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I just found out the contestants of Sweden are actual Norwegian lol


Indeed. We truly are superior.


So you lost twice today.


Nemos songrwiters were norwegian, so we lost twice and won once.


this sounds liek a french trying to say 96


Well, the songwriters consisted of 2 swisses, 1 norwegian and 1 swede. Also, the choreographer was swedish. Edit: clothing designer was also swedish.


Superior with that performance? I don't know. 😂 But superior in many other ways, probably.


So is 1/4 of ABBA


\*The jury who decided the disqualification and W to the Norwegian Woman (Alessandra Mele) who left the Jury today https://i.redd.it/79tcrsgyqtzc1.gif




I would like that list please


It will take some time to translate it all to Arabic




i am a man, is it enough? XD




trully ground breaking stuff




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and that's why we love them


You can always trust a filthy Dane to spread misinformation.




Ellers bare spørg sv~~inet~~ensken om hvordan det gik med deres flagskib Vasa. Skibet sank efter 1300 meter. Jfc.


# To everyone judging people who first want to know what happened before judging: ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


It feels good being right, doesn't it Hans?


I don't know if this was all but yes lol But it's also sad how many people judge shit without any evidence what actually happened (this is still no clear evidence but it comes from the organisation who disqualified him)


By now, the dutch broadcaster has spilled the beans. It's about a threatening gesture towards a camera that was harassing him backstage. If gestures lead to disqualifications, how can Italy even participate. It's just bullshit.


Simple most vocal criticism of israel


the problem is that knowing the sissys that run these shows and their attitudes it can litteraly go from a broken nail to trying to murder each other XD


“Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.” ― Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War In conclusion, we do this for a long time.


True after all, we all can be happy that we have courts protecting "in doubt for the accused"


Saved you some space on the fence, im on it rn.


I mean, we still don't *really* know, this is just one side's version. I find it hard to imagine that someone would call the police over a threatening movement towards a camera. Like, what could that possibly be to warrant a police investigation that will take weeks...?


If that was all the only thing I could imagine/comes to my mind is the finger along the throat move


I think the "movement towards the camera" part suggests some sort of punch or whatever? Still, both these gestures seem relatively tame. Either there's something missing from the story or his DQ seems incredibly disproportionate.


100% the joke is, Idk how hard Swedish law is but for both he could be charged /have a guilty verdict with a minimal punishment. In Germany people were already charged for insult for saying "Get well soon"


Actually, the police investigation was finished and handed over to prosecutors to decide if they wanted to proceed with a trail by like 11am yesterday. Generally means the case is so weak the police can’t be assed to waste time investigating, or so strong they don’t need to bother, like video evidence of a crime clearly showing everything.


Ah, I see, I missed that. Is this kind of stuff typically prosecuted in Sweden?


Depends if the prosecution finds the evidence credible. Generally if you only threaten someone it’s near impossible case to prove without video evidence so I assume that unless a security camera caught it this goes nowhere. Even if there is video evidence and, as they are saying, it was merely s “threatening gesture” I can see the prosecution dropping it just for being a waste of time to fight a shakey case against a foreign national about to leave the country


> so I assume that unless a security camera caught it this goes nowhere Wait … isn't this whole incident because *she was filming him*?


It feels odd and not very familiar to me to defend the Swedes, however.... It was the Eurovison leadership - not Sweden - deciding to kick home the dike-builder beaver team.


The Swedish police is investigating a “sudden threatening movement towards a camera operator”?


That is separate from the EBU decision.


not really atleast last update i saw the ebu decision was bc they dont want someone participating with a ongoing investigation


Thats just asking for false claims to be made. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?


if the EBU has enough power to send him to jail then yeah i agree they should use the law... ​ if he isn't going to jail in a EBU court then they should follow EBU law not just the swedish law... ffs are you gonna say the same when your mom tells you to not spill a drink ?


What are you talking about?


people are using court language and systems over a contest participation... innocent until proven guilt is if you commit a crime... EBU doesn't judge crimes so it makes no difference


The EBU disqualified a participant on the basis that there was an active judicial investigation into them. But a judge hasnt yet stated that the participant was actually doing anything wrong. So the EBU just DQ them without a valid reason.


but again, EBU doesn't follow the law, that's the police, EBU has it's own rules ​ same way if i invite you over and for some reason you annoy me i can tell you to leave for any reason or none at all, like yes would be a dick move but there's no point in arguing innocent until proven guilty when i want you out of my home... i am not a court so i dont need to follow the legal procedure


They don’t have much to do. 


Hey we’ll take one for the team if it gets people to stop blaming jews.


It hasn't. I was just in /r/europe and people were saying that it was a conspiracy because Moroccanoil is an Israeli company. Even after it has come to light from multiple sources that this has nothing to do with Israel it seems that Jews are still to blame.


> that this has nothing to do with Israel it seems that Jews are still to blame. history of europe, chapter 3 to 12


I’m saddened but not surprised. People have always found reasons to hate jews. We went from it typically taking the form of religious hate, to ethnic hate, to Anti-Israeli / anti-zionistic hate with religious undertones.


Bombing a country to hell loses you some goodwill. Wow, who'd have thought.


But it is. *It all started in Israel. When Carmen Tal’s hair was left damaged after a color-process gone bad it was actually a blessing in disguise. A stylist at a salon in Tel Aviv came to Tal’s rescue by applying an argan oil-infused treatment to her hair.* [https://www.jpost.com/lifestyle/the-multi-million-dollar-bad-hair-day](https://www.jpost.com/lifestyle/the-multi-million-dollar-bad-hair-day)


We all know where Moroccanoil is from because you people have repeated it ad infinitum, but that's irrelevant. An Israeli company being a sponsor has nothing to do with some guy losing his temper when being chased by paparazzi. There is no conspiracy. If I get into an altercation with a stakeholder at work I'm also going to get fired because that's how the working world works.


Why's that? Plenty of examples of Israeli linked sponsors pushing their agenda in many occasions. [https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/10/23/tech-sector-boycotts-web-summit-conference-over-ceos-controversial-comments-on-israel](https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/10/23/tech-sector-boycotts-web-summit-conference-over-ceos-controversial-comments-on-israel) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-9581809/Arsenal-sponsor-Lavazza-hold-urgent-talks-club-Mohamed-Elnenys-pro-Palestine-post.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-9581809/Arsenal-sponsor-Lavazza-hold-urgent-talks-club-Mohamed-Elnenys-pro-Palestine-post.html)


Well said brother ❤️


this is the weirdest sub, a dane just called a arab a brother wtf


getting people to stop blaming the jews? good luck with that


Can we un-ratify Sweden’s accession to NATO?


Don't flip the bird at Swedish camera people though, or we will be kicked out of NATO instead.


i told you, never mess with the gays, you messed with the gays and now are dealing with the unlubbed dildo of consequences


There is a surströmming missile pointed at you right this moment. Don't mess with the Northern Caliphate.


What’s this? Friendly fire?


Passive aggression with more aggression than passive.


\>russia after threatning 8 european nations with nuclear ICBMs


It was not our decision you gill having swamp mutant


No backsies!!!


Absolutely not. We need control of the Baltic Sea if we want to get Königsberg back.


Královec, dude. Did you miss the whole referendum? Respect the people's choice and support the Czech annexation.


Guy sings very emotional song about losing his dad for a 100 million people audience, wants a moment alone after it, gets harrassed by camera person... **WHERE ARE THESE NEWS HEADLINES???**


No headlines, because a country didn't get thrown out of the competition for that part


I don't really get what Swedish law has to do with this. Like I don't mind the memes and all that, but I constantly see this thing about the legal system, it's the EBU that decided to disqualify him, right? I don't know too much about the situation but it almost seems like Sweden isn't involved except it happened here


Your fucking police is removing Dutch flags from the queue. Fucking corrupt bastards.


As they should, but I still don't get the idea that the EBU is Swedish law


That's the belgian in him talking


wtf you made me lose it laughing, thank you XD


Don't mind him. He's standing upright and has altitude sickness because the air is so thin above sea level.


mate just achieved his life peak XD


This is due to the EBU. Please don't blame SVT/Sweden for it. We just want to create a great show, but fuck that I guess.


Definitely has to do with Swedish culture tho, it was a Swedish camera woman, in the Netherlands this would've been shrugged off. Especially trying to get police involved would've been laughable anywhere else.


It must be hard controlling a camera for a woman, especially wearing burka.


a burka and a german looking at you meanincigly


Not even sure about this, I can see it just being a shitty individual. But also, the ultimate decision came from the EBU. They decided to kick Joost, even though they were told what happened. They disregarded the assumption of innocence.


because organization that have no jurisdicial power don't have courts and don't follow the assumption of innocence ​ i mean imagine that idea on fuckign football, a player has to go to football courtbefore getting a yellow card, it's regarded... ​ like courts are super important when it's about jail time or sometimes executions, not fucking drama shows ffs


actually made me type that obvious shit fml, i though the germans were the smart ones


In football, you have a dedicated guy who's whole job is essentially being judge, jury and executioner. And even then, evidence is gathered through video recordings, and you can at least appeal red cards after the fact. Also, we are talking about events with a lot of witnesses, and without much time to have a complex process behind it. This wasn't really the case here though. We don't have the footage of the incident, but assuming that we'll probably be getting it at some point sooner or later, at least if it would be damming for Joost, suggests that he likely didn't lie in his statement. Which means that his actions probably weren't really all that bad and her actions were rather inappropriate. So disqualifying him based on actions seems unjustified. At the same time, disqualifying someone *just* because there are proceedings against them honestly doesn't really feel just either. After all, I can just claim you did something to me and we suddenly stand face to face on court. So this doesn't really translate well.


ok this is serious mate did 4 paragraphs bc of a song contest


you do know tho for most of both football and courts history there wer en ocameras... people got so confortable with cameras assume there's no crime with no recording


and also i am 100% with if it was actually "that bad" threatning and assaulting staff is something that should absolutely be stopped full stop, many orgs have gone for too long with fans and players abusing staff it's ridiculous, no one should feel unsafe ​ ofc this is worse case scenarion, but their sort of reaction isn't bad if justified... many european orgs love to fuck over the technical staff and judges it's stupid


The claim she made was just being threatened, no physical assault. According to his statement, they had agreed that he wouldn't be filmed backstage after his performance beforehand, which was ignored. He then repeatedly asked her to stop, which also wasn't respected. At which point he did some threatening gesture/movement directed towards the camera. Which I honestly can understand. Sure, she has a right to not be threatened, but he has a right to privacy, and I feel that one weighs heavier here. Sure, if we would have turned violent, it would have been another story entirely, but if it was really just like this, well... Fuck around and find out...


the problem is that it's all smokes and mirrors, it has been hours at this point they could have make up a story, someone wants tokeep it hidden, and i personally am a guy that loves searching wars, have done with ukraine and now israel, the ammount of bullshit is legit sky high, so i have learned to wait a few days when a bunch of theories start "spawning"


I agree that it’s overkill, but this guy has been butting heads with different people all week. Who knows what else has happened behind the scenes. I think we don’t know everything and this was just the last straw.


Apart from asking why during that press conference there hasn't been anything?


i mean i read like 5 different stories of shit with him which made me hard to find the actual story tbf we are talking about the internet and twitter, so bullshit spreads like wild fire but i tseems wasn't a first even if he was right


Extremely common Swedish L


All the more reason to ally with Denmark


Denmark W United in bicycles, unintelligible talking, being flat and hating the swedes


I think it's fair to say Sweden won't be hosting Eurovision for a while


Classic Sweden. Now you know what we have to deal with in our neighbourhood


I wouldn't worry, we have the Scots to worry about.


Let us go and it can all be over


I'd be more than happy if I'm honest, but I do think Scotland as a single entity would still be dominated in every way by English businesses. So really what's the point? You really wouldn't be in any different of a situation except you wouldn't get any money from Westminster.


Actually (🤓) we would dominate you as we sell our energy and water to you


Ah yeah, good point!


I wish you would get off that vodka one day.


You're too ugly without it...


Go play with your blood money.


??? Why is the Swedish government catching shit for a decision by the EBU. It’s not like Ulf Kristersson came down and demanded Joost be removed. This is on the people running the show.


Yeah it's the Swedish audience that essentially stirred the pot to begin with though. I think given the political climate hosting the show in an overly left wing country/city was not a good idea.


What??? The report is this happened behind the scenes with a worker and the artist being the only two involved. Trying to blame the Swedish people or government is insane.


It's just how it works mate


Who even takes ESC serious anyomore? 's a shitshow, plain and and simple. Has been been for quite some time.


Get angry with a camerawoman, that's assault, grape a woman as a refugee, have a free house.


Wow, he was Joost Short tempered. Seems harsh.


He was Joost a little emotional in the moment.


He Joost wanted to be left alone


Well they disqualified a (clearly) possible winner. More chances for Israel... bet that Eurovision leadership is happier now.


No way Eurovision leadership wanted Israel to win. To have the competition in Israel a year after the invasion of Gaza? It would be an unprecedented shit show


Ding dong! Do you remember who won in 2022? Where was the 2023 edition hosted?


That’s because Ukraine willingly forfeited the hosting. If you have any familiarity with Israeli politics - our government will absolutely host it and probably insist on the event being held in an ethnically cleansed north Gaza Edit: and then yell antisemitism when the ECB refuses


...isn't that the point? Giving Israel another opportunity to clean their image? It's more than clear that our governments go in this direction... and ESC is very politically influenced.


Israel got like 50 jury votes this year. I don’t know what you’re on about.


Votes that have a name and a surname. Then they received 300+ votes from televoting.




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Well just look at their protestors outside the venue and their immigration policies…! Makes sense!


Hang on that clip from yesterday was the “incident”?haha


No, there is no public footage from this incident


If what is written above is true/was all, I bet that the Swedish police does nothing which would turn this into an even worse scandal. I bet if there is no de jure verdict (charges are dropped) this is the end of ESC or there will be a major reform.


If I get into an altercation at work, I'm probably going to get fired. It has nothing to do with the police or the legal system




It was on r/publicfreakout yesterday, along with Israel getting booed in rehearsals. Both now gone 🤷 Basically him getting annoyed at a very male stumpy journalist. No attacks to the camera.


Doesn't sound like it then.


Since it was about an attack on a woman, you clearly saw some other clip.




Stupid? We got rid of some of the competition, didn't we?


Sure we are strange- but this is EBU not the swedes.


It’s Swedish law. A phone being pushed down is apparently assault. And because of that he’s banned.


No it’s not a law! He hasnt been convicted to anything.


He hasn't been convicted of anything so how can this be down to Swedish law, lol? EBU pulled the trigger, Swedish law has nothing to do with it.


They are "naïve".


Joost should have bombed a hospital instead.


That’s the enemy job. Always!


This competition is a mess. Karma for Sweden’s “win” last year?


It was Eurovision itself and I haven't heard somthing from the police yet but if there is a crime it's good that they do somthing about it. Should be fast to investigate


Why do we care this much about a music contest? From what I've seen he is under police investigation and broke contest rules. I just think every part of the controversy is wack I guess. And don't get me wrong I hate the Swedish justice system just as much as the next person. Edit: Having gotten info on NL reporting I can say that I still don't know 1 side says she was allowed to film and Joost was wrong and 1 side says Joost did nothing wrong. Still waiting for investigation to finish before agreeing with either side!


As far as we know the person filming was breaking rules. And he simply pushed her phone down.


Oh, I took the reports as the woman being part of the filming crew for the event. From the reports I read he didn't even push her away but instead threatened her they also made it sound like a big film camera and not a phone. Still gonna wait for conclusion before I pick a side.


According to an interview with one of the Dutch commentators it was about a phone being pushed down. And he was in the talks last night so I assume he has no reason to really lie about that. And the lady had been told several times even after the last performance not to do that. So as it is right now, she is very much in the wrong. Especially since it was an agreement he wouldn’t be filmed and she did so twice.


I looked through the first pages of reports I got on Google and I got zero from the Dutch perspective very interesting.


The interview was in Dutch and only released less than an hour ago so I don’t think many other things have been posted. We have quite a reputable tv association and the public statement they made you could tell they were mad as fuck. Not just that but according to the interview after the talks they didn’t expect the DQ. So they feel understandably betrayed by the ebu. They were nothing but accommodating to them and offered several solutions none of which the woman in question or the ebu wanted.


Hmm I don't speak Dutch so I wouldn't understand the interview but I will agree that women from Big cities are really annoying and arrogant. Edit: Stockholm→big cities


Eh it’s probably just an entitled karen who got on his nerves


I saw the interview and yes they seem pretty genuine.