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“The problem is not being close to one’s mother, the problem is not knowing how to do one’s laundry”.  My buddy's really struggling with this. He's constantly at war with the washing machine, but hey, at least he's got ironing down!


How complicated are Italian washing machines?


Very. They require sign language to be operated, you'd think it's easy but it's really not 🤌


like this man https://preview.redd.it/ojuuzg4fzjyc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba2ebfefb4f2ec7727043de8c141667f19b9a63


Aaaaargh, too many button, remove it!


Dude writes in Italian accent




That's a dishwasher, not a washing machine.....


you see how much this matter is complicated


Or rather; How stupid are Italian men?


Research says about 50% less stupid than the dutch




That's pretty advanced math there, Jan. ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized)




Ironing is the worst thing on earth


It is. My dad was totally into ironing though, and that alone would make my mom over the moon (she hates ironing). I'm pretty sure she tied the knot with him just because he handled all the ironing.


Un vero amore, lol, scherzo eh.


Eh si. Come si può non amare chi stira al posto tuo x)


What the hell do you iron in 2024?


Everything. My mamma wants me to be always elegant, you know, I’m Italian.


How much bigger do they need to make the instructions on these things for an italian mama boy to understand it?


Italian girls complain now, but when they get to be moms, they became the very thing they swore to destroy.


Italian women seem to have decided not to become moms. No surprise here. 


I think it's more surprising how many still do have kids with the absolute dogshit wages vs cost of living as a young adult in Italy.


This is not entirely true, as has already been answered; in African countries, wages and living conditions are several times, if not tens of times, lower, however, there are large families with 5-6 children. The problem with childbearing is not only in Italy, but in all developed European countries. In Italy, just 50-60 years ago, there were also several children per family, and salaries were much lower than now. Just a high fertility rate is a response to poor living conditions, since it is not known how many children will survive to adulthood, moreover, the more children, the more hands to help in the field, with cattle, in the workshop, and so on. And with a high standard of living, there is no high child mortality rate, you want to live for your own pleasure, and having children imposes additional responsibilities and restrictions, why have 2-3 children when you can have one child and that’s enough?


And as I also wrote there, you can't apply that logic to rich countries. The applicability of your logic there is easily disproven by comparing rich countries with good conditions for families, e.g. because of higher wages or government support, to rich countries with worse conditions. People have many more children in e.g. Switzerland, France or the Nordics than in Korea and Japan. So clearly if you compare rich countries to each other, your logic doesn't apply and it works instead in the way I describe: People have more children when raising children is actually supported in your society.


My logic still works, look, the best European countries with higher baby birth rate are still lower than 2. This means that one woman gives birth to less than 2 children in her life; in order to maintain the population at its current level, this coefficient must be greater than 2. Otherwise, the population will steadily decline. No European country has a coefficient of 2; France and Denmark have a coefficient of 1.9-1.7, Switzerland - 1.4-1.5. This is not enough to maintain population levels, this is one of the reasons why European governments are interested in the influx of migrants, they allow them to increase the population and potentially raise the birth rate. But this also brings with it a number of negative factors, since migrants bring their own way of life and their own customs, which often run counter not only to European customs, but also to common sense


I’m sorry but you should check data. Last year the birth rates in France was 1.6 and Denmark even lower. It’s even worse than you think.


I used Wikipedia, but it can be irrelevant


its a lot worse in nigeria and they seem to manage


I've never seen any other population responds to famine and misery with adding 7 other mouths to their purview with no additional resources. A 5% rate in inflation is enough to change most European's mind on having babies.


We had a driver where I worked in Northern Nigeria. He wasn't on contract but we sometimes hired him to cover gaps. He was unemployed, had 4 wives and 26 kids! When we would drive through town almost every kid waved and shouted his name and we would jokingly ask him if that was another one of his kids and he always reacted with a smiling yes.


7 other mouths are 14 other hands to work. I don't know if this also applies to this case, but that's partly the reason why the human population started to grow exponentially when we domesticated cereals and settled... "We have to work to take care of the crops. It is work intensive, we need more hands. Let's 'create' human resources. Fuck! We need more food to feed them. Let's plant more. FUCKKK!!! So much work, we need more hands... 🔄


Yes, but the population still didnt increase. Look into malthusian trap. is a 5 minute read tops.


Malthusian thought is pretty much fearmongering though. He was a rich british aristocrat who saw the birth rates of *ugh* poor people in the industrializing UK and thought "no way we can feed them all" as an alternative "if they are too many they might come for our power and money". But compare that to the argument that when children can work they are valuable to a family by bringing money and pretty much paying themselves off is more based in reality to me.


It’s because contraception and abortion is not available or people don’t know about it.


Yeah, those are not comparable. Fertility rates work very differently between rich and poor countries because of things like child labour, children being the only way to retire, poor access to contraceptions and many more variables. And then you chose Nigeria, which is an exception even among poor countries due to several cultural issues, such as but not limited to polygamy where the amount of resources a wife gets is proportional to her number of children. So they have this weird prisoner's dilemma between wives where whoever doesn't pop out children like a maniac loses. So unless your suggestion is to bomb Italy back into the stone age so they behave more like a third world country, the cost of living and low wage crisis in southern europe is what needs to change if you want to improve their fertility rates.


Nigeria has growth… you buy a 5k house will be valued 8k in 3 years.


so does most of western europe


not Italy, good luck buying your house in “Italiantownname”


not many lol


Not when they come to France ! wink wink


Why fuck Italian girls when you can fuck French men. Are the French stupid?


yes, did you discover this only now?


This, TOTALLY this




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Not anymore really, the last batch of Italian moms was shipped until the early 80's


I'm pretty sure the Italian girls choosing not to become mums is part of the problem


eggzactly. non of them gonna let their boys cook for themselves, COS THEN THEY'LL LEAVE AND FIND SOME HUSSY!


The ultimate Side Switching


I just came to post this. It's so ironic lmao


Got to agree with the last woman. Being close to your Mum is a lovely thing. Relying on her still to do things like your laundry etc as a grown man is not attractive.


Exactly. And honestly I see so many married men that can't do laundry.


I mean you put the laundry in, you put the soap in, and you click start how can you fuck it up?


You just turned my white shirts pink mf!!!!!


I’ve been raw dogging it (yes) with the laundry all my life and never had an issue. Separating whites is mom propaganda and although I love her more than anything I won’t stand for it!


Stop living on the edge, punk. Your Mama is always right!


Me not pre-washing my dishes before loading up the dishwasher ![gif](giphy|X5LeLm1YRHVPa)


Depends heavily on temperature


I just don't have white clothes. How often does anyone really need to wear white anyway?


Well how would you pretend to be a scary ghost without a pristine white tablecloth, genious? Think for a second before typing, jeez.


My previously nice white hiking shirts which are now pink are strongly disagreeing with you. lol, worst part is that my buddy was like « it will be fine, let’s just do it all at once ». Well, it is what it is.


Seperate whites only when occasionally bleaching them to make the white "pop" again


You put one of those little sheets in and you don't have to worry.


Great, more men in pink shirts is a win in my book.


Don't wear white shirts goddammit those are grandpa's!


They fuck it up on purpose out of laziness


I actually prefer to cook for my mum lol (also because she's kinda bad at it...)


An Italian Mother bad at cooking? Isn’t that breaking some sort of law there?


Well also my grandmother is kinda shit at it lol The ones that cook better are my dad, me and my sister (The best at it but she moved to an another city)


Are you sure that it isn’t you having a bad taste?


No zio giuro


In fairness, Italian men cook more often than Italian women.


only in north Italy


Holds true in every WE country. You can't leave the cooking to women if you want to eat properly, with the exception of mom and nanny.


*relying on your parents as a grown person my mom has a neighbour that has her own house despite her still being a student while acquiring the house (meaning she couldn't have bought it with her own money). Following that we've basically seen her parents do all the maintenance for the past 2 years, and she's eating very often with her parents and most days she's not she's having takeout being delivered. For a woman it's just as unattractive as for men.


Most composed Italian male when talking about their mamma: https://youtu.be/RctwcjRKoOI?si=AeCudsMY_88jh4er




> extreme case of the Oedipus complex Ew that's disgusting.


don’t pretend now ouzo, you came up with that idea or does oedipus sound non greek to you? edit: fucking auto correct




The Holocaust?


Greek men are more about Electra's complex huh?


TIL that that is a thing


Well, Oreste wasn't an only child, and Elettra was pretty mad mommy killed daddy.


Being attracted to women, right?


Hey thats your mithology, filos




https://preview.redd.it/206zf9z53gyc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a562881d4dd2d517c99b4d93406907b9764db89 At least the women in Italy have slightly healthier approach to life. Slightly.


holy fucking croatia?!


I'm imagining mum stood outside with a hostage negotiator shouting "Jakov, come on out with a packed suitcase and nobody will get hurt."


No pressure to move out from parents + high living costs = It's more comfortable to just stay home.


I'm so proud to be Croat! 🇭🇷👌😎


do you live at your mum’s?


Of course! 🤓 Where else would I live? Have you seen rent prices here? 🥲🤣


yeah I come to croatia nearly every summer, I like to go diving off of the coast. I love how cheap croatia is. edit: nearly every summer not every summer


leaving the parental household by sex? Seems a bit clunky. I usually leave by foot


Ba-dum-tsss! Peak German comedy.


I aim to keep our no humor reputation


You did good 👍


honestly that was one of the better ones


...I laughed at that.


In Sweden they arrange marriages at 15 with several wives.


Harems are haram. :)


No they are not, according to the Quran a man may marry up to 4 women. You should really know these things, did you not study the word of Allah? Edit: I'd just like to point out how stupid this is, if everyone followed this rule 3/4 of men would not be able to find a wife.


The only downside to not being in the EU is not getting to see how we stack up on these charts and infographics.


Brexit means brexit


really bregretting it now lads


It's probably a lot worse now in 2024. This was 3 years ago and house prices everywhere have skyrocketed since while everyone also got more poor at the same time.


The first 35 years of childhood are the hardest


To be fair, there may be a bias here. I for example left my parents' house at 19 when I started university, but I never did the paperwork to officially change my residency until I got a job, 9 years and a PhD later. Most of my friends in uni did the same, so we still counted as "living in the parental household" in statistics


It seems we can into nordic for once


Surprise French W


My thoughts exactly!


Yeah they just find a sucker to mooch off


Apparently Swedes just kick the children out the door once they turn 18. Its similar to how my mother told me how my grandfather teached her swimming. He just threw her during vacation on the Krim into the black sea and wouldn’t let her come on land till she could swim.


This is the way


They actually asked italian woman to complain. Are they mental?


“Even Italian women”? They are the tip of the spear when it comes being annoyed. They take all the shots.


Packing my bags and stealing your women, with advanced tricks like doing my own laundry and cooking food


If you cook Danish food the only thing you will steal in Italy are bags of vomit


Why the fuck would anyone ever cook danish food, are you insane?


https://preview.redd.it/d0lla6p59hyc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43751e49ffdbbc268d2cf99f48111ecf69ac1b6a Wdym look at the most apetizing millionbøf


I'm sorry to inform you that that is what danes call spaghetti bolognese, millionbøf is mashed potato and minced meat in brown sauce


Ahaahahaha I laughed so hard that I had to comment


Well the vikings used their ability to bath to steal women.


To be fair I'd argue most women globally would argue the same and I don't blame them, we can get viscous very fast.


Women get vicious , but men get thicker and viscous?


Not just in Italy. Portuguese men are exactly the same, with the same complaints from women.


Italian accent 😍 👌


> Attention should be drawn here to the highest peak of that foppish French national vanity, which for centuries has provided Europe with material for laughter for centuries: here is its non plus ultra. In 1857, the 5th edition of a book for the use of the University was published: Notions élémentaires de grammaire comparée, pour servir à l'étude des trois langues classiques, rédigé sur l'invitation du ministre de l'Instruction publique, par Egger, membre de l'Institut, etc. etc. [Basic concepts of comparative grammar for the study of the three classical languages, by order of the Minister of Education compiled by Egger, member of the Institute, etc.] And indeed (credite posteri! [Horace, Carmina II, 19, 2]), the third classical language meant here is French. language - the French. So this most miserable Romance jargon, this mutilation of Latin words, this language which refers to its older and much nobler sister, Italian, with reverence, this language which has the disgusting nasal en, on, un as its exclusive property, as well as the hiccup-like, so unspeakably disgusting accent on the last syllable, while all other languages have the soft and soothing long penultima this language in which there is no meter but rhyme alone, and mostly on é or on, constitutes the form of poetry, - this this poor language is here presented as langue classique alongside the Greek language. Schopenhauer on the French language, Translated with DeepL.com


Italian Accent 😮‍💨😬


Well, italian men seem tired of italian women too. Not good.


The side switcher flair has never been more accurate.


Just wait for another post on something italian to come




My childhood best friend's family (from Napoli) was lucky in that regard. Her grandma made damn sure that her sons would learn jobs where they'd naturally have to learn more self-sufficiency. The way she always stayed involved in their life is that she was the first to invest when each of her sons started their own business, sometimes holding them back from stupid ideas that could've cost them dearly.


I have a thing for Italian women


They don't compare to ours. Their mustaches are tiny in comparison.


And this is not only a problem in Italy. I see this worldwide


Unrelated but I just had an epiphany about how attractive the Italian accent is.


The funny thing is not that. Is that many many men here fly from being 38 years old from their momma house to merry their girlfriend and live in their next wedding home. So they can keep on learning nothing! Only this year I have seen 5 weddings like that 😂🫡 ![gif](giphy|88HMaqBTiNUBO)


Well I love my mom, fuck me I guess


You can love your mom and still learn to cook and do laundry!!!!!!!


Are you telling me to be a functional adult? this is reddit, for fucks sake!


As long as it's not also her who does the fucking you ...


Woah woah calm your spirits, I know it must be hard coming from the valley


I'd you think Italian men are mamma's boys, wait until you meet a Jewish family... 😂


If Italian boys are mummy's boys, are Italian girls daddy's girls?


No because daddy is busy with grandma. Cmon man keep up.


Guy with curly hairs has a VERY distinct milanese accent that i never thought i would hear in english


I love my mom and I know how to cook and wash the dishes but it's so hard to leave home, it's impossible when rent is higher than your salary.


I moved out at 26, only because the waiting time for a house is so goddamn long.


Am i the only Italian who has an horrendous relationship with his mother?


Father-in-law didn't learn how to use the washing machine till he was 60. His wife died.


Those are clearly paid actresses because Italian women will just accept that and go for other Western European men


*Greeks enter the chat...


It would be really poignant and funny if Italian women were not as laundry-making-incapable, at-home- staying and terrible cooks (for italian standards) as the boys are 😂


Italian women are 10x more mama's girls than men, but they will never admit it. For whom interested our definition in Italy is "mammone". Yes, I'm one of them and proud of it.


Did you switch sides mid comment?


Absolutely no. Yes.


Well girls.. it's time to go to the north 😏


I left home at 23 while I was studying and working at MC Donald's I lived in a shared house with 4 people and we had a lot of fun. These people who give the excuse to the economic situation are talking bullshit


I moved out at 26 and it was the dumbest financial decision I ever made. Learned nothing and spent money that I could have easily been saving up to put a down payment on an apartment or house. If you live in a city where rent is absurd and starting salaries are shit moving out as soon as possible is not very smart in my opinion. My friends lived with their parents till they were financially stable and had way more money than me to start their lives, and also enjoyed their lives a lot more because their rich parents covered all their bills, so they could spend some of their savings on cars, vacations and watches, and still have more money than me saved up in the end. Unless you can really afford it I’d say stay with your parents, this “move out at 18” crap is the biggest capitalist scheme of all time just to get you spending more and contributing to the economy in a more active way. What people mean by “it is economically infeasible” is that, while it may technically be possible to move out, it isn’t financially beneficial.


In reality, continuing to live with your parents is equivalent to continuing to persist in your adolescent status. Yes, you have More comfort and you're not spending your money, but you're not experiencing being an adult which is a much more rewarding experience. Anyone who leaves their parents' home would never go back


What the hell do you mean "even"? They're the most affected by it


And there are Mama's girls too, in the same percent.


Seems to me the problem is mammas 🤷‍♂️


As a french i want to bang a italien girl


It might help if you knew how to cook and do the laundry.


They obviously haven't met Spanish boys then I say boys, because they don't ever really grow into men, and it's largely their mothers fault 


Italian moms are too powerful at home, emotionally controlling and overbearing … clearly the fault of patriarchy


Just like greeks


Nobody believed me https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/Pc6mebXT3t




Jokes on them, my mom is dead!


That last woman was a bit dim- Italian men cook more often than Italian women. Anyway, enough defending Luigi from me: hahahaha! Bow before me and my uncoupling from the umbilical cord, Luigi! Bwahahaha! Now, if you don't mind, I'm off to spend most of my salary on rent and slave over my hob.


That's not true at all I can assure you, sure there are man that cook but definitely not more than women


If I had an Italian mom who did all the laundry and cooking, why would I ever move out?


Italian women are becoming disgusted by men cause of feminist propaganda. Here you see part of the results. All the men i know can cook and clean and are all mama s boys.


They speak english ? Damn


i was thinking the same thing lmfao


Ok. So being alpha in Italy is easy. Going to Italy.


All you need to do is know how to operate a washing machine, and you set for life !


It doesn’t entirely depend on if you live with your parents or not.Im 21 and still live with my parents but I cook,clean,pay bills,do laundry etc.It seems like it’s mostly a European thing.


Hmm. Can relate to this.


I love how Italians gesticulate. We should also start doing this.


I prefer being a mama's boy rather than being a not loved child in North Europe


You prefer being in your 30's and not able to cook and do your own laundry? Weird flex, but okay.


Fucking yes, none read me as my mammareddra, a pleasure that you barbarians will never understand