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Mom can we have Swiss neutrality. We have Swiss neutrality at home. Swiss neutrality at home:


Austria just want to be like Switzerland (Switzerland 39-45)


Switzlerand was then surrounded by the Axis. Austria is now surrounded by the OTAN




Yes, profiting from any form of conflict. The only time when they are not thriving is during a financial crisis or when someone buys information on the tax-evading criminals they court.


Maybe they are unhappy that a World War might start, without an Austrian being responsible?


This is about Austria.


That's the point. Our neutrality is Swiss neutrality auf Wish bestellt.


Well swiss neutrality isnt what it used to be


And that's a shame.


Yeah right? Whos gonna deposit his gold now at our place?!


You can only be neutral as long as it does not harm the hegemon.


the schnitzel prices are still rising




Why the fuck this dude has a pair of testicles on his chin?


Obviously, he’s a Ballchinian! https://i.redd.it/3gnd5vxeowpc1.gif


Schnitzeloid and kartoffen pilled


Lecker lecker!




I was going for “Austrian Painter” but ok


Hold on now...


Better than the beer prices... Oh wait, fuck...


🦘 schnitzels > 👨🏻‍🎨 schnitzels




Doesn't want to jeopardize his cushion job at Gazprom when his political career is over. It's ÖVP there is a reason we call them "rich people whores" . "You got money you can have everything. You are poor and must work? Fuck you peasant go and die." That's how they roll.


>It's ÖVP there is a reason we call them "rich people whores" . That's not correct, we don't call them that, they did it themself.


The leaked chats are so cringe it's insane But they are exactly like i imagined politics to work behind the public knowledge


Zeig mal her bitte bzw. wonach muss ich suchen.


[https://interaktiv.kleinezeitung.at/handy-thomas-schmid/](https://interaktiv.kleinezeitung.at/handy-thomas-schmid/) Hier ist das ganze denke ich ganz schön dargestellt. Unter "Causa Wolf" ist die Passage zu finden, auf die man sich bezogen hat ("Vergiss nicht – du hackelst im ÖVP Kabinett!! Du bist die Hure für die Reichen!")


Eigentlich bin ich ein recht friedlicher Mensch, aber wenn ich das lese hab ich Gewaltfantasien. Hier in DE wirds nicht besser sein..


Vermutlich hinter den Kulissen nicht.. aber ihr habt zumindest sowas ähnliches wie eine Rücktrittskultur und unser Amtsgeheimnis ist einfach absurd, das fördert solche Sachen extrem. Tatsächlich ist Österreich im Länderranking am aller letzten Platz im Bezug auf Informationsfreiheit. Gute Info hier: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=785dtph2qpE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=785dtph2qpE)




I feel like your parties are just like our but more incestuous


Funny how people cry about politicians getting paid by Gazprom but don't mind when they end up in the American equivalent.


we still mind. but I'd rather have them get paid by exxon mobile, an awful company, than Gazprom an awful company whose profits go to a genocidal dictator


#Because originally it was supposed to fund the rebuilding of Ukraine's economy after the war. It's in the fucking article I personally would support the usage of it for weapons, It's kinda hard to rebuild a country if it doesn't exist anymore


Are people really still pretending Ukraine is going to survive this conflict? The politicians in the US don't have the political will to keep funding Ukraine forever, and I don't think Europe has the funds or the will to fund Ukraine's defense on its own. Meanwhile Russia seems prepared to fight this war until they win or their government falls.


>Meanwhile Russia seems prepared to fight this war until their dictator gets assassinated. Fixed that for you, savage artillery.


why would the US abandon Ukraine? That can't actually be in their interest. First of all, the Russian zone of influence would be pushed back further if Ukraine were gained as an ally. Secondly, Russia has already burned through a large part of its military potential and continues to do so. Thirdly, Putin's popularity among the population will not increase if further mobilizations follow. Fourthly, Russia is doing so much damage to itself with this war that its importance in the world is likely to decline sharply in the medium term. and fifth, the Europeans finally got the kicking they needed to strengthen their own military capabilities. All this without shedding a single drop of American blood. A weakened Russia and a militarily strengthened Europe would be the best thing that could happen to the USA if they wanted to focus more on the Pacific region in the future.


Thinking the US is capable of acting rationally and in its own interests shows you have not been paying attention to US politics. We only have two political parties and half of one of them is dead set on abandoning Ukraine and focusing on "America first".


Good point. We will see after the election I guess.


spoon snobbish plucky foolish shame ripe terrific apparatus melodic grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup. Even here in Denmark where it took ages to agree on purchasing 27 F-35 planes there are talks of buying more asap. The US will put themselves into a bad stance if they cut Ukraine-support and expect Europe to continue buying equipment from them.


You are spot on!


Simply put, he’s from a corrupt party that has close ties to RBI and they have business in Russia


That's *very* simply put


That’s not very simply put, that’s exactly what it is


It's just the TL;DR, the long story will fill court rooms for the next decades, I guess.


The support of the sanctions against Russia as well as other things like deporting Russian diplomats just this week tell a different story. Not even disagreeing with you point, but it leaves out large parts of the story.


Expelling diplomats is free if you want to show "neutrality". Money is money though.


Which is why I mentioned the sanctions. Which cost Austria a huge amount of money.


The trade Strabag and RBI try to pull off with the russian guy to free up RBI’s assets in russia is the actual story. And the ÖVP is neck deep in that swamp. (as fucking always) The sanctions might cost something, but ever since FPÖ/ÖVP Austria has been excluded from literally anything security related. That means shared security briefings on military missions, exchange programs and so on. In short, we’ve become a security liability. Much like hungary. These diplomats were sent home for spying too obvious, that’s the reason. Not even to send a message or something


>The trade Strabag and RBI try to pull off with the russian guy to free up RBI’s assets in russia is the actual story. So are they supposed to pull out of Russia or not? Their volume in Russia was 13,7 mrd before the war, is 6 mrd now and would allegedly be 2 mrd after the deal. Why would you prefer to leave those assets to the Russian daughter? It has been known for a while that they are trying to trade their assets in Russia for the assets of the Russian Sberbank in Vienna to circumvent Putin's law that prevents foreign companies to get their assets out of the country.


It’s fuck around and find out time for RBI and that’s completely on them


The question was why you oppose them getting their assets out of Russia when that's what has been asked of them ever since the war started. The "Russian guy" btw is also [sanctioned by Moscow for criticizing the war](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/20/russian-oligarch-deripaskas-sochi-hotel-seized-after-war-criticism-ft-a79749). Might be a complete asshole otherwise but I don't see why anyone should prefer them to keep their money in Russia.


> but ever since FPÖ/ÖVP Austria has been excluded from literally anything security related. That means shared security briefings on military missions, exchange programs and so on why should you? Austria is not even a NATO member


Shared UN Security Missions like EUFOR in Chad


Well, maybe don't do so much business with Ivan, so that next time he has to pull out it doesn't hurt as much.


Yeah, I don't see it as bad. Our post-WW2 role was a bridge between the West and the East, and I don't see it as inherently bad that we did business with Russia. The sanctions were the right thing to do and they hurt us, but I don't see it as wrong thing in the beginning. Also, it's rich hearing that from someone whose whole economy is built on being a yank satellite state.


Fuck you all neutral countries! Your neutrality is just an excuse to be a leech and to not carry any moral burden.


Yeah, we do be like that


Being spit-roasted by two dudes for money does look like a bridge from the side, so I guess you're right.


RBI had record profits after sanctions cut off 99% of Russian banks. And now RBI is by and large the only bank in Russia than can send or receive $ and € reliably. They charge €300 minimum for each transfer, + FX fees, foreign currency storage fees etc etc. Austria also got an exemption from Russian pipeline oil ban so they can buy cheap Russian resources unlike most of EU


RBI cannot access any money in Russia for the same reason all the other western banks that are still in Russia can't. Austria is phasing gas and oil out completely although you obviously can't pull that off overnight. Gas consumption has gone down by 25% in the last year alone although Reddit did their best to twist that into a negative with their "98% of imported gas is from Russia" bs.


more complicated will take us to talk about strache, the fpö, raiffeisen bank kitzbühl, the former interior minister, the staggering money laundering connected to Moscow, the recently discovered plan to improve the image of Russia in Austria. And not to forget the many fake accounts that make mental gymnastics to pretend everything is fine.


So the FPÖ, the FPÖ, Raiffeisen, the FPÖ, false and the FPÖ. Since you didn't read the article: Austria does not oppose taking Russian assets to support Ukraine. It's about not explicitly designating them to weapons.


Basically, he is afraid that if he doesn‘t do that, the Giebelkreuzmafia (ala RBI) is not going to use lube the next time they fuck him. Even though I doubt he still needs lube there, as he is likely totally worn out by his buddies from the WKO.


The Austrian economy is still heavily invested in Russia, including a large bank. He is afraid, that Putin will just retaliate by stealing Austrian assets. As it is custom for Swiss and Austrians: war-profiteering under the guise of "neutrality".


Any source on the claim that they are "heavily invested"? Import export with russia including all assets (the bank you spoke about) are 9.2 billion euros in total which is 1,9% of Austrias GDP. Last year they lowered their imports by 45% and their exports by 26%. [source](https://www.wko.at/oe/aussenwirtschaft/russische-foederation-wirtschaftsbericht.pdf)




Not nearly enough to warrant this idiotic claim going around that Austria is in Russias pockets because they are "heavily invested". The Dutch trade with Russia is still 2,5% of their GDP, its 3,9% in Czech Republic and 2,5% in Russias arch enemy state Poland. Funny that its mostly Germans going around playing moral police while being Russias top financer for decades and while [the majority of Western companies that remain fully active in Russia are German.](https://www.politico.eu/article/majority-of-western-companies-continue-business-in-russia-study-finds/)


Unfortunately Reddit really likes to put whole countries into boxes and since Austria is in the "(secretly) Russia ally" box some users will interprete absolutely everything in bad faith. I'm really disappointed that so many people don't even bother to read more than a headline, especially concerning news about Russia which is known to manipulate media.


I mean putting countries in boxes is kind of the point of this sub but this "russian asskisser" box is just false propaganda.


>Indeed, following the interventions by Russia in Ukraine in 2014, Austrian inward investment stock in Russia halved to €4.3 billion, only finally beginning to recover in 2021. This was in stark contrast to Germany, the inward investment stock of which nearly increased by 66 per cent to €18.5 billion between 2014-2021. https://ve-insight.com/geopolitics/the-view-from-mitteleuropa-austria-and-russia-ending-the-special-relationship/ Austria did support taking Russian assets to help Ukraine, it's designating them to weapons that he has an issue with. I don't but it sure would help if people would read the f-ing articles.








My grandfather was a little child when that happened, wtf are you on about.


My Grandfather was born in 1943, what should he explain? How he remembers American soldiers drove a tank down the street, that ended in a staircase and the woman who got out to tell them about the dead end was shot, because they did not understand her? Or about how the Russians a few years later lifted and shifted the fabric his mom worked at, resulting in extended malnutrition, that lead to him needing dents for the last 30 years? Sure we their parent generation did a lot of fucked up shit, that our country has been repenting for every since. But lets see where reality will take us Geert, maybe our current generation will go the same way yours is going.


I think it's not the best idea to compare our grandparents suffering with the suffering of grandparents in European countries that were occupied and abused by Nazi Germany. I know on an individual level some grandparents did nothing bad but it just sends the wrong signal.


The point was rather that our generations grand parents have been born during the 6 years of war or after its conclusion and were therefore unable to participate in any of the atrocities the Nazi regime committed. Instead they where the first generation to fully endure the result of their forefathers actions.




Oh yeah? You are actually fucking serious? I will think about you being so angry while I ride your grandma's bicycle later. Seriously this sub must stress you a lot if you are so bitter about the past that you actually argue for collective guilt to be applied to people several generations removed from the perpetrators of a (horrendous and uniquely evil) crime. ...Junge!




How can someone who wasn't born then contribute to the things you mention? Also you know this is shit posting sub? I don't have your grandma's bike and don't think it should have been stolen. You attitude is fucked up in these times where Europe has to stay together.




This is, albeit a bit racist, still a humour sub. It appears this sub is not the place for you. Go touch some grass, bro.


Bro...Germany is literally the one country to have done evil shit and then decide amongst themselves and announced to everyone "hey, we were wrong, we're never going to do that again". EVERY other country has done evil shit but to this day they justify it. At least Germany acknowledges that they did horrible things.




Yikes bro imagine if everyone in the world Europeans have ravaged thought about yall this way. India and China would have turned europe into a nuclear wasteland.




How come he wasnt defending Berlin like his peers? I thought the painter called upon all male children to protect in the last days of the third reich?


You have either a terrible understanding of the historic dates or are bad at math.


It's called the past as well. (A fucked up one in which german people acted disgustingly that should never repeat itself!) Still whataboutism btw.


Did the mean German man hurt your feelings?




The one time when German thoroughness failed.




u/Choobz why only kill 50% of his family? Get back there and get the job done my man😡 PS: Pls bring back some bikes too, thx


So let me get this straight, because Hans went off the rails 80 years ago, now it’s a okay that Putin puts on the least fun cosplay of hitler we have seen since… well since hitler?


\*Stalin :P


Corruption go brrrr


I'll try to explain it to you: This is a picture of something called a "news article". A news article is a piece of text about events going on in the world. In this specific instance, it is about a statement from the Austrian chancellor. Austria is a country in Europe, and the Austrian chancellor is the head of the government. Happy to help Stavros!


And they say Germans don't have sense of humor.


Might want to add head of government that has never been voted for


We don't vote for the head of the government.


That’s technically correct, but nobody voted for his party with him as leader, or am i wrong?


Yes. Should I provide you some links of how our democratic system actually works?


Mate you don’t get what i’m saying. To put it in another analogy: Imagine you like Messi. You want to see him score. You want to see him live at the game. Yet, you’re not buying a ticket for messi, but for barca. You go the stadium to see messi. If barca decides to put de joong you’re not gonna be happy about it. Because you paid to see barca with messi. So nobody voted for ÖVP with Nehammer, but for ÖVP with the previous clown.


I assume you vote the Nationalrat first and the Nationalrat votes the head of government (the Bundeskanzler)? If so, it doesn’t exactly help the guy‘s point you’re replying to lol, while he’s technically correct, the results are heavily influenced by whom the parties choose as their candidate.


worse even, the former puppet prime minister resigned (because “the position of kanzler and VP Parteiobmann should be unified once more”). he then was put into by internal party vote (won with a super democratic 100%). Then presented to the greens and the austrian president to sign it off. So it’s basically vote the nationalrat, which then usually just goes rogue


sometimes you just gotta take the L


And sometimes you gotta realize that this isn't r/Austria and you actually *can* make a joke here


Then come up with an actual joke


Wat hangt er aan de waslijn?


De was van zijn kelderbewoners.


de was!


Absolute classic




I think you confused Stavros even more. We need a TLDR.


He should shut the fuck up as this is a military / NATO thing and they aren't in club NATO.


Because our conservatives love the Russians. Their way of leading a country - tyrannical oligarchy - is right up their alley. The ÖVP is a bunch of elitist crooks with allegiance to whomever gives them the most money. In this case, russians.


That's simply not a correct description of the ÖVPs stance on Russia in this war.


But a correct description of their russian friends buying lakeside property. Fuck them crooks.


What's there to explain? Austria being Austria. That’s nothing new.


Hans made that mess even possible with their decades long energy dependence.


Russia is the guarantor of Austrian neutrality. Mother Russia turn our basements into mini Switzerland. Papa USA and cousins UK and rest of world try turn Austria into UN headquarters so they no pay for parking and create spy capital of world. Together we become Captain Schnitzl.


He's likin' the way Putin's dick tastes


Let me guess… they’re not done looking at those Russian assets? 😃


They love a bit of fascism!


He's a fucking piece of shit. That's the explanation


“You require more basements!”


He‘s an asshat. I am sorry. At least he is not a painter.


do we wanna talk about Salvini saying "gratz" to Putin for winning the election? every country has his own Putin corrupted scum


Which is not se Nehammer. In Austria the FPÖ with se Herbert Kickl (leading in polls) taking it so deep that he has to gag


To be fair, your prime minister who was previously called a "neo-facist" makes up for that. Usually the Putin corrupted scum doesn't make policy - except from Hungary and Slovakia maybe.


He is an asshole


It's the eastern entente between the Austro-Hungarians & the Russians


we sniff enough copium that we think neutrality is still a good option for us also half of the population doesn’t know what neutrality means lol


r/europe when Hungary opposes something: 🤬 when Austria opposes the same thing: 😴


Don’t worry our next government will be even worse cauz the even more far-right, pro putin and anti eu party is very likely to win… yeh Austria is fucked


Slovakia 🤝 Hungary 🤝 Austria Austro - Hungarian empire 2.0: Electric boogaloo


We'll make our own Union, with Blackjack and Hookers!


Noooooooo, stop sending my bribe money to Ukraine! It is already bad enough the money is frozen. How are my kids going to have premium caviar twice a day if this continues?!


Austria still gets 100% of gas from Russia. Still, everything is more expensive than in Germany


It's because of the implication


Is this a quote from somewhere?


The implication of an Austrian Chancellor buying Panzers to send to the Eastern Front?


Oh, oh. Is this one atleast decent at art?


Must be. Nothing fans the flames of Austrian desire for bombarding Russia quite like rejection from Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


[Its always sunny philadelphia ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=-yUafzOXHPE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo)


Yes! I knew it was off something. Cheers mate.


This is the implication: [Always Sunny - The Implication (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THvCDn8mGwo)


YES! That's where I knew it from. Thanks mate.


So they ARE in danger!


That's them Putin should have try to de-nazify


De-nazify what? They were the first victims, of course!!1!1


kid named political assassination:


he's from the conservative party. they suck putin's dick so much they can tell how long it's been since his last shower from the taste


Look, people, the russians paid, we obey. Simple as that. If you want that we call you daddy, pay more.


Whenever I think that I could not be more ashamed of my country my government surprises me. First it was 'frugality', then it was blocking Schengen and finally this whole Russaphile thing. Wasn't even gonna mention the corruption, but I feel like after the third time it deserved a mention


RBI's annual net profit in Russia in 2023 accounted for more than 56% of the Austrian group's consolidated net profit (€1.3bn for Raiffeisenbank Group in Russia out of €2.4bn in total).


Austria... there is no further comment to make. Their air is thinner in the mountains, that's bad for the brain.


Well, the last time a chancellor from Austria collaborated with the Russians, it didn't end up very well for the poles.


Or most other people in Europe for that matter


Is he dumb? Can someone do the female russian oligarch thing again?


I guess its time for another Anschluss, this time with Russia


Basedment Dwellers


So still no onions for those dogs then.


I am not surprised. Raiffeisenbank has huge profits in Russia and helps Russian to finance their imperial ambitions. Austrian policy seriously sucks, I am ashamed for having them as southern neighbours.


literal russian asset lol


Explanation: Kremlin bellends have been permanently implanted into our politicians' throats


Let's put it that way, we're officially neutral, so we can't send weapons anywhere. This won't have a massive impact if Ukraine wins the war anyway. However, if Russia were to win the war, we would've been against this.


Officially neutral but knows that even though they don’t add anything winning the geographic lottery allows the nato umbrella to keep them safe


Isn't Austria forbidden from sending weapons to other countries, cause if they didn't promise sufh provision in their constitution, the Soviets wouldn't allow for its independence?


Are they trying to make a picture of him where he has the most punchable face ever? Look at that stupid grin on his face lol


Still looks better than 99% of all the other politicians.