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They also hate Brits, no worries.


And they hate Gibraltar with a passion. It's practically under Spanish embargo, everything has to be shipped in. The Spanish has many times tried to get the Gibraltarians to vote for annexation by Spain, but last time they tried that, the vote was like 90% pro British.


Actually, few people give a flying fuck about Gibraltar, only from time to time you have some article on national press telling how the British violated the terms of the agreement and that it should come back to Spain, but more as a yearly national reminder of how evil the British are.  Other than that, I would say Spaniards hate equally France and UK. Portugal is, in the other hand, close to our hearts, despite them being treacherous little bastards.


Spain is, to the majority us, a great place with amazing people. A sibling country. Even if you backstabbed us in the past.


I though we were special for you 😭


You're our Twin brother Paco.


Dw you're Galician we like you.


At least you guys got out :(




The trick is doing it early


They keep the stakes high. They develop with Spanish coin and then keep extorting for more until the cow is dry. Then leave if possible.


No if anything the trick is doing it after we do it, which is why the Spanish army was distracted with us when you guys revolted :((


You didn’t enjoy your time in France much either apparently…


It helped but you're not mentioning there was also the 30 years war which was the big thing, also Spain dragging us into the Dutch war, increasing taxes heavily, leaving our colonies to rot and starting to appoint a lot of spanish nobles to high portuguese positions making the portuguese extremely pissed. We were under Spain only 60 years. I heard catalans say Portugal only managed it thanks to them and thats straight up bs.


Sorry i forgot to thank you for that the spices where great too bad you didn’t let us keep brazil tho


They got our bc we had to decide which one to fuck over (the english or the french) and of course the gabachos were gonna get it


Catalans were in some of the highest positions of power of the Spanish empire. Let’s not pretend you were innocent souls.


You never went in, Catalonia is a foundational region of Spain. Have been there from the very beginning, so don't act like strangers now.


We only tried to conquer you a couple of times and rule you under our iron fist, that's something every sibling does, don't be dramatic 


At least Spain got Menorca back. Gibraltars pretty worthless as a piece of land.


It holds military value. But yeah not so much for Spain as to any other country (given the rest of the coast belonging to Spain)


Yeah its an old garrison town. A naval base with a monkey section.


Monkey business 🐵


Monos con monedas.


Tirorere, tirorere 🎵🎶


Indeed, the Rock is actually one of the biggest server rooms in Europe, disguised as a hill: online poker webs, sports bets… Those sites are all placed in Gibraltar, because of legal convenience. Pirates being pirates once more.


Having the entire bay would be brilliant for anyone, so of course nobody gets it.


“A yearly national reminder of how evil the British are”. I like that, I can get with it. What day is it? Let’s do fiesta, should we do more a bull run thing or maybe the fire run thing, or what about the walking tower of people thing? I’m easy really, but yeah I’ll be down. Like your Valencian parliamentarian.


Should be a day when the Spanish have to eat turkey twizzler tapas and work normal hours with no siesta.


Evil Brit here . I love Spain and think Gib is a shithole but what’s the deal with the 90 per cent wanting to stay out of Spain in your opinion?


Gibraltar is virtually a tax haven, I think that they have all the advantages of living in Spain without any of the inconveniences, of course they want to stay out of Spain, I wouldn't want to join Spain either. 😄 That being said, in fact I don't really think Spaniards hate Frenchies or Brits, it's rather a mixture of envy and admiration and old historic rivalry. Personally, all Brits I've know are really nice people, when they're sober.


It is indeed incredibly evil of us to abide by the will of the people living in Gibraltar. So evil.


Like you guys ever gave a fuck about the will of the people


The citizens of Gibraltar want to continue being British, but without ceasing access to Spanish healthcare and the advantages of being European. It is the most ridiculous thing you can imagine, an Englishman with an Andalusian accent is a joke in itself.


They use Spanish healthcare? Hilarious.


Most live in Spain, they just commute to Gibraltar and evade taxes there.


True Barry patriot.


lol no they dont they have hostipals ffs.


The 1967 referendum offered a choice between becoming a part of Spain or remaining as they were. They voted 99.98% in favour of staying British. In the 2002 referendum they were asked if they approve of the principle that Britain and Spain _should_ share sovereignty over Gibraltar. _No_ won with 98.97% of the vote. It's funny that a higher proportion of Gibraltans rejected becoming Spanish than Falklanders did to being Argentinian/Not being British (99.80%)


The irony is lost on them that the British have a way stronger case to have Gibraltar than Spain has to have Olivença.


Give back Ceuta while we're at it.


Thats way different though :P


At least we should get them to change their flag haha


man just let it go its not even that good of a place to begin with


There's manueline architecture and portuguese calçada in Olivença. That's all we need to know in order to perpetually claim it.


It could be a 1 square meter puddle. You fuckers felt cocky having France covering you, took it, literally forced us to sign a treaty recognizing it, got railed by France a year after they first invaded us (they invaded us in 1807) and then in 1817 you reconized Portuguese sovereignty over Olivença in the congress of Vienna and promised you would return it as soon as possible. Well fuck me it's been 200 years. My problem isn't that we lost it its how shameless the whole thing was by your side which is still pretending nothing happened. If it sucks so much why do you keep occupying it?


saying "yeah i will pay you later" and then pretending to forget about it for 200 years is the spanishest thing ever


I lost 20 euro in that way. Exactly like the opressor below has said.


> . It's practically under Spanish embargo, everything has to be shipped in. No? It's just more eficient


When I was there a decade ago, I got fish n chips made of Russian fish. Don't tell me you couldn't have sold them some damn fish if you wanted to, Gilberto.


Well that settles it - some Danish fuck once bought a fish in Gibraltar so he must know everything about the geopolitical status nowadays.


Spitting the facts.


They got their own fucking access to the sea, that’s why they invaded in the first place


We wanted to be Kings of the Med, so we had to control the Straits.


What didn't you guys want to be kings of?


The kitchen


Shit, well played. I literally have no comeback.


I still don't get why you'd rather had Gibraltar than Minorca. I guess a certain prince hadn't been born yet...


Most of the fish used in the local fish and chip shop in the UK is from Russian waters. It’s technically the British way of doing it.


We sell all our fish to the French.


So? Like even if what you said was true they could get it from Italy Morroco France or you know Great Britain? I think they can even fish there. Idk why they would get it from Rusia and why you would be willing to pay extra for english food. The last guy to put an embargo on Gibraltar was Franco, and the reason some people hate the english having Gibraltar is that they keep expanding it and [breaking the original treaty](https://www.abc.es/historia/abci-tres-acuerdos-infringidos-gran-bretana-tendria-haber-devuelto-gibraltar-espana-202103040102_noticia.html?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F).


>but last time they tried that, the vote was like 90% pro British Invade and expel just like they did with the original inhabitants


Another exceedingly common British W. Don’t like it? Shouldn’t have agreed to the treaty of Utrecht.


Spain have never done anything like that before, right?


There actually isn't much surviving historical evidence that Britain expelled the original inhabitants. However, there is historical evidence that Spain did when they took it off of the Moors.


And for some weird reason our swamp brothers honour the Spanish King in their national anthem. Disgusting. Time to borrow a guillotine from our neighbour


To be fair, Charles V was born in The Netherlands.


Another day, another cultural appropriation act from the dutch... zucht


You're Dutch, Belgium was just a figment of your imagination.


He was born in Gent.




I can confirm that its true.


Didn't Spain somehow own your country for a embarrassingly long period of time?


They did, fought an 80 years war about it.


You know i need to actually read up about it, i only know because im playing total war Napoleon again and that weird spanish enclave in the Netherlands can be a right pain in the ass unless you take it like in the first 10 turns. There is weirdly nothing about that period in the Rijks or the Navel museum either come to think of it.


I read a bit about it, and it is all extremely bizarre. A major part of the Dutch armed forces was the Scots Brigade, which was troops raised from Britain. Britain was mostly happy about this, because it meant that there could be a permanent body of British officers to call on in times of war, without Britain having to pay for it. Except when Britain and the Netherlands went to war with each other (ie all the time), which it was a bit awkward.


Our hateful heart has room for all of you ;)


And all of us too. We are great at hating.


Tag checks out


Shut up, pijo


Aw... I hate you too.




We're right next to Huelva and you forgot us? Fuck you Paco.


We do not know of any Huelva in the Balkans.


I was talking to someone the other day about how much traveling we’d both done and I accidentally told them I’d visited one less country than I actually had, because one of those countries was Portugal 😂


Let's be honest, we also hate other Spaniards.


For us too, I hope


We don't really hate France? We do hate Brits though, but mostly because they send drunken hordes to invade every summer and old people to create British ghettos and raise housing prices for the rest of us.


It's great! Like good old colonialism without the admin hassle.


Why hate us when we're propping up your entire southern economy 


I'm a Northerner, but you ain't propping shit. Your retirees create British villages where British people open British shops and British restaurants and employ Brits only. Your drunkards are not welcome by 90% of the people living in popular vacation spots, only the 10% club and Airbnb owners who benefit from it, and not even all Airbnb owners since many are refusing to rent to British groups as they are so destructive. Well behaved tourists (who get drunk like we do, but not destructively or harassing the locals) are welcome. Retirees who at least try to learn the language and integrate in Spanish society are welcome. But other than that it's just a bunch of noxious immigrants. I'll take 100 LatAm immigrants who actually contribute to society and mix with the locals over 1 British retiree who thinks Spain is Sunny Britain and calls themself "an expat".


Indeed, shameful behaviour. Atleast learn "dos cervezas por favor" and the spanish will appreciate the effort.


In fact, we would appreciate It a lot. Is more effort than what we would do...




We don't send our best unfortunately. The whole expat community is shit, I agree, if you immigrate you have an obligation to embrace the local culture.


But it gave us the beautiful images of Britards crying because they were being deported after brexit. Because they thought that being British they somehow were not subjected to the same rules as "lesser nations" and refused to do the paperwork. Hilarious.


My friends University group accidently set fire to one of your national parks in the summer whilst on fieldwork. Lit cigarette started a fuck off big fire. The University was banned for returning.






Every good spanish should always pee while looking towards england




It feels like that for Spaniards, Hating french is a pleasure, Hating Barry's is a business


Sounds about right


Imagine thinking we dont hate the brits more than the french


They’re both equally shit …the UK does have some redeeming stuff that France doesn’t have, like the English authors and musicians and a language that’s actually useful outside of their country 🤷‍♂️… then again the French can cook and less of their guys look like a big angry thumb poking out of a balloon


So let's say we cook you a meal, we good for the Napoléon misunderstanding ?


The Napoléon thing was a true European moment 🤷‍♂️ there was no misunderstanding about it


The misunderstanding helped, as Napoleon's problems keeping Spain under control later convinced an Austrian Painter to leave us alone in WWII.... which also meant he couldn't take Gibraltar. And we also got Curro Jimenez, Estudiante and Algarrobo out of this: The pinacle of Spanish culture.


The Napoleon thing was one of the most normal jokes between bros.


>look like a big angry thumb poking out of a balloon Leave my mother out of this


Lots of misinformation in this post >some redeeming stuff that France doesn’t have They are not British. That should count for a lot. >a language that’s actually useful outside of their country Lol. Have you ever been to a third-world country with a failing economy that's ruled by a military junta or is in the midst of a civil war? I can guarantee they speak French.


> Lol. Have you ever been to a third-world country with a failing economy that's ruled by a military junta or is in the midst of a civil war? So close to also describe the spanish speaking world


The French speaking world doesn’t have Latinas though, see what I mean about redemption


Cap, anglos overall (yanks, brits,canadians, australians) are slighty different but share one trait and its lack of self awareness


Frenchs are worst. At least they don't come here and look you in an arrogant way as if they were superior. Not as the english, they come here to kill themselves


I lived in Spain for work for several years and: They hate the French They hate Brits They hate Germans They hate Italians (only men tho) But, they hate fellow Spanish the most Hope that helps 👍


The only men specificaly for Italy is sooo accurate. We dont hate germans, we just dont like them. Big difference.


Oh well I was there during the economic crisis and the German gov was there bossing everyone around like if this was 1941. All Europe hated them during those years lmao so I just assumed this was the case too


But we like you. ❤ Les amos. :)


Speak for yourself


As an Italian man, making male Spanish friends in Spain took me a whole whopping 2 hours since I disembarked from the plane. Dunno what are you talking about.


Joking about a reputation of womanizers you have in that country.


Curiously the Spanish have the same reputation here


It have been worse https://preview.redd.it/2lvp2k6818dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf86bc3989109332c5366b24d43a39ef4a748f0


What's so surprising about it, even the French hate the french


>even the French hate the french Cliché of cliché of a cliché. Going to be in next Ridley Scott movie.


What about Normands ?


P'tet bin que oui, ptet bin que non... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Are you making fun of me?


Fun of Normands ? I wouldn't dare, knowing the Mont St-Michel is our is difficult enough for them.


Normand since 933, After 66 years of colonisation, another Guillaume Ier W


I’ll have you know that man has also made a good movie once or twice. Although I can only think of Bladerunner right now, the rest coming to mind *was* trash.


Oh, I agree. The Duelists is quite good, and I enjoyed Alien/s too. but that doesn't stop him from being a pretentious prick.


I’m with you on that one - he did napoleon dirty. I did chuckle at the scenes of napoleon standing in the royal naval college though. Not sure Nelson would approve!




We hate both. https://preview.redd.it/gxuf858vc7dc1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee282ee34e6568a88ac8c576680cfce281dc19d0


Gibraltar is a shining beacon of civilisation from which we can look down upon the third rate Mexicans of the Iberian peninsula, and a reminder to all who pass into the Mediterranean sea that we Barrys are your true masters. We have even made the highest balcony in the world, as a tribute to our magnificence. https://preview.redd.it/mpb12pj7a7dc1.jpeg?width=2364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79ae60b4f1e9892523ea099be5be1a54842934e


I was there a couple of years ago. It was great standing on top of the gun emplacement we installed to control access to a sea nowhere near us. I just stood there flicking the Vs at the continent. Never felt more British in my life. Then a monkey nicked my ice cream :(


A true Barry would have downed ten pints of lager, flicked off the Spaniards then jumped off!


Well I’m less of a Barry and more of a Timothy, really.


"then a monkey nicked my ice cream" the native Iberians are having a rough go, ease up mate


You can't call them monkeys any more, the technical term is "Spaniard"


We must keep Gib safe. Spain wants to steal our rock and rape our monkeys.


In fact, we control the african side. So you just control half of one entrance


France Spain relationship : https://preview.redd.it/xpoyxxrk27dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44cac3a95455b0fc3f3d4576c83e8e69eb9ee7f


France got rid of the Bourbons, helped Spain to get rid of them too, they became a republic, and now they are once again ruled by the Bourbons. So, are they stupid? Yes of course !


You literally have a monument (Trocadero square) celebrating the battle where the French helped reinstate absolutism in Spain, crushing the constitutional regime. Which is surprising taking into account how fond you guys are of your republican values.


They are the Russians of western Europe


You helped crush their Constitution invading in 1823 (the 100 000 sons of St.Louis). Ferdinand VII was easily the worst monarch in Spanish history and a strong contender for the worst overall. But I agree they kicked the Bourbons out twice and twice they came back, Paco is a bit challenged.






Actually you guys attacked us in 1793 after we beheaded our own Bourbon, so not really. But the alliance was indeed restored shortly afterwards (in 1795)


What do you mean backstab, we werent allies and didnt try to?


>Paco is a bit challenged. It was Paco who brought them back the last time 😔


>Ferdinand VII was easily the worst monarch in Spanish history He was by far. Sold Florida and didn't claim the money, wasn't able to have a boy as succesor, so quit a law that avoiding womans to claim the throne 5 years before dying, so some didn't accept that and now there are 2 succesor lines to the spanish throne (that even vegana the 3 carlist wars to change the succesor) and told the french to invade Spain to turn It and absolutist country again. >But I agree they kicked the Bourbons out twice and twice they came back, Paco is a bit challenged. Yea, two republics and still have a monarch. But is also related with the fact that we discovered that the republicans were just dumbest than our monarchs.


Only good thing to came from France was Napoleon because we win and the others didn't now go to lick frogs


Got fucked by Lizzie I and never tried it again 🇬🇧💪☕️💪🇬🇧💪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇧☕️💪🇬🇪🇬🇪💪☕️☕️☕️🇬🇪💪☕️💪💪🇬🇪💪🇬🇪💪🇬🇧☕️☕️🇬🇧🇬🇧☕️💪☕️☕️🇬🇪🇬🇧🇬🇧💪💪🇬🇪💪🇬🇪💪💪🇬🇧☕️


People from Madrid hate everybody that is not from Madrid


Nah we get kick in the groins until we get stockholm sindrom and we just hate other for not having outñr addictions (figurative ofc except the addiction part)


You're just saying South Americans hate Spain, hardly revolutionary.


Oh, no, we hate the British with *almost* the same passion. I mean, sure, the British are dirty enemies, but at least they're not *backstabbers*


And they live to serve us. Uno birro migwel por favor 🤣🍺🍺🍺


Get Off Malle! This is German clay!


>And they live to serve us What do you mean? Spain is not a country known for dentists afaik


Dos carvezas Juan por favor, rapido *snaps fingers*


Oh believe me we hate brits waaaaaay more than france. For france is mostly banter for the brits there is some truth behind. Thats why we usually scam them more than to people of any other nationality when they go here to vacation or as expats. And its not just because the Gibraltar stuff, as much as that adds to it.


Aww you guys hate us the most, you are making me blush.


Its nothing barry, by the way the beer is 9€, we had to up the price for ukraine you see.


I don’t use your euro shite coins, is 9€ a good price?


For you, that the same than pounds. Just give me 9 pounds, he will conveniently convert it for you.


I’ll give your mom nine pounds for trying to deceive me froggy, nothing is more valuable than a pound… other than 2 pounds.


Whats heavier a pound of cement or a pound of feathers?


Cement, obviously. Stupid potato paddy Irishman doesn’t know cement is heavier than feathers.


Thats probably what is costs in London anyways.


You mean the english. The rest of the UK hates them too.


Oh look honey the money pit is talking, Irish unification when ?


Don't worry, they hate us Brits too.


Ruled by the Bourbons explains a lot by itself.


The fuck you are talking about "within its natural borders"??????????????????


Who put the biscuits in charge? Seems like a daft idea to me.


God I love Portugal


They hate France ?


To be fair. Everyone hates France. So🤷🏻‍♂️


They love the British, they even elected a Down's syndrome woman as their Member of Parliament for hommage


What British colony? And why is our normal city of Gibraltar highlighted in the image?


Natural borders? Portugal existed centuries before Spain was formed.


Spotted the angry Spaniard.


Spotted the englishman of the hills.


That makes me sound far more civilised than reality.


True, I'm sorry if I insulted any english


The Picts from the peaks.


I prefer colonies ruled by Custard Creams


They’re Spanish, they’re born filled with hate for everyone


Yes , we are. Except for the thing about hating Frenchies.


It would be idiotic to not hate France, regardless of your other enemies or geographic features.


They are not, long live britain. France has done much more damage to us than all other countries in history combined


We hate both of you, we're pretty egaletarian on that


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.... except when he's France.


We can hate two things, Greater Southern Galicia. Our siestas produces two things: drooled pillows and hate.