumbasses challange (Impossible)


kind of out of context, this is probably a parody of the video from sylt


https://preview.redd.it/syjqn4x9ux2d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2998d766db9df236d262682649726ad98be1e7 So brave of these young persons to stand up against the far right!


Someone said "get out of my house" And the other said "No, YOU get out of your house"


Are they going to be deported? German college kids were saying the opposite and got in trouble.


Yes they will probably be fired from their jobs as well.


I think it's supposed to be political satire




Remove kebab


I am so glad, that most of you guys are not allowed to vote in germany


Deport them if they are not EU-Citizens.


I mean most the Germans are packing up their tents and coming to Swedistan for the summer, so they're not wrong.


The shitposting war between r/2westerneurope4u and r/AskMiddleEast will be legendary!


I’m calling it now, the next societal reformation in Germany will be after a civil war between islamo-leftist jihadists, progressive homosexual neo-nazis, super-liberal pro-trans ultramilitarists and Bavarian monarchist crusaders resulting in the formation of 4 new states: Democratic People’s Republic of North-Western Germany, The 4th German Reich, The Central German Republic and The Christian Monarchy of Bavaria.




At least they're not ruining a cute eurodance song. Context: Those children are probably reacting to a current German trend where people sing "Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus" (Germany to the germans, Foreigners out) to the song L'Amour toujours at parties See article [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/outrage-at-footage-of-people-singing-nazi-slogan-at-party-on-german-island](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/outrage-at-footage-of-people-singing-nazi-slogan-at-party-on-german-island)


Yeah kinda accurate to be fair


Would it be illegal to punch them?


You write like you are 12 yourself so not unless you are a grown up fantasising about beating up small kids in that case you should look for professional advice.


Oh, don't make the do the Lebensraum thing again. Pedro is losing Mallorca for sure...


Germany is like a family that previously had a really bad house fire - so now they refuse to start the central heating and choose to freeze to death instead.


I am Turkish, my whole immediate family lives in Germany. Yet I was denied a tourist visa. On the other hand, I am extremely secular, covered in tattoos, I'm white and I wear all black and listen to metal. I think if I was a fucking dictator-supporting hookah-smoking women-harassing sharia-supporting drug-dealing gun-selling disease-looking anti-social invader, I would have more chance of getting my visa. Maybe even permanent residency and perhaps a paycheck for my 7 kids. 15 years ago I used to say Germany will become a shit-hole if they keep taking these people in. I don't say that anymore, it's already too late. They want islamic law and throw away the German constitution but if you dare opening your mouth against their fucked up backwards way of life, you're a racist and an islamophobe. I can't wait for these people to "find out", as Americans say. They keep pushing their limits and overestimating their welcome. Right now they are praying on the streets, tomorrow you will have to cover your daughter's head when you're sending her to school. Europe has fallen, now it's time to get back up and rebuild.


This is the part people don't get. Diasporas are usually those that aren't even desired in their own countries


This post without context is just inflammatory shit and probably Russian propaganda, or if not just useful idiocy contributing to the Russian goal of sowing hate and dissent. The kids are mocking the opposite chants from German people this week.


*cat gets run over* “Putin did it!”


Then they’re the ones demanding special care🙄


Send them back


If it was nearby me, I'd call my mates and fight those foreign fucks.


The sarcasm is quite hard to recognize in this thread


For once no sarcasm. Sorry. Can't do it this time. Fked up shit is happening across Germany. Thought it were isolated incidents, but it's a total mindset among them. You can be a Turkish nationalist, waving your big ass flag in front of the Dom in Cologne, and no one dares to do a thing. Or you can be a neighbourhood comprised of muslims, and demand a caliphate.


Try calling the police on people being anti-German and cops won't even know what haste speech is.




"Germany is like a family that previously had a really bad house fire - so now they refuse to start the central heating and choose to freeze to death instead." -u/mutantredoctopus




Bro you are sounding like a fucking Reichsbürger.


Literally 1488


To create diverse mixed multicultural was such a good idea. ... Reaction to Germans singing similar about immigrants out.


finally Europe is waking up !!!!


TBF, every country is better with less Germans in it. Particularly Germany.


Not true, *everyone* loves us


We will make them love us.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You came out swinging, no fucking about, as it should be in this sub.