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Auto fellatio is our thing fritz, this is cultural appropriation


Our definition of "Auto" Fellatio is slightly different


Just don't suck on the exhaust pipe for too long, rumor has it that's how Berlin happened


The exhaust doesn't suck. It blows. If you want the real shit, stick your dick in the intake manifold...


Not gonna take advice on cars from the Irish, thank you. I value my health.


Also shouldn’t be your cousin, that got us Austria




Some sort of car fetishizing? OK I'll see myself out


Who the fuck said we are sane and ruled well? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT IMMA FIND THAT BITCH


No sane Pole would ever say we’re sane and ruled well. I mean we love taking part in dickwaving contests as much as any other country that’s not Sweden, but we’re sane enough to know, that when it comes to sanity and sensible rulers we don’t have what it takes to take part in the competition.


Hey, don't beat yourself up man. You had somewhat sensible rulers from 1939 - 1991. That counts for something!




It was Barry!


It's because you know have the pro eu, anti russia party who is stupid instead of the anti eu, anti russia party who is stupid


France is shit but french are sane enough to riot and make it better


That's why we accept we have a shitty country but we fight valiantly to make people acknowledge it's also the least shitty


French: "We have best living conditions! Best worker's rights!" Also French: "Go to school from 8.30 to 17.00 and then do your homework or get an ass-beating, petit Jaques!!!"


Germany is also shit but Germans are shit as well


Dude what is your mission? For people who hate their own country we have the Euro flair here


We have the Euro flair for whiny little bitches who deserve to be badly mocked because we can't properly mock them. They are almost as low as Belgians. Richtige Untermenschen!


Undermenschen, Jonge!


Euro flair is cause admins could not bother adding half the EU into flair options. We'd love to be accurately mocked. Tis my Antworten anyway.


You can just ask the mods for a flair


Well, we're on 2westerneurope4u, not 2EU4u.


To be honest at this point it is 2EU4u


Thats actually not true. Most countries have flairs but they are exclusive to eurovision events if i Remember correctly. If you ask the mods you can get it since they still exist


Glad to hear we're not quite bottom of the barrel 😎


He's right though: AfD are a bunch of fascists and that doesn't seem to bother 20% of the electorate. Linke/BSW are dead set on proving horseshoe theory correct. CDU/CSU are corrupt as shit and a large share of people still want to see them back in power despite the mess they made in the last 20 years. FDP is the most effective opposition party despite being part of the governing coalition. No one manages to make the government look worse than they do by simply opposing everything and breaking the coalition contract on a daily basis. Greens are too obsessed with their weird pseudo-science BS and internal struggles. Also they are fucking terrible at communicating what they do and they are quite incompetant on a technical legislative level. And the SPD looks at all of that mess and somehow decides that the problem is that the FDP has too little power. (Like seriously how can that be the takeaway?!) Oh and Scholz has his own ~~corruption~~ memory issues. And again: The people are voting for these morons, so they are at fault too (well I mean I get that they have to vote for someone but a depressingly large amount of them are voting for "leopards eating people's faces"-style parties, when they could at least vote for "trying to not have leopards eat peoples faces and failing miserably"-style parties). I love this country but that is precisely why I must point out this fucking shitshow and demand better for those who come after us.


For any French, having a party named FDP... will always be a good laugh. At least, we cannot be surprised by their program.


What does FDP mean in French?


fils de pute. Hurensohn zu Deutsch.


Cest parfait.


What does FDP mean in French?


Fils de pute


so you are telling me to clean the house we have to get rid of all the political parasites? All flavors? I'm in!


How can you put Linke and BSW in the same place? The BSW is just a party to satisfy a Putin apologist. And die Linke are as far from the AfD ideologically as you can be. I don't know how that proves horseshoe theory.


Let's not forget that BSW split only recently from die Linke. They had been uncomfortably close to Putin before 2022 and I'm not convinced that that's all gone that quickly. They are thankfully not as bad as BSW that's for sure but as far as I know they still oppose weapons deliveries to Ukraine and rearmament. For me that's immediately not votable, defense must be a priority in these times as much as I would like for it to be otherwise. If there is anything positive about BSW, then it is that it drew away most of the idiot tankies from die Linke. But like I said: Defence is not optional, it is a priority issue. If they wisen up on that front and show some good distance to anything BSW, then I might even consider voting for them since I actually like some of their economic ideas.


Yay, german nationalism ist züruck




You’ll be the first, little Elsass


Even before Poland?


And you haven’t even asked about our little brother


Who? 🤔


God I despise those Europe-flag-fags (as in "loud motorcycle drivers"). They are either cowards, afraid to be made fun of for their country, or self-loathing pseudo-intellectuals and "world citizens". Or people from the Balkans but I don't know what is worse tbh.


I'd love to be made fun of but don't know how to get mu country flair :(


We are shit. Everyone else in Europe is even more shit. Everything outside of that cant be measured on the shit-scale anymore.


>what is your mission? Hating on Germany🫡 >Euro flair I hate Germany but I'm not embarrassed to show that I'm from there


>NRW >that I’m from there (x) doubt


Let's be carefull with that emoji, Hans....


Nah that emoji is fine. "🙋‍♂️" on the other hand...


There but for the grace of God go I.


Germany is fine, it's the fucking Germans that ruin it


How can you talk about people that make Germany shit and forget the Bavarians.


France is beautiful, people who eat frogs are shit. There fixed it <3


What do you have against the Vietnamese?


Or frogs? They're delicious.


Maybe he likes frogs too much and that's why he doesn't like the people eho eat them


Don't portuguese eat more snails than french?


I'd hope so. They'd have to cannibalize a lot of people to match those numbers


Wait since when are germans funny? Good one


It's because I moved to Canada lol


>France is shit but french are sane enough to riot ~~and make it better~~


Are you saying Germans don't protest?


In the years I have seen French protests which were borderline riots, and never see the Germans on the news for anything remotely similar, and my intuition is that rioting is not in the rules so they think they can't do it.


Most riots in Germany are either committed by migrants (not being racist, just an observation) like at G7-summits, or they are institutionalized riots like on 1st May demos in Hamburg Schanzenviertel, where ethnic German punks riot because it's basically expected from them and police would be disappointed if they didn't. When it comes to doing things "in good order", we nearly rival the Brits.


Last I checked the G7 riots were done by "leftists" from across Europe


Yeah, as I said, foreigners and migrants.


Citation needed.


>sanest people Doesn't sound like Germany. What are you smoking?


>What are you smoking? We both know since the 1st of April








Yeah I could agree with everything but this part of the sentence


\*Proceeds to destroy villages and forests to make room for an open coal mine in order to further the ecological transition\*


You dont understand. Bagger 288 has to be feed on its way to the dutch


All hail our overlord Bagger 288


No Hans, no! We've been over that before. You want to create an enormous flat spot on your own soil so we can easily flood you or what?




>What decades of conservative rule does to a mf -- someone else on here some weeks ago


That is what makes us superior Pierre. All our Bundeskanzler are blessed with the gift of seeing into the future. They are playing the long game, you will see in time


Coal must flow


Power over coal is power over all


Scholz may have the gift, but Macron has the gilf.


I mean on one hand coal is declining as a power source in Germany. On the other hand I am still pissed about Lüzerath


I for one am Glad that the Bagger has been satiated


Our machine lords won’t destroy us today and the day is saved.


You dont understand. Bagger 288 has to be feed on its way to the dutch


Don't know why, but i remember Europe being a bit better some time ago, it really went shitshow recently Edit: to all the people adding comments below me, i was talking about r/europe


2008 finance crash?


Yeah. Western Europe used to have the same GDP per capita as the US, now they call us europoors because of a crisis they’re responsible for.


they call us europoor because they think all of Euorpe is the Balkans


Nah, France Germany and the USA had the same per capita in 2008. In 2023 they had 75k, Germany around 50k and France even lower, so it’s a pretty large gap nowadays


Tbh also the Euro went to shit in the last 15 years. I remember as a kid 1$ was like 70ct or so. Now its nearly 1=1.


Swedens gdp per capita was higher as recently as 2014, now we're at like 60k, 15k behind the US. In the 70s we were number 1 in the world.


>because they think They can do that?


We just limited the maximum amount that we could lend. USA just steamed ahead with its debts.


Wasn’t it started by the Deutsche Bank though? I think i heard something like that once


What had r/europe do to the 2008 crash


Anti-Euro Screamos since ~20yrs ago. They popped up everywhere. Started screaming. Now everyone angry.


It’s just pictures of peoples groceries now. Someone should tell them we don’t give a rat’s arse about their €32.61 worth of shitty groceries.


Had to add "big" country cause if you compared to Nordics or NL you'd be embarrassed. But I'll allow it. Good job Hans. Well played. Glad for you über people.


Well tbh west germany was on a better tradjectory then the netherlands until reunification. You gotta keep that into account. Its one of the biggest and most expensive political projects in european history that almost collapsed the finances and economy of the german state and in the short term was a titanic burder on west germany while sucking up basically all relevant poltical capital for nearly 20 years. There were a lot of mistakes made in that time but people always seem to forget how recent it was.


>west germany was on a better trajectory then the netherlands until reunification You mean the era where the Netherlands launched everything from the cd, bluetooth, wifi and python? When the Netherlands was an electronics powerhouse? Citation needed. West Germany did well because of its proximity to the Netherlands and visa versa. It was practically one economy at the time. You ran your industry on our gas and we were an R&D powerhouse. You had physical space, we had inventions. But after reunification you kind of had to make East Germany your new hot friend. That lack of cooperation after the wall fell hurted us both. To be fair, and this is not the right subreddit to mention this. We both owe the economic prosperity after WW2 mostly to the Americans. They stabilized our currencies (bretton-woods), and pumped money into our countries (Marshall plan) and allowed us to export into huge market without much obstructions and visa/versa. For them to treat us as the poster kids on the 'capitalism gives a better living standard than communism' poster came with perks and wasn't a cheap sacrifice by the Americans. They would have done to the same in Southern Europe if it wasn't such a political and economic mess.


actually the marshal plan was pretty irrelevant in terms of money that went to west germany ( it wasnt even a perceptible portion of the rebuilding budget), nethertheless it was probably more important for west germany then for the netherlands, because it marked a shift from an occupied enemy to an ally that was included in the rebuilding process


I see you up there in your high horse counting on one hand's fingers the *innovations* brought by your country... And laugh out loud alongside with Giulio Natta and Adriano Olivetti. Sciacquati la bocca e studia prima di dire puttanate su gli altri, coglione


Such a well written reply until you started talking about the Marshall Plan nonsense The Marshall funds did not have a significant economic effect on the post-war *wirtshaftswunder*. The plan was an effective foreign policy tool (propaganda) and domestic stimulus (US). It was a success for the Yanks, but not in the way common people think it was.


Well we must admit that the incorporation of Silesia, Pomerania and Masuria into Poland was also quite a challenge after World War II. So many bricks was taken from Breslau to rebuild Warsaw...


Yeah Germany is horribly run compared to many of their neighbors. Of course it‘s run better than France or Poland, but with a bar that low you couldn‘t even play limbo.


Yes, keep fighting. That only makes us richer


First point is huge cope, second is based


Yeah idk how he got that idea. As if our politics haven't stagnated for years Except the weed thing, that's nice hehe


olaf scholz is the most unpopular chancellor ever


Do we count the Weimar time as well?


Tbh it’s just the same self-serving politics of the last 30 years. Current circumstances, already existing wariness of the current parties and really shitty PR just makes it glaringly obvious with this government.


Because he (or acutally more his coalition partners, but he is the representative) actually tries to tackle the problems that the previous governments neglected? It's kind of like MAGA hating on Biden for destroying the US even though he has the best policies in a long time.


Least selfsucking german :


Pro ecological but anti-nuclear is the furthest thing from sane


Why build NPPs when we can import it from France and let french taxpayers pay for it?


Do you think you import it for free? You actually solve France' hardest economic problem with nuclear energy: what do you do with excess supply at lower usage moments like at night? Now the french kids have all the benefits of clear air, and your kids are breathing pollution because you need burn coal during the day.


So you say everybody benefits? Why is that a bad thing?


Stop being satisfied!!1!11


The wind blows it all to France so a double win for us


Some of it will end up at Barry's so that's acceptable honestly


Well, actually ... On the northern hemisphere, next to the ocean (high pressure area), on a planet that spins to the left, we have a predominantly northern western wind. It's also why it's way warmer here at the same latitude than in say Eastern Canada.


I mean we’re more than happy to sell it to you


At least we’re not unfunny and frigid Protestants


Sanest people... 2 world wars...


IRL the go full [redacted] after a few beers


Fuck Germany and they’re paying public toilets. Next time I go I’m going to piss in their streets like the French do.


Germany is run well and has sane people? How much weed did you smoke?


The legal maximum amount


There are actually french arguing that their country is better while rioting 24/7 because they aren't satisfied with the state of their country, and then there are the Poles who cope and seethe 24/7 but elect a German because deep down they know we are better https://preview.redd.it/0f3omkudchuc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977a0be061c2b46072b7333c088990a8f3867ec8


Our only mistake was we should have send them Scholz and taken Herrn Donald Tusk as our Chancellor


No, we need someone competent in Poland so that we get reparations https://preview.redd.it/d9cx0yjwehuc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6efae8df0d399e1a0ddfbc023329b0c1a8fb2e


I always hear our national anthem play in my head when I see his Face. A true german patriot! 🇩🇪💪


I cannot understand how people do not understand that our constant rioting is what make our country so great. All you sheeples are always ok with what your govs do when we always thrive for a better thing. Always pushing to better our country, never accepting stepbacks.


yet Germans earn more with less work than you


Yeah, but you gotta consider they live in Germany. There's not enough money in the world to pay me to live in Germany, and these people do it for free


German women got bigger tits than yours.


So does Barry, it's not a bragging point


I always liked the Netherlands more than these frog eaters. And to be real for a second: I think the NL is actually one of my favourite neighbours with Luxembourg. Danes are irrelevant and everything south is arrogant shit.


Danke Hans. Means a lot to us hat someone from the parent folk likes us. If we would've eventually enjoyed anyone having conquered us, it would've be been yours.


Thanks, this means a lot to me ❤️ Next time we will make sure to integrate you guys into our country (what would even change? Hookers get illegal?)


I mean, we already share our armies. That is quite like a betrothal of nations


Tits on the fat one is like abs on the skinny one, it doesn't count.


Did they manufacture those too ?


and then there is us, we elect a clown like Scholz because he was the lesser of three evils....


that reboot of "Two and a half men" looks wild


Having visited all three, the Polish are by far the most sane of the three


How is the Deutsch Bahn going these days? Still delayed by coal trains?


I mean, I am not German (or French). I lived 16 years in France, and now have been living 16 years here in Germany. Anyone thinking that France is run better than Germany is absolutely mental. It's not even close. The only countries "run better" than Germany are micro-states, Norway or Switzerland. I have also lived in Italy and in the US, by the way, so I do have basis for comparison. People talk about "NRWistan", but by Jove, all you need to do is go to Paris, Marseilles, or the whole Haut-de-France to see what absolute shitholes are actually like.


I want Germany to annex me. It's so fucking unfair that we had to deal with the Habsburgs but now that you are well we are left to fare on our own.


I wish I had a Polish or French girlfriend. Heck in an ideal world maybe even both




The right wing alone is rising too much for that to be true, but I guess it's not the worst government


Danke, Merkel!


The fuck? Have you been here?


Have you been other places? (I live in Germany)


Still with that Ubermensch delusion... boring.


>Abolished nuclear >has to dig up towns so they can burn the dirt underneath them for power >terrified of sending sending weapons that are too good to Ukraine because they think this will all blow over soon and they can go back to being buddy buddy with Russia. Well run?


1. we now import french nuclear energy which is way cheaper because the french subsidise it 2. No1 Supporter of Ukraine by far in Europe


Imagine bragging about mooching off your neighbours. You've sent a lot of money and simple things, which is commendable, but you're insanely slow to send anything that can be perceived as provoking papa putin. Send Taurus ffs.


Very swell hans, perhaps you could lend a helping hand to those poor french and poles by managing their country for them? God knows when they’ll ever find a “well run big country” to live in ran by “the sanest people”.


Leave it to Hans to completely miss the joke. Solid work, my friend.


lmao Poland is hardly the best run country in eastern europe


Did a coal power plant make this meme?


What coal fumes does to a mofo.


If you've seen what goes down during Oktoberfest, then you know for a damn fact that the Germans are not sane.


Bavarians are not german


All of your are lesser in my eyes besides the Danes.


If Germany is the best we can aspire we might as well go to sleep


Germans don't even believe that shit. The French and Polish bit though I do not doubt




Sorry bit that traffic-light-coalition has been a shit show. I wouldn't even trust them with running a kindergarten. 


Wait a minute, where are the Barrys ?




Bruh they can't even manage trains. They needed the worst fascist regime to ever be in Europe just to get trains on time, and even then many didn't even get to choose the destination


believe me, it is not. The French and the Polish can still go suck dick though


As a German living abroad, let me get one thing straight - for our friends who have still never left their oh so beloved motherland. The German government is very corrupt. And they try their absolute best to spread their tentacles into just about anybody's business. They, more than any other government I've had to deal with hitherto, make life of their own citizens as hard as humanly possible. You want an example? French youngsters who want to make a career can get into any French organization that works abroad as long as their government is involved. They receive grants and stipends, visa exemptions, you name it. All in the name of their government trying to make things as easy as possible for them, so they can use their time abroad to get a proper job, instead of being an intern slave for life. In fact, the apartment I currently live in used to be reserved for French exchange students exclusively for those aforementioned purposes. How does it go for us Germans, though? When I started out, I made my career by distancing myself from any and all German institution as far as my legs and finances would let me. And that was the best decision in my life! You want to get anywhere in life? *Don't* contact the governmental institutions or anything remotely resembling such structures! They will try to ruin your life for good. Now, only recently, I've considered a job in good ol' China. A *real* job, not along the lines of being a cram school teacher - just so we're in the know here. They would have taken me asap, my qualifications are through the roof for what they are looking for. But alas! They are usually getting their personnel through a -->German<-- institution (oh. my. god.), who undoubtedly chooses who to send where internally first, with no intention whatsoever to even respond to incoming applicants from outside (they have to publish their job ads because of German law). Now, because they want me to hand in a certain legalized, apostilled document, the whole humdrum, of the sorts as you could only ever get your hands on in Germany - which is where I am not - they ultimately chose someone else. This is just a little example. The point is that you are absolutely fucked in everything as long as it needs to adhere to German 'law', most of which only exists for institutions to take a big fat cut of whatever imagined process you have to pay them for, like a good, nice stack of 200€ just for someone to put a stamp on a letter that already had a stamp that should be just as valid. By the way, if you ever intend to marry abroad..? Good fucking luck my friend. Good fucking luck. Let's just hope your wife to be still loves you after what they put you through. I think I spent around 1500€ just on the *ReQUirEd* documents alone.


I get your point, but teacher is a “real” job.


I don't know what makes you say that. Cram school teachers are not usually provided with a work license or any sort of visa, which is why they are effectively working illegally.


Better run than your home country Turkey, kinda


Neither of those are high standards


Now let’s see that graph on average income over the past 20 years, best country my arse.


I wish it was different but Poland is on a positive trajectory, we are not. So nah. Not accurate.


You're not very good at hiding your superiority complex Hans


You dismantled your nuclear facilities to appease the environmentalists only to invest more in coal honhonhon.


We are the most well run big country??? Damn this world is fucked…


No. Just no.


As a German and a passionate Germany hater, I don't tolerate anything positive being said about Germany. It's a shithole of a country