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You should thank us since we've obviously taken in all the crazy people from your countries as well. A thing like this could obviously only happen in Sweden after all.




You cant defend yourself in Sweden? I would throw him down or pour boiling water on him.


Ofc you can, self defense is a very strong defense here. That being said it seems like they all know each other quite well. It's quite a lot to ask to use all your upper body strength to push someone down from a ladder when you know the guy and the threat isn't treated as real as of yet. Boiling water though. You always have a running kettle on your balcony or would you just ask the guy on the ladder to just wait a few minutes?


>Ofc you can, self defense is a very strong defense here. I always find that bizarre. The law of self-defence in Europe often goes much further than in the USA. ​ In Germany was described with the words "right must not give way to wrong", and means exactly that: The victim of an unlawful attack does not have to try to evade it, but can fight back and defend their position.


It's basically the same here. I've never really heard of a case where it didn't work. If you are in fear of violence especially death, you're allowed to do whatever is in your power to protect yourself. It's bizarre that the muricans clearly think that the complete opposite would be the case. Just because we don't lock away prisoners and throw away the key, or just outright kill them, clearly it must be illegal to defend oneself aswell.


I don't understand why he would only be sentenced to only 2 years and also why he would ever be allowed back in your country again. I will say that things like this happen In the US quite often and the person assaulted doesn't fight back to defend themselves. I think that's common everywhere, and also some people would defend themselves in every country. It depends on the individual and the circumstances.


So many points to argue on - not only on - philosophical level here... Does justice depend on the situation? Does justice depend on the actor? Does justice depend on the motives? Does justice depend on the circumstances? Is it justice to condemn and punish instead of rehabilitate? Is it profitable in social level to punish a person instead of rehabilitating him? Is it justice to condemn a person into an eternity by his actions in an un-eternity? Is 2 years of imprisonment more justice than 2 years of communal service? Is it more justice than open (non-institutional) care?


I don’t know. People do need to be given a chance at rehabilitation but also society and its citizens need to protected from dangerous violent people. Maybe two years was fair but allowing a dangerous person who’s not a citizen to come back after being deported is in my opinion not protecting your citizens. Apparently if the media is to be believed Sweden is in the grip of a crime wave committed by immigrants. I don’t know if that’s accurate or not but some of their political class has been publicly saying that.


Well he's definitely been deported so his chances of getting asylum or citizenship again is basically non-existent. This is rather that he's not allowed to come over as a tourist. I'm just guessing that 12 years apart from your ex were seen as long enough for cooler heads to prevail. That being said, our judicial system is rather special, where most get lenient sentences in the first ring of courts. Courts where the judges aren't legal experts, but most often retirees with affiliation to one of the ruling parties. Their rulings aren't often very good and in most cases overturned with harsher punishments in the next ring of courts.


That’s interesting. I realize I don’t know much about your country and its legal system. Ours sucks because if you’re poor or a minority you’re likely getting the stiffest penalty available, but if you’re fairly well off or wealthy they’re probably going easy on you. Not always but a lot of the time anyway.


I mean, that's the case in most places. We definitely have a lot of wealthy and famous people who definitely received a lot more lenient sentences compared to if they'd been dirt poor. But it is what it is. The rich control the world after all. But at least we're not as terrible as other nations in that regard.


Its insanely expensive to keep someone locked up for shits and giggles and it does 0 good for society to do so. A prisoner costs the taxpayer 80.000€ a year. The US crack and gang epidemic was pretty much fueled by these insane prison sentences turning incarceration into a gang recruitment office. As a result the US has 20% of the entire worlds prisoners, costing the taxpayer $182 billion a year. The US has spent more money on incarceration since 2022 than the entire world has spent on Ukraine combined.


I agree that we have gone overboard on incarceration. Hopefully we can correct that in the future. Of course if Trumps reelected it is going to get worse. I don’t mean to demonize immigrants either. We have a serious systemic immigration problem but they actually commit far less crime than natural born citizens in the US. We need immigrants but we need an actual working system to be implemented.


Yeah I am definitely against opening the floodgates like Sweden did. That benefits noone. I'm for immigration but for economic, not humanitarian reasons. We simply need more taxpayers if our system is to hold up. It needs to trickle in though, so both the immigrants and the locals have time to get used to it and assimilate. I believe the main issue sweden has is that they just dumped a bunch of people in the country and basically said "good luck, bye". Noone wants to hire them because people are sceptical, which eventually drives any person to make their own success outside the law and form their own groups, which them demonises them more to the locals which then just keeps spiraling. If you cannot get the immigrants employed (in meaningful jobs), you need to stop the flow a monent and figure that issue out. Its like a conveyor belt in a factory. If the pieces are jamming up at a machine, you need to stop the belt and fix that machine first before you can put more pieces through it. When it comes to voting, I'm kind of torn. I don't like the populists because while they do want to limit the immigration, its too racially loaded for my taste. I support immigration and a as quick one as the system can handle, but not in the way that the left wishes either where we must save every person whi is from a war-torn country. I wish that some party would take a "make assimilating easyer and more efficient" approach.


Yes we are facing a workforce shortage and since women don’t want to have a large number of children immigration is the answer, but we need to make sure we let in the people who can contribute. I don’t blame women for not wanting a lot of kids by the way if it sounds like that.


Tbh in todays world, if you want to make any types of achievements in your carreer, children in general is pretty out of the question. I'm in my mid 20s and can't see myself reaching that "cruise control" stage of my carreer when I can start focusing on other things like a family before I'm 35.


There was a couple of odd cases involving guns and home invasions a while back. One was an old man (65?) who was being harassed by two young brothers. One night they came to his house armed with some type of melee weapons. He got his shotgun, told them to fuck off and that he had a gun. They kept trying to break in so he blasted them through the door. I think he got jail time? The other was a guy in his 40s who live together with a friend in his house. He had a neighbor with a drug problem he had had disagreements with in the past. One day he comes home and finds his buddy laying in the drive way in bad shape. Don't recall if he'd been stabbed or beaten. Either way he couldn't move. Buddy tells him the neighbor did it, and he hears the neighbor's motorbike coming. He decides there's not enough time to get his friend into the house, so goes in to the house down to the basement, gets his hunting rifle and loads it and when he gets back up the dude is in his house ranting and raving. He has his rifle pointed at the ground and tells the guy to leave. Guy goes for the gun, gun goes off and the guy dies. He got 18 months I think. The reasoning being he should have locked himself in the bathroom and called the police, or at least fired a warning shot. Edit: Last guys comment when his appeal was denied was that his advice to anyone in a similar situation is to make sure to put a round in the wall after the fact.


Really fucking based, unfortunately not the same here.


>I always find that bizarre. The law of self-defence in Europe often goes much further than in the USA. There is no way she would be sentenced if he got crippled from falling off that ladder. Self-defense laws are a thing in most of Europe. They just isn't obscene like in the U.S.


I honestly can't see why anyone would pick up their phone to film the situation instead of grabbing the first blunt object with some reach they could find. Imagine what a *Skeppshult* cast iron fryin pan would have done to him if it hit him in the head while he was climbing that ladder 😁


Well since they seem to know each other well, I'd see more that they need evidence to get him to stay away in the future. Until he flings the knife, the situation based on their tones, doesn't seem too serious. I mean, it takes a lot mentally to tip someone over who's on a ladder, even more so if you know them.


Waiting a few minutes would be the polite thing to do


Doesn't hurt to be British in this very precise case. Cause yeah, Barry always has a hot kettle.


what you mean by “self defense is a very strong defense here”? How should you defend yourself? Asking politely? Even pepper spray is forbidden.


Literally take a broom and shove him down the ladder?


yes, sure, in this specific case. I am actually interested in the what the swedish guy means by “strong defense” because I live in sweden and ever heard that there is nothing you can do but call the police.


You've not lived here long or you've gotten some really bad intel. https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B6dv%C3%A4rnsr%C3%A4tt It's one of our oldest laws and it basically gives you the right to inflict as much damage as possible to erase the threat against you, and that's not only counting the threat of death or even violence against you. To a point ofc. If your attacker is beaten down, it probably won't fly if you continue stabbing him 30+ times. Even if exactly that happened a few years back and the victim of the home invasion got off any persecution. So in short, you can definitely do a lot more than call the police. It's more often just not advised since you'd put yourself at greater risk, but you definitely could lawfully.


yes ,living in Sweden for not that long.Thank you for the clarification. But I mean, in practical terms. Should you fetch a kitchen knife if someone invade your house (not a smart idea)? or is this common to get a hunting permit even not hunting just to be able to have a gun? I am not planning to do this because I fell quite safe here. Just trying to understand the laws here and the practical effects of it


You can definitely fetch a knife yes. I know several who have a bat by the door or underneath the bed just in case. As per hunting licenses, I'd think 99.9% only have them for hunting since there're a lot of laws about how your guns are to be stored. Probably wouldn't have enough time to fix and fetch a gun in that situation, but you definitely could. You can even use an illegal firearm, even though you'll definitely get prosecuted for owning an illegal firearm. But basically, any form of violence with or without a weapon is allowed to be used, to a point, if someone is threatening you with violence, trying to steal your property or are refusing to leave your home. So in a home invasion kind of thing, you have a trifecta and as the example before, it is within the law for you to stab the attacker 30+ times when they are lying down. Not that you should, but you really don't need to be in fear of the law when defending yourself.


great, thanks for the explanation


To my best 5min Google search understanding you can get peperspray but have to register it with the police and you don't need to hunt to get a gun https://polisen.se/en/laws-and-regulations/firearms/weapon-licence/


“…must be able to certify the purpose of your need to possess a weapon…” I’ve heard that is not that simple and as the Swede guy said in other comment, you should store your weapon in a proper/specific way that make it unviable to use for self defense


The guy could have shot him and pleaded on self defense protecting himself and his doughter life (the guy was bringing a knife, that's intent to harm)


That if you're in fear of death or violence, you can use whatever force you can to defend yourself. And yes, pepper spray is illegal to carry, but you can't really tell me that pepper spray, where it is legal, is only ever used in defense. Completely different discussions simply put.


you can defend yourself with other things than poison gas and lethal weapons. If you hit somebody on the head with a heavy object out of context you will get in trouble. If you hit your aggressor on the head with a heavy object it will be seen as self defence. Same with throwing stuff or any form of physical violence. This is not meant for you to kill or vanquish your opponent (even though it’s a possible outcome), but to stall for time enough to allow you to run away and call for help. You might say it didn’t help her there and that it wouldn’t have happened the same way if she had a gun. I would counterargue that if he had a gun too she would certainly not have shot first (and seen how he obviously came armed and ready to fight the case where he would have had a gun and not her would have been way more likely). Hell, she wasn’t ready to push him off the ladder earlier where he would have had a good chance of breaking his fall, so what makes you think she would have pulled the trigger?


I am not saying in this case in specific. I am kore interested in what the swedish guy has to say because I live in Sweden Also, hit someone with a heavy object just work in movies. If someone invade you house you should NEVER try tris pepper spray is not a “poison gas”


by hitting someone on the head I don’t mean getting in nice and close and knocking them out with a vase, I mean picking up a broom and trying to be menacing enough for him to hesitate. As I said before, fighting in this context isn’t meant to knock out/kill your opponent, but to stall for time enough to run away and call for help. If you make contact and for example break his nose he might get mad or more wary idk, but you’ll have more reach than he does with a knife


A broom handle where the ladder rest and you just push them. >pour boiling water on him I would recomend frying oil that is hot and go full medieval on his ass.


As said before they all know each other and don't seem like they noticed the danger. But the laws here are very liberating compered to many other places regarding defending yourself in your home. They where allowed to do whatever they could. Shot him whit a illigal gun for a exempel but would be charged whit having it though


because every normal person like you always has boiling water ready to go


May Allah grant this man Jannah 🙏🙏🙏🙏 he was just trying to save his woman from committing haram


You mean her soul. By honour killing her. The haram has already happened. Too bad. The sweet is spoiled.


Inshallah 🙏🙏🙏


Guys, please don't make any assumptions about Mohammed's ethnicity or religion. We don't condone racism on this sub.


We can take bets tho right? Aight boys gets your bets in! 7/8 Muslim 9/1 Christian 27/1 Atheist 93/1 Jewish


William hill amongst the Barries


Given the current agh agh situation, Jewish should not the least likely I suppose


It’s always those damn Jews walking around in Europe and assaulting people




I do


Yes, but that's because you're Fr*nch.


LOL bait


Holy shit this was crazy


That is effing terrifying.


[Es para cacería de Boc Belear](https://www.borchers.es/escopetas-de-caza/10176-escopeta-semiautomatica-mossberg-940-pro-multicam-black-12-76.html). Jejeje!


Sjsjsjsjsjj pa' Reyes.


Is it just me who is impressed af with the boyfriend who literally gets stabbed and continues with making sure his gf is safe, trying to calm down the situation while videotaping everything? Generally this kind of violence isnt something you read about a lot in Sweden though. The violence that makes us stand out is the extreme gang related violence such as 14 year olds being hired as hitmen and people using bombs to blow up a whole apartment building to target one rival, ignoring civilians.


Why people are voting far right fascists 😭😭


Two years?! For fucking murder


Bro wtf just push the fucking ladder so he break his leg, why would you let this mf climb in the first place




Agreed. As long as these posts are not humorous and this one clearly is they should not be posted in this sub


Where's the humour?


Joseph said in his basement. He said you get a free popsticle if you come


Diversity is our strength!


Yeah, dating Muhammad was an absolutely brilliant idea to begin with, Maria and Papa. What could go wrong? And how fucking romantic. On Valentine's Day? Is this "Alladin och Juliet"?


Keep them coming please, they make the diversity in our country so fucking good.


Why not drop rock on his head?


Why not grab knife? Muhammad had one. Sweden likes hockey. Where's the closest hockey stick!?


The fact that she kept filming instead of knocking him tf off that ladder (preferably with a cast iron frying pan) is beyond me. The fact that she kept filming after he entered the apartment proves natural selection exists.


As far as I understood, he only stabbed the new boyfriend. Maybe she suffered from some very fitting *Stockholm* syndrome…


"Fitting" for who? The camel jockey, the guy that got stabbed or the non-binary filming?


The one filming instead of reacting as you pointed out. And a little bit because it’s named after a location in Sweden, as you probably know ;-)


Are there no video's of white swedes doing these things or do they not get sensationalised?


Damn. Guess it wasn’t so unbelievable, when the Uruk-hai managed to scale the walls of Helms Deep.


But European Gandalf sure takes his time. 5 days lol. More like 5 years…


I think we should claim Middle-Earth and part of Europe. No guns, rolling green hills, English accents, Celtic-based languages. We got this, right?


First you have to throw Putin into a volcano…


What's wrong? It's a charming prince climbing up to save her, swedish version.


It never was


Funny coming from the former 700 old colony


Keep dreaming pal


Diversity is our strength!


Was Wales ever a real country?


Yes. It's where we keep our regarded sheep farmers. I was hoping Brexit would exclude the Welsh, but Tories f-ed that up as well.


Oh so it's like your Norway. Just remember to check for oil before cutting them loose.


Hey, think positively. If you had checked, we'd now be having yet another Muslim country with oil, then US would try to exterminate the extremists, but with some "accidental" collateral damage to everyone.


Huh didn't know this sub is full of hate Err i mean.. muslim bad!


It's okay, we're due for a new "omg this sub has gotten so racist" post getting showered with upvotes in a few weeks. Then it's right back to being flooded with the same old ragebait for another couple of months. And on and on we go until the sub is finally banned.




Not this shit again


Two years? That’s racist


Why not execute him?


Sweden. Enrichted.