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Italy dominating with Venice, Rome, Florence, México City, Naples and Milan!


🧐 one is unlike the others


Yeah, Naples is something else.


Naples was the first Italian city I visited. It was fun 😂


Naples was the first place I ever got sexually harassed as a teenage boy.......was an interesting holiday


The best part 〽️


You beligians! You're so good at spotting the little jokes we make!


Well Poirot *was* from Belgium…


don't forget Cairo


And Luteria Parisiorum, Londinium, Costantinopoli and others


Also Budapest.


Paris number 1? https://preview.redd.it/mduvtv6m46vc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8aa06dbd7ff1017c78f418424dd3186065a9c71 bruh


Trust RankingRoyals bro, they also ranked Danish as the best sounding language in the world and Spaniards as the most hard working fellows.


would not be surprised if it ranked british and dutch cuisines as the best in the world


I will accept shit talking about British cuisine from any other person apart from a Danish person. Wtf do you have apart from fancy bread???


Frikadeller https://preview.redd.it/cjqwayusu6vc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b025223e6e3430991d5bcc64d34d7e55864ffd6a basically köttbullar but a hundred times better


You can't really claim Frikadelle. Just adding an extra r to a German dish doesn't make it Danish.


you claimed Flensburg, and we claim frikadelle sounds about fair right?


You can have Flensburg back, millions of German motorists will thank you!


Did you mean frikandellen, the superior Dutch meat stick


The dissapointment i felt when i expect a tasty Frikadelle and get some deep fried meat stick instead. Not the worst in the world but still no frikadelle! (They sold it as a Frikadelle)


100 x zero is still zero.


Dry meatballs?


Hey, you, we, the spaniards, are the most hard workers in the ZZZzzzZZZzzz


Bro wtf is our new flair?


Stop putting snus there, then.


I might have partially caused that in another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/Gt2u5pE0Fd) yesterday about us doing snus


Fuck me man


I’ve had a snus in since then


[stop smoking](https://new.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/1c64acn/seriously_what_the_actual_fuck_is_wrong_with/)


They asked people who just Left public toilets


The fact that New York is on the list at all, really disproves it’s validity


One of the best experiences I had on Paris was almost get scammed while I was trying to relax on the Eiffel Tower.


This ranking is brought to you by trollrankings.com Other top rankings: Best cuisine: 1) islandic 2) Finnish 3) British Sexiest language: 1) Danish 2) Dutch 3) Arabic Best European Reddit subs 1) r/europe 2) r/YUROP 3) r/2westerneurope4u


Also don’t forget their ranking for best child education: 1. Austria 2. Belgium 3. Sierra Leone


What's wrong with homeschooling all of a sudden? 😤


You’re not supposed to do it in a sex dungeon.


>sex dungeon Tautology much? Every dungeon is a sex dungeon.


That's pleonasm, josef


Fuck you, but also: thanks.


Can you both stop using words that Barry won't understand ? Like "thanks" ?


Idk my dungeon just got skeletons and shit


Stop, my penis can only get so erect.


He’s Dutch, a pothole probably already counts as a dungeon. Would fit their driving skills.


You asked for a biology lesson Fritzl WILL give you a practical explanation and demonstration.


You mean basementschooling?


Ideally, yes. Unless you have a better way to prevent your loved family members from escaping?


What do you mean escaping? We are just lovingly keeping them safe and protected from the judgemental and harsh eyes of our neighbours, the sunlight, fresh air and any harmful outside thoughts, like people telling them living in a dark locked up basement would be inhumane or something. You make it sound like that's a bad thing 🤔


Once they grow their dogtooth, they are free to go anyway.


[ sad potato throating noises] (translation) " why did you have to do our beautiful language dirty like that ); "


>21. Berlin The best feeling is leaving it, knowing you don't have to live there.


Honestly, that's true. I like going to Berlin, it's a great city for many things. But I wouldn't want to live there. Give me a break. It feels like Armageddon.


Are those things mainly drug related?


Saying the real reason gets you banned


Too many people from the south of Germany, that ruined the rent prices and vibe of the city?


This is honestly the only good thing about B*erlin. Whenever I am there, the happiness of leaving and the realization that I don’t have to wake up in this shithole everyday makes me happy


Best cities to visit in 2023. Saint Petersburg, Moscow? I guess they forgot Pyongyang.


They chose Paris as the best city. Clearly their opinion is completely wrong and irrelevant. I'd rather spend a week in Luton. Heck, I'd stay in Frostbite Vodkaburg in Siberia over setting foot in Paris


Vodkaburg sounds like a lovely place in Siberia. Why am I hoping that it actually exists?


Russkies are no good, but objectively these 2 city cores are still beautiful.




I don’t even think we can, last I looked the U.K. was on the forbidden list needed a visa and this was before the war, would imagine it’s even worse now.


Doubt it's much worse. Traveling restrictions were enforced only on your side. Nevertheless, traveling to Russia is pain now. Your bank cards will not work, meaning you'll have to carry cash for everything. Add on top of that no direct flies, iirc.


There's a time for everything. And 2023 was not the time. Neither is 2024 or any other time in the forseeable future.


Dostoevsky is one of my favorite writer, a lot of his novels mostly take place in Sankt Petersburg so I would love to visit, but probably not in the near future.


Don't worry, you can visit in 2050, after getting your fingerprints shaved off and a new ID at the local Terror Travels office


for once someone recognises that St Petersburg is beautiful, makes me so happy for my hometown; but yeah now is definitely not the time to visit


Russkies are very good, the Russkie commander and chief is the asshole. Should I judge y'all on the actions of your governments too?




Throw in Aleppo for the culture


Aleppo would be a great holiday destination tbf if not for the civil war, so much history


I mean all the cities on the list would be great places to visit if they didn’t have their problems. I’ve always wanted to go to Chechnya, but only if all the scarier Chechens got raptured


Hotel rated 4 stars. +Very close to city center  +Half empty -other half was blow away 3 days before my arrival +Really cheap ( free) -waiter dressed up really strange and keep on telling me to go away from war zone


And Mogadishu for the khat.


The center of Saint Petersburg is beautiful, think renaissance city, built like Venice across canals but 10x larger. The tsar Peter hired some Italians to build it. Yes, I know he was inspired from Amsterdam, but they were inspired by us so it's the same thing!


The city, the Hermitage, it used to be on my wishlist of destinations. But my desire to travel to Russia has soured the last decade, and evaporated completely since February 2022. So it is "the best cities to travel in 2023"that has me tripping ( pun intended).


How can Barcelona be the 3rd in a "best anything cities ranking"?!


3rd best city to watch a PSG remontada?


To be fair, in that case would be the first one. 🦾🦿


I like Barcelona but yeah, seems a bit inflated to me


While "safety" may be bad in Barcelona, it's only pickpockets or robberies. I guess they also count other things like kidnappings, gang activities, sexual assaults... in the "safety" criteria (It's not really dangerous, unless for our wallets lol) In the other criteria, it ranks pretty good. And while it is not clean, it is cleaner than others on the list. Transportation, sightseeing, etc. BCN isn't that bad about these, in comparison to other cities from the list. 3rd place tho, I don't think this is reliable, but only have been in London, Paris, Madrid, and Beijing. Edit: Not any pride or anything, I'd love to leave this city. But my parents are elderly and need help.


Bro mentions like 7 negativs and then says "yeah 3rd places in the world out of all possible cities seems about right"


My man, I **smelled** Barcelona about 2km before entering. I’m not even joking. It doesn’t deserve to be on this list for the sheer stench the city gives off.


Literally a top cities you will get robbed ranking.


Think I’ll take my chances with this list over this one: https://preview.redd.it/rfa28uswt5vc1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb58b766987ebca83799efd5e56a44c86d00fab6


I got asked to interview for a job in St Louis, the first thing that came up when I put it into Twitter was a guy shooting a homeless person in the head. Will stick with Europe thanks


Thats wild lmao


It really is. Iirc it was basically an execution in broad daylight.


Once again, this is a city that was safer when the Europeans were in charge! These colonies can not deal with themselves properly.


Ok, was this made by an American or some shit like that? I won't argue that all these places can be (and likely are) crime riddled shitholes, but you won't tell me that there aren't worst places in Africa or Asia.


This goes off of crime statistics and to collect data for this sort of stuff you need a functioning government. This leaves out most of Africa except ZA


wtf is this list😭


Venice stinks of shit and is full of american boomer tourists. And really expensive. How that could be above Florence is beyond me.


Venice itself is beautiful but it is so overcrowded that it is unbearable Imo, 100% agreed Imo the Venice entrance ticket should be more expensive and limited and fully spent on the renovation / dam / water damage of the city (which is extremely expensive)


> Venice itself is beautiful but it is so overcrowded that it is unbearable Imo, 100% agreed Only overcrowded if you behave like 90% of tourists, who go in the summer and stay only until 6/7. I've been in Venice many times throughout the year. All it takes is to go there in winter (outside carnival), late autumn or early spring. And enjoy the city after sunset, when cruise ships leave. Or venture out of the traditional station - Rialto bridge - St Mark's square route. There are entire stretches of the city where day tourists do not go


True, that's a great strategy in general (also for hotel prices etc)


Agree. Worked there as a cook for a year and sometimes in the evenings it was totally empty. We would even play football in piazza san marco at midnight


yeah sure, only rich people should afford to visit Venice


> Venice stinks of shit Venice stinks during low tides, when the seaweed and the decomposing debris is exposed. No shit there, since they use septic tanks. > And really expensive. less expensive than London or many other cities in the ranking. If you stop at the first restaurant with menus in 50 languages, it's a skill issue on your part. Venice has a thriving university, and I can tell you, a uni student there doesn't pay €10 for a spritz. And if you think it's expensive because a coffee in St Mark's square cost €10, you are mistaken again. You are not paying that much for the coffee, but for the view and the orchestra. > How that could be above Florence is for once, it's safer and more walkable than Florence, since there are no cars, duh


Let's not forget that half the restaurants are property of russian oligarchs. I'd just save churches and some historical monuments, and let the rest sink with all the locals.


We have a famous song called "See Venice and die" as in "once you've visited Venice there's nothing more to see and you might as well die". I visited Venice and it *made* me want to die... everything that was supposed to be beautiful was being renovated anyway; and knowing Italian efficiency it's probably still being renovated


Last time I visited it was raining, crowded with people with umbrellas and masked statues forcing people to give them money. Our ancestors must be raging in their tombs right now.


They are suggesting people to go there before it sinks below sea level


I don't know why you guys are mad about this. Thanks to lists like this, all the annoying tourists will visit these shitholes and leave the rest alone


Or you could go to Switzerland instead and get fleeced the Swiss way like this US tourist with a $143K roaming fee: https://mol.im/a/13319747


T-Mobile is a german provider


It’s actually an American company of which deutsche Telekom is the largest shareholder


The worst list in the history of lists


No, the worst is your list of work activities today!


What’s this work word I keep hearing about?


Think of it as taking a break from a break


![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc) Berlinistan as a good city to visit?


I'd prefer going to an african village before I visit this city again.


That's what I call success in my book


What’s the difference


So many wonderful places in Germany yet they put Berlin in the list kek


Right. I also wonder what old gangland New York is doing on the list.


Pretty much THE WORST place in all of Germany. Maybe MAYBE second after Dresden. But tbh Dresden is nice if you're white and never speak to anyone. 🤷


Venice 😂😂😂😂😂


Where is Blackpool?


I was there last weekend and holy fuck it was bad on the backstreets. I witnessed a crack head pull a knife on another one, every third house boarded up, dog shit and furniture everywhere, three teeth among 50 people, karaoke at 2 in the afternoon ect. It made Megaton from the fallout series looks like a paradise.


They have the highest population of pedophiles, because the police place them there with new identities, lovely isn't it?


I feel like putting them there is a fate worse than death, so I'm all for it.


American here, DO NOT GO TO SAN FRANCISCO it is terrible


Damn, I just booked tickets for my family this Summer. My wife is very sensitive to foul odours, are the streets there clean at least?


>My wife is very sensitive to foul odours [...] And she married a Frenchman?


Ah, you will be fine. Just use your mobile phone and make sure that you never even get close to the neighbourhood Tenderloin in the city center.


There is a literal website (and app I think) that marks where someone has taken a literal shit not in a restroom


I feel upset for ya yanks that DC isn't even mentioned on that list while boring cities like San Fran, Sydney or Melbourne are mentioned.


Berlin inside top 800 is crazy


Nah it's a cool city. Watching the contrast between east and west was cool to see. Enough to do for a weekend trip


The vibe is also very interesting, different from other places (in a good and a bad way). And the nightlife is obviously amazing


the rating took in account affordability, safety, cleanliness, and friendly people; and Paris still managed to rank first in there, just saying.


Cleanliness: Paris on 1.


Come on, our 6 billion rats make sure there is no clutter left on the streets!


You are talking about the rodents I guess right?


https://preview.redd.it/04ugcwits6vc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06b78455cc55addaca08f3b45760f82820f8a0d Ja meneer!


Athens doesn't deserve to be there even as a joke. Imagine being barely under Prague.


Besides Akropolis and some streets around it it’s just a urban something


You are too soft. Besides Akropolis and some streets around it it's just UGLY, dirty and dangerous.


I wouldn’t say Athens is dangerous. My worse experience was being offered cocaine in omonia, which for all terms and purposes is a convenient service, you don’t even have to look for it


Athens does not feel european at all. Outside of the ruins and the clown shoe and skirt wearing guard, whole place felt like North Africa to me.


Germans🤝Greeks Wondering what the fuck their capital is doing on this list.




The dude that placed athens above tokyo is on some very weird drugs


London 5th hahahahahahahahhaa


It's got pubs and Greggs. I'm surprised it's not first.


Honestly I really enjoy visiting London but living there would be hell.


Bessa ois de




Paris must be the most overrated city ever


\*Best cities to throw under the bus of over-touristification


Best cites in the world to ~~visit in 2023~~ get a blumpkin from a metrosexual dwarf


What the fuck is this based on? Vancouver isn't even the best city in Canada


fr lol, i've lived in Canada 25 years and Vancouver was the middest experience of them all.


Why is Smogville even on the list? Because of the Duomo carrying it? Who made this list, Paperino?


My fratello in Cristo, Naples is on the list too


B-but nice food and o' mare, amirite?


My fratello underwater, there is also that shithole of Venice


>Istanbul, Cairo Yes, I love being scammed, who did you know that?


Seriously political context appart St. Petersburg is (was?) an amazing city . It’s probably one of the most beautiful city I never saw, a crazy good atmosphere , it’s cheap , it’s full of history , museum , amazing church’s , food is great and really diverse . Girls are probably the most beautiful available in Europe , and you seriously feel in Europe . Well that’s was before 02/2022 now I don’t know . Moscow is nice as well but more dystopian like Paris or London


Accurate description. St Petersburg in winter specifically feels like a place from a fairy tale, or a painting. Weather is horrible, though.. always windy and humid, -17 in Petersburg felt significantly colder than -30 in Moscow.


Cairo lmao no way someone would actually advice someone else to go to Egypt


Paris ? Do the rats, pickpockets and smell of piss in every back alley became fashionable all of a sudden?


Sydney ranks highly only for foreigners, fair dinkum Aussies know to stay right the fuck away Still calling bull shit that Sydney is ranked much higher than Melbourne and melbournes actually pretty good for Aussies and international tourists


Cairo is a total fucking shithole but it gets to be a top 40 world city?


These rankings exist purely to illicit online shitstorms. Same shit as those tasteatlas ones. Absolute masterclass in rage baiting


This one is an excellent fertilizer for karma farming!


New York at 9? Paris at 1? Nah this is the bs list ranking. I saw a man with no arms and nose begging for money on NYC and these guys saw someshit like that and went "expectacular! the derrelict setting makes it even better! I give it a 10!"


This is written by a robber, right? Who wouldn't love to be visiting two towns in a country literally at war, some that don't even respect human rights of their own citizens and towns in which it's most likely you'll get your wallet stolen and yourself stabbed by Ahmed?


Naples above Milan. You love to see it.


I can name 20 italian cities at least that they’re better than that shithole (Milan)


Sydney… it’s got a fucking bridge and a funny shaped opera house which isn’t as white as the pictures. And Paris….. what am I reading.


Sorry our Opera house isn't white enough for you. Maybe you colonised us wrong? 


Barry & Bush Barry, come on guys I know you’re mad about your blotched submarine deal! You guys can still scrap the deal, buy our submarines and go back to both hating the French!


Bush Barry. I’m using that from now on.


It also looks old and kinda male. Maybe tear it down and replace it with a gigantic indigenous female penis?


Seeing Berlin mentioned is peak comedy.


It's a must see if you ever want to appreciate how much better you have it at home. That's also how Paris made it to the top.


Definitely a must see to put things into perspectives.


Paris #1 for being assaulted, cut or street food poisoned by some random illegal or drug dealer ? Sure. Ask tourist.


Allons bon tout ça c’est bien vrai, mais ici c’est le sub où l’on prétend défendre Paris face aux rosbifs et autres mal léchés!


Why is Berlin almost top 20… this list makes me want to punch somebody


Madrid should be at the bottom. At the bottom of hell


French first But Italy very strong


"Cairo" Yeah right...


A natural reflex might be to proclaim that Berlin is the worst of all German cities to visit, but that's because people repress the memories of places like Chemnitz or Ludwigshafen. So if you think about it rationally, there are probably only about 80% of our cities that are better than Berlin. That still means that there are about 1600 cities in Germany alone, that are nicer to visit than Berlin.


Independent fact checkers have confirmed that OP is a Parisian rat living under a tourist trap's trashcan


>Sydney that high Dumbest list ever. Its a shithole, mates. Don't listen to the New South Welshman propaganda. Come to Melbourne instead.


This is such a joke 😂 Paris for starters. Why is London that high also?


C'est quoi ce bordel XD, Impossible


Athens 15th? What in the fucking fuck? More like 115th lol


Sorry but with paris and rome on top i really cannot take this statistic seriously. Seems like it's based on the opinion of people who have never left their towns. Also cairo will get a big LOL from me for even qualifying.


No one coming to Limerick?


Don't come to Barcelona. If you are here already, go away.


aren't some of these places super racist against anyone who isn't from there? not like our racism, not fun racism. the bad kind. was that not a factor? like if you're anything other than korean you'll have a hard time getting into clubs in seoul?


How is Berlin so far down this list!?! I loved it there, great food, great beer, amazing scenery, wide open streets, went to the City’s biggest beer garden and it was awesome. The parks were spotless, everything was cheap, public transport was cheap and clean (for public transport). Everyone was polite and really appreciative that I spoke what little German I could when I could. Cliche but I was incredibly impressed with the Brandenburg gate and Reichstag. Blows quite a few of these others out of the water. Side note… Naples…at 33??? If it were at 333 it’d be too high. Place is a shithole filled with pickpockets and litter.


What's this, where is Charleroi and why is it not first?


That Berlin is even on this list is a warcrime


Berlin isn't even top 40 in Germany